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. I saw you iii ’l'indei'ho\ 3/5/3lllll hIonde pigtails and hig \Illlle. looked like )iiii need a holida}. let me take )oii .i\\a_\. We talked aliiilll the \\ eekend. You lelt iii a IlllI‘I’}. Iio\ _\'o

I '/-I l-I/RS.

. I saw you (ial'_\. You \.I\\ me. )0“ said I \io/ elllIII\_\. the} \a) [am a ealaiiiit} . . IIo\ \o l'/-I 1 4/30.

0 I saw you all Ille\\t‘tl up? Do )oii RI::\|.I.Y need therap} '.’ \Yell eoiiie on and (iI-fl' St ).\II:I Then let\ gel lilolloll Iiii\ \ii l’/-I I -1/»I( I.

9| saw you skater ho). “here has )oui' leopard skin hair gone‘.’ You are delishl \YIIL‘II \\ ill _\oii write to ine'.’ \\\ Ho\ .\'o l'/~Il~I/»I I.

0 I saw you at ()piimo at halloueen. ll \\ ere “eating a doggie suit. I saw )iill again lilsl Sunda) u \\ ere looking daiiiii line get in toueh. \\ Hm .\'o l'/-Il4/43.

9 I saw you making in 'l'inderhm \\ilh your e.\pl'e\\o hair. eol‘l‘ee skin and iee hlue

e} es? l' ean \\hip in) ei'eaiii aii}tiinel Box .\'o [HI-U43.

9 I saw you [\\eel in 'I'iiidei‘hm. niee hair? You rock III} \ioi‘ld. .\\ Hm .\'o [HM/44. 0 I saw you in the 'l‘inderhm. }iiiii' e} es iiiet inine. mind you I‘m eoek e} ed. Your hair “as like a shinning iiiooii. I.o\ e lost until I see you again. Null) .\\ Box .\'o [HM/45.

V I saw you Miss lioulkes. shaking )our hoot} at l'ixge Beaha. You eaii paint in} lllllls itlI}lIlIlL‘ hah'fi See fit around. Dr Ken. \.\ Hm Ni) I./-II-l/-4I(). . I saw you I’rank'} (u ()ptiino. l"re \\ ise I)iiiidonian tone turned me on. I' sitItI ii

\\ we a prolesxional 1)]. lane} set'aleliing tit} dises'.’ Bin No l'/4I4/-I7.

. I saw you \\ ith red hair bleeding in _\oui' hath water. and a \IIIIIe like the dau II. Your heart \\III ne\ er he \\ ee. kid. Hold onto _\oui' speeial spark and share that Name. Ion No [NH/~18.

. I saw you long \klIIII}

art} ope. Mop oI hlaek hair. Your name's Joseph. l'iii Irish. We should go on a date. Hm .\'o [NH/4‘).

. I saw you Brian Iroiii l.Io_\d\ 'I'Sli. I work in 'l'elehaiik. Blue. _\ou knim u ho I am. \\ Hm .\'o l'/—Il-I/5Il.

. I saw you in “ink )ou'i'e a ('.'\l..\l agent too. M} name’s (iiIlian and I am in \'eroniea\ team. Please \tt} hello. Hm Ni) l'/4l4/5I.

. I saw you in )our pix. and think _\ou are gorgeous .\Ir Brimn. Box .\'oI'/-1l-I/53.


. I saw you behind the liar iii ()'.\'eill\ iQiieen Slieeti You had long dark hair and .i I‘laek

I “allied to kl\\ ii I‘ellel You sold me a Hailey. I%o\ .\'o l' J l -I 5‘

V I saw you in (lipo I heard }our ti'ieiid eall _\ou Km and pin sold me a pair ol ladies lioekei's l aiii hlonde and l \\.t\ \\eariiig a pink top Hm \o

l' ~Il-I 5-1

V I saw you \\oiking iii ('apolito Roma I g.i\e _\ou Ilieis and passes Ioi oui eliih Yitll II.ltI I‘leilelletl I‘IttIIiIL‘ IL!” and a lunk_\ \lllll. l |o\ed _\oiii' \llllle' lio\ \o l’ -ll~I 55

0 I saw you .ii the petrol \Itlllttll ne\t lit the Old I’l.t/.I \iill had |o\el_\ ied hair and l \\as iii a eouiieil \\oi‘k \.Ill. lio\ \o IVHI I I i(i

V I saw you ( ieiiiiiia ( i. I'I}ing douii the street ('aiil eoiiie ll_\ \\IIII _\oii ' \l_\ teen_\ tin_\ li’iend (loo hop I- \Slllt ).\'. l£o\ \o [VIII/5S.

V I saw you .\l_\ dailiiig liel. I see _\oii aluais iii in} dieanis. _\oii niake Ill} \‘.UII(I. I Io\e _\oii. \ta} Ioi‘e\ei. ('hailie llioxxii \\\ liit\ \it ITII I w~I.

V I saw you iii 'l l.’l\II on line 3-I Apr. )oii: I',II_L'II\II girl doing (ii'aphie design I” the art \ehool. iiia_\he eaIled .\Iai'_\ .lane not sure . . . iiie: 'l'edd}. H u lane) selling me more lags l I I. oi it ll “am that daiiee. send me an e mail: iieiiio\ It" e\eite.eoiii. Hm No [CHIS/I.

0| saw you l)l:Sl’l-Zl<;\'l'l:l.Y’ SI‘.I'.KI\(i SI IS.-\.\' \L‘lltl pllolos It) Hm \o I'/-I I 5/3.

0 I saw you on [he dela_\ed .YISIIIII BA I‘Iight Iroiii Ileathrou to (ilasgim on ’I'Iiu l7 Ma}. You eaiiie to iii_\ aid \\Ileli \\ e landed and _\ou \;I\\ we struggling \\IIII III} iiiaii} hags. l)o _\oii i'eiiieinhei“.’ I ha\ e long auhurii hair and )oii \\ ere \\eai'ing a suit. I liked )oiii' ehixali') and your onel} \IIIIle. Perhaps it )oii read this \i e ean meet again. Hm .\'ol'/-1|5/.i.

C} k.

V I saw you in Iiiii‘det's eaIe. You \ioi'k there. are :\ll\ll'illlilll and are also III} I)tt}Il'lelltl. Sean I It)\ e )ou and all the rest ean go to hell. All in} lo\e. Ruth \\\ Hm No I '/-I I 5/4.

V I saw you an interesting looking )tlllllg \ioiiiaii. on the (ilaxgoii underground. 'l'ue 33 .\Ia_\ at +/- SIMS. 'li) \tIIIIeHIIL' else I said .I)(I )iitt want It) \Il'," I.atei‘ diagonall} .‘tL‘I'tiss we sat. You \\ ere ahoiit Sit in mm hlonde I)I't)\\ll hair. eut \Iltil'l and l'unk}. .-\ ei'isp \ihite \IIII'I and denim iaekel. hlaek trousers. A health} glint in _\our \klll. M} Iiltle e} es \\ ere drawn to _\(IlII\. I tell into _\oui‘ light hroxin e}e\. it I’eIt like a jump into \IML'L'. Bearded I sat ael‘iiss IIIIIII )(itl. in white tie. dark jaeket. )elloxi lie. .\I_\ hlue e} ex saxi )oll. tiihe rides torgotteii. IIillhead )ou got till. I'm hanging oiito the adrenaline. and wanting to sit) Iitlllt). Box No II/J l 5/5.

7 2' NiOi THE LIST 133