Film listings

Outside the cities continued

Falldrk: Fl'li Cinema

l'11lki1‘k T0011 111111.000 llI‘Idge Street. W 324 50(1S50. £3I£2.501.\Veekda} 111:11111eex: £l.50. ('I11Id1e11 £I.50.

FRIDAY ‘17", JUN The Claim 1 151 11.00.1111.

.31 I.

THURSDAY :21 JUN Thirteen Days 1 121 “.30.

Galashiels: The Pavilion

\litl'lxel Stree1.0lS0(17527(17. 2-llll'l’1’0g I1110 l.111e: (IIS0(1 75Sl54. ll)|. £4.20 (£3.70 I1el01'e (1111111. ('I11ld/().-\l’: £2.70. I'Ii40:£3.201.\l011 'I‘I111011I_\I.


Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 5.2(1. 3.20.

Get Overlt1121 2.3(1. 0.00. 3.30. Pearl Harhor1151 110011. 3.50. 7.40. Bugrats In Paris: The Movie (1‘1 12.30. See Spot Bun (1’01 2.111.

The Mummy Returns 1 121 1.511. 5.1(1. 3.10.

FRIDAY S—T'HURSDAY 1-1 Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 Hail}: (1.00.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 I51 I)ail}: 5.30. S20.

Get Over It ( I21

Hail}: S30.

Peari Harbor 1 151

Hail}: 7.20.

.-\I\0 matinee Sat 1k S1111: I.I0. Hugrats In Paris: The Movie 11'1 Matinee Sat 1& S1111: I.20.

See Spot Hun (I’(iI

Dad}: 5. I0.

.-\l\(1 matinee Sat 1& S1111: 2.00. Spy Kids (1'1

.\lali11eeSat& S1111: 3.20.

The Mummy Returns 1 121 hail}: 5.20. S. I0.

:\l\0 matinee Sat & S1111: I.40.

ERLDAY _l,;3'—THURSDAY 21 l’r0grainme likel} 10I1e \i111ilart01l1e pre\'i011\ \xeelx. l’l1011e0lS0(1 75S I 54 1111' detailx and llllle\.

Irvine: Magnum

llarl10111ixide. (11204 27S3S I. Restaurant. Bar. |l)| I1} arrangement. |l{|. £3.30. (‘hiId: £2.30.

THURSDAY? The Dish 1 121 7.30.


One Night At McCool’s 1 151 Hi. S1111 \Ved: 7.30.

E BIQALLSJHUBSDAY 2 l l’r0g1‘amn1e likel} 10 he ~1111iIar101I1e I‘I‘CVlntlx week. l’l1011e0l204 27S3S| 1111‘ details and times.

Kilmamock: Ddeon

Q11ee11\ I)1'i\ e. 0I5(13 57242 I. [1110 and (‘(‘ I1011king: 0S70 5050007. Standard \‘eatx £3.50 (.\l1111-'I‘I111 all da). I‘i'i-Sun hel‘0re 511111I 01l1e1'\\ lxe £4.50. (lilltl. Seni0r (‘iti/en and students £3 at all times. I311111il_\ tieket £I4 1111' 1'0111'11e0ple (£I I all da_\' .\l011-'I'I111 and I1el‘0re 511111 liri-S1111I.


Along Game A Spider 1 151 S30. Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 1.3(1. 3.45. (1.00. 8.45.

Chocolat ( 121 S30.

GetDverIt1121 2.30. 4.30. 0.3(1. 3.30.

48 THE LIST 7—2‘1 JLII1 Ale“.

Peari Harbor1151 (1.4511111. 3.3(1. 4.15. “.30. 0,00. Bugrats In Paris:The Movie11'1 12.15. See Spot Hun11>(;1 1.30. 3.45. 0.00, Spy KidS11'1 1.30. 4.00. 0.15.

The Mummy Betums1121 110011. 12.45. 3.00. 3.30. 5.45. 0.15. S30. 000.


FRIDAY S—THURSDAY 1.: Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151

1111 1\ S111: 1.3(1. 4.00. 0.45. 0.30. S1111 ’l‘l111: I.30. 3.45. (1.00. S45. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 Hail}: 2.30. 5.30. S.I5. DownTo Earth1121

Hail): 2.00. 4.00. (1.30. S45. Get Over It 1 121

l'l'l 1k Sat: 2.30. 5.00. 7.I5. 0.30

S1111 'l‘l111: 2.45. 4.45. (1.45. S45 Pearl Harbor1151

I-‘ri 1k Sat: II.45aII1. |2.30. 3.30 4.30.

7.30. .030. S1111 'I‘I111: 7.30. 3.00. Hugrats In Paris: The Movie 111 l)ai|_\: I2.I5.

See Spot Run 11’( 11

Hail}: 11111111.

Spy Kidsd'I

Hail): 1111011.

The Emperor’s New Groove (1'1 Matinee Sat: I I.30;1111.

The Mummy Betums 1 121

l-‘ri 1& Sat: 11111111. I.I(I. 3.0(1. 3.50. 0.40. S45. 0.25.

S1111 'I‘I111: 11111111. I245. 5.45. 015. S30. 0.00. Toy Story211'1 Matinee Sat: ll.30an1. What Women Want1121

Matinee lllei I0._30ain.

II.45;1111. I230. 3.30.


_3_( II I.



I’1'0gratnnie likel) 10I1e innilai‘111tI1e [1l'e\l(111\ \xeek. l’l1011e ()S7() 5050 007 I0I' details and ti111ex.

Kirkcaldy: Adam Smith

Iie11110el1) R0ad. 0l502 412020121112 llar. 0)]. Hi]. £2.S0 (e011e\: £l.501.

FRIDAY 8 JUN Enemy At The Gates 1 151 7.30.


Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition (1‘1 7.30.

WEDNESDAY (:3 JUN Blackboards (1’( 11 7.3(1.


Best In Show1121 11.00.1111. 7.311.

FRIDAY 15 JUN Chocolat1121 1100:1111. 7.30.

SATURDAY 16 JUN Chocolat 1 121 7.30.

SUNDAY 17 JUN Bing 21121 7.30.

Livingston: Circuit Cinema

The .\le.-\1‘1|111r(]le11 I)e\ig11er()111let. l.i\ 111151011. 0S45 (1020 200 111' secure 011Ii11e eredit eard I100l11111_y at

11 \\ 11.eit'euit-eii1e111a.e0n1. Adults £5. ('I1ildre11 £3.50. S111de111/().-\l’ £3.70. l’t‘eniier I01111:_'e £S.50.


Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 4.10. 0.30. 3.50.

Pearl Harbor1151 12.10. 1.00. 4.00. 4.50. 7.50. S40.

See Spot Hun1l’(11 1.20. 3.3(1. 5.50. Spy Klds1l'1 1101111. 2.00.

The Mexican1151 S00.

The Mummy HetumS1121 12.30. 2.30. 3.20. 5.30. 0.1(1. S20. 0.1(1.

EE_DAY-::21!SSQP\\ '

Blow ( ISI

Hail}: 3.40. (1.30. 0.20. .-\I\11111.11111ee Sat 1\ S1111: I250. Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151

Hail}: 3.55. (1.l0. S40. .-\l\11lalel:1'11\ Sal: l0.50.

Down To Earth 1 121

Had}: 4.30. (1.40. S50. .-\I\0111.11111ee I511 S1111: I.(I(I. .-\I\0111atineeSat1k S1111: I001 111111. .~\l\11|ale Hi 1\ Sat: ll.00.

Get Over it1 I21

0.111}: 1.30. 5.00. “.05. 010. Mm matinee Sat 1\ S1111: I0.I5;1111. :\|\0lale l'1‘itk Sat: I I.I5.

Peari Harbor1 I51

01111}: 1.211. 4.15. 5.05. S.l0. 0.00 .-\I\0 matinee Sal 1k S1111: I225. See Spot Bun (l’( i1 l)ail_\: I.40. 4.00.

.-\I\11 matinee Sat 1\ S1111: Spy Kids 111

Hall): I.45.

.’\I\0 matinee Sat 1k S1111: The Mexican 1 151

Hall}: (1.20. 0.30.

The Mummy Betums 1 121 Hail}: 2.50. 5.40. S30. :\I\0 matinee Sat 1& S1111: 1111011. .'\l\0 late Hi 1& Sat: I I20.

I I.20an1.

I |.35ain.

EBIDAY__L5:_T_U.UBSDAY 2,]- l’1‘11g1'11111111e Iikel} 111 he \1111ilart0 the pi'e\ i1111x \\ eelx. l’l11111e0S45 (1020 2(1(1 l111' delailx and times.

Paisley: Showcase Cinemas

(lril'lin .r\\et111e. l’h0eni\ Basinesx I’ark. ()l4l SS7 00l l. l11l11: 0l4l SS7 0020. ('(' I100king: 014] SS7 001 I. 0)]. llil. £4.75 (£3.50 l1el‘01'e (111111 M011 I-‘ri 0I lll‘\l

\ll(l\\ I. (3l1iltl/( )x\l’/Sll1(le11l2 £3.50


Along CameASpider1151 110011. 2.25. 4.50. 7.30. 0.50.

Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 1 1.4511111. 2.15. 4.45. 7.15. 7.45. 0.30. 10.00. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 II.20am. 2.00. 4.40. 7.20. I0.00. Peari Harbor1151 11.00.1111. 12.15. 12.45. 2.30. 4.0(1. 4.30. 0.00. 7.45. S.l5. 0.30.

Hugrats In Paris: The Movie11'1 Il.00an1. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00.

SeeSpot Bun11’(11 (1.5011111. 2.10. 4.25. 7.05. 0.2(1.

Series 7: The ContendersUSI 3.00. 5.30. 7.50. 0.50. SpyKldSH'I ll.I5an1. I.I5. 3.I5. 5.10.

The Dish1121 7.10. 0.35.

The In Crowd1151 110011. 2.20. 4.35. 7.115. 0.25.

The Mummy Betums 1 121 1 1.1511111. II.45am. I.()(). 2.00. 2.30. 4.01). 4.45. 5.15. 7.00. 7.30. S00. 0.45. 10.10.



Along CameASpider1151

l)ai|}: 110011. 2.25. 4.55. 7.30. 0.55. .»\l\11 late l’1‘i 1k Sat: l2.l0;1111.

Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151

Dali}: ll.45am. 2.|5. 4.45. 7.I5. 7.45. 0.30. l0.00.

.-\l\0 late l’ri 1k Sat: I I.45. I2.I5an1. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151

l)ail_\: II.20an1. 2.00. 4.40. 7.20. l0.00.

DownTo Earti11121

Dail}: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 7.40. 0.40. Also lale Hi 13'; Sat: l I.40.

Get Over It ( I21

l)ail_\: 11111111. 2.20. 4.50. 7.25. .-\l\0 late 1'11 1& Sat: I I.35. Pearl Harbor1151

I)ail_\: II.00aiI1. I2.I5. I245. 2.30. 4.00. 4.30. (1.00. 7.45. S.l5. 9.30. .-\I\0 late Fri 1% Sat: I I.30.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movleit‘I I)ail_\: II.00an1. I.00. 3.00. 5.00. See Spot Bun (1’01

l)ail_\: 0.501101. 2.10. 4.25. 7.05.


Series 7: The Contenders 1 1M llail}: 0.15. .\l\0l.11el:1'11\ Sat: Spy Kids11'1 l);lll_\I II.|5anI. I.I5. Theln Crowd1151 Dad}: 0.25.

.~\l\0 late Hi 1\ Sat: ll.50.

The Mummy Hetum51121

l).11I}: II.|5anI. II.45aI11. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 4.00. 4.45. 5.15. ".00. “.30. S00. 0.45. l0.l0. .\l\0 late HI 1\ Sat:


3.15. 510. “.10.

ll00. I2 3011111.

FRIDAY 75» IHURSDM 2'1 I’r0gran1111ehkel) 111I1e x11111Iart01I1e 11re\ i1111x \xeek. l’I1011eIII4I SS70020101' (lelitll\ and time»

St Andrews: New Picture House

\(tl‘lli Street. 0| 3.54 474002. lt1l0101334 473500. |l)]. (‘i11e111a I: ('111‘Ie £2.30. Stallx £2 ((‘I1II1I/().\l’: £l.501'. ('111e111a 2: all \eat\ £2.30.(‘I0\e1lS1111d.1§.e\eept during \el1011ll10lida_\\.


Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 S30. Pearl Harbor1151 ".00.

The Mummy Hetums 1 121 0.00.

FRIDAY 8- THURSDAY 14 GetDverIt1121

(-11 1& Sat. M00 “111: (1.30. Pearl Harbor1 151

Hi 1k Sat. M011 Thu: 7.00.


FRIDAX Iii-THURSDAY 2,1 I’r0graI11111elikel} 111 he \i111ilart0 the pre\ l011\ \xeek. l’l1011e 0| 334 473500 1111' details and llllle\.

Stirling: Cariton

2S .-\Ilanparlx. I11I‘0 and ('(‘ I100I.111g: (II7S(1 474l37.|lil\e1'ee11 I. £4 (£3: 4.30 (1.3011011:S111de11tx/I'li40: £3. ().»\l’ £2.50. (‘I1ild £2. I-‘;1111il_\ tieket £I0. .\'0 1111aee0111pa11ied el1ildre11 alter 711111. 1110 BSD/RY, 2'

Peari Harbor 1 151 2.3(1. 7.15.

The Mummy Betums 1 121 2.00. 5.15. S. l 5.


A Goofy Movie (1'1

.\la(i11ee Sat: l I.00;1111.

Pearl Harbor 1 151

I)ail_\: 2.30. 7.I5.

The Mummy Hetums 1 121

Hail}: 2.00. 5.I5. S.I5.

FBI D_AY_1§>-‘THU_RSQAY -2 l l’r0gra111111e Iikel} 10 be similar 111 the pre\ 1(111\ \\ eek. I’I11111e0I7S(1 474 l 37 l'(11‘ (lelails and liltiex.

Stirling: MacBobert

Stirling l'11i\e1\it_\.0I7S(1 4(1I0SI. ll)| llil. £3.50 (£2.50 e1111exI. ('I1ildre11's 111ati11eex: £ I .50.


Malena1151 7.30.

FRIDAY 8 JUN Breakfast At Titiany’s 1 151 7.30.

SATURDAY 9 JUN Erin Brockovlch 1 151 7.3(1.

SUNDAY 10 JUN Liam ( 151 7.30.

THURSDAY M JUN Chocolat1121 7.3(1.

FRIDAY IS JUN Chocolattl21 7.30.

SATURDAY 16 JUN Chocolat1121 7.3(1.