

East Kilbride Arts Centre, East Kilbride, Sat 2 Jun ooo


Why should one of comedy’s brightest young hopes choose to play a one- off gig in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire? A puzzling programming choice which actually transpired as a minor coup for the arts centre. Noel Fielding’s appearance without Boosh sparring partner Julian Barratt attracted a mightily clued-up and receptive audience, wholly transfixed by

his surreal brand of comedy.

Fielding is magnetism personified. He exudes an engaging charisma which could win over the most sceptical of observers. Grown men guf- fawed over stories about his pet starfish, women swooned over childhood memories, pensioners chuckled over a biscuit tin bust-up, and hecklers were befriended by his good-natured banter. A lanky, emaciated frame, tousled mane and freakishly protruding eyes make for a perfectly comic character so enigmatic most would laugh despite some more obscure,

frenzied material.

That said, there was one major drawback: the show time was changed to accommodate his return flight to London, and, after missing the first twenty minutes of the show, I was all the more dejected on hearing ‘I feel that we’re bonding here, East Kilbride’. How cosy. Fielding was acutely conscious of time, remarking on several occasions that time was fast run- ning out and stating ‘God, I can talk like a bitch’.

In spite of all this, the sense of urgency merely served to heighten the emotions and we were treated to an unsatisfying glimpse into Fielding’s seemingly limitless imagination. He weaves a web of comic imagery and nuances so intricate that stretch the confines of a healthy imagination and

simply belie belief. (Maureen Ellis)


The Stand 'l'll't‘ Slllllll. 5.55 \Yl)lllll;llltl\ Road, llh'7ll (lllll 0055. 3.301311]. L5 llci5l. Slamling up [or \lantl-up lhix cwning arc .lllllll (illllt‘k. :\ll;lll \llllt‘l‘. llll't‘L‘ \‘chcl Yirgim and rcxillcnl hoxl l"rankic Ho) lc. BBC New Comedy Awards - Semi Finals 2001 \‘clxcl Roolnx. 52H Sauchichall Slrccl. 332 0755. 0pm. £5. 'l‘hc \carch l'or nc\\ conlic lalcnl ix hollillg up \\ ilh lhc BBC gcllillg in on lhc acl. |a_\ ing lhc grounthmrk l'or lhclr llll;Il\ al lhc litlinhurgh l’ringc. Inlprm lllilt‘\ll'll and l'ringc olll-lilncr Row .\'oh|c \\ i|| hc conipcring lhc cxcning. in parl prcparalion lor hix lhird \olo licxlnal \ho“. \\a\ing hrical ahoul ainlhing and c\cr_\lhing lhal licklcx hix lallc}. l-‘or inorc inl'orinalion. \ ixil

\\ \\ \\ .hhc.co.llk/lalcnl


The Stand lhc Slglllll. 5 Ylll'k l’lglt't‘. 553 72‘: “Pm. L5 (L5). llll\lL'\\ \\ llll lllt‘ lllll\lt‘\\ .loon Broon inlrotluccx lllllNlc‘ill comctlian Sand} .\'cl\on. \\ ilh \upporl lroin .Iohn l.ill|cjohn and .lanlcx l-‘crgllxon.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l‘in .\lac('ool\. llll |.olhian Road. (322

7 ll)”. ‘lpnl. l‘rcc. ch .'\lltlt‘l\llll ix lhc

c\cning\ Inain allraclion \\ ilh \llpporl lroln Bcn l)al'c_\. (irahaln l’hillipx and (‘olin Silnpxon.


Stirling Comedy Club (‘lmanc 'l‘llt‘illl'L‘. (‘lmallt‘ Sll'L‘L‘l. (ll 730 4755-14. Xlllll. £5 lUl. 'l‘llc singing \cnd-llp ('raig Hill hringx hix uniquc hlcntl ol \lantl-up and musical coincd} lo Slirling.

Friday 8


The Stand lllL‘ Slllllll. 555 \Ynllllllllllh Road. oxfo ()llll (ill55. 0pm. to 195 l. ll‘clantl'x llrcntlan Illlrkc lakcx lhc lop \Iol \\ ilh \Ulllt‘ craicing characlcr colnctl). Sand} .\'cl\on and lhc Rmcrcntl ()halliah Slcppclnxollc Ill pro\ ltlL' lhc \upporl. \\hll\l .lanc .\lacka_\ lakcx chargc (ll lllL‘ pl'llct‘clllllgx.


The Craic House 'lihc ()uihouxc. l2a Broughlon Slrccl l.anc. 55" ohliN. 0pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hi\ c\cning\ pallcl‘ nlcrchanlx arc (iortlon Brunlon. Hill l)c\\ar and Martin l‘urh}.

The Stand lllc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55K 7272. ‘lpin. £015). llcatllincr .\lantl_\ Knighl tlt‘lllllll\ll'illL‘\ hcr iniinilahlc coinic charln. \\ ilh \upporl

lioin \llan \llllci. lx’ichalll Snnlh and l)clla ( iallagllcl Suxan \ll‘lllMlIl cl.ick\ ihc \\ hip .l\ coinpclc


Madcap Comedy Club At Cumbernauld Theatre (‘ulnhcinaultl lhcalic. Kiltlilnn. “12% " ‘2.\.\~. .\ illpin. L71 it ;i. llml Hill} llonkch \xclcolncx lo lhc \lagc ('hailic Ru“ \\ llll \uppoil lloln lx’oh .\llllci ‘lllkl \'l\ (icc


Dundee Comedy Club I'ht- l)ll:_'llllll\k'. l ; “lll\\ll Sllk‘k‘l. Hl 55: 22"l|.\ll. ‘lpnl. L5 it'll. .loining hoxl .loon llroon llnx \xcck .ll’c |)ouglc lhlnlop. \lark l\'cll) and Slcxcn |)ick.


Summer Capers (lit-mock \m (llllltl. (‘anlphcll Slrccl. llI-l"5 "2,ill3.\'. Spin. Ll). 'l'hc ( icorgc Squarc l’la_\cl\ hoxl an cxcning ol conictl} \\ ilh a lnlc lo cal lhro\\n in lor gooll lllt‘;l\lll't‘.

Saturday 9


The Stand 'l'hc Slanll. 555 \Vootllanllx Road. Uh'qll ()llll (lll55. ‘lpnl. L'" lLl l. Scc Hi 5'. on|_\ Small .\lorri\on colnpcrcx. Madcap Comedy Club Slalc Hal. l-lh’ Holland Slrccl. 35" 5337. 0.30pm. t5 1U). lhix cwning'x pallcr lncrchanlx inclutlc .lohn (iillick. \'i\ (icc and Mark lll'alcllplccc. ill a linc up coinpcrctl h} lllll} llllllkcl‘x


Boom Boom! 'l‘hc 'l‘ron. ‘) llunlcr Squarc. 557 ~13 l 5. ‘lpin. L‘o. l'ncoinprlunixing hunlour ll'lllll l’arrol

\\ ilh \upporl l'roin .loc llccnan. l)ollglc Dunlop. onc opcn spill and coinpcrc Hill l)c\\al'.

The Stand 'l'hc Slantl. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. 0pm. if lL-ll. Sainc ;I\ Hi 8. hul \\ ilh .lanc .\lacka_\ ax conipcl'c.


Summer Capers (irccnock :\l'l\ (llllltl. ('ainphcll Slrccl. lll»l75 723033. 8pm. to. Scc l‘ri 8.


The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy ('llrlcrx. 25o ll}rc\ Road. 333 ()5! l. Spin. l'ircc. lll'uxh up on )our lrix la. \\ ill} rcxponxcx and cllrrcnl lllllllh lor a chancc lo \\ lll lllc lirxl pri/c ol a cralc ol’ llccr al lhix \u‘ckl} qui/ nighl.

OOT: Out In Glasgow lhc Slaml. 555 \Yllolllanllx Road, llh'7ll (lllll (lll55, H.3llpin. t5. ('harlning characlcr colncllicnnc .\lanll_\ Knighl lakcx lhc lop \lol al lhix ga_\ ~lricnll|_\ night. ;\\ ll\ll;ll. ('raig llill lakcx chargc ol lhc procccllingx. \\ ilh appcaranccx lroin .lollll l.illlc.iohn and blind llillL‘ colnpclilion lloxl .lill l’cacock.

Canvas Comedy Club (11mm.

l3 lo \Val|\ Slrccl. 552 2|lll. 0pm. £5. 'l‘ough—lalking Ra} nlolld .\lcal'n\ ix lhc c\cning\ nlain allraclion. \\ ilh \llppol'l l'roln .loc llccnan anll \llckc) l). ('oinpcrc .lainic Rohinxon lllxl) inlrolluccx l)a\c .\'c\\ man in lhc opcn \pol.


Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? lhc Sland. 5 Ylil'lx l’lllt‘L‘. 553 73-73. lplll. l'il'L'L' \\ ilh tll'llll\\ or a incal. l-rccxl} lc lunnincxx and hangmcr-hanixhing anlic\ ll'lllll rcsitlcnl llllll l’aul (irahain and Sluarl .\lurph_\.

Six On Sunday lllL‘ Slaml. 5 York l’lacc. 55X "272. 3.30pm. L5 lL'2l. llml (iraclnc 'l‘holnax rounllx ol'l‘ lhc \xcckcnll on a lngh-pilchcd laughlcr nolc. inll'olluclng inuxic Inan Sand} \clwn and l'krainian llcnc l.lllcllc\llco\.


Fife Comedy Club l’alli 'l'axcrn. \lill Slrccl. lll5‘)2 20V)" l. 8.30pm. H l Ur.


l‘olin lx’ainonc hcatllincx xx llll hacking lioin Richard Snnlh and l cilh'x .lllll.l \o\.ik lilc lcglllah .loon llioon and John Sinclair llghlcn lhc laughlcl loall


The Monday Rhymes llicl. N -l‘\ \xhlon I am: V12 .l‘loo .\pin licc \ l\ (icc hoxlx a pcilolinancc pocli} c\clnng lcallning lx’lchanl \llcn and Inc lllll\lt' Dr Paul’s Comedy Quiz l'ul llt- Sac. ll ~lli \xhlon l anc. H-l -l"~l‘l ‘lpin licc. ('l.i/} lll\ Ia .lllllt'\ \\ llll hch and cash pli/cx lo hc “on.


Red Raw lillt' Slalhl. 5 \llllk l’l.|\’t‘. 555 “2‘2, X. illpnl t' |. Slantl up old lllllt‘l\ lionna Kl.lt‘ll.lll .llltl ('olin Silnpxon pul .lll‘llllll cighl ahxolnlc hcginncix lhiough lllt'll [th'L'N

Tuesday 1 2


OOT: Out On Tuesday lllt‘ Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55.\' "2“2.‘lpnr [51th. .\lonlh|_\ calnp caharcl colnpcicll In ('raig lllll. llnx lllnc lnx cololnlul glitwlx Inclullc lhc t'llill'|\lll;lllt' .\lanll_\ Kinghl. ahl} \uppoilctl h_\ .lolln lilllclohn and lillt‘ Slillltl.\ \t'l'_\ ll\\ll '( illlal. .llmll llroon.

Wednesday 1 3


Benefit For VSO 'I‘Iic Siaml. Ni \Ylilllllumlx Ix’lmlL llNTll lillll lill55 8.30pm. to l H r. lhc Slaml tlll lhcll llll lor chamlcc oncc again. and llll\ lnnc il'x \‘olunlar'\ Sch iccx ( )\cl\cc\ \\ ho hcnclil lroln lhcir hcnmolcnl good humour.


Crazy Cabaret 'l'hl- Slaml. 5 York l’Iacc. 55.\' 7272. 8pm. L31 ltfil. .\ pic ‘n' |lll\ ol coincll}. magic. characlcrx. \kt‘lcllc\ :lllll lll;lllllt‘\\. .llllll Rt‘j.‘ .'\lltlt‘l'\llll. Slcwn Dick and John Slnclalr lor an inxpircll inclnl ol gagx. \cl'\cll up lo hcal lhoxc llllll\\t't‘l\ hlucx,

Reg Anderson’s Fun Quiz Night 'l‘hc Slaml. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. llfillpin. U lo pla_\. l’il _\our \\ ilx agalnxl hoxl ch .'\llllt‘l\llll lol‘ lhc chancc lo \\ Ill caxh and pri/cx.

Thursday 14


The Stand 'l'hc Slanll. NHVoolllanlk Rllllll. “370 (lllll 6055. H. lllplll. [5 l Lil. (llt‘t‘k) t‘llalpplt' Rol‘ Rllll\t' l\ lllt‘ c\cnlng\ lcalling man. and lll\ \upporling caxl inclullc rcxillcnl hoxl lirankic Ho} lc. 'l'cllll) and lhrcc \'c|\cl Virgin»


The Stand 'l’llc Slallll. 5 York l’lacc. 55K 7272. 9pm. £5 1U). ('hrix ll;l\\k|ll\ plain il h} car \xilh \lllllt‘ ilnprm ixalional anlicx. and star hacking conicx lroin l’aul .\lc.\'ci||_ (‘olin Sllnpwn and coinpcrc .llmn lll'lmll.

Big Word Performance Poetry (illllcll Saloon. 253 ('ougalc. 22‘) V) *3, ()pin. H lUr. .\'c\\ Yol'krrhaxcll .lalnaican rap-poclr} pt‘l‘llll'lllt‘l"lt'lllll \nic |lllll\ lhc higlrcncrg} poclic caharcl lcain.

\\ hich lllxo lcallll'cx (illuglm '\ |)c\ (‘lal'kta plux lll)\l\ .'\lnla (iman illlll .lcrn Rollx.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l'in .\l;lc('oolx. llil l.olilian Roall. 022 510‘). 0pm. l'rcc. (icrr} (il'anl. 'l llll

l.a\\ rcncc and (iraclnc 'l'hoinax loin coincll) \ .\lr \lagic lll lll\ \lcckl} laughlcrinluxcll run-oul.


Jenny Eclair \lagnllin 'l hcalrc. llal‘hourxillc. lll2‘).l 27333 I. 7, illpin. t I”. 'l‘hc popular. l'oullnolllhcll colncllicnnc and noxclixl llL'illl\ oil! on

' ' THE LIST 71
