Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Jack Mottram.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bounty at Q. 5pm lam. I’rcc. “cc-kl). Bill) .\IiIIigan is at thc thm of this iicu night. l’caturing part} tuncx ilL‘l'tHx thc gcnrcs. l't'otlt R&Ii to club classic\.

I Diamonds at 'l‘hc \aricl} liar.

«Spin closc, I'rcc. \Vcckl}. I).I .\Iucci prcscnts Southcrn \tltooclt to rockahiII} raunch l'oi' rockxtcad} Iiddics. Il' )otl knou \\ hat that nicans. )iiii'll prohahl} “ant to :10.

I Latin Loungin’ ai ’l‘lic (iauclio (il'lll. 9pm midnight. I5rcc. \Vcckl). I-‘ii‘st liars. non rcstaurants arc turning into mini- L'lllltx. What nc\t. iicusagcnts'.’ Ammo. D] Jan of Ila\ana lamc prox idcs a laid-back lilcnd ol |.atin \titllltIS at thc .'\l‘;1L'lllllllillI hccl' joint.

I Nico’s at .\'ico's. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. ('Iiccxc} music Iot‘ part} —inindcd \tudcnlx. As it thci‘c\ anothcr kind ol \IlltIL‘lll.

I Nomad at .\'omad. 7.30pm midnight. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. Rcsidcnt 'l)oniit' la} is joincd by Kris chgan. Ian 'l‘lionipson and :\..I. spinning thc hcst houxc \titllltl\.

I The Operators at ('osla (’ol'l‘cc t(ii'cat \Vcstcrn Roadi. 7 I Ipm. I’rcc. \Vcckl}. 'I'hc local hcrocs assist capitalist col'lcc culturc \\ ith tlicir iniinitahlc hlcnd ol'ja/I. funk and hip hop.

I Pousey Cafe at Air ()i-gaiiic.

S I lplll. lircc. \Vc‘t‘lxl). 'I‘hc .IL‘llgtlIlL‘tttls gct )titi \tokctl up tor a night out. \\ ith a mind hag ol hcats. li'om clccti'o and lilllllx through to housc and lcchiio.

I Phatboy’s Kitchen at .\lc(‘|iuiII\ “to (hit \Vcst. .S’pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Hip hop. hrcaks and hcats courtcsi olI‘hc \\';i\ Monkcy

I Sample 8. Hold ai liar Solia.

Spin midnight. I'i'c‘c'. \VcckI). l,i\ c hip hop. i'cplctc \iith gucst \ocalists. scratch} husiiicsx and [k‘l‘c‘llSSltllL

I Shogo at Ihc Ilrunsu ick ('cllars.

‘)pm midnight. I’rcc. \Vcckl}. .v\n c\cning ol' hrcaks. hcats and \uchlikc from (i-Man and occasional gucstx. \\ itlt skatchoarding \ l\tltll cntcrtainmciitx.

I The Thursday Broadcast ai 'l‘lic l.i\ing Room. 0pm midnight. I'rcc. \Vcckl}. Rotation ol ( ilaxgou 's top I).I talciit It'llllll‘lllg‘ Sim ic Iilcmciits among othcrx.

I Tilt at liar It). 7pm latc. l‘rcc. \Vcck‘l}. .~\n c\cning ol Iiuro trancc from thc 'l‘ilt

I Virunga at Ili‘cl. 0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .\ top \clcctioii of~ tuncx \\ ith a \ioi'ld bias. including soca. l.'.itin dancc. .-\t'rican and rcggac.


I Affinity at .\chia. I lpm Rant. [4 (£3). \Vcckl). I’rogrcsxn c and Iiui'o trancc lll thc main ai'cna \\ ith i'cxidcntx Stc\ c (‘oiicannon and Paul I‘Icniing. Rotational talciit ahouiid\ in tlic hack \llllt‘.

I Bennet’s at Bcnnct'x. | Ipm 3am. £3 it'll. \Vcckl}. Shan n chi\cr\ a commcrcial dancc nii\ in thc main room. \\ liilc .v\nnic \ttpplic\ 7t)\ and Sllx hits at thc prcniicr ga_\

I Club Salsa Sabrosa at 'l'hc IIa\ana Bar. ltlfillpm 3am. £4 H.350). \\'cckl\. 'l'op—notch I.atin sounds. \\ ith all hip- ' shaking gcnrcx co\crcd thanks to rcxidcntx Kcith. .-\Ic\i\ tilltl (ico l).

I Columbian at 'I‘hc .-\\) Illlll Back Room. Slim Iain. I‘rcc to ('I'St' nicnihcrxz L'I othcru isc. \Vcckl). .\Iu\ic \\ ith hrcaks. l'roin hip hop and big hcat to soul and funk.

I Cop at .-\rchao\. l Ipm 3am. £4 «£3 l. \Vcckl}. Absolutcl} colossal \tudcnt night u ith ('.J. suppl} ing hard part} ing houxc anthcmx in thc main room and daft classics l'rom lam (’o_\ lc do“ nstairs.

I Fat Sumo at 'I‘Iic (ilaxgim School ot .-\rt, Illpin 3.30am. £3. \Vcckl}. :\ IIL‘\\ \cnturc for thc \'ic liar. \\ ith I.'I'.I Bosoin and hci' trash} cIcctro pop gctting amplc support from lli I‘idclit) \ Scan Dickson lll lllc \L'ctttttl tilltl litttll‘tll \\ Ck'lx til. thc month. \xith llll\ll I’upp} il)i\inci \tcpping into thc brcach in thc third

\\ L'L'Ix.

0 Freak Moves at 'I'ltc (ilil\:_'(l\\ School of .'\rt ttlp\ltlll'\l. Illpiii 2.30am. Li}. \VL‘L‘lxI). l)J\ l)L‘llt;t tltltl .\It‘ \icc tl\L‘ thcir tui'iitahlistic skills to \Iioiicasc hip hop. dancchall and funk. no“ on a ucck- I_\' basis. ()n 7 Jun. Rah/cl ot‘Ihc Roots mach an appcarancc. and for thosc

\\ ishing to kccp up \\ ith l’clcr Snoxi '\ prcdictahlc Iandslidc-o-mctcr. |i\ c (icncral IiIcction \ isualx \iill hc on hand \tl )ttll can L‘Ilccl'. lion or Igtltit'c lllL‘ltl dcpcnding on )tllll' political persuasion. Scc llitllxt.

I MFI at I'nixcrsc t('oathridgci.

I Ipni 3.30am. £4 it'll. \Vcckl}. Big tcll_\ man Iiitan .\Iacl.cod and DI Bob u ith a disco-tingcd \cIcction ol' housc old and

I Motion tlI 'l'hc \t‘hk‘l RUUIIIS. \L‘\I datc 2‘) Jun.

I Polo For Me at 'I’hc I’olo I.oungc. lllpni Iain. I‘rcc. \Vcckl}. You. thc luck) puntcr. takc thc hclni tonight. as rcqucst cards arc mailablc o\cr thc bar and in tlic litititlt.

I Revel at (i2. I Ipiii 3am. £5 (£4). 7 .liiii. I-‘ortnighth. Simon ho}. Stc\cn ('oiicaiiiion and I)oiinic .\Iac spin a \clcction ol~ progi'cssn c. Iitii'o trancc tuncs mi\cd in \\ ith \ttlltL‘ ('Iiicago housc and bulk.

I Rhythm And Blues at'c-.

Itlpm 3am. [5. \Vcckl}. ()nc of thc cit) ‘s lillcsl Rikli nights \\ ith l‘L‘\ltIL‘lll\ I’atil 'I'ra) nor. \accm and Stuart .\Ic('aI|uin. I Routes at .-\d-I.ih. I lpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. 'l‘lic dining lititt\L‘-L‘lllll-\l_\ Ic bar rclaunchcs its clubbing \t)ll'L‘L‘\ \\ itli [Ills rcgiilar dccp houxc datc that L‘tllllL‘S comics} ol' ( )\\cn ('aldixcll and (‘olin I);t\ lL‘.

I Skint at 'I‘Iic ('atliousc. I Ipiii 3am. £4 ([2 l. \Vcckl}. Tough cliciiiical hrcaks and hcats. rock and indic tor a studcnt) crtm d.

I Skycop at Sk) bar t:\rchaosl.

I |.45pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl). ’I'hc I‘thlt Itit til:\rcltao\ tIil'ilIx to thc tIL‘CP housc st}'liiigs of" Rum Kcri'. as thc i‘cgtilai‘ studcnt night packs thcm in

do“ nstairs.

I Spank at (‘uhc. I lpiii 3am. £4 tUi. I-I .Iun. \Vcckl}. \ctcran part} -up i} pc .Iini l)a Bcsl. \\ ith a Iittlc hpr from Nick} and Scott l‘i‘c‘c‘. prcscntx home and Milk across [\ui rooms.

I Streetsoul ill 'I'hc \t‘hk‘i Rtmttlx.

l Ipm 3am. £4 it'll. \Vcck‘l} tcxccpt last 'I‘hu ol tIic month). Ra) iiioiid Woods, l).\l(i. John I.)oti\ and .\'accin takc it in turns to proVidc tIic R&B and soul \L‘IL‘L‘IIUIIN.

I Thursday Is Enough at (‘luh Budda. I Ipm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. Disco and housc from Stc\ ic Smith.

I Trash at 'I'i'ash. ltl.3(lpm Rant. [-1 1D I. \Vcckl}. Studcnt laws with a l‘unk)‘ thcmc.

I Tune! at g2. l lpm 3am. l-‘rcc cnti‘) bcl‘orc I Iplttl [3 it?) itI'lL'l‘. \VCCKI). Simon Morrison and And) IIorn sclcct brand nc\\ lltlUSL‘ and trancc. plus Ihi/a l;l\tllll'llL‘\ tojog thc lllL‘llltil'}.

I Tunnel Thursdays at The 'l‘iinncl. I Ipni 3am. £4 (Bi. \Vcckl). 'I'unncl rcgulars ch in McI’ai'Ianc and Scott .\Iacka_\. plus I.i\a I.ittIc\iood in room

tixo. spin housc tor a drcsxcd-up ct'tm d of


I Menage a Trois at Mas.

| Ipin 3am. £4 (£3 \tudcntxi. \Vcckl}. Sludcnts went to Iikc nights that c\pIicitI} rclcr to \c\ual acts. tor \UlllL‘ rcason. so the namc-changc for Max' \icckl} studcnt hash should pack them in.

(icoll .\Iontf'ord and John 'I‘hompson \llpl‘l} thc studcnl c'l;l\\lc‘\ arid p.ii't_\ anthcmx.

I 1210 at Iiaha/a. Spin 3am. I-rcc hctorc I lpm; £4 it.i i. \Vcckl}. top- notch houxc. garagc and trancc trom Ian 'I‘hompson and \ancc. l‘ctttm ncd for IkL'L‘plllg' lllL' L‘l'ti\\ tl till lllt'll' ltK'S tllttl dropping tIic odd surprisc track. III a bid to cncouragc tic“ taIcnt. thc l'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ \tcp down from S I Ipm. turning oxcr thc 'I‘cchnicx to up-andtoming I)J\. ('aII tlic club on Elli llllll tor dctails of him to participatc,

I Upfront at 'I‘hc .~\\_\ Ium. ltlpiii 3am. (I ttrcc to (‘I 'SI' mcmhcrsi. \Vcckl}. liddic 'I‘oniicr and Scott .\Iochar \\ itlt qualit) house and trancc.

I The Wha? at The 13th .\'otc Club. .\'C.\I tlitlL‘ lIk‘.

Chart & Party

I CJ’s Madhouse at Shack llttt‘tttct'l) ‘I‘hc 'I‘cmplci. Itlfillpin 3am. £4 (£2 l. ('i'a/} chart IllllL‘S.

I Loveshack at I"ur_\ Murry»

I lpm 3am. £4 it: t. \Vcckl}. Jim and Phil \\ ith a blcnd ol' commcrcial classics. \ intagc indic and a touch ol disco.

I Rumble at 'I‘Iic (iaragc. I lpiii 3am. £4 t£2 l. \Vcckl}. Absolutcl} crackcrs \tudcnt iiiglil. \tul‘lcd to thc guniicls c\cr} timc \\ itli kids sharking to thc sounds ol' chart hits. indic la\ouritc\ and It)“ -Iit‘ti\\ littlISL‘.

I Shag Tag at I’i‘i\iIcgc. llpm 3am. £4 tL'Ri. \Vcckl}. Insancl} succcssl'ul night bascd on a coiiipIc\ numcrical flirting s) \lL‘lllL c\cr_\'onc gcts a nuiiihcr upon cntr). thcn. il' \tllllL‘tlllL‘ catchcs )tiiii‘ c} c. )ou \\ ritc thcir numbcr on thc hoard nut to _\our on n. \\ ith thc idca hcing that thc} thcn rush tip to _\oti and gct Iii/av .\Ill\lL'-\\ isc. it's cottitticrcial Iiousc and trancc t'rom Sc\_\ Stc\ c and Kink) Kcnn}.

I Skint at 'I‘hc ('athouxc. I Ipm 3am. £4 (£2 l. \Vcckl). I-tink. punk and part} pap \\ ith plcnt} of drinks pl'ttllltis.

I Wired at Dunn}. Itlpm 3am. £3 licl'orc I lpni; U al'tcr. \Vcckl). (‘asual night at thc \xrought—iron exhibition- ciiin-club \\ ith a dancicr music polic}. This is tIic onI_\ tinic uhcn dcnim and traincrs arc acccptablc appai‘cl hcrc. so _\ou don‘t lt;t\ c to iron )tltll' Iicn Shci'nian.

Glasgow Fridays


I Back To Roots at ’l'lic \‘l'cllingion. 9.30pm Iain. lircc. \Vcckl)‘. l’atil Shiclds hosts a night of alt. countr} gl'cttls.

I Brian Murnin at “the In ing Room. ‘)pni midnight. I‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Brian L‘tlllllllltL‘S to ‘pla) thc songs that makc tlic \tholc \Htl'ltl sing."

I Budda at liar Btidda.

Spin midnight. I’rcc. \Vcckl}. ('hris IIarris spinning gromc-ch housc to thc usual part) CH)“ d.

I Chi at .\lc(‘huill's. Spin midnight. lircc. .\Ionth|'\. 'I'Iic lirst in a \llL‘L‘L‘xsltill ol' rathcr cool nights. thc cvcning starts with IllL'IIt)\\ shaolin bcats and builds to l'unk) housc and bounc} tcclino.

I Critical Mass at .\'icc ‘n' SIcax}. Split Iatc. I‘rcc. \Vcck’l}; Jon l'lopp. aka .\'o_i. with a \\ iIt'ulI} pcculiar \L‘IL‘CIIUII. ranging from punk to funk and all points in bctxxccn. Nothing to do \\ ith bikc riding anti-capitalism.

I Cul De Sac at ('ul I)c Sac.

()pm midnight. lircc. \Vcckl). Housc action from a pool of I).I\. including Sic-Vic Donaldson. I)omcnic (‘appcllo. (iraham Wilson and Kicran .\Ic(‘ann. I Edward’s tit Iiduard's.

9pm itiidiiight. I‘rcc. \Vcckl). l'pbcat \CIL‘L'llUIIS l-l'tllll Kcith I’Hict' to gcl )titl going for thc ucckcnd.

I Friday Street at Blackliriars

(dim nstairsi. .\'c.\t datc 2‘) Jun.

I Illuminations at The Lighthottsc. Sfltlpm- midnight. Iircc. \Vcckl). I)J I)and} tl)isco .\'i and .-\Ian B. tBrcachi spin ‘tomorrou. )cstcrda}. tod;i_\' music.



Divine Sundays Brel's doing its bit for the West End Festival by turning Ashton Lane into a street party Wllll music from llush Puppy. plus DJ Mingo—go. Duglas I.

Stewart and Chris and Richard

from Belle And Sebastian. Bret

Sun IOU/id l/Jt/li.

Freak Moves Denia 8. Nice have settled in nicely to their new Thursday night slot. and to celebrate Wlll be welcoming Halt/el of The Roots to augment their turntablist skills. The G/asgow SC/ioo/ of Art. Htu /' Jun.

The Funk Room Andy Divine and Simon Hodge lust can't help being funky. and Willi the addition of a live set from the new pioneers of Vintage funk, Breakestra. this should be a night to remember. The Arches, Fri 7 {3 Jun.

More Tea Vicar The cra/y tea room on Otago Street plays host to a brand new Sunday chill—out session with different live acts and Dds each week. First up are Stonecut and tangents Eammon Brady. fc/ia/ Ovna. Sun IO Jun.

Radar Once again, Radar have lured a painfully cool label into the Art School. this time it's International Deejay Gigolos. Label boss DJ Hell will be spinning a punk set. while Club Le Bomb prowde some live e ectro action in the Vic Bar. See preVIew. page 80. Glasgow Sc/ioo/ of Art, Fri 8 Jun. Solefood and Clubsole The ever-expanding network of club nights that misspell the word 'soul' ; welcome Joey Negro (pictured) to town. Solefood is the latest Solemusrc venture, and Negro is on hand to launch the night and guest the following night at i} Clubsole. Ari-Lib and Mas, Fri 75 ' 8 Sat 76 Jun. Subversive Manouvres The :5 currently homeless Sub is keeping its hand in With a series of itinerant events over the summer. First up is a boat party hosted by Kinky Afro on Loch Lomond. swiftly followed I by SubCLilture at The Riverside Club. Buses from Ashton Lane to _. Loch Lomond/The RiverSide C/ub, Fri 8 Jun.

/' All y"),/l