Clubs listings

Glasgow Sundays continued

I Sunday Worship at ('lub Butltla. llpm—3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Michael Kilkie and Simon Foy do their uplitting house thing.

I Technique at The 13th Note (‘lub (both floors). 1 lpm—3am. £2. Weekly. A quality selection of indie. ancient and modern. l‘rom DJ Gayin ol ('amera Obscura.

I Transistor at The Polo Lounge.

l Ipin—3am. £tbc. Weekly. Real pop l'or real people with DJs Niall .\lc.\lurray and Wayne Dixon.

Chart & Party

I Atmosphere at l)estiny.

ltlpm—3am. £3 before I lpm: £4 alter. Weekly. Full-on party action accompanied by generous drinks promos. I Disco at Fury Murry ‘s. l Ipin 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (‘lteese-tastic disco (tin for students, with Day e and Phil spinning the discs.

Glasgow Mondays


I It’s Lonely Being Cool at The Living Room. ()pin—inidnight. Free. Weekly. Your host Teamy and partners iit crime DJ (ilass ol’ Piss and ()ne Way Len play some relaxing records made on or by machines to help you recoy'er from the weekend.

I Loose at The Variety Bar. 9pm——midnight. Free. Weekly. classic 70s rock and blues from Paul Shields.

I Playstatlon League at Bar Jedi. 9pm—midnight. Free. Weekly. For kids sore of thumb and pallid ol complexion. A case of lager is up for grabs for the top gun gamer, assuming you can drag yourselves away from the ‘station at home.


I Burn at Mas. l lpm—-3am. Free l‘or staff of any pub or club; £3 to eyet'y‘otte else. Weekly. A top party atmosphere is guaranteed at the live-year old stalt night out. thanks to thumping dance classics. from deep to disco. unleashed by Norman and Zeus.

I Speedracer at The (iaragc. l().3(lpm—3ant. £5 (£3). Weekly. lndie classics with the odd dalt party tttne thrown in for the usual crazy crowd.

I transistor:Duel at Q. l Ipm —3ant. £3. Weekly. Seriously cool. it cryptic. name for a new gay night at the little venue with Wayne Dixon aitd Niall McMurray. The music policy promises to be classic pop from the 80s to right now.

Chart & Party

I Popstars at The Shack. l0.30pm—3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Ridiculously cheap beyy'y at this sell- explanatory homage to manutactured chart pap.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Colin Davie at Spy Bar. 9pm—midnight. Free. Weekly. Mr l)ayie goes on a tongue-in-cheek journey through the history ot~ house music.

I Dub Night at The Variety Bar. 8pm—midnight. Free. Weekly. Steyie Donaldson (Bar 10) playing. oddly enough. dub.

I A Lick of Latin at Havana Bar. 8pm—l0pm. £4. Weekly. Music from around the globe with that all-important Lick of Latin and there's a salsa dance class with Maggie.

I Bar 10 at Bar 10. 7pin—late. Free. Weekly. A chance for aspiring DJ talent to get noticed: every week three bedroom turntablists spin their discs. the best being selected by the crowd. who then progress to the final. where l)Js and promoters t'rom yarious clubs grant the cream ot‘ the crop a chance to play at their venue or club.

82 THE LIST 7—21 .Jtiii ’.?t)()l

I Passion Pour La Vida at October. 8pm midnight. Free. Weekly. The aw ard- w inning DJ Ja/l driyes tip the temperature in Princes Square with a Latino/Spanish extrayagan/a.


I Discolite at Q. l lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. :\ llL‘W gay night ol‘ disco. botlt cheesy aitd classic. from DJs Wayne and Darren who'll be spicing things tip with the odd disco-tlay‘ottred pop hit.

I Eden at Alaska. I lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. One (or the students. with the usual classics ol academe downstairs tltaitks to Alan Ronald. pltis some charging party tunes and a smattering ol house upstairs from Scott .\lackay ol The Tunnel. Further prool that Tue is the new Thu.

I Media at Media. l lpiii 3am. £tbc. Weekly. A ltlll-on llayottt'cd mix from lain Thomson.

I Tilt at The \"elyet Rooms. llpiit 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Progressiye house and trance with James Doc Jnr.

Chart & Party

I Laid at Shack (formerly The Temple). lt).3(lpnt 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Student night with the cheesiest ol‘cheese. regular tribute bands aitd the odd loam party.

I Shooting Stars at The (iaragc.

l lptii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (ierry and lain keep the drunk kids happy with charty house and pop hits.

I The Shimmy Club at Bennet's. ll.3()pm- 3am. £3 l .50). Weekly. .-\ straight-ish and studenty night at the gay yenue. with Raymond Dayren maintaining the party atmosphere.

I Tentastic at The Liquid Lounge.

I lpmw3am. £ lt). Pay a tenner on the door attd drink as muclt as you want.

I T.I.T. at Trash. l().3()pmw-3ain. £4 (£2). Weekly. Grahame Ferguson and Robert and Scott Free spin uptront house iii the main room. pop for the studes in room two and relaxed grooyes. The kids line it. despite the name.

I Yang at Yang. l lpm—3am. Free before midnight; £3 alter. Weekly. Northern soul and funk grooyes l'rom Gerry Loy'e (Teenage Fanclub) and (‘hris Geddes (Belle dz Sebastian). Liye bands appear on an ad hoc basis upstairs.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I L is for Latin at Hayana Bar. 8pm~ ltlpm. £4. Weekly. Latin dance classes with Michel. and all the Latin sotiitds you could ask for.

I Club Santiago at Brel. ()pin—midnight. Free. Weekly. Latino grooyes with Marcelo and Manuelo Cittientes.

I The Jengaheads at The Liy'ing Room. (inn—inidnight. Free. Weekly. Martyn Jengaltead is at the helm of this night. which showcases new releases. acetates aitd the like. With occasional bongo action.

.‘f K A .i - ‘-'-‘ 3’...’ r - - ' Alt. Country king Paul Shields I Fluid at The Polo Lounge. ltlpin lam. Free. Weekly. D.l Wayne Dixon mixes tip classic lunk. sotil and disco w itlt a dash ot' contemporary business. and there are hall price cocktails to make sure things go with it swing. I Russell’s at Russell‘s. t) llpttt. Free. Weekly. DJ Yaw brings his world music cxti‘ayagan/a to the yuppie I Shu Hirata at The (‘ul De Sac. Spin midnight. Free. Weekly. .la//y breaks. hip hop. electro. drum & bass; whatey'cr gets played otit. it's bottitd to be the best ayailable. I Take A Stand at The Stand. 8pm I lpin. £2. Weekly. ()pen-stage night where poetry pel'ltil‘lllt‘l's. musicians. comedians and DJs are encouraged to get tip and do their stul'l.


I Back To Life at MAS. llpin 3am. £tbc. Weekly. DJ .\'aeem launches a new night geared towards pleasing all you hip ltop aitd R&B lt'c'ttk's out tltere.

I Basis at Yang. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Pauly l). DJ Limit aitd .\l(‘ Pedro supply a lull spectrum ol drum (S; bass attd jungle iii the main room. while Mr Brown (Vision ('rew) proy'idcs a siitooth blend of hip hop and reggae dancehall through tlte back.

I Bennet’s at Bennei‘s.

ll.3()pm 3am. £2.50 (£l.5()). Weekly. Sara with an uplront dance mix. (iay.

I Elastik at The 13th .\'ote (‘ltib

l lpin 3am. £2. Weekly. liclectic is such ait ugly word. so we’ll jtist say they play good music at lilastik. without bothering themsely'es with boring old genre constraints. This means you're liable to ltear Led '/.ep. The Human League and Tortoise all iii the same night.

I F.A.B. at Baba/a. l lpin 3am. Free bel‘ore l lpnt: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. DJ Sktid blends garage. R&B and lunky house. playing to a dressed-up crowd who help to make this one ol' the busiest midweek nights in (ilasgow.

I Joints 8. Jams at ('ube. llpm»-3am. £3 (£2). 13 Jun. Weekly. lit the back room Harry B is Brian T present Loungin'. a selection ol~ lunky tracks and laid-back tunes. while in tlte titaiii room. a rotating roster ol' DJs supply R&B. hip hop and soul.

Chart & Party

I Cheese On Toast at Shack (formerly The Temple). 10.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). ('heesy tunes with boo/e sauce to help wash it down.

I Klass at l)estiny'. l()pm 3am. £2 before I lpm: £3 alter. Weekly. For those who laney a party night otit btit can't stand those pesky kids cluttering tip the joiitt. ()yer 28s only.

I Souped Up at The (iaragc. lt).3()pm-—3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Dalt pop and student antics.



Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Catherine Bromley.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Eccentric at Main lion “pin l.llll l‘t’ee. a t\ 2| Jun. l-oitnighlly luau James and Phil \oik play house and trance lot the discerning pie clubbei at this senu swanky. t )iiental style bar

I Fuel at ls’tish. ‘lpnt lain ltee Weekly. l).| ls’aynii Ii geneiates a high yoltage supply ol lttp hop. lunk and house.

I Funk de Fino at (‘l H.”

‘lptti lain. I'i’ee. \\cekly \ whirlwind lotir ol the musical spectiuni. stopping ollal lttitk. soul. lttp breaks witlt your guides lsas and llilchens

I Immersed In Music at l’l\i) ‘lpin lain. l'iee. \\eekly. liin \lakiit (Shilt) play s delectable house gromes loi' tltc laid back thinking ciowd.

I La Fromagerie .ii the \lk'iltlt)\\\ liartdownstaiis). ‘lpin lain liee ll Jtiit. Fortnightly. Sample the cheesy delights sei’y ed tip by l-dinbtiigh‘s original li /. slea/ies .-\l and lsani the Mullet.

I Lilo at lltc ll'tlll (baseinenl l.

lllpin laiti. £2, l-i Jun. \lonthly (‘iaig l.o\ers ol .\lodern l.o\ets laine llt)\l\ at) eyenittg ol laid back I alitt. haininond ja//. rocksteady and summer sotll.

I Machine at “d. ('hi'isties.

9pm latit £I. 7 & 2| .lun. l'oitnightly lzclectic altei'natiye. ptiiik. lo ti and noise lroin l-.diiibtii'g|t\ 'inost underground' indie pie club.

I Made In Iguana .ii Iguana.

‘)pnt laitt. l'i‘ee. Weekly. (iaieth Soininery ille breaks the mould ol his l'ltragrooye guise. playing waiin .\ew York house. disco and old school hip hop.

I Mellow Mellow Right On at The (‘arwaslr 0pm lant. l-iee. Weekly. DJ Sola Boy gets cotnlortable with an eclectic Illi\ ol cltilled lunk and till jax/ stitllltls.

I Oxygen at (lxygen. ‘lpin lain. l'l'L‘L‘. \Veekly. The \\ cckclttl sltll'ls early in the colltpatty ol rotational tcsideitls Stuart (iough and Beanie. seasoned entertainers iii the swinging styles ol lunk. soul and hip hop.

I Prefix at liar l'nion. ‘)pni latii. l‘i'ee. l4 .ltitt. l"i)i‘tiiig|itly. (‘hris Bryant and Derek Seltnes sort tltc deep and lunky wheat hour the house chall.

I Rookie Night at l’opRoktl.

ltlpin lain. Free. Weekly. Opportunity for unknown local l).ls to get a little exposure aiid possibly w in a set at the new lloncy coinb. Send your tapes to lloney coinb l'.nts.. l’t) liox 2 lidinburgh lillH 9W1 '.

I Salsa Viva at Baiacoa. Spin lain. Free. Weekly. l).l Jorge plays the Latino grooyes to make you salsa at this long» standing night.

I Shadowskill at Haiti Bou.

9pm laiti. £2. l4 .ltiit. l't)l'llllj_'llll_\. ('onlticius say this new ()ricnlal style bar got plenty good drum is bass and hip hop with DJ Sain aitd Redo

. Soft ROCK at The Pond Hat.

()pin laiit. Free. Weekly. Mullets. perms and poodle heads let loose to some 'tit'l'lDlL' still luck lit the coinlortable surroundings ol l.cith's premiere watering hole. See Sat club listings li)!‘ details ()ll Soil tlte club to end all clubs.