Film Index

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28 THE LIST 31 Jan» 5*

Index continued

Disney’s The Kid I’( I. coo lion luIIcIIauh. I S. :lllllll IlIIIcc \\ IIIIx. Spcnch llchlIII III-l InInx Iqu An! hcaIx gIcaI xIIIIIIaIII} Io Ihc hod} x\\ap IIIIIIx oI Ihc IIIId le Ili’lc. IIII \( In; I. \\thc chaIacIch go! Ihc chancc Io Ic c\.IIII.IIc IthI |I\cx II} xchIIg Ihc \onId Ihrough IthI o\\II )oIIIIch c}cx I-oI caIch dII\cII IIIIagc conxulIanI RIIxx I)IIIII/ I\\ IIIIxI IhIx Ix .In uIIc\|Ichcd I\\IxI III IIIx oIthquc caIcluI [IIanncd IIlc. ax hc conch lacc Io lacc u IIII hIx podg}. I.IIth gauchc chhI _\caI old xcll. lx’uxI) IIIchIIIII ()Id laxlIIoncd cIIIcIIaIIInIcIII IhaI paxxcx Ihc mm and raIxcx a xIIIIIc oI Iuo along Ihc \xa}. l'(‘l. (ilaxgoxx. I (I I‘axI KIIIII‘Idc DOIphinS I l .l Ijlllllll. IIIC [‘IIItllch'lx III lllt' IIonI xucccxxlul I.\I \.\ IIIo\ Ic c\cI. / I! n \I. Iakc ux undcrxca InIo Ihc .IIIuaIIc hoIIIc ol doIpIIIIIx. \VIIII naIIaIIon h_\ i’lL'l\k' IlonnaII and IIquIc h} SIIIIg I.\I.I\\ IhcaIIc, (ilaxgmx

Down To Earth I III C I( ‘III‘Ix and Paul \\cII/. I S. ZIIIII I ('hI'Ix Rock. chuia King. \Iaik :\dd_\, 8" nunx. In IIIIx IcIIIakc «II \\.II'Icn Iicall} 'x I‘FN IiIIII HI'IIII'II (II/I Hill]. Rock'x IInlIInII} xIandrup. lancc llaIIon. Ix iII\oI\cd III a caI .IchchII and .III’lIlch Io hcaxcn 'l’hc onl} prohIcnI Ix IhaI IlarIon Ix xIIII \cr} IIIuclI alnct So hc'x ollcrcd a IcIIIporar} honic III Ihc hod) ol a \\ IIIIc hIIIIonaIIc and Ix caIaIIIIIch IIiIo a world ol \\ ickcd capIIaIIxIx and Ircacthoux gold dIggcrx. I'hc IilIII'x prohlcin Ix IhaI II'x hopclcxxl} ch'naInc, horroxx Ing chunkx ol llig. III/ch ()f lh \II'(' and Quantum l.¢ up. and making IthII IIIIo an .IInIighI} lllL‘\\, (iL‘HL‘I‘dI I‘L'ICIIM'.

Dr Strangelove II’( il 00... ISIIInlc-y Kuhrick. I'S. I‘Hfii I’cIcr Scllarx. (icorgc (T ScoII. SIcrIing Ila_\dcn. ()3 nunx. SuhIIIch ‘( )r. llo“ I I.carncd 'I‘o Slop \Vorr} Ing .'\ll\l I.o\ c 'I‘lic Ilonih'. Kuhrick and \H'llt‘l' 'I'cri} Soulhcrn'x xupcrh hlack coincd} xaIIrc xho\\x IIx. xIcp h} carclul xIcp. IIIxI hou caxil} looIIxh poIIIIcIanx and IIIIIIIaI') cgox could xIarI a nuclcar \xar. l'lllIlIlUIIxt‘. Izdinhurgh

Dracula 2001 I ISI .00 «Panic-It I.uxxIcr. l‘S. ZIIIII I (icrald IluIch‘. ('IIrIonphcr I’IunInIcI. Johnn} .\lI|Iar. ‘N IIIInx. In Ihix conIcIIIporar} Iakc on Ilrani SIokcI"x horror claxxic .'\Iil';llléllll \an lIchIng Il’IIuIIIIIcrI hax lxcpI Dracula lockcd up in a \aIlll I'III' IIIL‘ [)1le HI” )carx. lhc xccrcc}

\\ IIII \xluch \an Ilclxing guardx iI. honcwr. dra\\ x Ihc aIIcnIIon ol rohhcrx and Ithr IonIh raiding xuccccdx III rclcaxIng Ihc pi'incc ol darkncxx I(iIaxgo\\ -horn acIor lluIlcr doing an oka) ioIII 'I‘lIcrcalIcr Ihc acIion Iranxlcrx Io Ncu ()rlcanx. II \xax onl} a InaIIcr ol IInIc hcloi'c Ihc IIonI laIIIoIIx horror \ IIIain ol all \xax gixcn Ihc .S'I'rmm IrcaInIcnI. huI IhIx \ch ( 'ra\cn-produccd liIIII l'ailx Io chIIcr; Drum/u Jill/l lcclx Inorc IIkc a llanInIcr cra li-IIIIH IL‘I (icncral i.k‘lL'ii\C.

Drole de Felix I ISI .0. l()Il\ Icr I)ucaxIcI. Jacqucx \Iarlmcau. I‘I'ancc. SIIIIIII SaIIIi Bouaiila. Arianc .'\\L‘£|I'ltIL‘. I’IcrI‘c-I.oup Ra_|oI. 07 nunx. .\ likcahlc ga} -lhcnch road nIo\ Ic about a gII_\. I'ch\ ISaIIIi BouaiIIaI. Ira\cIIIng l'ronI \orIIIand} Io .\IarchIIc III xcarch oI' hix l’thcr. [MI/c l)(' I’l'III Ix III cxxcncc a riIc ol’ paxxagc. I)IIII|‘uII_\ xIrucIurIng Ihc liIIII around Iilc lcxxonx Icarncd Ihrough cIIcounIcrx on Ilic road. Ihc dIrchorx‘ cpixodic onr_\ prm idcx l'cli\ u iIh a land ol' I'aInII) III dthx and drahx. IluI Ihough Ihc liIIII'x Ionc Ix gcncrall} cox_\. II alxo Incorporach Ihc rquuc and Ihc poIIIIcal. 'I‘hc I.IInucrc. Izdinhurgh.

Edinburgh College Of Art - Animation I I5) I\'arioux. l'lx'. ZIIIIII (iraduaIing qudcnIx xhou Ihc lruIIx ol Ithr Iahourx aI H ':\'x .mard-u InnIng .'\l1lIIl;IIIIIIl I)L'[I;II‘IIIIL‘III. SCL‘ I'C\ IL‘\\ IlL'\I Ixxllc. l'IIIIIhouxc. Iidinhurgh.

Edinburgh College Of Art - Film and WI 15; I\';Irmu\_ I'K. ZIIIII I Tim annual .InIhoIog} xcrccning ol Ihc hcxI uorlx l'rom li(‘.-\‘x graduaIIng xIIIdcnIx. Scc rc\ Icu nc\I ixxuc. I‘IIIIIIIouxc. IidInhurgh.

Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition II'I oooo I I)L‘nlx Sandcrx. I‘S. IIIIII I 07 mm. Sandch original docunIcnIar}. chronIclIng 'I'hc King'x Iier xIagc \l]()\\\ in Iuorc than a

dccadc IIIIIIc xpcnI dc\cIopIng .In tlIIlllg‘llI} dIug IIahII and .IppcaIIIIg III IcIIIIIIc IoIII coIII IIquIcaIxI. “ax a xopoIIIic aIIaII I'hix SpchaI I'dIIIon. hoaxIIng .IIoIInd ~1II ncu llllIlUIL'\ Ix .I Ic\cI.IIIon \HIII IouI IIIoIc xongx and Ioadx IIIoIc Ianch IooIagc

\\ IIIIIII xc\cn it‘IIIx I’Ix Ix \\.Ix dcad. a hIoach paiod} oI \xhaI IIc \xax IIcIc llIIx Ix onc IIquIcaI and IIIonIIcaI docIuIIcnI ion do IIoI \xanI Io IIIIxx (ionchIoI. (ilaxgou

The Emperor's New Grooved .0. I\ Ihndal. I S. Illlll I I).I\Id ~Rpadc. .IoIIII ( ioodIIIaII. I .IIIha KIII "N IIuIIx l'llll‘t‘lIIl lx'u/co Ix IIIiIlIdMII ol an unxpchIicd SoIIIh \IIIcIIcaII land uho Ix IIII‘Ich IIiIo a II.!III.I h_\ IIIx xchcnung .IxxIxIaIII \ /III.I Hoiccd IIonI .IIIIIIopIIaIcI} h_\ i\lll| dquIg .I hoIchcd .IxxaxxInaIIon .IIIcIIIpI Ilic Ilaina cIIIpcIoI gocx on IIIc Inn and Ix IIcIIIcIIdcd II_\ good \\II|cd thch I’acha

I( iooanan I. \\ ho IIprx IcIuIn IIIx IouI Icggcd IIIch Io hIx IIIIoIIc 'I‘IIcIc .uc IlIc m'caxional clcch poxInIochn Iouchcx KII/co onpIIIng Ihc film Ich Io Ialk Io Ihc .IudIcncc IIIII IIonIh IhIx Ix IIIInIc old xchool Dunc) qulI II lackx Ihc .IIIIIIIach IaIIdxcapc IIIIIo\.IIIoIIx ol III/gun. noI docx II cIIIo} Ihc chaIacIcr duclopnicnl ol UNI/III. \Klllk’ll Ix \xh}. ulIIIIIaIcI}. IIx IIIIxxIng cdgc SL'It'cIcIl IL'Ictlxc

En Avoir Ou Pas I INI coo d .IcIIIIa \Iaxxon. I-Iancc. I‘I‘ISI .-\n .Ixxuicd liIIIIIIIaIxIng dchuI lronI .\i.I\xIIIl. \quch play-d III Ihc \cnicc I'lllll l't'\ll\.ll. locuxcx on I\\o doun on IthI luck )oung pcoplc

\\ ho lind cnIoIIoIIaI coIIIlorI III onc .IIIoIIIcI‘, 'I‘IIc IuIIIIcIc. deinhngII

Enemy At The Gates l IS: 0000 Ilcan ,lacqucx :\lllldllil. l'l\'/l'I.Incc. IIIIIII Judc Iaxx. lad lIaIrIx. Racth \\ch/. ,oncph I'Icnncx‘ I *5 nunx lhc IIonI c\iIcan\c Izuropcan Ino\ Ic c\ cr I‘chcach lhc dchxn c IIIoIncnI during \\orld \VaI II uhcn Ihc RIIxxIanx and Ihc (icrIIIaIIx haIIch on Ihc IzaxIcrn I'IonII .>\nnaud condcnxcx Ihc xicgc ol Ihc cII} ol SIalIngrad IIIIo a IlIIIIIIng caI and IIIouxc gaInc thuccn I\\o xnIpch

ISox IcI \xIIIkIIIg»c‘l;Ixx hcro Ia“ and Human arIoncraI IlarrIxI \kllll a lo\ c IIIaIIgIc Ihroun III loI‘ coIIInIcIcIaI coIIIIIIoII xcnxc II'x a film IhaI'x lull ol largcrxcalc xpcclaclc and InIIInaIc dclailx. and In .I xccnc Io I'I\.II .glll’lll‘c’ l’I‘IIIIII' /\’\un'x ()IIIaIIa licach opcncr. Ihc hcaIII} ol cIncIIIa IIIIx IIIc uglincxx ol \\;II'\\III1 hruIal cllch. ('anIco. IzdInhurgh.

Escape To Life I I3; (Audit-a \ch/ \Vicland Spcclx. I'K/( icInIan}/S\\II/crland. IIIIIIII IIIIIIx. (‘IncInaIIc Ithulc Io Ihc lI\cx ol ItI’Ilta and Klaux Mann IIIc ga} ollxpring ol \xrucr 'I’honIax Mann ch agaIan Ihc rixc ol Iaxclxln III \VIII'III “III II l'.III‘II[Ic. Klaux \xax a \IrIIcI \Ihoxc uoik \xax ncwr puhIIxhcd during IIIx lIchIIIIc. \Ihilc IiIIka \Iax an acll'cxx and chhian u ho cnIcrcd mm a Inarriagc ol com cnIcncc u IIh \II'IIcr W H. :\udcn. I'L‘Jl‘dUl'tlllldl'}I I’arI ol Ihc London l.cxlIIan and (in) I‘ll”) chII\aI on low. (il’l‘. (ilaxgim.

Evolution II’(iI C. than RcIIIIIan. l‘S. ZIIIII I I)a\ Id I)ucho\n}. JuIIannc .\Ioorc. ()rlando Joncx. llII IIIIIIx, RcIIIIIan rcpIIxcx IIIx Hllx Incga-IIII. (i/ImI/IIIIII'M. xuthIIIIIing Izlx lIIl’ xpoolxx. lilti/Il/HIIII\ 'alIcnhuxIcI'x' arc lcad h} I)ucho\ n} 'x .\lId- \VL'xl \L‘Iiool Icachcr Illlc \\ lltl card IUIL' llIaI uax prc\ Iouxl} ISIII \lurra} 'xI and \Ioorc'x currcIII gm cI'nIncnI c\pcrI 'I'hc plot Ix purc hIgh conccpI: a IIIcIcorIIc craxhcx on Icath Icalxing aIIcn goo which kIL'kxIIII'Ix hIIIIoIIx ol _\carx ol L‘HIlllIlIIll III a couplc ol da}x. ('IIc ('(il IIIoancI‘x - hugx. lixh. .IIIIphIhIanx. dInoxaurx and apcx - a non—xIarIcr roIIIancc hclxxccn I)ucho\n_\ and .\loorc and mum \cr} IaIIIc Iokcx and )ou'x c goI a quIIIIIcr lilliL‘kl‘llflcr packagc. SL‘L‘ I’c\ lL‘\‘-, (icncral rL'iL'ii\CI

Family Man I IZI .0. IIthI Ralncr. 13. WNW Nicolax ('agc. 'lca I.c(InI. I)on ('hcadlc IZII lIllll\. III Ralncr'x IIIxIdc-ouI updaIIng ol [M .l Hour/(I'M! I.III'. ('agc Ix a hoI-xhoI \Vall SII'ccl hrolxcr u ho onc ('hrIxInIax sz c xuddcnI} lindx hunxcll InhahIIIng Ihc lIlc hc uould ha\ c ch had hc noI ahandoncd hIx collcgc xxxchlIcarI KaIc II.coniI Ihirlccn )carx carlicr Io purxuc hix carccr. .\'o Iongcr a xIruIIIng MaxIcr ()I The I'nncrxc III a $3.00” xuiI. hc'x nou. a poor xap \\ ho \xcarx hagg\ xxx cal panlx and chIx