Run Lola Run star Franke Potente plays chicken with a truck in Tom Tykwer’s modern-day fairytale romance The Princess And The Warrior

l'tin. (iioanoi. (ilaxgou.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie it'i O” tStig Bt‘l’gquxl. Paul lkilit‘)cl. is. 200! ) Voices of Chrixtinc Caumaugh. Siixan Saiandon. Dchhtc anoldx. 77 iniiix. 'l'hc antit‘x ol thoxc diapci-clad llltthPSN 'l'oiniii}. (‘hiickiu l)il. Phil and l.ll. and toi'inciitin}: hi3; couxin Angclica. iiiakc a git-at kidx cartoon. Hotter than itx ptcdu'L‘xxol'. Rug/'qu In l’urn hax the gang dcxt‘ciiding on liunticptai'land it'cad l'.lllt|\ll\llk'_\ t. \khci‘c t'onim in; .\ngchca tin-x up inothci'lcxx (‘hucltic and hix gullihlc lathci'. (‘hax. \\ itli tho \ illainoux ('oco l.a lioiichc \\ ho hatcx Clilltll'L'li. 'l‘o xaw ('huclxtc tlic kidx liiiack thc giant robotic chtai‘ and mu‘ lUt‘ \Ult't' “attic Io xlop lllC \\ C(ltllllg. lil\Cl'\. \xcll-pat'cd ClilL‘i'lilllilllk‘lll toi‘ )tillligcl’ L‘lilltllL‘ll. and um xiiiai'l enough lot‘ ttioxl adtlllx. SL’lL‘L‘lCtl l‘ClL‘axu

Saturday Night Fever t txi COO iJolin lladhani. l'S. I‘V‘W John 'l‘i‘axolta.

Kai'cn l,_\nii (ioi'nL‘). .lulic Botaxxo. ll‘) iiiiiix. Rcincnihci thc Bu- (iccx iiiiixtc. thc “hilt: intx. thc dayx \\ hcti 'l'i'axolta am a promixing )ouiig talcnt'.’ Noxtalgia i‘ulcx again \\ ith the to ixal of thix rathci~ oidiii.ii'_\ tccn t'chclliiiii/dance llllllI-k'l.l\\lk' in \\ll|(ll an oi'dinai'} \Hil‘lxlllg-L‘lit\\ )oullt lindx thc onl) iiicaiung in hix lilc during lil.\ L‘llL‘l'gCllk' pcrcgrinationx on the \icclxcnd daiiu- llooi: (it‘ox\ctior. (,iluxgo“.

Say It lsn’tSOitSiO «Hi Rogci'x. [8. 2001 t llcathci' (ii'ahain. ('lii'ix chin. Sall) l'icld. 95 niinx. Indiana antinal xhcltci' cniplo} cc (fill) lKlL'liil ix a kind- hcai'tcd il' duiiih oi'plian \\ ho lcclx an inxtant conncction to hcautilul hlondc haii'di'cxxcr .lo t(irahaiiii. and xo thc duo ciiihark on a paxxionatc i‘otiiancc i . \xhich L‘t)lllc\ to an abrupt halt \xlicn Jo‘x \ indictiw inothct‘ tl'icldt thL'lal’Lw llittl (itll) Ix hL'l' lilologlt‘al xott. 'l‘hlx lxn'l. ho“ L‘\Cl'. thc cnd ol lhc road lUI' thc ln\CI'\. Rogerx and \L‘l‘CL‘ll\\l‘llL'l'\

l’ctct (iaulkc and (ici‘i') Sualloxx haw .tllClllplCil [H i‘L‘i‘llt‘alC lllk' gl‘t\\\-t‘ttl. xt'atologigal hiiiiioui' ol l’ctci and liohl‘} l-ai‘i'cll) mlioiii piodut‘ct. \xhilxt iicglcgting \llkll cxxctitialx ax a tightl) -plottcd nai'i'atiw and cngaging charagtci‘ixatiiviix (icnctal lClL‘tl‘L'

Schindler’s List 15. 00000 t Sit-mi Spwlhcrgl 5. WWW l.iain \ccxoii. Ralph licnncx. llcn Kingxlc}. l‘l51iiiiix Dunn;

\\ \\ 3. (lL‘illMll induxtt'ialtxt and \a/i l’.tl'l} iiicniht'i ()xkai' Schindler xawd thc locx ot owl .i thouxand Jo“ ixh viiiplo) ccx lyx dcmanditig thc} \xorlx in hix lagtoi'} l'.lllk'l than hc xcnt to .-\uxch\\ it/ Spicllwig‘x niagiiiliccnt iiio\ tc and \ccxoii'x pcitoiniant'c capture thix ciiiginatn~ hi'aiid ot hci‘oixiii. \xliilc dcpigting traumatic cwntx iii dmunicntar} -likc Nack-and-u hitc llllilgL'N l’xyhologicall} complm. cmotionall) dexaxtating and artixticall} inipcachahlc. thix lx onc of thc hcxt filiiix c\ or madc. (it‘oxu‘nor, (ilaxgim.

Seduced And Abandoned t l’( i l C... tl’icti'o(ict‘ini. ltal}. I‘lo-li Stclania Sandrclli. 133 ininx. .'\ _\oun:_' girl ix xcduccd and then t)ou giicxxcd Ill ahaiidoiicd h) hcr xixtci”x unxci‘tipuloux liaiit‘c. but thc tainil} honout’ iiiiixt l‘L' uphcld. ()uti'agcouxl) dai‘lx lat‘cc. clahoi'atcl} photogi‘aplicd and dii'cctcd. ’l‘hc l.uiiiici'c. lzditihui'gh.

See Spot Run tl’( it .0. tlolin

\\ hilecll. l S. Illlll l l)a\ ltl .-\t'qttcllc. \lichacl (‘lai'k Duncan. l’aul Son iiio. Uh initix. ’l'hix xhagg) -ixh dog xtoi‘) ix about AgL‘nt ll. thc l‘lil'x gi'catL‘xt \lllllL‘l' dog \\ ho ix \\.tlllL‘\l h} lhc Malia al'tci‘ taking; a but out ol thc hoxx' hallx during an ai‘i'L'xt. Running alongxidc thix xtoi‘_\ ix that ot li.ittlcxx ittailiiian (lordon t:\i‘qiicttci “ho ix in low \\ tth hix hcatitiliil nctghhoui' Stcph and \\ ill do an}thing_' to iiiiprcxx hci‘ and lk‘t' xoii Jiiiiicx. 'l‘liingx xtat't to put all too pi‘cdit‘tahlc \thcn (ioi'don cndx up looking: allL'r .lattiC\ lUl' \L‘\L‘t';tl (lit) x and th‘ l\\ti hccotiic thc o“ ncrx (it a \lt'a} dog \\ ho.

index Film

xuipiixt'. xttipiixc. ix \gtiit ll. tuxt cxtapcd tioiii an attritiptcd \latia axxaxxiitatiou (it‘iit‘litl lL'l’C.l\k'

05hrek tl t.....« \lltllk‘“ \daiiixoii. \ ick} Jcnxoti. l \. Stitll t \oiu‘x ot \ltkc \l}t‘ix. (liiiicioit l)ltl/. l ddic \ltll‘Pli) "H iiiinx \/:u L. \\Ill haw \\alt l)ixiio\ tutiiin; iii hix \‘l_\\‘:..'\‘lll\‘ ticc/c tank l'liix tiul} \Ul‘\L‘l\l\L' .iiiiniatcd tiltii takcx pot xhotx .tl l.tll}l.tlt' [11}llittlng}. \\hilc xiiiglin; out l'itt‘lc \\.ilt'x l‘clou'd \trou ll mm.

(mm It I’M/i i iziu. ct al I lltlt'l thc gitixc ot a \lllk'\l to H‘M'llk' .i piiiiccxx tioiii a \ll.i_‘_'i‘|t tiiidcitakcn l‘} llk‘ cpon} itioux git't'n ogit' l\\lll\'ll l\l\l\ \\lll lowt. Vin & alxo iiitlilcxxl} pillagcx \t‘ll‘t‘ldlk' liixnc). xatiitxiiig itx lllL'lllC pain and cuxutncx \nd \xlio'x hcliiiitl all tliix ' l’ioilutci .lcttic} lx'at/cnlwig; ot l)txnc} i'i\al xtudio l)lt'.tlli\\ttl’l\\. .ilxo toi‘mcrl} licad ot. )cp. l)ixiic_\ Sec IC\ icxx (iL‘tiCl‘al rclL'axL‘.

Some Like It Hotit’tiu .....tlllll_\ \\'ildt‘i‘.l S. WSW lou} (‘iiitix Jat‘lt lt‘iiiiiioii.\1.iiil§it\lonioc l3” iitinx luo iiiipu'iiiiiotix lil.tlt' lllll\l\ inadH'ttt'ittlx \kttncxx the St \alciitinc'x l)a_\ \laxxat‘tc and tala' i'clugc in l~loiida \\ itli Socct Siic and ht'i‘ Soyict} S) llk'UP.llt\l\. an all lL'lllJlL‘ hand liiillianL liiittlc. piagkt'itat’k lait'c \\ itli .ill t'oiit't-incd at a [walx iii thcii (.tlt't'H l'iliiihoiixc. l'dinhuigh

Spy Kids tl t0... lRUlK'll l\)tttlll:JllL‘/. l 8.31"”) \iitoiiioliaiidciax. .-\lan (‘uiiiiiitnp (‘at'la ( iugino .\' ' iiiiiix lila' an} _\oun;.' t‘liildi’cii. (‘aiiiit‘ii and liili (‘oitc/ haihoiii hoth ol lll.ltl\'.l[‘ .ltl\\‘llllllL'. but unlike iiioxt t'lllltllL'll lllt‘ll appaicntl} tioiiiial [taiciitx aic top iiitciiiational \lllk‘l xpicx. \Vlit'n thc} 'ic kidnappul ax pait ot a daxtai'dl_\ plot to tlcxti‘o} thc \\Hll\l. tookul up h} Rook} lll.l\lL‘l'lilllltl l'L'}.‘.tll Hoop

i( ‘uiiiiiting: t. it tallx to thc \‘lllltllt'li to xaw thc \\Ul'ltli Rilc \\ ith lantax}. \lk't’lal cltntx ui/ai'dt') and hiin oclanc thi'illx. \ln [\in ix pai'tit‘iilai’l} L‘llltt};tl\lt' lwcauxc it'x lllL' childt'cn and not tlic adultx that ultiiiiatclt \.t\t‘ lllL' tla}. (it'llt'tal lL'lk'.l\L'.


fi‘ 1 .' e’, L. 1/,Q'THE LIST 33