177/1111/‘/ H J‘f‘J

1. Mildred Pierce 111(11 3. I 5. Merci Pour Le Chocolat mm (1.31 1. 8.45.

2.101 ReykjavikIIM 3.00. 0,110, Big Eden 1 1m 1.11111 (1.15.

111181.1’11’ '1/ JUN

1. Merci Pour Le Chocolat 11:01 3.15. (1.30,

Mildred Pierce 11’( 11 8.45.

2.101 ReykjavikI 131 3.00. 5.00, ".00. 9.011,

‘.’/1‘1)NILSD/\Y 1:1 JUN

1. Merci Pour Le Chocolat 11’( 11 3. I 5. x45.

Mildred Pierce 11’( 11 (1.15.

2.101 RBWIBVlkIIHI 3.00. (1.30. Urbania I 181 1.1.(11-‘1‘ 8.30.

1111113813AY ‘1': JUN

1. Merci Pour Le Chocolat mm 3.15. (130. 18.45.

2.101 Reykjavikle1 3.00. 5.00 7.00. 0.00.


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 111 2.00. 5.00. 3.00.

2. Merci Pour Le Chocolat mm 3. I 5. (1.30. 11.45.


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 111 2.00. 5.00. x00.

2. Microcosmos 111 1.110.

Merci Pour Le Chocolat I I’( 11 3. I 5. (1.30. 8.45.


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 111 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

2. Merci Pour Le Chocolat I I’( 11 3. I 5. (1.50. 8.45.


1. 2001:A Space Odyssey I 1‘ 1 2.00. 5.00. x00.

2. Le Libertln I 151 3.15.

Merci Pour Le Chocolat 11’( ‘11 4.30. 8.45.

Cock 8. Bull Stories I 131 I.I.(11-‘1-‘ 7.00.


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 111 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

2. Merci Pour Le Chocolat mm 3. I 5. 8.45.

Le Libertin1151 (1.30.

\1‘1’1':DNESDAY 20 JUN

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 111 2.00. 5.00.

2. Merci Pour Le Chocolat 11’( 11 3. I 5. (1.30.

Le Libertin1151 8.45.


1. 2001:A Space Odyssey I 1' 1 2.00. 5.00. 3.00.

2. Merci Pour Le Chocolat mm 3. I 5. 8.45.

Titbit511811.1.(11‘1-‘ 7.00.

Grosvenor: Glasgow

.-\\I11011 1.:111c. 11111111‘011. (1141 339 4398. (01101111012: 0141 339 4398. £4 I£3.50 11:01} 4.30 (1.3011111& :10 11:1} .\II111I. 81011001011340: £3. (10111 £3; ().~\1’: £3.50. 80:113 0:111 111‘ h00kcd 111 0111:0110 101' :111 \crccningx B0\ 011100 011011 11:00 711111181111: 1 7111111.

THURSDAYZ Pearl Harbor1151 2.00. 7.30.

The Mummy Returns I 121 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

EBIDAXéinIiLARSD/LKB 101 Dalmatians 11‘1 .\I;1tincc 8:11: I 1.00:1111.

Calamity Jane I 1 ‘1

31:111111‘1'81111: 3.30.

Dracula I 1’( ‘1 1

310111100 8:11: 3.00.

Julius Caesar I I’( ‘.1

8:11: 4.50.

Oliver Mist I I’( 1 1

81111: 4.35.

Pearl Harbor 1 151

0:01}: 3.00. ".30.

Scottish Screen Archive Presentation 11’(i1

31:111111'1'81111 1,00.

The English Patient I 151

11111: 7.30.

The Mummy Returns I 121

1511 Wed: 8.1111.

.-\|\0\\cck11:1_\\: 3.00. 5.00. EFjQAY IS—T_H_URSDAY 21 I’r0gr:1111111c 11111-1} 1011c 01111101101110

13101 11111\ 11 cck. 1’110111‘ 0141 339 4398 101‘ tlL‘lilll8 :11111 times.

lmax Theatre: Glasgow

(11:1ng111 SCIL‘11CC(‘C1111'C. 50 Pacific

Qua-1.0141 430 5000. £5 t£3.501. [)11111111‘

10011110 lIL‘lx'L‘ls L") I£(1.5()).


DolphinsIt'I (1.00.

Mysteries 01 Egypt 111 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 0.00.

Thrill Ride11’(11 2.00. 4.00. 8.00.

FRIDAY 8.-THURSDAY 1.4 Dolphins 11'1

Dull}: (1.00.

Mysteries 01 Egypt 11'1

1):111}: 1.00. 3.00. 5.00, :\1\0151'i & 8:11.111u: 7.00. 9.00, Thrill Ride 11’(11

Dull): 3.0011101 M0111. 4.00. :\I\0151'i& 8:11.1110: 8.00.

.'\180 111:11111cc 8:11 1& 81111: 110011.


Dolphins 11‘1

1):1i|_\: (1.00.

Mysteries 01 Egypt I 1'1

111111): 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. .-\l.\01‘ri & 8:1t.'l‘11u: 7.00. 9.00. Thrill Ride tl’(i)

1):Iil): 3.00. 4.00.

:\I\0 1511 1& 801.1110: 8.00.

;\I.\11 mutincc 8:11 1& 81111: 110011.

Odeon at the Ouay: Glasgow

()111’111810) R0011 0pp0xitc 11:11'1') R:1111.\Ilcn's. 0141 4180111. 1111'11:11111('(‘ I100kii1g: 0870 50 500117. 11)]. [1'1]. Adult £4.75. Student/l'1340/1‘111111 under 15/\C11101‘L‘111/CIII £3.50.\\'11cclchair lI\Ct'\ :111111‘:1rc1\: £3.50. 15011111} tickct: £14. Ports pri0r 10 13 110011 £3.


Along CameASpiderII51 2.15. 4.30. 7.00. 0.30.

Blowum 1.00. 3.45. (1.30. 0.15. Bridget Jones’s Diary I 151 1.311. 4.00. (1.30. 0.00.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin I 151 12.45. 3.30. (1.15. 0.00.

Get Overlt1121 12.45. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00.

0.00. Pearl Harbor1151 12.15. 1.00. 4.00.

4.45. 7.45. 8.30.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie11'1 12.15. See Spot Run11>(;1 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. Series 7: The Contenders I 181 12.30.

2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 0.30.

SpyKld511'1 1.15. 3.15. 5.15.

The Dish1121 7.15. 9.30. The Mummy Retum5112

1 1 3.15. 5.00. (1.15. 8.15. 9.1


FRIDAY 8—THURSDAY 14 Along CameA SpiderI I51 0:111}: 4.30. 7.00. 9.30. .-\I.\0111:11111cc 11111110}: 3.15. .’\1\0 1:110 Fri & 8:11: midnight. Blow I 181

Dail}: 1.00. 3.45. (1.30. 9.15. .-\I\111:1tc Fri 1k 8:11: 11111111111111.

Bridget Jones’s Diary I 151

0.111}: I 30. 4.011 I130. 01111

.-\I\11 1.110 111 N 8.11: 11111111112111. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151

“1111): 11,15. 9,00.

.»\1\111.111‘ 111 N 8.11: 111111111g11t.

Down To Earth I 121

1):111}: 13.30. 3.45. 5.00. 3.15. 9.311, Mm 1:111' 10 :k 8.11: 11111111113111. GetOverlt1121

D011}: 13.45. 3.00. 5.1.5. 3.50. 9.45. .\I\0I:11c1'r11k 8:11: 11111111132111.

Pearl Harbor I 151

MIN 8:11: 13.15. 3.00. 4.011. 5.45. 7.45. 9.30. 11.30.

81111 11111: 13.15. 1.00. 4.00. 4.45. 7.45. 8.30.

See Spot Run11’(11

11.111}: 11111111. 3.00. 400,

Series 7: The ContendersIIM D011}: 3.30. 7.15.

.'\I\11 1:111: 111 1& 8:11: 11111111132111.

Spy Kid511’1

.\1:11111cc8:111& 81111: 13.30. 3.30. The Dish I 121

0:01): 4.45. 9.30.

The Mummy Return51121

111 1& 8:11: 13.15. 13.45. 1.45. 3.1 3.45. 5.00. (1.15. (1.45. 8.15. 9.15. 9.45. 11.15. 0111111112111.

81111 11111: II.45:11111811111. 13.1.. 3.45. 3.15. 5.00. 5.45. (1.15. 8.15. 8.45. 9.15.


1’1'I1g1':1111111c 111101} 111111: 01111101101111-

[1I'L'\ 111u\ \\L'L'1\. 1’110110 01870 5050 00-1' 1111‘

11ct:111\:1111111mm. No“ 1'11111\1111c 111011011 1111111 1511111:

Say It Isn’t So I 151

Autumn In New York I 151

Dracula 2001 I 151

Odeon City Centre: Glasgow

5(1Rc111'11‘111811‘cct.014l 333 3413. 111111 :11111 ('(' 111111101113: 08711 5050007. [1)] «room 5. (1. 7 :11111 8. Adult: £4.50. 8111111‘111/1'1140/1‘111111 under I5/xcniI1r citi/cn: £3.50. \\'11cclc11:1ir11\cr\:11111 carers: £3.50. 15:111111} ticket £14. Bargain 'l'ucxtl:1_\\ adult: £3.50. l’crl~ 111‘101' t0 13 1101111: £3.


Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 1.45. 4.00. (1.30. 0.00.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin I 151 8.31). Get Over It1121 2.30. 4.45. 7.00. 0.15. Pearl Harbor1151 110011. 13.30. 3.45. 4.15. 7.30. 8.00. 11.15.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 111 12.30. See Spot RunII’(i1 1.30. 3.45. (100. Series 7: The Contenders I 181 2.30. 4.45. 7.00. 9.15.

SpyKidSIt'I 12.30.

The Mummy Returns I 121 1.45. 2.45. 4.45. 5.45. 8.00. 3.45.

FRIDAY EitTriUBSDAY- 1:1 Billy Elliot I 151

Wed: 3.15. 4.30. (1.45. 9.00. Bridget Jones’s Diary I 151 Dull): 1.45. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00. .-\I\0 1:1tc Fri 1k 8:11: 11111111113111. Captain Corelli's Mandolin I 151 Fri Tucfl‘hu: 8.30.

Down To Earth I 121

I):111}: 3.30. 4.45. 7.00. 9.15. .-\I\111:1tc 1511 1& 8:11: 01111111in1. Get OverltI I31

Dull}: 13.15. 3.30. 4.45. 7.00. 9.15. :\1\01111L‘ 1"1'1 & 8:11: midnight. Pearl Harbor I 151

Dull}: 0111111. 13.30. 3.45. 4.15. 7.30. 18.00.

:\1\0 1:110 1’1‘1 & 8:11: 11.15. Rugrats In Paris: The Movie I 1 '1 .\l:11111cc 8:11 1k 81111: 13.30.

See Spot Run 11>(11

151‘1'1‘uc. Thu: 1.30. 3.45. (1.00. Series 7: The Contenders I 131 Dull}: 4.45. 7.00. 9.15.

.-\I\0 111:11111cc \\ ccktlu} \: 3.30. .‘\l\t) 1:1Ic Fri & 8:11: midnight.

.H'TLIST je if

Shrek 111111. :;111“.<‘1:;1‘.1>.1'111 1.1111111; 111111101133 (71311 anzv‘atw‘.’ 11.112111". .11 I:1111,t:110s. :11 11:11111‘111.1' 11111:;0 111111011 111 WaIt Drsnex. I 0.111.10s 1110 20100:; 01 MIIxe 1\/1\.t'1.‘§. I 111110 111111111111 :11111Cat‘10111n111.13. 801*. 1'(}‘.1(3‘.'.’. (101111711 ,(ka .‘Jt‘.

Late Night Shopping (111110.11. 1111110at 1001:1111117 (7111110111. 11111111 11111111 01.1.1slackers111111011In G1asdow 111. 1101.1. 1.2111101 :1111 (11100101‘(1111:1011:1111111111111111:.111 and Saul Met/stem. 801310.111110 and 101/1011.1. (3171. (11115101111; 17/01/10080. [id/0111111111.

Ginger Snaps (310101 :1111111111 11111 v1.10r0onI myth. 11010 10111a011111 11100d IIIsIInd 1110111371111angst» Ieenag0 I111'Is. A grrrl 1.01.2101 11101.1(. 111 1110101115135;111:1110110. S00 prevrew and 101/101.21. (31 /. G/asJI11.v.‘ (Ia/1100. 13111011111011. Band a part Re 1853110 01 J0an 1.110 Godard's 1911-1 111111 0.1111011 overturned 1110110181 11101310ar111 years later gave 0110111111 Iarantrno the name 01 his 11101111011011 company. Heralds 1110 arrlval 01 a Godard retrospetnwe 1111s :11111111111. See revmw. FI/rnhouse. Fri/1111111011. Amores Perros Iast 011an00 111 see the awesome ‘Iv10x10an 111/11 Flctron' 117111011 features 111100 111101 related 0111110 tales set In 11111110111 day IvIex100 (311,1. 1///11/10I/5;0. Edinburgh.

Also last chance to see 2001: A Space Odyssey. Stanley Kubnck's VIsIonary 530111 e010 about mankInII's 011011111011. 10 Issued on a new 70111111 110111 and lookIng as InaIestIc as It 11111 In 1968. GFT. G/asgow.

Before Night Falls ArtIst— turned-fI|mn'1aI<er J1111an 801111;.11101's award4.17111111119 17110010 01 gay Cuban erter Rernaldo Arenas. 1171111 806101511 superstar Jawer Bardem. GFT. Glasgow; Cameo. Edmburgn.

Spy KidSII'I

.\l:1tincc 8:11 18; 81111: 13.30. 3.30.

The Mummy Retums1121

Fri 1& 8:1t: 1145:1111 18:111. 13.15. 3.45. 3.15. 5.45. (1.15. 8.45. 9.15. 11111111113111. 81111 Thu: II.45:11111811111. 1.45. 3.45.

4.45. 5.45111111'1’01'1. 8.00. 8.45.

E 81 DAY. - L5;T_H_UBS_DAY 2 ‘1

l’mgranunc Iikcl} 111l1c \10111:1rt11111c pI'C\It1U\ \\ cck. 1’1111111'08705050007 1111' 1101111111 :11111 times. Nov. 111111x (111L' 11. 11111-0 0111‘ri 1511111:


Autumn In New York 1 151

Dracula 2001 1 I51

2‘ J11 5, J. THE LIST 35