Ticket information

For all concerts at the Old Fruitmarket and St Andrew's in the Square call the Ticket Centre on 0141 287 5511. Tickets are subject to a booking fee unless bought on the door (cash or cheque). For shows at the Tron Theatre, tickets are either avail- able in person from the box office or by phone on 0141 552 4267. For all other shows see individual venues. Venue phone numbers can be found within the listings. For any further details consult the official festival web- site at www.jazzfest.co.uk


I High Heel Sneakers (“at (Lac. I'unncxlon ()ua}. 3-lll lllll3. 5pm. l‘i'cc. ’l'hix li\c piccc. liontctl h} \xcxt coaxt truinpctcr loinc ( 'ou rcxon antl lcalur in}: alto xa\ophoinxl l’aul 'I’lm ntlrou. dip Into thc llluc .\otc \aull lot a xclcctron ol lunk and gromc nurnhcrx.


I The Black Star Steel Band .\lcrchanl Squarc. Hcll Strcct. IIWllarn. l'rcc. .\ot xli‘ictl} ia// htit a xclcclion ol grcat xountlx ltorn thix (‘arthhcan

xcxcn piccc hand lcaturiirg: xtccl tlrurnx and xa\ophonc.

I Tom Colquhoun .\ic( 'huill‘x. to Hiin Sli‘cct. 553 3| 35. 3pm. I‘rcc. .'\ talcntctl tau and l.atin guitarixl.

I Suzanne Bonnar St .‘\lltil't'\\ ‘\ In 'I‘hc Siltiarc. St .-\nt|rc\\ 'x Stt'ccl. 543 ()030. .Sl‘ll]. (ll) l (.\‘r. 'l'hix Scottiin |a// tli\a ix acclainictl lor hcr \\;tl'lll inicrprctationx ainl tcchnical graxp ol’ thc ia/x nlionr

I Duncan McCallum and Dougie Henderson (‘ltx ('atc. l‘ititiicxtoti Qua}. 3~lll Illll3. ‘lpin. l'i‘cc. (initar duo pla} ing (icrxlm in. (‘olc l’ortcr. hlucx. Latin and gun) ia/x.

I Drunk A Funk .\lc(‘|mlll\. to High Strcct. 553 3| ‘5. tLillpin. l'rcc. .|a//-l'unk tuncx lrotn thc hantl \\ ith onc ol thc hcxl naincx around.

I Graeme Scott Trio HIacklt'iai‘x. it» llcll Strcct. 553 503.1. Illpin. l’rcc. Young: guitarixt Scott 1x joinctl on haxx and tlruinx lot a j;i// xclcction.


Having investigated the classic big band charts of Count Basie at the Dundee Jazz Festival, Tommy Smith and the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra return to more contemporary fodder in this exciting collaboration with saxophonist David Liebman. Still a rather under-sung musician. Liebman has made consistently absorbing music in a range of different contexts since emerging on the US jazz scene in the late 60$ (his CV includes stints with Miles Davis and Chick Corea). The concert will feature two distinct projects; 3 Tommy Smith Group in which Liebman will join the saxophonist in a tribute to the music of John Coltrane. The second half will introduce the full SNJO in the first performance of a new composition by Smith, Beauty and The Beast, with Liebman as the principal soloist. If Torah, the piece he wrote for Joe Lovano in 1999, is anything to go by, this will be a must-hear occasion. (Kenny Mathieson)

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I Lynne O’Neil (‘it_\ ('alc. l'rnnicxton Qua}. 39H) lllll3. llfillarn. l'icc, 1.}nnc ()‘Ncil xtipplicx lhc \ocalx lot a night ol lunk} ia/x \tilllltiS.

I Ryan/Devine Big Band l’I'inccx Squarc. ~18 Buchanan Strcct. 33] “33—1. 3pm. l-rcc. Big; x\\ Ill;_‘ xouinlx \\ rth \ocalixtx Ruth lanthci't ant! Stcphcn Hull}.

I Jeannie Maxwell And The Jazzwegians .\lcrchanl Squarc. ltcll Strcct. 5pm. l'rcc. |)i\iclainl ia/x lrotn xingcr .\la\\\cl| and hct' hand.

I George Melly with John Chilton’s Feetwarmers 't‘hc ( )Iti l'ruittnarkct. .\Ihion Strcct. 3.\" 551 |. Spur. t I 3 til I l. .\n c\cning_' ol \ intagc. oltcn rixquc tan and hlucx li'ontctl h} (icorgc .\icl|_\. onc oi thc iax/ \mrltl‘x glrcat \\ll\;ll1(i an ininntahlc racontcur. Shainc ahout thc xtnging \oicc. hut tou can't ha\ c 0 cr_\ thing: lcx cn (icorgc athnitx lnx tlclicicncicx in that tlcpartincnl. although rt hax tlonc nothing: to tilllllillSh qu popularit) l. .\lcll} ‘x auttthiographical trilog} hax rcccntl} hccn rcpuhlixhcd in an onniihux ctlition In l’cnguin. and rcinainx cxxcnlial

Chick Corea plays the Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow Fri 6 Jul

THE LIST. ' :3

rcathng. cxpcciallx thc thn'tl \oluinc. a \xontlct'lul. Hank and oltcn lnlarioux c\ocatlon ol thc Hi‘rtixh |a// xccnc Ill thc 50» John ('lnlton. alxo a lrnc \xritcr and tan hixtorian. Icatlx thc hand and lurnlxhcx thc arrangcnicntx.

I Kudu .\1\.(.illllii.\. «ill HljJil .Sllt't‘l. 553 3| ‘5. ‘lfillpnt. Inc I)! xpinninj: thc hcxt in ia// xournlx.

I Ken Mathieson Quartet Blacklriat‘x. 50 Hcll Stt'ccl. 553 5931. ltlptn. l’i'cc. ()uai'tct lctl h} thc c\ct' prolcxxional tlrununcr.


I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops Ix’ainxhorn 'lhcalt'c. ‘LS’ Ingram Sti'cct. 553 HS‘). thc. .\ li\ c tla} intcnxn c training: courxc lroni rcnou nctl Scottixh \ocalixt Duncan and .\llk‘l‘lt'ttlt \trcalixt/ctlucalor .\latlclinc lzaxtinan ('ontact ('atlnc Rac lor tnorc inlormation. 'l'cl: lllo3ll .\(rlllllll.

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra and Tommy Smith Group with special guest David Liebman 'l'hc ()iti l‘ruittnarkct. .-\l|non Sti'cct. 3S" 55| 1. ."pin. Ll * (Ll | r. 'l'hc S\.l() rcturn to nc\\ niuxic and a contcnnmrar} nhoni altcr thcu‘ lora} Into lhc his hand chat'tx ol ('ottitt Baxtc at lhc l)utnlcc .la// i'cxtt\al ta lhc} \\ ill rcpcat in thc lrtlinhurgh [an haxh nc\t rnonthl. l'hcn' xpcctal gucxt lor tlux cottcct‘t Ix xa\ophonixt l)a\ nl I.Ichnian. a cotixtxlcrttl) nncntnc p|a_\cr \\ ho put Ill tinic \\ ith .\Iilcx l)a\ ix and (luck (‘oi'ca tanning: tnan_\ othcrxl Ill hix car|_\ tl;t}x. and hax lctl illx on n harnlx lor a couplc ol tlccadcx no“. xornctiincx in tainlctn \\ ith [tianixt Rttcluc ch'ach. Hc \xill ltllll lonun} Snuth in a guintct tlcthcatctl to thc inuxic ol hix principal lorniatn c tnllucncc. .lohn ('oltranc. and \\ ill takc thc xolorxt'x rolc \\ Ith lhc S\_l() In a ncu coinpuxrtion \xhtch Snuth ix urtttng lot thc occaxion. 'Iicaut} and Al’hc Hcaxt‘.

I Madelaine MacDonald Trio Ital Drink Man Woman. 3-1 it) King: Strcct. 5.53 U33“. Sillptti. l'rcc. (ircat xongx troni thix trro. lctl h_\ \ocahxt .\litt‘ihilhtiti.

I Ruth Lambert Duo limp. M Ingram Strcct. 553 H53. ‘lprn. l‘t'cc. ’l'uoxoinc lrontctl h} nc\\ la// \ocahxt latnhcrt. \xho xrngx Ill lhc .lulic luntlon xi} iL‘.

I Robert Cray Band 't ht- ()ttl l‘rutttnarkct. .\lluon Stt‘cct. 3S" 55l l, ‘)..5(lplll. Uh. Srngcr and guttarixt Rohcrt ('i'a} hax oltcn hccn hcltl up ax thc ligurchcatl ol thc nc\\ hlucx. and il lnx

\\ cxl \‘i|.l\l \ Il‘c Ix .l

rathci laul hack. httlc too much on thc xnnmth xnlc lot

xunic taxtcx. hix nn\ ol hlucx \\ ith a ntotc xoullul approach ltltllt'li Ill thc likcx «it Sani ( ‘ookc or \I (itccti hax hccn .i \ci}

xticccxxlul onc


I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops lx’atnxhorn lhcatic. ‘lS' Ingram Strcct. 553 US”. thc Scc Mon 3 I Jean Toussaint’s Nazaire and Brian Kellock Trio I'lic ( )Itl i‘llllllllalixt‘l. \lhion Sticct. 3S5 Spin. till I (St .lcan 'louxxarnt hax hccn part ol thc l ornlon la// xccnc lot xo long: tum. ll ix cax_\ to lntjgct that thc xa\ophoinxt Ix .icttia||_\ \inctlcan. ltutiall} an out and out haul hoppci thc l‘iil}\'ti \\ ith .\it Illakc}. thc ultunatc accolatlc III that ilL'itil. hc hax \\ ltit‘lk'ti hix xcopc to takc lll tunic \‘tllllt‘lllpnl.’tl_\ inuxical tlc\cloplncntx. and that ix rcllcctctl lll \a/aticK cclcctic run 'I hc Brian Kcllock 'liio opt-n proccctlirtggx. louxxainl \Hii jgnc a xhoit intimltictor} talk on hrx Inuxrc at thc ( 'it} Hallx at ".I5ptn llt‘ccl

I Pat Keating and Alan McPike \\.i\} ()'('omun'x. .1(i\\t-xt (ik'tllpc' Sttccl. 55»l5l5-1.S.illpnrl‘tcc.|)uo conihnnnj.‘ thc \ocal talcntx ul Kcattng: \\ ith thc ixk'}i‘tl.'tlti\ ol \lcl’tkc.

I Chris Clark loop. (ii Ingram Strcct. 5H3 l-1H3.‘lrnn. ltcc..-\n unuxual xclcction ol |a// ntunhcrx li‘oni \llljJt'l atnl guitarrxt (‘latlc



I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops Rainxhorn 'l hcattc. UH Ingram Strcct. 553 US‘). thc. Scc Mon 3. I Kit Carey’s Jazzband .\lt-tchant Sguarc. Bcll Str'ccl. 5pm. \ itcallh} (ltlxt' ol \cxx ()rlcanx .unl l)i\rclantl Ian.

I James Cairney Trio l’t‘iticcx Sqtiat‘c.-1SBuchananStrcct.33| ll i3-1. “pin. l'rcc. Young l'lxlllj,’ la// xtarx.

I Henri Texier Trio lion 'I'hcatrc. (H 'lroncatc. 553 4305. “put. Llll (1.3!. \ \kclcuttic opportunit} to catch nnc ol thc it‘.ltilll}_‘ nantcx on thc lztuopcan 1a// xccnc mcr thc paxt tout tlccatlcx ill a \ct‘} rarc Scotttxh \ ixrt. 'I'hc i‘;txxl\l.\ curicnt trio tncltnlcx hix xon. Schaxtian. on rcctlx, Scc pt‘m icw

I Brian Molley Quartet Hrcl.

W ~13 .-\xhton I,anc. U3 -1th Split. l't'cc. Young xa\ophnnixt .\lttiit‘} lrontx littx lilllt‘xtrttlc.