Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).


Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, i ,l it'Vt'. (titii‘n'ltrf). "L37

Credit card bookings from: Taft-I.“ I itik; I’d)‘ i.

:‘Ii’; iii-lit?) Edinburgh

Virgin Pit-WM. Shoot. 790 93993-1. Ripping Records Swath Binltlh.

..;:. ,Idttn‘ii'r.

Assembly Rooms (Ebony: Struut. .'.' ~'.‘-:.:1l Way Ahead 0m i-ijiti iii-2893

Thursday 21


I Elkie Brooks (‘I_\dc .-\tldilot'ittttl. SI ,( ~( '. l'ittltlcxloll ()ua}. 0870 040 4000. (i. llipm. L I 7.5II/LI5 [lltlx hookitig Icc.

l ;t\l lltllltllc I'C\L'llk'tllllk‘kl datc l'l'ttltl lllL‘ ;_'l'.t\t'l}. l‘ltlL‘\_\ \ttC;tll\l.

0 Eddi Reader (’otticr 'l‘hcatrc. |I}iid|aiid Strcct. 358 Knox. Xpm. LI5. Ix’cadcr rcturnx to tltc tltcatt'c \\ licrc \Itc tct'til‘tlctl llcl‘ .Vu XIII/(Imw ltlll\ic \lltm cight _\cat‘\ ago \\ III] a \arict} ol' countr} and ia//~tittgcd matcrial and hcr lainiliar licart} \oicc. ’iu‘t o/ I/It' lli'sl Izml l't'\lll'(I/.

I Tequila Mockingbird (iilniorcltill (il3. I'iiixcrxit} .-\\cinic. 330 5533. 8pm. L8 1L5). .Ia//. \\orld and l'olk inl'lucnccx com crgc in tltc intixic ol' thix local hand. I’m! of Mir lli'\l I'jm/ /'i'\l/’i'u/.

I Lorien, Weekender and The White Room Kiiig 'l‘ut'x \Valt \Valt Hill. St \inccnt Strcct. 33I 537‘). 8.30pm. L4 plux hooking Icc.

I El Hombre Trajeado, Gilded Lil attd The James Orr Complex l‘hc chidcntx. 'l’ltc l.‘\lll NUIL‘ (‘élliL'H King Strcct. 553 l(i,‘~.\'. 0pm. L3. lil IIoinhrc contintic thcir month-long rcxidcnc} \\ ith gucxt appcat'anccx h) lzdinhurgh hand (iildcd I.iI \\ ho rock rattcottxl} and thc .Iamcx ()rr ('omplcx \\ho don't.

I Solution, Cage and Peyote Valve .\'icc 'n' SIcaI}. Satichichall Sll'L‘Cl. 5.55 90.57. ‘lplll.

I Open Stage ’I'hc l-‘ci-r}. ('l}dc l’lacc. 43‘) 8670 (mm. L4.

I The Alf Stewart Combo Studio ()nc. ll}rc\ Road. 3-H (i5lo. 0pm. l5t‘cc. Illucx.

I Vagabonds 'l‘ltc Scotia. Stock“ L‘ll Strch. 553 \‘hh'l. 8.30pm. l'i'cc. l’opulat'

I Jam Session Sanitth Dim \. \ithxdalc Road. 433 ()I07. 8.30pm. l'rcc.


I Sigue Sigue Sputnik 'I'hc liquid Room. "c \‘ictoria SII‘L‘L‘I. 33.5 35(34. 7pm. L I0. 'I'Itc .\’0\ clcctric punk pop tcrrorixtx rcturn and hring tltcir ridiculoux ll.lll'L‘tll\ \\ itli ‘cttt.

I Malcolm Urquhart aitd Delta Croft Review \Vhidlchinkicx 4 h South Bridgc. 557 5I I4. 0pm. l't'cc. ('Iaxxic. rock. pop and hlucx.

I Dagmars and King Voodoo t‘at‘c St .ltllllL‘\. 35 St .lamc\ Shopping (‘cntrc. (‘athcdral I.anc. 557 303 I. 0pm. l-‘rcc. 'l'ltc l-‘uII .\loon (‘ltih prcxcnt a douhlc l‘lll Ul‘ rock act\.

I Post Diluvian, Senator and Penny Hollow lloitgo ('lut». 14 New Stt'cct. 55X 7h04. ‘lpin. L4. l’oxt I)ilu\ l.tll pt‘cwnt a night ol garagc rock and hardcorc hackcd up h} I)! l'.\\.tll.


OEddi Reader ('oiiit-r 'l'licalt‘c. Il)ndland Strcct. 35X Wm 3pm. LI5 SCL‘ .l'lltl I’tll'l HI l/Ii lli'\l [Jill I'r'xltt'ul

I Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Yellow Car and Hugh Reed And The Velvet Underpants 'l‘lic (".itliouw. l'llioll Stt‘cct. 343 (ihllh. Rpm, L'— plih litioklllg‘ l-L'L‘. ()\ct'- l4\ \lto“, Scc ‘l'lltl 3 l. I Lo Fidelity Allstars King 't‘ui\ \Vah \\'ah lltit. St \inccnt Strcct. 33I 537‘). 8.30pm. L850 [llth hooking lcc. (initai'x. dtih and hcatx lrotn Illl\ oncc- tippcd collccti\ c \\ ho hax c hccn hux} conqucring thc Statcx l'or tlic laxl couplc Ul' )L‘;ll\. l’ltl\ l’ttllL‘c (’lticl l).l\.

I GOEM and Opaque 'l'lic Ifith Nott- ('alc. King Strcct. 553 HHS. “put.

(it )li.\l arc a Dutch clcctronica trio \\ Iio i‘ccord indi\ idtiall} tindcr numcroux othcr gtiixcx. l’ltl\ l)i\kollo I).I\.

I The Sonar Yen, Tsuji Giri, This Isn’t Me atid Terra Diablo \icc ‘n‘ SlL‘ttl). Sattclticltall SII'L‘L'I. 555 0057. 8pm. L3. lltc \tart ol a nc\\ (ilaxgou \\ \lanchcxtcr initiati\ c in \\lllclt handx trom thc tuo citicx \Iiarc a in cacli location.

I Driver Down, Kinder and Paul Taylor lair} .\lurr) 'x. .\la\\\cll Stt'cct. 33l (i5l I. 9pm. L4. including cntr} to poxtr‘gig cltih.

I Syth Strauhcrr} l-‘icldx. ()\\\ttltl Strcct. 33I 78?]. 7.30pm, L4.

I Cimarron (irand ()Ic ()pr}. l’;ti\lc} Road It)“. 43‘) 5596. 7.30pm. L5 (L3 mctnhcrxi. ('ountr} \ottndx.

I Abba Disco Party Ilourhon Strccl. (icorgc Strcct. 553 ()I4 I. 7pm. L5

IL I4.50 \\ itli dinncrl. I-‘caturing an .'\hha trihutc act.

I Rev Doc & The Congregation .\lc('litiill\. lliglt Stt‘cct. 553 3H5. I0pm. I-‘rcc. 'I'rad R&ll.

I Independence Samucl l)tl\\ ‘x. .\'ith\dalc Road. 433 ()I07. 8.30pm. I‘rcc.


I Risingson, Singleskin, Eliot attd Travler llct‘iot-Vk'att l'tii\cr\it_\ l'nion. Riccarton. 45I 5333. (rpm. l-rcc to \tudcnh and gucxtx. I-‘our indic act\. on an outdoor \tagc. hpr cclchratc tlic cnd ol‘ tct'tn at llcriot Watt.

I Obaben and Wayne Paycheck ('ounting lIousc. Wat Nicolxon Strcct. 067 0370 9pm. Lo. I.atin \oakcd pop l'roin ()hahcn and duhhy hip hop l‘rom \Vaync l’;i)‘clicck in tltix. tltc \ccotld inxtalincnt ol‘ thc highl} \tic‘ccxxlttl llttll\L' ()l‘ l.ttl'd.\ lllglltx. 'I'urntahlc action ix alxo on ol‘l‘ct' li‘om thc Iikcx ol' \Vrcckagc 8c Bclicw ol‘ Boogic No l)_\ natno inl'am}; Radio I\ Vic (ialloua) and Tllt’ 1.1'xl'x \cr} oun Mark Rohcl'txott.

I Remedy \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 51 I4. 0pm. l‘i'cc. Izdinhurgh rock} pop cltapx pla} \\ itli anothcr act

\\ ho ix \till to hc cottlirmcd.


I Mac Floyd ('arncgic llall. liaxt Port. 01383 3|4I37. 8pm. L.\' tL5 Lot. Intcrnationall} acclaimcd trihutc cotnho to Pink lilo} d. \\ ho rccrcatc ton a \liglitl) \mallct‘ \calct tltc \tagc cll‘cch tltc prog I'UL‘kL‘l'\ \\ L‘l‘L‘ l‘clltm ncd litll'.


I Super Furry Animals

Barron land. (iallou gatc. 553 4(i0l. 7.30pm. £13.50 plux hooking tcc. I’rcparc l‘or I-ttrr} mania ax tltc inoxt itnaginatn c group in Britain unlcaxh thcir ltllel alhutn Rings .-Iro1uul 'l'liv Il’urld. 'l‘hcrc arc alxo a Iimitcd ntnnhcr of \\ rixthandx coxling L30. a\ailahlc lrom

\\ \\ ukupcrl‘urr}.com. \\ hich ;tllo\\ cntr}

to .ill thrcc l‘tll'l‘_\ lll.tlll.t c\cttt\ llll\ \kcckcnd. including a \crccning ot thc l)\ I) \L‘I\lttll ot tlic .ilhtim at tltc (il 'l' and a cltih night at thc l~cri_\ Scc tcattirc I Camera Obscura Il_\ndland ('litn’cli Hall. 34 \o\.n l)ri\c. 07.\Il 3754M. 5pm. L350. Suhducd. thoughttul indic trom Illl\ ncu onttit \khmc latc\l \mglc and II\ .iccoiiip.lti_\ itig \ idco ha\ c hccn totichcd h_\ tltc charmcd handx ot licllc .\nd Schadian'x Stuart \liiidocli \\ itli I).l\ Ill \ttppot't I Carol Laula Band ("unit-i lltcattc. ll}ndland Sticct. ‘55 §.\o.\. \ptn. L'I0,|.i promotc\ licr lourth .ilhnin lll'\.' I)!\t l/II't, ’rlll r‘l {/Ir llt U I Ifr/ It \I'lltr'i‘ I Future ltc lik'.ll\kk'llk'. \Vtttttlutlc Social (‘ltllt \ttl'lll \\otttl\ttlc Road, \ me. L5. Stixhil Iladc hringx Inx gala\} oli \ound to lltl\ l.lltl*l‘.l\'l\ night. it"! 4'] [/Ir llt\l/.IIt//r\lltt1/. I Crackout, Vex Red and Kato King ltll.\ \\ah \\ah llnt. St \inccnt Strcct. 33I 537‘). Nilipm. L450 plnx hooking Icc. l’ttnk rock action Iiom ('t‘ackotit aitd \'c\ lx’cd. a ncxx hand \\lltt\L‘ lorthcoining matcrial ll;t\ hccti prodnccd h_\ thc \cnct‘ahlc l\)tt\\ Rohittxolt. I Tarantel, Lonecop and Empire Builder Ilillc l.“Ill \otc ('ltlll. (‘l-\tlL' Strcct. 343 3 I 77. 8pm. L5. l’oxt rock \oundxcapcx Irom tltc San l'i';ittct\c;itt llt‘tttlllllL‘l'\. I Richard Youngs, Sunroof and Vibracathedral Orchestra 'I‘Iic l5lll \otc (’alc. Kiiig Strcct. 55* lo 15. “pm. L4. (iiiitar ltllpt‘o\ I\;lllttll lioni Young\ in Illl\ night ol intriguing c\pcrimcntal \ottttd. I The Breeze, Bradley and Elude .\'icc ‘n' Slcal). Saticliichall Strcct. 333 0(67. 0pm. I Foley Straxt hct't'} l'icldx. ()\\\ald Strcct. 33I 7X7I. 7.30pm. L4. I Tony Goodacre (irand ()lc ( )pt‘_\. l’aixlc} Road 'I'oll. 43‘) 53W), 7.30pm. L5 'L3 incinhcrxi. ('ountr}. I Freddie Mercury Tribute Bourhon Strcct. (icorgc Strcct. 553 III4 I. 7pm. L5 (No.50 \\ itli dinncrt. I Open Stage 'l'ltc llalt llat'. \Voodlandx Road. 5(i4 I537. 4-3pm. l’t'cc. \‘i'cckh \c\\i0lt I'or local llltl\lcl;ttl\. I Rutabega 'l‘ltc llalt Bar. Woodlantk Road. 5(i4 I537. 3.30pm. l’rcc. I Sex Godz Sanittcl l)o\\ \. \iiltxdalc Road. 433 0l07. 3.30pm. l’t‘cc.


I Mofireherb, Lebowski attd Frank 'l'hc \lL‘l‘L‘itl. 38 \chl .\laitland Strcct. 335 38M. 7.30pm. L350. Indic rock from l.cho\\\ki and Dirt} I’rank. \\ llll a doxc ol' l‘unk Ironi lIHHlI'L‘llL‘l'l‘.

I Imperial Racing Club and Sean Bell ('alc Ro}al Ilixtt'o Bar. I7 \cht chixtct‘ Strcct. 557 4703. 3pm. L4 L5. SctiI/cd up. guitar dri\ctt. pop rock l'roin thix Iidinhurgh hand \\ ho arc cclcht‘attng thcir nc\\ Iil’ launch u llll \tlppol‘t lroin \clcctcd gttc\t l)l\ and an acottxtic \ct l'rotn Bcll. tlic l‘ot‘ntcr I'rontman oI' 'lin (‘oniic

I Lee Paterson attd The O-Street Band \Vltixtlchinkicx. 4 (l Siltllll Bridgc. 557 5] I4. t)pni. l’rcc. ()i'iginal matcrial ax \xcll a\ rock. hlticx and pop


QSparklehorse attd Ed Harcourt King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah lltit. St Vinccnt Strcct. 33I 537‘). 3.30pm. LI3.5II plux hooking l'cc. Scc prc\ic\\ l'or Spat‘klcltot‘xc. Support Irotn a \tllgL‘l'i/xtlllg‘ul‘llL‘l' \\ lttt tillcl'\ .t lL‘\\ lot? tnrcd mclancltol} than Sparklchot‘w\ .\lat‘k l.inkott\.

I Clutch attd Throat 'liltc ('atliothc. l'nion Strcct. 34K ()(llHl. Spin. Lo plux hooking lcc. ()\ct‘-l4\ \lttm. .\'c\\ rock action.

I Khan ()ptiino. ('uhc. ()uccn Strcct. 33o 8990. I Ipin. L7 (Lot. (it'oo\} clcctrol'tink l'rom tltc .\'c\\ York-duclling

Sparklehorse . A:


( ,. I / ,

Mercat Mini Festival

I ’liiitiiiui'fl; :ir‘uai'iwl Tani". ’T’ili.t’~.-<Iitit".' :' .w'Tin'i‘" litl\<:.:lxii;I' "i 1-4 M: 'i’. : Textual. \.'.".".;i' itit‘ui 'w it ‘71

riotilatWL-rl tut, .-',-i Tr» *‘ '. from all inward kw v‘ili’ ,ilfl'l‘u thou-F; :3t)"i-"llllil«] heir: it outrigrittti. SSH: tittf‘.|‘:.'.’. Hw

It iii/(1’27. [(.',/‘/)1//t}/.‘, R“ Jur- 7 ./. " Suzanne Vega Noam thw m. tliolilr: of I;t'll(‘t."it:l‘.

2/" lrl l (ll‘\',"

11;. to! it III tttgiiit. (:nvi i i ' hum

iifltlw’ 'lii"

[ho Tof‘iwi firm ; lr’w out III lllt: ZtIIltII'iI‘. until! In: with / «III/1 1'

Hr )(1/7‘, [ t 'Vi/‘fitb'i’I’T, [IN ' .' -./',' ,' K/llt} fat". , ‘. «f . In Hundred Reasons l'it: I'tmtliu‘ 3 tl(;\.'.' "')’Il\ Sorry, Hi?) to mt‘ur .‘.:‘I. this) At lltf: l)!!‘.‘; In mind-if, I)‘:£:Il .Jzitn moot?) I‘lzirl Brains flown» Stet: prox'iouat. KW} Lift; (}/;l.';_(}r;'.'.1 [no 26 Jun: {gt}. [trim/largo, [.411 23/" Jon.

Icarus Line Mcrt; 'i!:.‘ this lillltr: from oar the imp/I in this quintet who sham,- thr: ': from the bane-(s (,t' Ihr; ileum. Lizard and mutt;- them ‘.'.’|tl‘ Packet Frorn The (Lin/t. Sm,- I)I",‘.’i‘:.'. 7M3): (:i/{lfflwflk I.'./%,=r/ -1 Jud". David Byrne Stilt an .‘xmt’l m.

over after at! thesa- ,

.mitinti .i )', »‘I‘: l."t.I‘:.


rock In it

’, Vim;

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tho {troiiotalzii "ltl:5i’,£:i iv .irli.;:ii<.f and illustrates Illil‘; or: W. I‘(:.'.’ I I) Belt/wt [Ito I (13.4%," Hit/f,

/ LVN/(Ive; . ‘ll‘I/l " t/IlL

(icrman dtxco king v. llll \HIIIL' \ocal ;t\\l\l;lllcc lrom Kid ('ongo Pouch.

I Tenpole Tudor ’l llc 1 Kill \otc ('Iuh. ('l}dc Strcct. 3-H 3177. 5pm. L5. l‘ormcr punk \taluart. \omctiinc actor ltlltl [lI'L‘\L‘IIIL'l' HI l/Ir (.I'\\l(1/ .l/(l’.‘r' I’L‘llll'llh lll\ not—cntn'cl} -\L’tlttll\ inthtc combo.

I The Free Radicals and The Red Bee Society Nicc 'n‘ Slcal}. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. ()pm. Spacc}. \Iiglitl} tn i\tcd. donnhcat rock Irom 'lhc l't'cc Radicalx and duh llll-ltIL'IlL'L'tl \ttlllllll ittdtc pup ll'ttlll RL‘tl llcc Socict}.