Music rock <3 pop listings


I Relish, Transaudio and Dogs Die In Hot Cars King 'l'ut‘x \Vah \Vah 11ut.St\'incc-nt Strcct. 221 527‘). H.311pm. £4 plus hooking lcc. 'l'hc hcadlincrx arc a trio lrotn Northci'n lrcland u ho ha\ c hccn invitcd to pla) Md] ['2 at Slanc ('axtlc. I Nerve, The Alpacinos and The Cherrykicks 'l‘hc (’athouxc. littlon Struct. 248 66116. h’ptn. £5 plllx hooking l-CC. ()\'cr-l4\ \ll(1\'...'\ night (ill-ILNI'V punk pop poucr toppcd h) rising \litt'\ Ncrx c u ho hax c hccn inx itcd to pltt} tltc lixtrcinc 211111 all-da) cr in Aug at thc Sli(’('.

I Life Without Buildings and Pro- torma 'l'hc 13th .\'otc (’luh. ('l}dc Strcct. 243 2177. 3pm. £4. Angular (ilasgow-haxcd coinho \\ ho ha\ c .iuxt complctcd a lull l'K tour. lilcctronica li‘otii l’i'o-l'ortna.

I Ursula Minor, Granton Star and Delacroix The 13111 Note (all: King Strcct. 553 1638. 9pm. £2.51).

I The Mixologists Midi lli-ti. Nicc- ‘n‘ Slcaz), Sauchichall Stt'cct. 333 ()637. ()pm. Qualin turntahlixt action.

I Ferrino, Ripcord and Suburbia Fury Murry‘s, Mttchll Strcct. 221 651 1. 9pm. £4. ittclttding cntry to post-gig cltth. I Mended, Seven Stone Lighter and Crash Position Strtm'hcrr) l‘ic‘lds, ()wvald Strcct. 221 7871. 7.311pm. £4.

I Diesel Cowboys (ii-and ()lc‘ ()pi'}. l’aislcy Road To“. 42‘) 5396. 7.3(1ptn. £3 (£2 inc'tnhcrs). Country.

I Abba Disco Party Bout‘hon Sti'cct. (icorgc Strcct. 552 (1141. 7pm. £5 (£14.5(1u'ithdinnci'). l"caturing an Ahha trihutc act.

I Radar 'l‘hc llalt Bar. Woodlandx Road. 564 1527. 911111. l’t'cc.

I The Datsuns Satnucl l)o\\ 'x, Nithsdalc Road. 423 (11117. 8.3(1ptn. l-‘rcc.

Edinburgh 0 Mercat Festival 'l‘Iic \lct‘cat. Ix \cht Maitland Strch 225 3861.

Noon midnight. £3 al‘tct' 7pm. .\ 1111\(11

t'ock. indic and pop troin toda} \ actx Baltic. 'l‘hc .lack Brucc Quintct tthc 1. Mct'cur} 'l'ilt Sn itch. [MM and lixkiino. With an opcn tnic \c‘\\lt)ll ll'Ulll

noon 6pm. Scc prc\ icu.

I The Dickies attd Gin Goblins 'l‘hc \t‘ttltc‘. l7 21 ('alttin Road.

.557 31173. 7pm. £8 £111. l.cgcndai"\ l'S punk outlit 'l'hc l)ickic\ \upportcd h) local horror punkx 'l'hc (iin (iohlinx.

I Lee Paterson and Sunshine Delay \Vhixtlchinkics. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 51 14. 9pm. l‘i'cc. Blucx. l'unk. goxpcl and 161k.


50 THE LIST 21 Jun—:5 Jtii 12001

Lo Fidelity Allstars play King Tut’s, Glasgow, Fri 22 Jun

Saturday 30


I Zuba and Engine King ltll'\ \Vah \Vah llut. St \iuccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.311ptn. £5 pltix hooking 12cc. .»\ 1111\ ol‘ .'\lror('cltic \Ulltltl\ trout lhix multi— national group \\ ith \tlpptit'l trout (ilaxgtm \ (m n ia//~l'unkr\oul \tcatnrollci‘.

I Gene Pool and Rotschreck inc- 1511] Ntitc ('ztl'L". King 511111.553 l(i3t\'. 0pm. £2.

I Melodia .\'icc 'n' Slcal}. Sauchichall Slt't‘c‘l. 35.3 ‘)()37. 9pm.

I Upstart Slra“ hcrr} l'ilc'ltlx. ()\\\;tltl Slt‘t‘c‘l. 22l 7N7l. 7.3(1pnt. £4.

I Big Vern 8. The Shootahs Bout'hon Stt'cct. (icorgc Stt'cct. 55211141. 7pm. £5 t£l6.511\tithdinnct‘l. Soul aitd Rth \lalttlttl'dx trotn (ilaxgtm \ ;tlt\\\c‘l' 10 Thu lilttcx Brolllcl‘x.

I Open Stage 'I‘hc- llalt Bar. \Vtmdlttttth Road. 5(14 L527. 4-h'pm. l‘t'cc. \Vcckl} \cxxion 161' local tnuxicianx.

I Beat The Rap 'l‘hc llalt Bar. \Vootllandx Road. 564 1527. 8.3(1pin. l'rcc.

I Drunk A Funk .\lc('huill\. 11iin Strcct. 552 2135. 1(1pm. l'i'cc.

I Remedy .\lc('huil|\ \Va} ()ut \cht. Kch inhattgh Stt‘cct. 221 556‘). 0.311pm. l'iliL‘C.

I Backstreet Samucl l)o\\ \. .\'ith\dalc Road. 42.3 (11(17. H.311pin. l'i'cc.


0 Mercat Festival 'l‘hc .\lct‘cat. 23 \Vc‘xl Maitland Slt'cc‘l. 22.5 .3861.

.\'oon midnight. £5 t£3 itllc‘t‘ 7pm). All da_\ indic. rootx. rock and pop mini-tcxti- \al \xilh ()ktohcr. Radiotoncx. Dropkick. l)ukaki\. (’atchct‘. Battana Ron. 'l‘hc lit‘ati\. doc. l’t‘itnar} ('olout'x and Jl111\t111 'l‘t'ancc. Scc prc\ icu.

I John Watson \\'lii\tlcl)itikic'\. 4 (1 South Bridgc. 557 51 14. 9pm. l‘rcc. Rock. pop and hlucx c‘l;t\\lc‘\ \\ ith attothcr act to hc c‘tmllt‘tttc‘d rounding out thc hill. I Vigilantes Bongo (‘luh. 14 .\'c\\' Stt‘cct. 553 76114. 10.311an £7. l.ixc drum & haxx action trotn thc Vigilantcx \\ ith Scotland Yard .\l(\ and l)J\ at cluh night 'l‘hc l’t‘oicct.


I What A Feeling Ro}al (‘onccrt llall. Sauchicltall Strch 287 5511. 4ptn/7.3l1ptn. £ 111.511 £l(1..5()[1lll\ crcdit card hooking licc. l.itnahl and (inc-n l)lc‘kc‘} til Rt1\L‘ Rt1_\c‘c 15(11’111 [ltc‘ hi/arrc pat'tncrxhip at thc hcltn ot' thix noxtztlgia \hou.

I Haven, Julia Thirteen and Snibglider King 'l'ut's Walt Walt llut. St \inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.311p1n. £5 plux hooking lcc. l)c1icatc \lrllllllllllig\ from this toutcd ncu hand.

I Katatonia, Gandalf and

Akerkoche llillk‘(‘illllt1ll\k‘. l'nion Stt‘cct. 243 66116. ".311pttt. £.\‘ pllh hooking lt't‘. ()\t'l' l—lx \lttm.

I The Whores Bah}lon. lllc‘ 1 3th .\'otc ('luh. ('l}dc 5'11ch 24 3 2177, 11pm. £3511.l’\}ch-rockttotiilortncr tncnihcrx o1 'l‘ltc Bachclor l’ad. .lultan ('opc l\;tl;ttl\t)ll1t‘_\ 11111\l hc a hunch ol ct'al} dlltlt'\.

I Scatha, Ultimo Dragon and Debris 'l‘hc 13th .\'otc ('alc. King Strch 553 1638. 0pm. £2. \Vcight} hat'dcorc and rock triplc hill.

I The Stunts .\'icc~ 'n‘ Slt'al}. Sauchichall Stt'cct. 333 0637, 0pm.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘ht- Scotia. Sltk‘k“ t‘ll Slt'c'c'l. .552 WWI. ~lpttl. l'il'k‘k‘. l‘oi‘tnightl} t'cxidcnc}.


0 Mercat Festival 'l‘hc Mci'cat. 23 \Vc‘xl Nlttllltttttl Stt'cct. 22.5 .3301

Noon 11pm. £5 t£3allcr7ptn1. :\|lda_\ ttti\ ol‘ rock. inctal. indic. ski and dancc acts inclttding l.ittlc .loc (ion, (it‘apcl't'uit. l'at‘ l‘rotn ()ut. (1ut B} l)cgt'ccx. Rlxlltg Son and Big lland. liat'l} actx arc \till to hc conlit'incd. Scc prm icu.


I Robert Cray ()Id l‘ruiltnarkct. .»\lhton Stt'cct. 287 551 1. ‘).3(1pnt. £16 pllh hooking l'cc. 'l‘hc \trottg [)L‘l'\l1it(lt‘l' lit'ittgx ltix \Iiloollt hlttcx \ it'lutixit} to 111C (ilaxgou .la// l‘cxtixal.

I Nashville Pussy 'l‘hc ('alltottxc. l'nion Strcct. 248 66116. Hpin. £7.511p1tix hookittg lcc. ()\ct'— l4\ \htm. 'l‘hix dcliglttlull} -namcd coniho arc a tnotlc} old \L‘ltool rock ct‘cu lcatut'ing tuo tattoocd :\11111/()ltlitll gllllitl'lxlx in hikini topx and two hairy old tncn doing thc othct‘ \tul'l'. 'l'ccnagc ho} \ hcu'arc.

I Regency Buck and The Doll House King 'l‘ut'x Walt \‘v'ah llut. St \‘inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.311ptn. £5 plllx hooking licc. Spunk} glatn-ixh clcctro-indic l'roin chcnc) Bttck.

I Chris 'l‘hc l3ll1 Notc ('ttlc‘. King Strcct. 553 1638. 0pm. £5. Atticrican cottntt'} —tingcd

\ingcr/xongu ritcr rcturnx oncc morc to thc Notc ('alc.

I Acoustic Jam Nicc- 'n‘ SIc-a/y. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9637. ()ptn. li()\[C(l h} (icrry l._\()ll\.

I Live Music Studio ()nc. B}rcs Road. 341 6516. ()pm. l'i‘c'c. Blucx.

Tuesday 3


I Vonda Shepard Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 2X7 5511. 7.311pttt. £18.5t1/£17.511 plttx hooking 1cc. llcrol'tiot'.-1ll_\- .llt‘lit'u/ rill} \pcaking to thc ncurotic litdic‘x in thc audicncc with hcr hland phllthtiphlxing.