demonstration and \sorkshop at Out of the Blue. I-l Next Street. Edinburgh on Saturda) 23 June. l—5pm. Call ()l3l 556 520-1 for details.

Edinburgh Drama


[.1id}\\ell\\'a). Musselburgh. 665 324i). [P. H. TT. \VC. WA]

It’s A Broadway Melody Sat 30 Jun. 7.30pm. £5. Friends of Brunton Theatre present a Cilhierl-sl} le esening of songs from the slum s ineluding \sorks b} Rodgers and Hammerstein. Bernstein. Sondheim and Llo}d \\'ebber. NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43—45 High Street. 556 957‘). [\\'(‘. WA] A Swansong Thu Zl—Sai 23 Jun. 7.30pm. £6 t£-l l. Theatre Alba/mpr's Adult Leisure Company present a medle} of classic dramas. as part of their \\ ider programme of eoinmunit} shim s. PLAYHOUSE

18—22 Greenside Place. ()870 6063-12-1. 1H. WC. WA]

The Hobbit L'ntil Sat 23 Jun. 7.30pm

«Wed it Thu mat 2pm; Sat mat 2.30pm). Edinburgh Dance

£"—£l5 ieones mailablel. \Vith Lord Of The Rifles soon to be released on the big screen. J.R.R. Tolkein's nes er been more in \ogue. This lit?“ stage adaptation of his other enduringl} epie \sork. 'l'lie Hob/)1! promises stunning speeial effects and an original music seore.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindla) Street. 248 4843'. IP. H. TT. \VC. \VAI

Xposure Tue 3 dc Wed 4 Jul. ".3tlpm. £5 tt'3l. Lothian Youth Theatre present this des ised multimedia performance \shieh attempts to e\plode the m)ths ereated b) the mass media.

THEATRE WORKSHOP 3-1 Hamilton Plaee. 236 5425. [H. \\'C‘. WA]

TN! More Now Fri 2‘) at Sat 30 Jun. ".3(lpm. £5 (£3). See Glasgois. The Arehes. TRAVERSE THEATRE Cambridge Street. 228 I404. ll’. H. TT. WC. WA]

Soft Boy Thu Zl—Sun 24 Jun. 8pm. £6 (£3 ). See Glasgow Tron Theatre.

Time Lapse at the Arches


Lad)“ ell \Va}. \ltisselburgh. (~65 22-10. [R H. TT. \VC. \\'.-\]

Transltlons Dance Company Sat 23 Jun. ‘.3tlpm. £750 H.550» Formed in NSC. Transitions is the affiliated dance eoiiipan) to London's Laban

listings Theatre

Centre and aims to bridge the gap beoseen training and a professional danee eareer. Touting a high calibre mi\ of eontemporar} dance and classical ballet. the eompaii} eoiisistentl} attraet first rate choreographers. \\ ith this programme featuring \sorks b} .mard- \s innei‘s Jan De Self} nkel and (‘harles Linehan.

Uplifted’s acclaimed

?i-_:?ar(.'lles + urtifteb

23-28 July 10.15am - 4.00pm

want to fly anb nse aBove the CIOUDS? Aceb Between 13 anb 18'?

Come and learn the arts of trapeze and balance with aerial choreographers. Find your feet in the circus and devise a new show to perform in the Arches.

Only 15 places at £175 each! Call Rachel 0141 5651010 or Lucinda 0141 5651011.

and performance

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 28 Frlday 29

Saturday 30

Sunday 1

Monday 2

Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4

Thursday 5

Jim Smith

Jim Smith ,.

. Arches _ Botanlc Gdns Glas Cathedral

Romeo & Juliet Romeo & Juliet

Broadssas Melod) _

Romeo & Juliet

This Here No“

_ a _ - _ _ A Maebeth Mourning Mrs Broxsn Mourning .\lrs Bross ii Mourning Mrs Bro“ ii Mourning .\lrs llroxsn Mourning .\li's Broun Mourning .\lrs Bro“ ii Mourning \lis BIN“ ii '- Picasso .-\t The Lapin l’ieasso .'\t The Lapin l’ieasso .-\t The Lapin 7 - 5 ~ \\ hat -\ lv'eeling 0 See Classical See (‘lassieal E

_ - hamway Soft Bo) Soft Bo} Soft Bo) - * Brunton

Xposure Xposure

' Festival Th ~ Netherbow Playhouse ~ ' Royal Lyceum r - ' Th Workshop 4 ~ haverse1


2‘ elf—5 W 233‘ THE LIST 61