Art listings

Glasgow galleries continued

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 91.


Arg} le Street. Keliingrox e. 337 INN. Mon 'l‘hu & Sat liiam 5pm; l-ri & Sun llam 5pm. ('aie. tree.

A Kelvingrove Centenary l'ntil Mon 3] Dee. A eoiiimemoratn e exhibition marking tiie eentenar} oi' the Art (iallet') and .\iti\eum. Keli ingrm e. The \\ ell—lo\ ed \andxtone btiildiiig lititi\L‘\ one oi' tlie iinext eii ie art collections in litirope ieaturing \\t)l'l\\ b} Botticelli. Rembrandt. \Vltixtler and the (ilaxgou Bo} \ and (iii‘l\ and \\;t\ the Venue i'or some oi" tiie iinext c\litl\itit)tt\ \een in Britain ineltiding i’ieaxxo-Xlatixxe t 194m. Van (ioglt t l‘HSi and l)ali\ Art in Jen el\ 1 “)75 4t.

Herzliche Grusse inn 5 Jul Wed 5 Sep. A multimedia e\hibition abotit the (ierman language teatttring \Utlittl\. pieturex and gadgetx. inuxie \ ideox. elip irom (ierman lilitlS. theatre and '|"\‘. Edwardian Summer l'ntil Sun 2 Sep. 'I‘o eomplement the Keb ingro\ e (‘entenar} exhibition. a dixpla} oi' photographx doeumeiiting the Will International li\hibition \xliieh took plaee at the galler).

Power Of Humanity l'ntil Wed 25 Jul. 'l'hrougli pt‘l'Sttlltll aeeountx. photographs. arehi\ e tnaterial atid artei'aets. the role til? the lit‘iti\li Red (‘t'tiSS ix highlighted in tliix e\liiliititin.


The (.l'()\\. Kirkintilloeh. 57S (ll-l4. Tue Sat 10am lpiit & 2 5pm.

East Dumbartonshire Photography Competition Exhibition t'ntil Sat .iti .ltin. Annual competition i'or amateur piiotogi';tpliei\. Looking In Wonderland Tue 3 Sat 28 Jul. A (iraphiettx Touring exhibition i‘eaturing nood engra\ ed lllll\tl‘;ttititi\ i'rom Alive In Howler/um] b} Sir .loltii 'l‘ttnniel.


2060 l’ollokxhaux Road. LS7 3550. Mon 'l‘hti & Sat ltlam 5pm; l‘ri & Stin llam 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams t'ntil Sttii 30 Sep. ()\ er |()() rarely \een tt‘ettSttt‘CS iroin the eolleetion oi William Matthew l‘linderx l’etrie.

84 THE LIST .2” Jar—'5, du‘ .23.“:

dexeribed a\ the ‘\ it torian Indiana JoneV. lhe e\hibition inc ltltlt'S a look at the origin\ oi the mtimni} \ c tii'\c. the idea oi alien help in the building ot the l’}l';tilittl\ at (ii/a; and \Iiclcilt l'.g_\ptian \ te\\ \ til the ailet‘liie.

Daumier In The Burrell Collection .\ neu dixp|a_\ ot a giotip oi Hil\ and uatereolotirx b_\ one oi Sir William littrrell‘x ia\otirite ttl'ti\t\. lloiiore l)atimiert lStiS IS"‘)i

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS “Mi (ii‘eat \\c\tel'tt Road. 534 3433. Mon Stiii llam 4pm.

Nuse & Creations l’ntil Sun 1 Jul. An e\hibition ot \xork b} three \\'e\t oi Scotland artixtx ranging irom landxeapm to Me drau mg.

Japan 2001: Celebrate Matsuri t'ntil Sat 33 Jun. Setilpttii'al ttl't\\t)l‘l\\ located in the tt‘ee\ and giaxx} at’eax oi the Botanic (iai'deth h} Kel\ indale l’rimar} School ptipilx. mxpired b_\ Japanexe texti\al\.

Paintings On Railings Sat 23 & Stiii 24 Jun. ltiam (ipm. ()pen art lair.


l'pper ('olqtthotm Street. lleienxbtirgh. tillih 07300“. l)ail_\ Ifiilpiii SVSilpm, New Perceptions: New Directions 2001 t‘ntil ()ct 3|. An e\hibition oi contettiporar} itirnittire. lighting and decoratn e glaxx i'rom all m er Britain.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER liellahotixton Park. It) l)umbreek Road. 353 4773. l)ail_\ Iiiam 5pm. U 50 (£3.5tii.

Louise Ritchie l'iitil Sat in Jun. .\li\ed media painting»


Ke|\in llall. l litii'iihottxe Road. 3S7 272”. .\ion 'l‘hti tk Sat liiam 5pm1I-‘ritk Stm llain 5pm.

Fire! t‘ntil .\ion 3| l)ec. 'lhe lliSIttl'} oi' iireiighting in the next oi' Scotland ix documented in llii\ e\hibition ieatttring a l.e_\ land l"ii't'iii;t\tt'i‘ engine gii'ted to the mmeum b_\ the Strathel_\de l'iire Brigade and objeetx limit the paxt and prexent.


lliglt Street. 33‘) 5 l .5 l. the Sat

lilam 5pm; Sun: 5pm. l‘ree.

Modes And Manners l'ntil Sun 34 Jun. A collection oi Will and earl) 30th eentur} ct)\ttllilc \\liieh lookx at the etiquette oi dt'e\\ til. that period.

eoiitraxting \iith modern-da} e\amp|e\ oi

\peeial occasion \\ ear.

The Shot In Photographs trail

s, jg; w "11,313. ’Wllfi‘y' ' ft “"3

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Sun .\ .ltil. Photographic e\hibition \hou mg pietttre\ iroin the \er} \liccc\\lttl millennium Shot l'c\H\.tl in :iliiil,

Graffiti Art l'l'i 2‘) Jun Sun W Aug. Art e\hibition b_\ Ioeal .ii'ti\t\ Sheila l-aber and Dunean liroun \iith eommtimt} \kot‘kdtttpx.


(iltt\:—'ti\\ (ireen. 5541823. Mon 'l'hti tk Sat itiam 5pm; iii A Sun llaiit 5pm, The Man Who Wasn’t There Stm l2 Atig. Recent ehalkx and ehareoah b_\ (ilaxgou artixt l‘rank \leNab “ho photograle and make\ drau lll:_'\ ot the eit} \ tenement clo\e\.


2 ('axtle Street. 553 255‘. Mon 'l‘hu tk Sat itiam 5pm; l‘ri tk Stiii llatii 5pm. One Planet, One People t‘tit'il Sun 3| Get. An in\ight into the Baha‘i iaith. one oi the iaxtext gi'ou ing uorld religionx \\ ith a beliei that liaha‘ttllali. a Will eenttir} lranian nobleman ix the ittc\\cilg'el‘ oi' ( iod i'or humanit}.


Iiit) Stoberoxx Road. 33‘) ()(i i I, l)ail_\ liiam 5pm. £3.50 1 £3.95); accompanied children iree.

Glasgow Harbour Art Exhibition l'ntil Tue 7 Atig. An e\hibition oi \peeiall} eommixxioned pttiittlitgx b} Seottixh ttl'ti\t\ including l.m l’atullo. Mar} Batehelor and Muriel liarela}. Meet The Artists Hi 23 Jun. (i Spin. l‘ree. .'\ ehanee to meet \tittle ol‘ the L'Ultlllll\\l()llt‘tl :tt‘ti\t\ til the (ila\gtt\\ Harbour li\hibition.

Art At The Pumphouse t'ntil .\lon .‘s() in]. A unique e\hibition oi' Ioeal Seottish al'tixtx. \peeiall} c‘tilltllliSSittltctl i'or dixpla} at the laxt remaining lil\tt)l‘lc dock\ and qua} \ in (ilthgtnk.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An e\hibition on board the tint} ('|}debtii|t \ailittg \hip still ai‘loat in the t'K. doettmenting her tttl\clltlll't‘\ on the high xeax betiieen lS‘l7 and NW.

Story In The Stones il’ltlttplitithc .\iaiii (iallet‘) i. An exhibition looking at the impact oi the iiitltlxtt'ittl age\ on (ilaxgou harbour.

Morse And More il’llllllilittlISL‘ l.o\\ er

(iallet') i. A hands-on exhibition. aimed at ehildren. looking at the \Hil‘ltl oi etimmunieation. You can operate a \tate- oi-the-art optical telegraph tixed in the Napoleonie \Vitl‘x. tr_\ otit the the-needle telegraph and erank tip World War ll iield telephonex.

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Kevin Hutcheson’s Computer Dating on-line at the VisionOn website

Edinburgh Galleries


I‘l litandon leriace. 55b |l55 \\ed t\ l'l‘l Stiii noon tipm. lliii ttoon "pill. One Man One Woman l'ntil lit 2" Jun. .\ t\\o pet‘xon \ho\\ teatttring paintingx b} Shetland .il'tl\l l illian latt \\llllc RSv\ member l’elei' l\)tl\\cll create\ a PHStrllltlthtl'lal inxtallatioii lot the galler} \pace

John Fife Stiii l Stiii I" .lttl \Vildlite paintingx b} .lohn l-tte


Zita l)unda\ Street. 55“ 5WD. .\loii l'll llam 5pm; Sat litain lpiii. Summer Exhibition l‘iitil i'tte t .ltil. lloti\ed in Art lzdinbtiigh and the lidinbttrgli (taller). a \llllllllcl \eleetion oi paintingx including \kttl'lx\ b_\ Sheila Macmillan. .loxephine ( ii‘aham. Brendan Kell}. .lade Stotit. .laeqtteline .\larr. (‘olin Park and .lattle\ l‘xieetlie


29b l)unda\ Street. its“ W V. the lit llam *pm; Sat llam 3pm,

Green Fingers l‘ntil lllt‘ Io .lul, Art\\ork\ tn all lllctlltlllh ieattiiing i'ormal laiidxeapm and tloial painting» l’l'ttcectl\ git the ( 't‘ai'ae lli (.I'I\l\



(i l)tinda\ Street. 557 ~iti5ii. .\lon l'lI liiam (ipm; Sat ilam 2pm. Scottish Paintings l'iiiil Sat to Jon. A \eleclion oi paintiitgx b} Scottixh tit'lISIS including Anne Redpath. Sam liotigh. l’atrtck \atxinitli aitd llenderxon Blithe.

400 Years Of Scottish Portraits 1600-2000 iii“ In .ltiii l‘ri 27 .llll. Scottiin [titl'tltlllS \panning ~l()ti _\eai\ ieattii‘mg \\till\\ b} llenr} Raebtirn. Alan Ramxa}. Sit .litlite\ ( itithrie. .loaii Izardle}. .latne\ .\lclle_\. .loliii li}i'ne and (ieoige .lamexon. Ni W {at it )\.'.’


It) Ro}al 'l‘erraee. 55h liilii. .\loti l‘tl lilain (rpm; Sat b_\ appointment. Mixed Exhibition l'ntil 'l’tie ii .llll. Paintings irom \toek including \xoik\ b} (ieorge lltHlSlttll. .l.l). l'etgtixxon. Maelattehlan .\li|ne and i’.\\’. Adam.


53 Home Street. 33H -1 ll l.

Rose Bed l'ntil Sat 3i) .lun. A \cl'lt‘S oi conteinpot‘ai'} glaxx lilch'S lll\[ill'ctl b} \iallpaper b_\ limtna liarrou. Angela Leadbetter Stiii I the il .ltil. Photograph},


l53 ('anongate. .\lon Sat

10.30am ~130pm.

The Book Of Psalms t'ntil Sun 18 .lttl. ('olour and black ink tlltl\li';ltl()li\ b} Michael .lt'\\tiig. lllli\ll';tt|ll_L' the lititik ()l l)\;tllli\.


77 (‘let'k Street. ()3: 723(i. .\ltin Sat noon lam: Stiii l2.3i)pm lam. Mixed Exhibition A changing e\hibition oi gothie art including \etilpture. drau ing. photograph} and [iiiilitillg‘x it} lticitl :tl'ti\t\.


2 Market Street. 53‘) 3993. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. £4 (£2.5iii ior all tour exhibitionx; i’amil} tieket U); season ticket £7.

Sebastiao Salgado: Migrations Sat 3t) Jun Sun 2 Sep. l’hotographx taken o\ er xex en _\ear\ b} one oi the uorld'x leading plit)t()l()llt'liitll\t\. Bra/ilian-born Sebaxtiao Salgado. 'l‘he e\hibition documentx the phenomenon oi tnigration \\ hieh aims to ehallenge our conceptx oi nature. culture and eommtmit}. NEW SHOW.

Australia Dreaming: Contemporary Aboriginal Art