Sat 30 .lllll Sat (1 ()ct. :\ celebration ol the hle and art ol :\ll\ll'illl£lll.'\l1ltl'l}3lllill communitics in the Northern 'lcrritorics. lhc (‘entral and Western |)cscrts and the Kimbcrlc}. l’cnn} 'l'wecdic's photographs ol the Arnhem Land (‘onnnunirx accompan} the tllspltt}. Hi Si lU‘f.’

Sir William Allan, Artist Adventurer 1782—1850 Sat 3t) .lllll Sal (i ()cl. .'\ reappraisal ol the work ol this inaior Scottish artist. Sir William .r\l|an. Alter spending tcn _\cars [I] painting in Russia. hc returned to Scotland to produce Scottish historical paintings which arc among the lirst L‘\cl' painted. Ni Si VJZ'.

Art And The City Sat 30 Jun Sat (i ()ct. -\n exhibition of works drawn limit the (it) is art collection til. Scottish .-\rt. examining the relationship between artists and the cil_\ ol' lidinburgh. NE ‘.'/ St l()‘.'.’.


33 3X ('ockhttl'tt Street. 33‘) l3(i(). Wed Sat llam opin; Sun 1 5pm. Sandy Grant - Salient Sat 23

.lun Sun 33 .lul. (ira_\ ‘s School ol' Art graduate Sand) (irant presents landscapes which appear to be the stii‘lacc ol' the moon. Recentl} \ isiting 'l he Somme. his \Hii'k l‘clcl'cnccs \Voi‘ld War I w ith the title of the show taken lroni the niilitar} term for a bulge in 'he l'rontline. Nl‘W Sl lOW.

John Timberlake Sat 33 .lun Sun 33 .lul. Recent work b} .lohn 'l‘iinberlake made o\ er the past two )cars. xlIIHI/lt'l‘ ('uimlri IX (3000) is a series ol large» scale photographs

serx ing as a rel'ercncc photo ol' a British nuclear test. .tlult'riu/i‘xm and lint/iiriu-( ‘ri/I'i'i'sm arc grain) aerial snaps ot' a modern cit} taken at night. hall painted o\ er in oils. NE W Sl l(')W. Rachel Garfield Sat 3.3 .ltiii Sun 33 .lul. lime—based or photographic and tc\t pieces b) Rachel (iarlield leaturing a twent} minute \ ideo entitled So You Think You ('(m 727/ which tells the stories ol- l\\l) \\olllcll\ lllcs. NI W

St l()\/V.

Jordan Baseman: Raceway Queen Sat 33 .lnn Sun 33 Jul. .lordan llasenian's recent \ ideo work takes place during a demolition derb) race meeting in Harrow in l‘urness. featuring Adam. a tilt drag queen clad in a short pink sequined mini-dress.

Nl' W Sl l( )\'V.


(l’orinerh (ialler_\ Jl ). 4| l)undas Street. 557 450‘). Mon Fri

ll).3()am 5.30pm; Sat I().3()am 5pm. Mixed Exhibition t'nnl Wed 27 Jun. New paintings b} l’a} (lurk. Mar) l)a\ idson. .lill l-‘inlay Brenda l.enaghan and Bill \Vright.

Summer Show Sun 1 Sat I4 Jul. .-\ ini\ed show ol work b} galler} artists.


3 l 7 ('owgate. ()ld To“ n. 558 I730. 'l‘ue l'i'i noon (ipin: Sat 10am 5pm: Sun 1 5pm.

The Arc Angel’s ‘Brazen Hussies Collection’ l‘nul Mon 25 .lun. Design retail outlet (‘oncretc Butterfl} is the \enue tor the work of Arc .-\nge|s. a group ol‘ nine women designer/welders w ho produce one-oll items tor the home interior. l‘ounded in [088. the group come from dixerse backgrounds who ha\ e gained tutoring in traditional ‘niale‘ metalworking skills. The e\hibition leatures mirrors. Cttltdlcsliclw. ltllilcs and screens. LASI CHANCE TO SH:


(irindlas (‘ourt ('entre. (irindla) Street Lane. 33‘) 7‘Ml. .\lon Sat Illani (ipin: Sun llam 5pm.

The Boroughmuir Art Exhibition l'nlil l‘ri 33 Jun. Artworks b) current and former pupils ol‘ Boroughinuir High School.


at .\larie ('urie House. 3‘) .-\lban_\ Street. 47s 7050. Mon Sat lllani 5pm; Sun

I 5pm.

Private Works by Dave Allen to 33 Jun I'll b Jul. .-\ unique e\hibition ol paintings and drawings b} the Dublin- born comedian l)a\e .-\llcn.


Hellord Road. 03—1 03”” (recorded inlormation 333 33(ioi. Mon Sat

lllam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Paolozzi And Music l'nnl Sun 2s ()c‘l. :\\[1;ll'l HI ;t \L‘l‘lc‘s til tllspltt} \ ll‘tilll the (ialler) ‘s collection ol liduardo l’aolo/li‘s work. a suite ol nine sci‘ccnprints entitled (ii/limit Lie/1137211! inspired b} the work ol‘ inno\ati\e American composer. (’harles lxes.

0 Roland Penrose l‘ntil Sun 0 Sep. £4 H.350) Joint admission with Lee Miller li\hibition at the National (iallcr) ol~ Modern :\rt. ()ne ol' the kc} ligures in the de\elopmcnt ol modern art in Britain w as Roland l’enrose t l‘)(l() I‘m-1i. 'l‘his major c\hibition which coincides with the publication ol Roland I’i’lmm’.‘ 'l'/u' IVri'vnd/i .S'urn'u/i'xl a biograph) h} his son Anton} l’cnrosc. re\ea|s his work as a surrealist artist. c\hibilion organiser. collector and writer. l’cnrose \\ as l'ricnds \\ ith a number ol‘ surrealists including lirnst. Mini and Picasso and w as respon- sible for the lirst surrealist e\hibition to come to London in I036. 'l‘o comPle- merit the e\hibition. the National (iallcl') ol' Modern Art is hosting an e\hihition ol' photographs b) l’enl’ose‘s \\ ilc. Lee

Miller. See llillisl.


37 Queensl‘err} Street. 330 4 l 50.

Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm; Sun

noon 4pm.

Images Of The Western Isles l'ntil Sat 30 Jun. New paintings b_\ .lolm Low rie Morrison.


l l (Ba) lield Square. 558 7| ll). 'l‘hu Sat llani opin: Sun 3 5pm or b} appointment.

0 Janice McNab Sat 33 Jun Sun 3‘) Jul. Recentl} returned from a S:\(' Residenc} in .’\llt\lcl'tl;tm. it solo shim of oil paintings b} lidinburgh-based artist Janice .\lc.\'ab. 'l‘aken from pho- tographs ot' \ ictiins who are permanent- ly al'l'ected b) meresposure to chemi- cals. these documentar} paintings look at issues ol‘ alienation and isolation in soc‘icl). See pre\ iew and lllllisl. NFVV SHOW.


X Aduicate's (low. 335 9371. Hail)

l l.3()am 5.30pm tclosed Wed).

The New Wave Of Primitivism l)om is an arts project established in 19% b) a group of international artists working in Scotland. With a constantl} changing e\hibition ol‘ artworks. the galler} liouses sculpture. stained glass and paintings b} artists who practice primitixe art.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 33l (1000. Mon Tue l()am 8pm; Fri Sun lllam 5pm.

0 Degree Show 2001 t'nnl Tue 36 Jun. lidinburgh (‘ollege ol’ Art's annual degree show featuring the work of final )ear students from the Schools ol' l)esign and Applied Arts, Visual (‘ommunication. Drawing & Painting. Sculpture. .-\rchitecture and Landscape .-\rchilecture. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


lb’a l)undas Street. 557 5337. Mon liri

I lam- 5pm; Sat l()am lpm.

Summer Exhibition l'nul Tue 3 Jul. Housed in the lidinburgh (idliL‘f) and .-\rt lidinburgh. a summer selection of paintings including works b_\ Sheila Macmillan. Josephine (irahani. Brendan Kelly. Jade Stout. Jacqueline .\1arr. (‘olin Park and James 'l'weedie.


Scottish writers through the lens of Gordon Wright

1 JUNE - 31 OCTOBER 2001 National Library of Scotland ' George IV Bridge Edinburgh

Telephone: 0131-226 4531

Mon - Fri 10.00 - 17.00 [Festival 10.00 - 20.00] Sat 10.00 - 17.00 Sun 14.00-17.00

Admission Free é‘

National l_.ll‘l‘.ll'} or ht‘t il land

Visit for details of the Events Series



City of lidinburgh Council. Scottish Homes. Niddrie Mains Neighbourhood Association and (‘astle Rock Housing Association wish to commission a professional artistls) to create a permanent. site specific sculpture which will provide a focal point and suitany reflect the scale and scope the ol‘ the area‘s revitalisation.

An overall budget ol‘ £37.()()() is available for this project. which will include artist‘s lees. project research. preparation and development and future maintenance.

Please submit an up to date (‘V and no more than 8 slides ol~ previous work by 3‘) June 3001 to:

Ions“ Maoruua

CITY or liois'nt'Ron (‘ot's‘t'u Hotsis'o Dlil’l'

2.3 W..\'ri-;Ri.oo Pt..-\(‘i-.

Enis'ut'kon l-iHl 38H

0131529 7414

.-l// slit/m n'i/l /)(’ returned.

castle rock


“‘1 " Scottish Homes


