kine- MATT

Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh. Fri 15 Jun 0000

‘Making people happy is the hardest thing of all.‘ If life does in fact imitate art, then TAG Theatre Company's latest production effortlesst disguises the labour of love which must have gone into bringing King Matt to the stage. To describe it as enthralling would be a tawdry platitude.

Much of its success is owed to the captivating storyline of the novel it is adapted from. Matt is crowned king when he is just eleven years old, following the death of his father, but with the oversized crown comes the responsibility of leading his country out of war. Following a triumphant victory, Matt then attempts to bring his country out of recession while trying to recognise children‘s views in government, but naive good intentions are soon corrupted by the concealed ambition of his close friend Falek, his advisors, and predatory heads of neighbouring states.

This is a complex story for its target audience of children aged over eight, but one which is made more tangible by the actors alternating from character to narrator, and respectively from dramatic dialogue to rhymed verse. Each of the play’s short scenes demand attention and the fast- paced momentum builds to an ending which should be harrowing, yet is frustratingly inspirational, making for a contemplative atmosphere. The pivotal character of Matt is played with an endearing combination of vulnerability and power which ultimately makes him volatile and open to


This is a slick, professional production complemented by a visually- engaging symmetry, dramatic music, an ingenious set and thoughtful audience interaction. A rare sensory treat, but ssshh, just don't tell the

grown-ups. (Maureen Ellis)

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Ftin

Saturday Kids Club but 3:.ltlll.

|l.iiii lpiii. L3. l‘lic \it‘lit-x. 351 \i:r\lt' Sll'u‘l. (Mill ('3: lltllll. \gtN : 1‘. ('lttitltt' thc tigct' 1.1km )uii on .i lltlt \.il.iii lll\itl\ llth tli‘nm.i §.tlllt‘\. ~tui'_\iclliii; .tlltl inlc [‘l.l_\ lll llll\ \L‘\\lt\ll limtt'tl ti} Impact \l't\.

CD Rom Workshop For Children Sat 23 .ltlll. lpm, l'i't't'. llilllimtl l ll‘l'.tl'_\. Bum Rinitl. 33" “I: V I tuiiii llt‘\\ In .it't'cxx iiit'tii'iimtioii \tuictl on ('I) lx’uim with ;t lllllt' kiimx llti\\ llitllt tlit' lll‘l.tl_\ \t;ill.

Colours And Pigmentation .\'.ii 3% .ltm & Sat 3“ .ltlll. I. ‘ll 315mm .\

3.35 Villpm. (25 tiii' tiw “cckx llit' l.l}_‘llllltlll\t‘. ll \litt‘licll l .mc. H-l _‘iiiiii .-\:_'L‘\ ~l (i A; " l_‘. .\ \‘ttlillll iiittiwtl \wi'kxlinp \\ lici'c L'lllltllL‘ll um um ciiliiiii‘x .iiitl tlct'iiiulc iiii.i;;t‘\ t‘l l‘llllxtlll:_\ ll‘Ultt tlic .iiit'iciit \wi‘ltlx,

Saturday Kids Club Sal 2.1 .lttlt.

3 4pm. [3. l'lic \i't'licx. 25‘ \i‘:\lu Slt‘L‘ClJl‘Nll its: Mun. 'i'i. l'.\plui‘c tlic t‘nluiii'liil \\\‘ll\l iii the kingdom \\ tIll lllt\ Impact \t’t\ \xtii'k\litiiw iii\ol\ in; tli‘;iiii.i :J.tlllt'\. \li‘t'} tcllm; .tlltl mic—phi}.

Illustration Workshop .\'.ii :1 .ltttt. 3 4.30pm. l5i‘cc. llilllimtl l.ll‘l'.tl_\. thin Road. 33" "333. l'.tltttl_\ \xtvi‘kxlitip

prm itliiig [up Ill“ on pit‘tuit- hunk lllll\ll‘.’lllt\lt\.

Summer Fun At The Tall Ship Sun 3. l .ltllt. Ill.iiii gpm :15“

MESH ! RV‘W. llit‘ l.i|l \liiii \t (il.t\_‘__'i\\\ ll.ttt‘iiltl. lllll \littk tii\\ l\’ii.itl. Qt" “(1 t l. Limit} .'\ti.i\.i;.'.iii/.i lt'.tlllllltj.' .i lttttlllt'} t'.i\tlt'. t'ltm iiiii;_' .tlillllltl .iiitl‘t' lt.lllllll1;.‘.

Storytelling \iin .‘i .liiii.

llthll lKllpiii t\ .7 ‘. itipm. l it't‘. liiii'it'll (A‘llvulll‘ll. .j‘lltll l’itlliit\\lt.t\\\ l\)(l.l\l. ISSH. \}'\'\ i i\lt'//.iiiicl |t‘l.tl_\ .ii'mi. lll\[‘ll\'kl t\_\ tli.‘ t‘iiiit'iit \‘\llll‘lllilll. t.i|t'\ «it I ;'_\i‘t t'ttlllt' to My .it lltl\ tiiii \tiiittclliiigr \\'\\li‘lt,

Instant Circus Workshops Inc In .\ \\ctl I" .ltllt. t it .7" .\ .\.it ill .ltlll. 'ltic t\ \\\'kl * “pm; I ii .\ \itl Kt‘h iiiyiiiw l’.iil\. ( )l.l_‘_‘t‘ \tit‘ct. HI" Ill

3 i l 3 i V (‘liiltlicii‘x t‘lmx ltlltj.‘ .tlltl t'iit'iix \txlll\ \\.ni'l\\linp\ limit-it in .i piiilt'xxinii.i| t‘iit‘tix titiiiix', l c.iiii tlit‘ tint» «it Hit" \‘iit'ih ti'.itlt‘ iiit‘liitliiij} .it‘inlmtit'x. immt‘.

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Big Fun Circus In The Tent Hit: 3\ \it liigliiii. lliii h lllpiii. l It illpm .\ ti :“pm. \11 1 lllpiii,9_15ll l\t‘l\1llj.'li“-\‘l).!lt\.()'it\[lt't'l.ll~\\”

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Under 55 Clowning And Storytelling l H I" .\ \it lll‘ltllt.

lll :H II IHam L: 5“ Kclniisimc l’.:il>\. ()t.i_~_'i~ \ti’cct. H"\\" H l 5" 1:4 \ttiikdinpx \ix't'mll) t.iilui.'tl tn Ilit' tiiitlci 5s limtctl

h} .1t‘tiil\‘\\\tltthltiitll‘t‘.

arches + UPl'rfteD

23-28 July 10.1Sam - 4.00pm

want to fly anb rise 380% the CIOUDS? AGeD Between 13 anb 18?

Come and learn the arts of trapeze and balance Willi Uplifted's acclaimed aerial and performance choreographers. Find your feet in the circus and devi e a new show to perform in the Arches.

Only 15 places at £175 each! Call Rachel 0141 565 1010 or Lucinda 0141 5651011.

mm; \

Klmpact Arts

Fun and games to stretch the imagination! Come on a journey with Charlie the tiger to find his growl using drama games, story-telling and roleplay.

K305: 11am-1pm £3 ' : : 2pm-4pm 523/


.2' . .' -", .u THE LIST 89