Glasgow Life

Glasgow, Saturday 23 cont.


Degree Show (ilztxgttu School ol' Art. chlrcu Strcct. 357 373‘).

Want noon. l'rcc. Scc Fri 22. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l'rarrma}. Alltcrt l)ri\ c. 237 39M). .\'oon 3pm. l'rcc. SL‘L‘ ’l’hu 2 1.

Lord Provost’s Procession licginx Bl}th\\\ood Squarc. 237 4422. Noon. l‘rcc. A colourl'ul [tl‘ttL'L‘xslttll ol~ groups and l-lttillx tolloucd h} cnlcr‘tainmcnt in (icorgc Squarc. Scc photo caption.

Moscow State Circus ()uccnx l’illk. ()772l 5(r5557/b‘. 2pm & 5pm. £3 £2tlt£o U5). Scc 'l‘hu 2 I.


Scottish Claymores NFL Europe League llarnpdcn l’ark. 'l‘lic National Stadium. l.cthcrh} l)ri\c. U500 35 35 35. I230 (rpm. {l2

t£4 Ur). Rhcin l'irc takc on thc Scottish ('la) rnorcx in thcir last hornc garnc ol' thc \L‘uum. 'l‘hc part) tlllllttsplk‘l‘c hcgtnx at l2.3t)pm \xitlt In c cntcrtainrncnt. cornpclitionx and cclchrit} gucxt appcarattccx. (iamc kicks (ill at 3pm.

Other events

Kelvinside Allotments Association Open Day Main gatc. Mirrlccx l)ri\c/Kirl\lcc Road. 34l ()844. Noon 4pm. lircc. .\lorc than ltlt) plttlx ol‘ llowcr'x and \cgctahlcx to admirc as \wll ax gctting sornc hand} llllllx. Egyptian Belly-Dancing Demonstration Burt‘cll ('ollcclion. 20M) l’t)llt)l\'\lltl\\.\ Road. 237 2.55“. 2pm. l'it'cc. (ilasgou -ha\cd ltcll} - dancing tutor Ann McLaughlin dcrnonstralcx thc art ol' lig) plian hcll} - dancing.


Degree Show (ilaxgou School of Art. chl'rcxx Strcct. 357 373‘).

0am Split. l'hl'L'L‘. SL‘C l‘l'l 22. Scottish Computer Fair Sli('(‘. liinnicxton Quay. ()87() ()4() 4()()(). l()arn 3pm. £3 tL‘2). li\cr"\thing cornputcr rclatcd at tradc pt‘iccs. l‘rorn thc latcsl har'dxx'arc and \oltwarc to top qualit) \ccond hand cquipmcnt. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l'ranm'a)‘. Alhcrt l)ri\'c. 287 3000. Noon (rpm. l’rcc. Scc Thu 2 l.

Moscow State Circus Quccns Park. ()772l 565557/8. 2pm & 5pm. £8 £20 (£0 U5). Scc 'l‘hu 2|. Charity Fashion Show (il'oUL‘lto Saint Judc's. I‘M) Bath Strccl. 352 \’r\'()(). 4.30pm. £5 tL‘Zt) with dinncr'). (ilasgoxx dcxigncr l.c\lc_\' llcphur'n hrings hcr supcrh nc\\ collcction to thc rnrm'a) to hclp raixc l'unds tor lhc Drakc .\lu\ic l’rojcct in Scotland.

Holmwood House

tit—(33 Netherlee Road. Cathcart. (3:37 212%). Darly 1.30—5.30pm. 573.20 tt‘22tll. Desrgned by the tamed 19th century arehrteet. Alexander ‘Greek' Thomson. thrs house rs an excellent example ot hrs classreal style.

House For An Art Lover Beltahouston Park. 10 DumbreCk Road. 353 .17 £3.50 (£32.50. lnrtrally desrgned by Charles Rennre Mackrntosh tor a competrtron rn 1901. thrs untrnrshed work has been completed by modern-day arehrtects and deSrgners rn true Mackrntosh style.

92 THE LIST 2‘. Jun—5 Jul 2C21

Glasgow on Parade

What parade? lt ix thc annual Lord Provost's paradc. What happens? ('oniniunit} groups and local huxincxxcx rnakc floats and

L‘ttxllllllcx and par'adc through thc cit}.

Why? 'l‘hc proccxxion ix cclcht'ating (ilaxgou ‘5 past. prcscnt and tuturc Using

r'cprcxcntalions of thc .\'c\\ Millcnnium.

Anything else? (ilasgo\\'-ha\cd artist John Blundcll tol' 'I‘lrrurr/r'r/rmli l'arncl \\ ill hc

crcaling l\\o ol‘ thc puppctx uscd in thc par‘adc. and \\ ho knrm \. hc ma) chn join in \\ ith thc music. dancc and rum lllC\ planncd for thc (icorgc Sqttarc part} al'tcruards. I Lord Provost's Processor), B/ythswood Square to GeOrge Sat/are. 287 4422.

Sat 23 Jun. noon—6pm. Free.

Tuesday 26


An Evening Stroll Mugtlock ('ountr} l’ark. ('raigallian Road.

.\lilnga\ ic. 95o ()l()(l. 7 3.30pm. l"rcc. Ad\ancc hooking rcquircd. 'l'altc in MtlllL‘ gcntlc c\crci\c in thc scrcnc \ctting ol‘ thc cottntt'} park.



Mugdock Country Park Crargallran Road. Mrlngavre. 91366100. Free. Thrs country park on the north east srue of the erty has a fuli programme of ranger aetrvrtres as wet! as numerous woodland paths and

Museum Of Transport Ketyrn Hall. 1 Burnhouse Road. 287 2720. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm; Frr 8. Sun

‘. tam—Spm. Free. A museum crammed wrth buses. trams. frre errgrnes. shrps and other paraprrernalra. denote-(t to the hrston, of transport.

People’s Palace 8: Winter

G'asgov: Green. 554 0223.


Degree Show (ilaxgou School ol’ Art.

cht‘rc“ Strch 357 373‘). ltlarn 7pm. l‘l‘L‘C. SCL‘ Fri 22.

Glasgow School Of Art MFA

Degree Show 'l’ranma). Alhcrt l)ri\ c.

287 3900. Noon 8pm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘hu 2|.

Moscow State Circus ()uccnx Park.

()772l 56.5557/8. 5pm (K: 8pm. £8 ~£2() 1U) U5). Scc Thu 2 l.

Glasgow's best-Ionerr’ r'tstrtutron has recentt‘,

Scottish Football Museum

Mon—Thu 8. Sat t-’)am—:3pm; Frr & Sun 11am—5pm. Free

undergone a major facetrft to celebrate rts t:t:.'tt(2tl£in,' year.

Hampden Park. Letherby Drrve. (316 (3100. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 1 tam—Spm. 5‘5 62.5%). The home of Scottrsh tootbalr now. houses the hrstor, of the beautrtul game rn Scotland. On <lrsp|ay rs the Seottrst‘ Cut). Kenny Dalulsh's ‘oilth sap. pros reeor‘struetrens of the orrgrnai home aressrrwg rooms and the t'arnous Hampaen Press BOX.

Wednesday 27


Degree Show (ll.l\:_'.\‘\\ School ot All. RCllll'L‘“ Sll'L‘Cl. 35‘ 57.3".

ltlam 7pm. l-‘rcc. Scc lit 22. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l‘ranma}. Alhcrt l)rI\ c. 237 NH“. .\'oon Spin. l‘t'cc Scc Thu 2 l.

Moscow State Circus out-cm Park. “"2! 5o5557rh. 5pm x 5pm

{8 £20 r to {l5l. Scc Thu 21


Hamilton Park Race Meeting Hamilton l’ar'k Racccour'xc. ltotlmcll Road. llarnrlton. lllo‘lh‘ 25.3thtr. "pm. l.adrc\ gct thc rcd carpct trcalmcnt tor l.adrc\ \rght.


10 Minute Gallery Talk lluntcr'ran Art (iallcr'_\. l'nncrxil} .-\\cnuc. 3 3” 543l. lpm. l'rcc. 'l‘allt ht curator l’ctcr lilttt‘lx.

What’s That Glasgow?: Educational City 'l‘hc |.tghtliou\c. ll Mitchcll |.anc. 221 o3o2. (rpm. l'rcc tickctx aunlahlc trom What's lhat (ilaxgtm C’ “MI 332 h3 l‘) or lltc Lighthouxc. ’l'lnx \cminar drscuxxcx (ilasgtm '\ \ccondar} \clloolx ol “Inch 2‘) arc hctng rchuilt or upgradcd o\cr thc nc\t tuo wars u ith an rmmcdratc irncxtrncnt ol' £220 rnrllron. Spcalxcrx iltcltldc ('ltarlm .\lcl .cod ol 3H) and Rclch and Hall Arcllitcctx.

Thursday 28

Book events

Scottish Fiction Discussion Group Bordcrx Hotth 233 Buchanan Stt'cct. 222 7700. (tplll. l'r'cc. 'l‘hc Scotttxlt l-iction Discussion (iroup mccl to discuss thc hcxt ltomc-grtm n talcnl around.


June Jaunt l’ollok (‘ountr‘_\ l’ar'k. l’ollokxhau \ Road. ()32 020‘). 2pm. A short guidcd walk around l’ollok (’ountr} l’ark.


Degree Show (ilztxgtm School ot Art. chl'r‘cu Strccl. 357 373‘).

ltlam 7pm. l-rcc. Scc l-ri 22. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l‘ramua}. Alhcrl l)ri\ c. 2547 Won. .\'oon Xpm. l'rcc. Scc 'l‘hu 2| .

Moscow State Circus (‘)llt't'll\ Pill‘lx. ()772l 5(15557/3. 5pm & Kpm.

£3 £2“ l Lt) 12 l 5 l. SL‘L‘ 'l‘llll 2 l. SL‘L‘ l'l‘l

Performance By Refugee Children ('il} llall. ('andlcriggx. 2X7 0843. 7pm. l'rcc. (‘hildrcn l'rorn thrcc \L‘lttml\ in lltc l'.;t\l ltntl til (ilaxgtm

gi\ c an intorrnal pcrlor'rnancc ot dancc and drama to coincidc \\ ith Rclugcc \VL‘L‘lx.

Sharmanka Kinetic Gallery

2nd Floor, 1-1 K 7080. Tart: 7M“. (mun Mats tor ‘arr‘r..rr;'r Sn 3pm. SH '52:

A” noun-tore r'v:’.narrrr,al ballet

l.l t.l/'l‘. b'l'l till'l‘tr 1‘15lr‘fi‘.’

performer} b, L’ltiélftl BMS‘o‘rtsxy'f) Ktt‘r‘dtf, ‘)r,.trt/trtt(:‘. matte trot" scrap rr‘retar étlr'l .‘.'oorten fruu'es.

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour

Shut/19w. L3 rat}, '1 1": Dart". lt/JéilY‘—:)l/ll 3:17)} 5”, 2'3. {i/,’,’,l“t,é1tit‘:’lUta/lrflt‘ "er.- rrtrrt out étl/m‘. G!;is:;’,.'.7s rr ar'frr' 6: herrtage err-Loam the S.\/. Glerree. ire or‘l, Ghee—hart

‘58”“33 Sh l7; ()li: atanI M'r ill-{t