Glasgow Life

Glasgow Life continued


Degree Show (ilaxgou School of Art. Renlreu' Street. 357 373‘).

10am 5pm. Free. See l‘r‘i 22. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l‘rarrma}. .-\lhert Drive. 287 3900. .\'oon Hpm. Free. See Thu 2 I.

Moscow State Circus ()uecnx Park. 0772! 5(r5557/H. 5pm & 8pm. {IX-£20 (Ur L'l5r. See 'l'hu 2 l.


Relay For Life lizrxt Kilhritle Athletics Stadium. next to John Wright Sports Centre. ('alderuootl Roatl. liaxt Kilhritle. (“355 237731. A l'untlraising relay race in aid of cancer research.

Saturday 30


Antique, Collectible And Craft Fair Town Hall. l'nion Street. Kirkintilloeh. ()l23o 874(i7o. |()am—-l.3()pm. 50p. (home from a \\ itle range of cr'al’tx antl collectihlex \\ ith something for everyone from mid collectors to [iron xcr'x.

Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'I'ranm'a}. :\|hert Drive. 287 3‘)()(). Noon 8pm. l’ree. See Thu 2 I.

Moscow State Circus ()uecnx Park. ()772l 56.5557/8. 2pm & 5pm. £8 £2() (to L'l5). See Thu 2 l.


Relay For Life liasl Kilhritte Athletics Stadium. next to John Wright Sports Centre. (’altlemootl Roatl. liaxt Kilhritle. ()1355 237731. See Hi 2‘).

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94 THE LIST 21 Jun—5 Jul 2001


Wild Day Out l.oelr\\rnnoch RSl’li Nature Re\er'\ e.'g\ Roatl. l.och\\ttrtroch. (ll5lt5 342%}. Want ~1prrr. l’ree entr_\; acti\ rtrex {1.5H,.\ turrtla} out tor all the ltrrrril}. \xrth actr\ rtrc\ and game\. taee painting. \tallx arrtl ret'r'exhrrrentx

The Height Of Summer (ilL'lllllL'l Braex (’ountr'} l’ark. (ilerr lodge. (ilerrlreltl Roatl. l’arxle}. 554 3-04. 2pm. lake in the \ighlx. \lllllltl\ill1tl \mellxot \tttrrtrrct‘ on thrx gilltlctl \\illl’\. .\lCL‘l at (ilen lMtlgL‘


Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l'r'arrma}. .-\lhert l)l'l\C. 237 39””. \titili (iplll. l'l'L'L‘. SCL' Thu 2 l.

Moscow State Circus (‘)llCL'll\ l’ar'k. (i772l 50555778. 2pm tk 5pm.

L'h’ £2tit£o L'l5r. See 'l‘hu 2|.


Norwich Union Challenge SL'UhlUllli l.ei\ure ('entr'e. l)arre\ l)r'r\e. Se‘tilxltillli. t).\’7() 4-14 4440. l.45pm. L'll) L'll (£5.50 Ur); larrril} ticket [25. .-\ clash of the corttinentx ax (ireat Britain. the l'S.-\ and Rll\\ltt compete in llilx uor'ltl claxx athleticx tournament. Doors open at noon.

Zipwire l'llilllL‘NlUlt ('r'ane. (lHlLNlth. 0th3 58l48 I. Help \upport Scottixh Spina l3itida h_\ taking part in thix tlttt‘ctlm ll challenge thl’ti\\ lhe Rr\et‘ ('l}tle.


Mugdock In Pictures Mugtloek (‘ourrtr) l’ark. ('r'aigallran Roatl. Milttgmie. 95o (rltit). 2 2.40pm. l-ree. A \lltlL‘ \hou tletailrrrg the change\ the counlr) park ll;t\ gone through o\ er the xeaxonx. then looking hack mer‘ the centuriex.

"tarnimrrr 3 m

Up. l0 300

Other events

The Grand Summerlee Gala Surrrrrrerlee Heritage Park. ller'rtagc \th}. (it‘tlll‘l'ltlg‘L'. lll :30 ~13 l :l‘l

ltiam 5pm. l-r‘ee. 'l'urrr hack the clock to the tla} \ ot the tratlrtronal \rctorrarr

ltm n gala \\ rtlr l‘;lll\l\ arrtl entertarnrrrent. \lall\. lttttiatt\ antl actr\ rtre~ tor chrltlren,


Scottish Graduate Recruitment Fair Sl:('('. l‘rnnrextorr Qua}. Hh'tt HJH 4tttitt. ltl.3ttam (rpm. l‘r'ee. (areer‘ atche tor f_‘l';lkllltllt‘\ \\ rtlr a chance to meet pr'oxpectnc emplo) erx

Other events

Philosophy Cafe \\'arer\ront-\.

I53 l5~ Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘HH5. "pm. l'r'ee. Regular get together in (‘oxta ('ol'lee. \\I;tlc‘t'\l0ttc.\ lot' llill\t‘ \\ ho “Ullltl lrke to tlrxcuxx the phrloxophrcal poirrtx rrr lrl'e.

Tuesday 3


Bat Walk l’allx ol’ ( 'l}tle \'i\itor ( ‘erttt‘e. .\'e\\ l.anar'l\. (H555 065202. 3pm. L25” tl’r‘eer. lirrio} thix \troll at tlttxlx xx ith the opportunit} to learn ahout hatx found on lllL' l‘L‘\L‘l‘\ c.


Scottish Graduate Recruitment Fair Sli('('. l‘irrniextorr Qua}. oxfo ttJt) 4t)t)t). ltiam ~lpm. l-"ree. See Mon 2.


Hamilton Park Race Meeting llanriltorr l’ar'k Racecourxe. liotlm ell Roatl. llamrltorr. (How IxRxoo 2.15pm. Regular racing \\ ith tarrril} entertainment.


Fionna Duncan Vocal Jazz Workshops Ranrxhorrr l'heatre. "8 Ingram Street. 552 345" (Mitt r (25“! tor the tla} \ l he retro“ netl Scottrxh rax/ \oeaIN Duncan and educator .\latlelrne l axtrrran lroxt a tr\ertla.\ \\otl\\ltop to rmprme \oeal \krllx arrtl technrtruex.

Wednesday 4


Wild Days Out Hoggarrr‘rettt l och. 2X" 5(ttrt. l3tt 3. 3Hprrr. l ree \"arrom actr\ rtrex tor all the lanrrl} organhetl h) the ('ourrtr'} \rtie Ranger»

Wild Days Out ()treerr\ l).lll\. Victoria Road. 25'“ “73 l 3H 33ttpm. l‘l't't‘. St‘t‘ “Cd 4.

Days Out ('I'Utilxxlrtlt ('a\llt‘. 'lollcr'oxx l).ll'l\. 25th \\ell\hot Roatl. “o3 l.\(r3. l3” 3. 3tlpm. l't'ec See \\etl ~1.


Wild Days Out lltrg‘fltlllllt'lkl | och. 33—. Silhl l..3(l .3 3Upm. l'lt‘t'. St‘k' \Vk'tl .1.

Wild Days Out ()ueerr‘x l’ar'k. Victoria Road. 2h" ~223. l3” 3.3Hpnr. l'lL'C. Sec \Vt‘tl ~l.

Wild Days Out (.l'tltil’xfltlll (.;t\llt‘. ’l‘ollcroxx l’ill'l\. 25-lh \\'ell\|rot Roatl. "(r3 1303. l..‘sti 3.30pm. l'r'ee. See Wed 4.


Bat Night |.oclr\\rrrnoch RSI’H \attrr‘e RLWL'I‘M‘. l.;tl'g\ Rtiatl. l.oclr\\innoclr. (ll 5H5 1512th H.3tiprrr. [2. .\ rrrerrrher ol the (lule Hat (iroup \\ ill gi\ e an illuxtr‘atetl talk on thexe errigrrratic cr'eaturex lolltmetl It) a hip to the rexerw e to It} and locate them.