Edinburgh Life

Edinburgh Life continued Spons

Musselburgh Races \ittxxelhtlt'gh Raeeeottrxe. l.inklie|d Road. \illSSt'ihtll‘gh. (tofl 235‘). 2 4._‘~llpm. l~attril_\ raee da} \tith ehiltlt‘ett\ etttet'taintttent.


Kolbenneblok by Tony Cragg National (iallet'_\ ot Modern .-\t't. Hellottl Road. 024 (1200. 12.45pm. l-tee. l’ltilip Long dixettxxex tlte \xork ol Tort} (rage.

Tuesday 26


BTCV Scotland Conservation Work Various venues. 332 8700. 9.30am. Help BTC‘V Scotland in a \at'iet)’ ol'eottxerVation taxkx itt attd around the lidinhttrgh area. Meet at \Va\er|e_\' Bridge.


Links Sports Fair .lantex (iillexpie'x i’l'llttilt') Seltool. Whitehouxe l oatt. 447 1014.6 Upttt. Sportx L‘ll|l\\ and organixationx plthiiL‘lSe their

aeti\ iliex.


The Bivalve Shell Roytl .\Itt\eutn. 2 (‘hatrtherx Street. 247 42W. lptn. l't‘ee. l.oui\e :\|leoek on liti\ \\ ettpott ol tit‘Slt’llCllUll.

Wednesday 27


A View Of The Palazzo Muti: Issues Of Condition And Conservation National Portrait (ialler). l Queen Street. (t24 o2tltl. l2.~15pttt. l5t'ee. .\Iiehael (iallaghet' and l e\|e_\ Stexenxon gne a talk.

Other events

Kin 'l'he \VaVerle)’. St Mar} '\ Street. 0pm. l'ree. l)i\tinetl_\ lel‘tlield aeottxtie iant. poelt') artd \torytelling \L‘\\iott.

Thursday 28

Book events

Poetry Reading .S'eotlixh l’oett‘} library. 5 ('riehton’x ('loxe. ('anongate. 225 9094. (rpm. Free. Reading to mark Refugee \VL‘L‘k.

Muriel Spark Literary Society \\.RllL'I'SI(IHL‘.S. (ieorge Street. 225 .i—1_i(t. (t.2~tlpm. Free. A great l‘or'ttm l'or .\Ittriel Spark lam to diSL‘tl\\ her \\ot'k and

xx idett their understanding and appreeiation other tto\el\.

Carl MacDougall .lantex 'l’hin.

SI 5‘) Sottth Bridge. (t22 S222. 7pm. l‘t‘ee. The author of The ('rrsmrm'rr I’tr/u'rs \\ ill diseusx hix neu \xork ol‘ non lietiott. Painting the MINI! Brit/«4e: .I Seure/t rm Stunts/r It/t'trlrlt' t:\tll'llllt l’t‘exx No.99).

Fair play

What’s up? I‘MI) Ina) \eetn ltke a tltxtant ttrettrot}. i‘lll one tttatot tepen ll\\lt||t \‘..t\ the L‘ttllt't‘litllttttl Hi lilt' Ro}a| iilgillaltti Show.

Why tell me thiS? \\e|l. a leu eontttttttttn nrtnrlerl people \t. lto tlepenrl on the Silt)“ e\et'} )eat' ha\e got together to Htf_'.tlt|\t' a \ttrallet \tale \ttrntrret l.tll Ilrete \t. tll he tlte \attte et‘alt \tall\ and highland tlanettr: ot old. l‘lll Mitt . an alw Apt-tr porn t‘idex. a ltttt latt‘ and oll t'oarl dtn lllf2.

Anything else? .'\l| tlte pt'oeeetlx lt‘ottr tlte tan 2‘. tll lte \lratetl between the l\‘.«t \erj. \xot'llmhile eattxex ol' tlte lx’o}a| .Seotttxlt Iteneutlent |tt\ttttttton antl llte lx’ttltttx' lot the |)t\ahled. What other t'eawn eottltl \ott neerl’

I Hlf,’[)t’t1/llSHOT/WEI /.r'. l'w I)" “.3 " ' "

fr).'x'}’1'trr"<).‘i_ The} DAM" .. : 'r

r», ; X135.


Scottish Parliament Open Day .Seotttxlt l’atltatttent Ilttrlrlttryx. llre \it‘llllti. NS Sllllll ltl illatll <pttt ltee Ilte pat‘ltatttettt lll.tlk\ ll\ \eeortrl .tlllllh‘lmtl} h_\ opentne Il\ tit‘l‘IS to the pttltlrt look around tlte \ik'i‘Jilll‘.‘ eltattrltet or phat to \lSl’x helote taktnjx .tti‘..tltl.rt‘e ol a drunk- ltttx takttte _\otr to the \e\\. l’atltarnettl litttltltngi \ l\llt‘l ('etttte at llt‘i:\l|‘t‘\i


Floral Rites Performance I\’r{\.tl Hotante (ianlen. |n\er|ertlt lx’ou. 21S 2""). lpttt tk 4pm. I tee llte llotal iHSIHI} ol ottt i.l|lti toltl h} \neela l o\


The Cuisine Of Mexico 'I he Huh. ('axtleltill. l<o_\al Milan-173 Zoo? 7.30pm. £22 £25 itte meal. Satttple the \piee ot' .\Ie\ieo and learn more about tlte contribution t'ood make\ to .\le\ieatt eulture.

Book events

Guid Crack the \\';r\erle_\. .Sl \itll'} ix Street. 550 957‘). [\ohel Murdoeh t\ the guext :ll'ltSl at [MS ltlttttlitl} ttteeting ol' the \tot'}tellitt_e eltth.


Venetian Women At Their Toilet by Paris Bordon National (iallet') ol’ Seotland. 'l‘he Mound. (t2vl (t2lltl. l2.45pnt. l't'ee. l’aola 'I‘tnagli trotn lidinhttrgh l'ni\er\it_\ ptIIS l’ar'ix Bordon'x paintng ttnder the \potligltt.

Saturday 30


Record Fair .'\\\enthl'\ Rootth. 51 (ieot‘ge Street. 220 434‘). Want 4pm. L l. Hunt l‘or a hargain at thix reeot‘d lair.


Saturday Drop-in Workshops: Scared Of The Dark l‘rttitmat‘ket Gallery-15 Market Street. 225 23S}.

l lam 5pm. l-‘ree. See Sat 23.


Spokes Sunday Ride .trrmtle l Silt‘l Hall. I othtan Road-1:5 "Hit. lllalll. (ienlle ill ttttle tttle. \toppttre otl lot ltrnt lt .liolt): tlte \ta}. \leet at l \lret Ilall

Other events

Pop Quiz Night llte Ha} market Hat. ll \\e~t \lattlattd Street. 22S 2* ‘2 i'l't‘t‘. See Still 21.


Japanese Theatre In The 21st century Rotal \illn‘lllll. 2 ( ‘lrattritet ~ Street. (fill 422‘. 2_'l_< pet «la-‘r. L" lot lttll S_\lltptt\llllll. \ the da} \_\lll[‘H\lllllt ht'ingrne together tltme eotteerttetl \‘.tlil


l.:§‘.:t:e\e theatt.‘ tittrttreh \\.~tk\ll~‘t‘\ .tntl x'tfntrtta't Sltaktr \\ tll leatl one ~7k<tt~p on. ‘\ltuletn |.tt‘.tll\‘\‘ llanee' on .2 la}

t.llr‘\\.1t.\i\tl\\ll\\lt‘it\l‘ll \.tllt‘llS.tSl\\lSt‘I

.xlrrlxt there \\ tll he a \ettex ol l.;'~.;::.w.~:'ft.'..1:. Strtrte e\ent~ \\lll .tlw ‘v e at :tr.- l lli‘xe'ISE't} ot l tltnlttttelt Sq." :.".‘.

Musselburgh Races \lttwell‘tttgh thorn»: I tttktre‘al Road. :hN‘lt‘ttt-‘l‘h txriS “\S\) h (Q t) :§PIH

See \lot. 2‘

Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism \attonal t i.tllet\ wt \ltnletrt \tt. Hellottl |\’oatl.t\21tt2lltli 5pm ltee \ltte Ilene} j._'t\e\ a talk

Tuesday 3

\\/x l' lit \‘l'i 'llr 20:?

Japanese Theatre In The 21 st Century l\’~\al \lttxerrttr ‘( llallti‘t'tS Street, tr‘t' ' f, l * pet rla_\ See \lott 2


Feed The Betel Nut Habit Roytl \ilISt'lllll. _‘ (‘lratnltetx Stteet_ 2-1' 12W lptn I tee ('ltantal l\no\\le\ on ltttte \t‘.tltl|.t\ llt‘lll l’aptta \e\\ tittrnea

Wednesday 4

H )ok 2:“.(rllti;

Prof Sid Watkins \\.ttt't\tottt"\. IJS' l’ttnem Street. 22h .‘tthh (\Plll I'tee l‘he ‘l’tol \\ tll remark on the ettottttott\ ehatrem .lllti e\eepttottal taeex that ho e taken plate ttt the motor [Jellth \Hkllil. and v. tll tiISellSS i1l\ ltlHSl teeettt \xotk. I)’. must." Ila //I“!.' \laernrllatt t; .S ‘l‘lr.

(It utterances

Japanese Theatre In The 21 st Century lx’otal \ilISt'llllt. 2 (‘ltattrhetx Street. (till 122” [1* per «la_\ See Mon 2

Thursday 5

Hook events

Quintin Jardine \SSt‘llliti} RHHIHS. it (ieotjne Street. 22“ l ‘1‘). "pm 3.11 rt." it. ('ttnre tro\elt\t .Llltillh' elrah to l'taneexea \tl.rrt\otr .r\ lte latllleilt'S lrrx ele\ettlh no\el. ill/I'Z'Ht'lfllh //r //11 It'll/t! Illeatiiltte L") ‘)‘)t


Japanese Theatre In The 21 st Century lx’o}al \lttwtrttt. 2 ( ‘harrtheh Street. hill 122" t_ l * pet tla_\ See Mon 2


Ingliston Bike Blast i<tl_\;li llrgltlarttl ('entte. iltL'il\ltIll. H" H221, (t, illpttt

Ll \rr rrrttotlrretot‘} exerting: tot people aeetl lll IS rtttetextetl rrt hetottttttj: more lll\|‘i‘-k'ti ltl eteltne ('ttttttt llallltlth. tit‘lllttthllallttllS. .tti\ tee .lliki tttote “I” he on otter ttr tlte \alet} ot the eloxetl IlliltiS ol the lx’w}.tl iiltflliallti ( 'etttt'e.

Medieval Torture M v sit: l-u; Portobello Swim Centre

Exhibition I: ' t't .se. 'i- ~ ~ :. 7

.16, .17 Nttirlry Street. .zrae. z ' .tt ' " 'zrt' Dam. team—10pm, 1‘1. The Eatest .‘r'. . 1-" .rntl greatest tn medteval torture t.' t"-.- _:.;-.-:x ' ."' r'evrces and tnstt'uments of Newhaven Heritage - 3'.) 'ntrrnrltatton, rn(:ltr(lrng the Museum '2" erts.trrt.'ttreally-natnett N:3‘.'.'1tt‘.:"‘ Has: it“ -1 '6? ;' . Scan-angers thttghter’. Dag» ' . a H:- : - 'w ' " z :' I'm ' Midlothian Ski Centre i‘.it:"‘r.".ii‘ .: IS". . 2 Royal Museum The urbo Ride

[Swear Road. Hrllend. .1433. Review - v- ' "-" :'— 1,; :c-.- :"

Mon Sat 9.30am—9ptn: Sun Ne." t.tr' x t is \ -.2. : "

:l,.30.rn--/prtr (26.30 to." a one "-3: 2.1.;e. ' ' s ' .; s

ho,er sessron ttrntler 18s 81.21%. .1. k, ".2 f: s ' : S It? E-arcz‘e's longest artrr'rCral sk: ass- ..s .2 s' "g; p.271 W slope rs the pen’eet place to Palace Of Holyroodhouse ' t; t-.‘-.":."rt or hone skrrng and Hear M e, :T‘ti are DJ: . 7”

snoz'Jr-oardrng skrlls. :1 3.110% 2 1‘\;"n 3‘in 54—9.: :- ' " . .. I ., Museum Of Childhood t. tan \ " Sta" '1; _, ' " Royal Observatory Visitor '~ . .r :" " " -: ~ ’: r:- J’2 Halt Street. 529 $1.12. .15 .t‘ ' az' 7"“ i Centre ' ' ' '

96 THE LIST '21 JLrn—f‘ J... QCL“.