Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

The Adventures Of Pinocchio it» 0.. (Stu c Barron. l‘S. l‘)‘)(ii Martin l.andau. Jonathan la} lor 'l‘homax. l'do Kicr. Uh ininx. Morc laithliil to llic original no\ cl than thc l)ixnc} cartoon. thix llll\ ol animatronicx. computcr animation and ll\ c action xtill lallx xhort ol thc mark landau ix a x} mpathctic (icppctlo and lhc pcriod dctail giicx a mcc lair}ta|c mood. hut thc xcntmicntalit} and moralixing land thc xhodd} crickcl animationi undcrminc itx good L'lL'lllL'lll\. (illimkorld. l‘allxll'k.

The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle t l "i 0.. tl)cx .\lc.-\nut’t. l'S. thlll t Rohcrt l)c .\'iro. chc Riixxo. Jancanc (iarolalo. ‘)| minx, .-\ hilariouxl} ironic opcning xcqucncc to thix updatc ol thc (iltx cartoon. that xccx thc cpon} moux ll} mg xquiri‘cl and hcxt pal mooxc In mg in an animach \xorld xul'l'cring lrom rcccxxton. xctx thc film'x playl'ul poxt-modcrn tonc. And u hcn thc animatcd animalx' ncmcxcx. lcad h} l)c \ii'o'x licarlL'xx l.c;idcr. croxx

o\ cr into lhc 'rcal' \xorld thc film mo\ cx into thc |i\c action/antmation tcrritor} ol ll'lm I’mmu/ It’nci'r Rub/VIL'. .-\nd likc that film. le dialoguc lx paL'kL'tl \\ tlll L‘ttllttt‘al rclcrcnccx that \\ ill hax c adultx laughing hardcr than lhc kidx. l.('|. (ilaxgou; l‘(‘l. liaxl Kllht'ldc.

Alfie t l2) 0.. ll,C\\l\(illl‘L‘l1.liK. mom Michacl (\iiiic. lilcnor Bron. Slicllc) \Vittlct'x. ll-l minx. .r\llic t('ainci ix clcxcr

\\ idc boy \\ ho \\ ill not hc hcholdcn to onc \minan. l)ircct to camcra hc talkx iix through hix man) conqucxtx. llc inmitahl} gctx hix comcuppancc. but on thc \N‘lltllL‘ thc 'hirdx' comc oll uorxc. Put in conth ol \\ hat \\;tx happcning m Britixli cincma at thc timci .S'utunlin‘ .tlml Similar .llurnmu. Iii/Ir liar. Hm Spurting Lili' .-l//ii' look likc tlic dach mixogyiixt romantic coincd) it ix. Scc

rcx icn. (il’l’. (ilaxgon: l‘ilmhouxc. lidinhtirgh.

Alien Adventure tl'i l\\crkx lixtrcmc Scrccn prcxcntation. l'(i(‘ (‘incmax. lidinhurgh.

Amores Perros (Love’s A Bitch) tlh'i moo t:\lclandro (ion/alc/ l-‘frritu. .\lc.\ico. Ztttll t limilio lichcmrria. (iacl (iarcia licrnal. (ill}il 'l‘olcdo. Iii minx. lnarritu'x dchut l'caturc ix hilch ax ‘thc .\lc\ican l’u/p I’ll-ii'nn'. a dcxcription \xliich xcllx it xhort. ‘l'hc 'laranlino comparixon ix a uxclul xtarting point: thc film tcllx thrcc mcrlapping xtoricx - a tccnagcr draun into tlic \xorld ol‘ illcgal dog-fighting. thc infi- dclit) ol‘ a middlc-agcd mcdia c\cciiti\ c and an cldcrl} homclcxx man by iixing xhil'tmg timc-lramcx. tangcntiall) linkcd charactcrx and .raggcd \crhal rh_\thmx. l-"icrcc humanit} undcrpinx lnarritu'x hcautil'ul. grain) \ixtialx and (iuillcrmo Arriaga Jordan'x multi-la) - crcd xcript. ’l'hc hcxt film ol' thc )‘car xo lar. and unlikcl} lo hc xurpaxxcd. Sclcctcd t‘L‘lL‘axc.

An Ideal Husband tl’( i) O... t()li\cr l’arkcr. l'K. l‘NQt Rupcrt liwrctt. (’atc Blanchctt. Juliannc .\loorc. ltNt minx. thn xchcmmg er (‘lic\clc) hlackmailx hrilliant politician Sir Rohcrt ('hiltcrn hchind hl\ |o\ mg \\ il‘c'x hack. loafing Lord (ioring comcx to hix tricnd'x axxixtancc in thix finc adaptation ()xcar \Vildc'x pla). 'l'hc L‘l‘ut‘klllg L';t\l d0 _lll\llL‘L' l0 lllL' gtl'k‘llL‘l} [th \Vildcan \xitticixmx. ()dcon. lidmhurgh.


Juliette Lewis tries her hand at a Marilyn Monroe impersonation in the romantic farce Room To Rent

Audition t l3) 0.. t.\liikc 'l'akaxlu. Japan. Ittttl l R}o lxhihaxhi. l'.llll Sluma ll5 minx. ‘thrc hax c all thc good ;_:ir|x gonc " axkx thc chau\ mixtic Yoxhikana ot hix \iidoncd. middlc-agcd huxmcxx partnci .-\o}aiii;i tlxhihaxhi l. ’l’hc latlci thinkx hc‘x l'ound onc. uhcn lic xctx up a xciicx ot auditionx to xclcct a ncn \\ ilc_ toimcr hallcrma .'\\£lllll (Shimai. \xho'x _\oun_‘_‘. hcautilul. and xtihmixxnc But “llL'lL' h.i\ c thc xcarx on hcr lch conic lrom. and \\ hat Ix thc naturc ol licr intcrcxt in pain ' "\ltcr a dclilwratcl} mcaxurcd huild up. 'lakaxhi axxaultx thc \ lL‘\\ cr'x xcnxcx \\ itli a trul) nightmariin finalc. “lllL‘ll tlircatcnx to

o\ L‘l’\\llCllll thc film'x critiquc ol malc Japancxc attitudcx to \xomcn. l'( i(‘ (‘incmax. lidmhurgh.

Bande é Parttl’(ii O... tlcan l.uc (iodard. l‘rancc. IUhJi :\nna Karma. Sami l‘rc}. (‘laudc Braxxcur. 05 mmx. It'x hccn xaid ol' ( iodard that hc cn|o_\ x xucli critical l'a\our hccauxc hc turnx \ icucrx into criticx, lt'x ccrtainl} a \alid commcnt m thix xcll conxcioux takc on thc hcixt ttio\ ic ax l'rc} and Braxxcur pci'xuadc Karina to liclp thcm hrcak itito hcr cmplo} cr'x houxc. \‘cl xucli arclmcxx curiouxl) docxn't rcxult in a xmug mo\ ic. Wc‘rc turncd not into knoxx mg;

\ lL'\\L‘l'x x0 much ax xcnxitn c. unxurc xpcctatorx. ax (iodard licrc crcatcx a mcanmgl'ul film out ol undcrmmmg xpccific. caxil} conxumahlc xlick mcanmg. (ircat xtul'l'. liilmhouxc. lidmhurgh.

Barry Lyndon «PG» .00. tSlanlL‘} Kuhrick. l'K. 1075i Ryin ()‘.\‘ca|. \larixa Bcrcnxon. l’atrick Magcc. lX-l minx. Kiihrick'x xuinptuoux rccrcation ol 'l‘hackcra} ‘x xhagg) dog talc lUllU\\\ ()'.\'cal'x gcntlcman ot' l'ortunc through lNlll ccntur) li‘cland. :\n cxtraordinar} attcntion to dctail and a \ ixual xt} lc that cllcctncl} rcproduccx thc look of conlcmporar} paintingx arc thc mayor pointx ol intcrcxt.

caxil) outncighing thc mcandcring narratn c

thrcad. hut thix ix a gorgcoux film all tlic xamc. l‘ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh.

0 Before Night Falls t tit .00. (Julian Schnahcl. l'S. Ztttlli lit) minx. ’l'hix hiopic ol' thc ga} (‘uhan author Rcmaldo Arcnax hax hccn garlandcd \\ ith praixc and

a\\ardx. including a dcxcr\ cd ()xcar lltlllllllgl'

tioii lor lcadmg actor Ja\ icr liardcm. lt'x morc rccognition than itx xtihlccl achic\cd in hix lil'ctimc. an iron} thc pcrxccutcd .-\rcnax might ha\ c lotmd \xr} l} illllllxlll}: Schnahcl'x film ix haxcd on thc mcmoirx :\rcnax dictatcd in c\ilc m \c\\ York. tcrmi» nall} ill \\llll .-\idx. hctorc hix xuicidc in WHO. ’l’hc paintcr turncd dircctor findx a

\l_\lk' lll kccpm; \\|lll thc man and hix xxoik. inning truth poctit hxpctholc and maz'u icalixm to din} m}: ctlctt (il l. (il.ix;'il\‘.. (iamco. l dmhuiph

Berlin Babylon «H it t l ltihcitux \tcj.'cit. (lt'llll.lll_\. l‘No jtttttti hhiiiiiix \icjscit'x documcntai) llllll mtcipictx thc Icl‘uildiuj.‘ ot poxt unification llcilm ax lial‘} Ionian tahlc 'l hc hoiioix ol thc \lk‘\llll\lll‘ll ol thc \ it} a

|u\tapoxcd \\ ith rapid icdmclopmcnt ot tlic crtpcapc. l'ilmhouxc. l dmhurjgh Big Eden 1 IN I lllttlll.t\ llc/uthad \. Ztltltti ll" mmx, l'cclggood ;._'a_\ comcd) ahout a xucccxxtul \c\\ \oik artixt \xlio icturnx homc to an rd} llic \lontana town to talc tor hix tmucll giandlatlici lucnt} _\carx on not much liax changcd. hut litc takcx an unuxual ttiiii \\ll\‘ll thc aitixt'x tmrcqmctcd |o\ c lot a t'lllltlllmul lllk'lltl Ix li‘klllillt‘il l’all Ul lllk' london lcxhian ,\nd (ia) l'lllll l'cxtnal on tom l‘lllllllttllxi'. ludinhmyh B'OWl l5.) l‘lL'tl l)t‘tlltllt‘. l \. thltl I lolllllt) “clip. l’cnclopc ( 'iii/_ l-ianka l’otcntc. ll1 mmx. 'l'hc xtoi} ot tlic iixc and tall ol drug xiiiugglci (iconic limf.‘ «play-d h_\ l)cppi. \xho progrcxxcx liom xiiitigglm; inaiiruana in thc latc (ittx to importing cocamc on an mduxtital xcalc in thc "'ttx Mix a timc ol hiin linkx and l)cmmc findx a xt} Ic to matc ll. cmployn; licc/c ltamm; and lurchmjg litttlll\, \\c could hc m an cpixodc ol lln .llonlxi'i \ ll li’loit ix mtcndcd ax a tiiodcin moralit} pla}. houmcr. thcn itx \'llll\ x icmam

ill moic than onc xcnxc

llllclk'al. “C llL'H‘l \L‘t' lllt‘ \ttctal cttxlx Ill lltx lrcchootmg: cntrcpicncurxlnp; l)cmnic tailon go c tix thc \\ idcr pictuic (icncral iclcaxc Le Bouchert 15:.... l( ‘latidc ('hahrol. l'l.tll\\‘xll.'tl_\. I‘Vtti lcan \annc. Stcphanc .-\udran. ‘H mmx In a xmall l'rcnch pro\ incial toun. a timid hutchci courtx an ciluall} imaxxtimm; xchoolmixtrcxx ax a xci'icx ot hiutal xla} incx xhockx tlic local communit} l’ait llitchcockian thrillci. part chaiactci xtud). thix ix (‘liahiol at hix L'\tllll\llc ( iallic hcxt l'ilmhouxc. ludinhurgh.

Bread And ROSES! lit 0... tlxcn l.oaclt.l K. leltl I I’ll.” l’adrlla. \dtrcn Brod). lzlpidia (‘arirllo lllt mmx li’n ml .lm/ lx’mi‘x hra\c|_\ dramatixcx thc tl.tll_\ xtrugglc ol l.ox ;\n;_'clcx' immigrant llixpanic population. \la}a tl’adillan ix a goi'gcoux. gutx} _\oun;: \lk'\l\.lll. \xho cxcapcx kidnapping h} \lllllfJleL‘h to toil .tlttllgxlilc llt'l' \l\lk'l. Rtixa l(..lllllll't. clcanm; olficcx In a don ntoun otficc hlock. xhc ntcctx paxxionatc \xhitc .ltll\ ixt. Sam iBiod} i. \xho ix running tlic .lanitoix l'oi .luxticc campaign. |.oach hax torxakcn

amthc: of hix itaiicttzark ionic-tux t'f‘a'

\llaftta xxithtn thc :tttnttianc. (h; tritiotzntahlc \t‘ttll ot thc' omncxxcti l'ttix :x cxxcnttalh a til \tttl‘tl\lll__'l\ tipl‘cat ( att‘co. l illlll‘lllt'll Breakfast At Tiffany‘s t‘ 0.00

ii’l‘l \.i\‘.i\\

llt't‘l‘titn ( rt‘HI‘K‘ l'cjfit‘atti l’attn i..

ll ahoxit \ It to:\. and thy toxic tx

'lilakc l duahixl \ litzt‘a‘fl l l‘xctt, \l:\ km lx‘oo:1\'\ '1‘ :ttiztx 'llo‘.‘. llo l loon' axkx :1: Eli; roic of f‘ottit'zizttc x\ it: 'o'flft't‘tttt lloif‘. '\ci\ hood. I '11::th xa\|

.xl‘ll\\ l infant! it: fftt tott o.


.taxttafit. atmr aka: :‘a.'. mitt ,t' olo l at: \attak lftc .twtttt


ma} haxt~ ta‘aiactoux it‘ttccnan.‘ tt‘atuzcx Irtot lcaxt lllt'\'\\llll\ll\‘\Lflt'!«"l.1;‘ll\ h‘.‘.,’ l l’lattc and. thc x\|.tt1~.‘ttt-_' xottt‘alttat k l\\ llcmt \latu nu t. :t 1x xhc who 't'matnx

It‘xt‘ottxthic tot maktrtz‘ at \ll\ h a \tcil toxct

t laxxtt adaptcd :tottt thy ttw'.\‘i to human ('ar‘ott- lt'l. ( il.:x-_'o\\.. l t l laxt lxtih'rtlc Bridget Jones’s Diary 1‘ O... «\haion \l.i:'tlll\',l \l l\. .‘I't'I lx’cnt't' /c|l\\.c:'ci. lllt"ll ( Il.llll. ( ’ohn l lllll "o lo» M t/i-H»;

lllllll'. .lll .ltl.t[‘l.llli‘ll \.t\ll\ lllll‘ll".\'\ t‘ll

iiimx “trier .' 1x tlta'. iait' an o\ct tatcd otiz'mal Ill thix t axt' llt'lcn licldiaz'x hcxtxclliri-' llt“.‘.xl‘.tt‘t‘t toltinm tum hook loncx hax a iathct mt c lo'o and lookx rathct lll\\'_ hut \‘.i'lll-‘\ a lot .tl‘ttlll hcr appcaiantc and t aicci ll‘ hctxxct-n taciz'liinv hcixcll and tantmffi aliout tlic lllt'ilt'lll malt‘ xhc cutanylm hcixclt \\ ith naxtx hoax l tanicl ('lcan't It il.tlll r. ln'lotc takm;‘ up \kllll nit t" \laik Itaitt II ntht (tn patk‘l. lHllC\ \‘..tx a xm\c|lin~.'. llt‘lllltllt \‘.l\'\ k. on llllll xhth a xm\cl|in_:,'. llx‘lllt‘lli \xicck ‘.\lli' alxo llaltl‘x'llx \llil /t‘ll\\t“.'\'l

atldx a tout h ol \‘..tlllllll to \x hat ix

to hc t onxixtcnth hilai roux

cxxcittiall} a \\|io||_\ unx_\ llll‘.llllt'llt l‘lllllt‘ \ll.ll.t\‘lt'l (icncial iclcaxc

Buena Vista Social Club tl toooo i\\ llll \\ciidctx. ( 'tiha. I‘M"! |\’\ ('ooilci. lhialiim l ciici. Ix'tihcn ( ion/alc/ ltti mmx ('tiha lookx a littlc likc thc land that timc lorjnot \ thcmc \\cndcix ltllll‘.‘\ out hoth in thc o\ci c\poxcd iiii.i;_'cx ot lla\aiia and alxo in thc lllll\l\.ll l‘lllllillltt' ot thcxc

llk logtcnaiian and lltlll.lf.'k'll.lllilll lllll\l\ ianx \xho haw tor xo loin: hccii ncylct lk'll \nd il'x iiomtallx tha'ikx to an \tncin an. \\cndcix' lt‘f.‘lll.ll muxn al \ ollahoiator Rx (.tH‘llk‘l. lllk'll \ .llt't'l\ ll.i\t' l‘t't'll icxuiicctcd \\_\nd lhcatic. ‘xlclioxc

Buffy The Vampire Slayer« If»

0 ll Ian lx’uhcl kit/ind \. l‘t‘tlt lxitxt} \v.arrxoii. l ukc I’citx. lx’utpci ll.lll<‘t ‘t-l mmx lligrhxthool \ hccilcatlcr ltctomcx \ampiic xla_\ci m thix mxnlt to thc mtcllijgciicc horror tomcd} that ix ncithci lunn_\ nor xcai} \\ ith itx dialoz'iic xlamicd togcthcr liom llll‘ tor liltccn minuch phraxcx owrhcard in a \llt'l‘I‘lllj.‘ mall. it xhonltl ll.t‘.t‘ hccn xtakcd at hittli (anico. l dmhmvh Captain Corelli’s Mandolin « In .0. tlohn \l.l\lllt'll.l k l \ l l.lll\k'. Iltltl t \icolax ( 'afxc. l’i'nclolic ( 'itr/. lohn llmt I.‘.tt mmx lliix adaptation ot l oinx .lc lik'llllk'lk'\. l‘\'\l\\'ll\'l \('\'\ ( ilt‘t'u' [ala'll l\_\ thc Italian .\itii} drum-J \\oi|d \\ai ll ('aptam ( 'oiclli and hix anad ol opcra cnthtixraxtx ariHc on thc ixland ot ('cphallotiia. \ .lll\lll_‘.f min h uproar \nd \xhcn thc (atl‘lalll ix hillctcd to Hi lanmx' tllllllt houxc. ('oiclli and thc Hot tr |l 'x hcautilul dauphtcr l’claua t( 'iu/I. tall in toihiddcn lo\c \ladtlcn hax xtnt k to ll|\ gunx and madc a mm ic at llllk c (ll\llll\ t|_\ l'uropcan and Iikcl} to appcal to \lllt'llx an audicnccx ('ommcit iali tmlaithtiil to thc hook. hut xtill hcad and xlionldcrx ahoxc an} Hl lllc t'}c \ atitl} llitll}‘.‘.imrl liax lH l‘llk‘l

(lL'llk'lill lt'lt’iixi‘