Drama is listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


\\.\ \\ I11'1'I1'I1.111 Mum; I’ »4 I’.uku1g_' l'.11'1|1111'\. \\ (' *2 \1I.1plc1l 'l111I1'11x1 TICKETLINK

ll1‘I11'I\ 1111 111.11111 \1'11111'\ 111 (1|.1\;_'11\1 .111‘ .1\.11I.1I1I1'11111111I11Vl11'kc1('1‘11111'. ('.1111Il1'113_'j_'\. .\l1111 8.11 I”. :11.1111 (1. illpul; 8111111111111 5p111111pt'1x1111111 111111] ‘lpru I1} pl111111-1111III-II IX" SSI I. .\11} 'l’11‘I11'1Iu1I1 I111\111111‘1'1'.111\1'II111‘I11-lxl111111I11-1 \1'11111'\. THEATRE TOKENS

ll 1111I11'.111'\ \1'11111'x \1I11'1’1' 'I I11-.1111' lulu-11s 11111I11'1'\1'I1.111g1'1l1111 111‘I11'1\.'I11I11‘11\ (.111 I11' I111ug_'l1l 11111111I11VI11'I11'1(111111". ('.1111II1'1’1;_'j:\. (il.1\3_'11\\. III-II 33" SIIIII; 1111M I1r.1111‘l11'\ 111 “III. S11111I1. .l11l111 \11‘11/11'\.1111I .I.11111'\'II1111 ll1111l\\1‘llk‘l'\L orb} 1‘1'1'1I111‘.11'1l 1111111’I'11I11‘11I1111‘.III7I 2-111 XXI)”.

Glasgow Drama

THE ARCHES 353.\r§_'_\|1'811111.001” (123113111). |\\'(‘. \\‘.-\|

Jim Smith: Princess Of Wales 1'11111 S.11".l11l..\pu1. U11£~11.'I111111\I.1\ /..1|1'1”x I1I.11‘|11‘11111c1l_\ .1I111111 .1 ('1‘11.111.111 111111111 1111'1‘I1;11111‘.1111II11\ \1‘1'1‘1‘1 11I\\L‘\\l1lll 1111' l’r1111‘1‘xx I)I.u1.1. Ii\pc1‘l x111111‘ I1I1‘.1k I.1ug_'|1\ .1111I.1I11111l 11111111111111113; 111‘ 3:1'111I1‘r 11I1'11111}. Sneak Theatre 'l‘l111 13/1111 1.1 .1111. 7.3(lpu1. £51L‘31. (il.1s;_'11\1-|1.1\1‘1I Sucuk 'I‘llt‘illl'k‘ [II'L'\1‘llI\ .1 1l11lll1IL‘ ITIII HI 111‘“ \I111rlx I1_\ Rclwt't'u Sharp.


(‘.11I11'1l1'.1l Sll'1‘1'1.473 ZIIIIII. Macbeth'l'l1115.l11l.7.311p111.[12111111. (11111113: li1lg_'1"l'|1c.1lrc ('11111p.u1_\ proxculx

11x111111l11111' pI1>1I1u111~11 111 \I1.1I11'\pt'.uc\ 1I.1\\11 {1.15:1'1I} Ilux \111- \ptxult .111‘11'1111111' 111111111\1\.1111‘\‘. 1.1I11'11111I11' li.111l\

I1I111 11l1I111\1} \11111\I1I.111j_‘ \1'1' pIt“. 1w.

PAVILION THEATRE IllI{1'llII1'I1l\Il1‘1'I. ;“: I.\-I(1 \\ ( I. \\.\|

Mourning Mrs Brown 1 11111 \1111x .I11l.",§1111111;3.11Spunk ". ‘Ilpm

L'III LII. lir1-111I.u1 ( )‘( ‘.1r111II 111I|11\\ \ 11p I11\I1u;_'1'\ut'1'1'\\ \111l1 III \ l1'1'111111'x lm/ II1’1/1/IIIL' \11II1 1I11‘ \1-1‘11111l 111 I11\ p1'11p11x1‘1l 111I11;_'} 111 'li1111111\'11l.1_\\. Ilux 111111" .11'1111111l. .\I.1111111_\ \ pl.11111u1;_' .1 111111‘1‘.1l;1111I} 11'1111l1l1'1\.1111I1111I}\1l1*.11l


2 Suut'luchull 811'1'1'1. IX" SSI I. III. \\('. 111-1|

What A Feeling S.11".lul.-Ipu1. L'IIISII H151).l.1111.1|1l.1111lI<11\1'I{11}1'1‘ \111‘.1|1\1(i\\c11I)11‘I11'} \1.11‘ 111 1l11\ 1'1‘I1'l11'.111111111l 1'111‘I1.1111Ip11pu111\11‘\.1111l lllll\11';ll\ ll‘Ulll lllL‘ "II\I11II11")II\. II1I\ I1'11111 /)I'I‘I\ [)11'111 111:. /11/111'.1111l 511/111‘1/111 Nix/11 /'1’1 ('1' .11‘1‘ .1Il 1111 1I11' 1111'1111.

Edinburgh Drama

CHURCH HILL THEATRE 33.1\I111‘11111gxl1lcR11.11I.328 I I55. ll’. III John Paul Jones .\11111 (1 8.11 1-1 .1111. 7.3IIpII1;S.113pu11k 7.3011111. DISH (£7.5IIIXI'I11‘ I'1‘1‘1‘1I11111('11111p.111) prcwuls 11111 111-11 11111x11'.1| 1.1I1'11I 11111‘ 111 81‘111|.1111I\ 1'111'311111‘11 l11‘1'111‘\. Burn 111‘.11' I)111111'1'1c\111 I747. .I11I111 I’.1ul .I11111'x \11'111 1111111Iwuuuc11111‘11l'll11' IN \.1\ _\ '\ I11‘1gl111‘x1 \1.11‘\1Iur111;_' 1I11‘.»\1111'1'11'.u1\\‘.11' 111' I111I1'pc111lc111‘c. I’culuring .1 _I()»\11‘11ug_‘ 1‘11111p.u1_\ .1111I I(1-[111‘1‘1‘ 111'1‘I11‘x11'u. 1I11\ .1111I111111u\ \1‘11111"1‘1‘ 1x1l11‘1'11111p.111}‘x 1Icl1ut \I11m .1111I I1111k\ \1‘1 1111111'11.1 It“ I11‘.11I\. Soc prm 11‘“.


I{11_\.1l \Iilc.1173211111).lI’.\\'(‘.\\L\l Macbeth I11 [3 Sun l5.l11|.1\’pu1. [I5 IL‘ I 3 I. SL‘L‘ ( il.1\g11\\ (';1lllL‘1I1';1I.


I I I" \1t11lwu \111‘c1. ‘3" 111111” ,II. \11'. \1 \1

The Singing Kettle Silly Circus Hm I" \1111 3: Jul \1'.' I\'11I\ I1\1u1;;\

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (111111II.1_\ \111'1'1.31\>I\11\ [I’. II. | I. \11'. \\ \1

A Midsummer Night’s Dream I 11 (1\.11"_Iul " -I*pu1 2-; 11‘1 \ 1.1\1_ 11111 11111-11111‘1.1111111111 .\I1.1I1c\pt'.11c\ p11p11I.u 1'111111'1I_\. pt'111111111'1l I1) 1|11' I )1‘1'11111 \1111111 Il11'.1111' I 11\1'.}11111I1.1111I 1111x11111l1'1\1.1111I111;'.111-.1III11'\1\11‘\\1~1I111 11111Ix111111111'1

TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘.1111I11'11I§_'1-8111-1135IIHI ll’. II. I I. \\ ( ‘. \\ \l

Gagarin Way 13111 I: 8.11 I I ,Iul .\pu1 Ir.1\1'1\1‘ I I11'.1111' ("1111111.111} l‘lk'\\'lll\ .1 [111-111‘“ 11111111 1|ux 111'11 I1.111I1‘1I_1_'1*1I 1‘111111‘1I} I1} (Il1‘_‘_'1ll_\ l’11uI11‘ II11' pl.1} \11II I11‘11111'1111I11"l‘1.1\1-r\1'|11gl1l1gl1lxl1u 1l11‘ (11111111: l1‘\11\.1l. \11 llux 1x _\11ur cl1.1111'1‘ 111 1‘.111'I1111'.11'l_\.

Central Drama 8. Dance



(‘.11'1‘11‘I1 811‘1‘1‘1.II|_“I3(1|IIZI.|I|.\\('. \\‘.\|

Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat .\11111 *) .Iul 8.1131.l11l111111811111.\l1111 ’I‘I1113pu1 1\ ".~15p111;l'r1.\ S.115pu1.\ 8pm.

[l5 £33. IIIII K1'1111 11;,‘I11 prcwulx .111 .11I.1pl.1111111111 1I11' pnpulur I11I1I11'.1I 11111x11'.1l.



In} Squurc. IIIINZ 223530. |I’. ll. “1‘. \\'.v\|

The Land Of Cakes '1'1111 5/1-11 (1.1111 .& I‘ri l3 .\I1111 I(1.I11I111111.\'1u11."4511111 18.11111.112..‘11)pu11.£5.75 [0.51)

1(3.75 [(1.501I)1111l’.111‘r\1111\l1l.11‘k

3'81"\18 Theatre


Into The Woods 1‘1"

' 1‘1‘_, [.‘I 11 l" ‘1 1

1 I' ' ' ' "1 1 l'\

»\ -' 1' 1. '1 11"11~ .‘

1 v 1" '1 i I ‘1‘, 11W .1>1.1‘~ 1' "'1 1;... . 11, 1 ~ ,‘III‘1AH')....L\ 1". ‘:1‘.4

Gagarin Way .1111111 l1?°.111,'~; 1:11.13


1111;11:1l.1:, 1711'1‘1'T711-I1I11I1I’11I1IH 11 ZI11-l111111111l1ir;,1-111.1}11»11111. 5:;1111I111131I 11111111 1‘,

I‘1111im 111.11'111ru

l)l1?‘.l(?‘.'.lll1] 1111:;1'1:11111'1_ $11111 1'111111‘1 111:.11‘1111111‘1r1r1:.111I111I1111111‘Iw! I111I1111:Hurt-18112.1!1111111111. li.1‘.w:.1>

11’11111/11,[113111111'1fl1 1111; I.

17-: ./1’1’/.

1'111111‘1I) .1l11111l.1;_'r11up111 p.1111'111\1111 .1 I1mp|1.1| \\.111l. 1‘11111pl1‘11‘ \111I1 |1\1' \1'1111'. Changing Kevin’s Story 5111 " I111- III,I11I1\ l'uc I”/\\1~1l IH.I11|111111811111 ".15le1 1\\1‘1| 111.11 3311111111. (555 L I 351) 11255 U15II1..\'11|1IIII1'1I'()1\\'l1.11 II.1ppc111'1l\1'\1:\l11'1”ll11‘\IIII l..1\ \11'\. 11111111111111”“11111- 11l K1‘\111.1I11'rl11' I1-.1\1'\.|1111' .\I1I|\.

Celebrate your graduation at the Iron. Illow that is eleven]

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0f11cnd|ysm1lof011ust£25.It's 0 umqws day. Let us help 11011 make $1111? 11's (1 good 0'10. To reserve your table C3:I11<,r101'101'10141552 4267.

a IOId-UOCI restcumnt offers :1 1:1r11l1..1t11111 menu 81111111911 -.-.11I1 I|r111 r111.1 sewer: 1"


n, . . ., Theatre Bar 1“ * Restaurant www.tron.co.uk

F000 WITH A BIT 0F llllllll

heatre guide

Thu 12- Thu 19 continued over page


Thursday 5

Friday 6

Saturday 7

Sunday 8 Monday 9

Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11


Pavilion _ Glasgow Cathedral, Royal Concert Hall Church Hill

Royal Lyceum “averse 1 Edinbrflh Castle

3 o c: m < —l a :I: r: a: = in E a lull

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':,./ ‘THELIST61