Spank} .~\lc\andct‘ Bcnii} Hill-hkc .tllllL'\ \\ ill ol'courxc hc ritc and all di‘inkx ai'c auiilahlc at I‘Fllx priccx.

I Soundpresence al l.a lit-lit- Angclc. llHllpm 3am. l'rcc. 5 Jul onl_\. ()nc-oll c\cnt sponsorcd h} Morgans Spiccd and l'caturing \omc \cr} \pccial gllcxlx. l.cading l'K garagc act 'l'lic .-\rcitcch\ nill hc pcrlorining a ll\ c l’.-\ and DJ support coincx lroni l‘L'llll l'L‘lll (Young l)i\ciplc\i and local lad Yogi llaughton. Whilc this ma} hc hilch ax a lrcc c\cnt. carl) arri\al IS morc than rccoinincndcd to guarantcc cntr}. Scc l’rc\ic\\ ill Mttsic \cction.

I Sputnik at the \‘ciiiic llop i'looii. lll.3llpin 3am. U. 5 tk l‘) .lul. l‘oi'tnightl). l-ccl lhc gush ax Sputnik rockctx right to thc cpiccnlrc ol }tllll' aural caxiticx. rupturing )our mind \\ ith lcl‘tlicld houw llltl\lc‘. chidcnt t_\pc\ l)an l'i'antic. llohhcx and l.i\a ‘l'honixon arc thc pcsk) kidx i'cspoitxiltlc althouin thc} 'rc hound to hlanic thcn‘ :JllL'SIS Roh l)_\ Ian lroin ('aincl Bcatx i5 .ltlll and Kook) Kttxltttlt ill .ltll l.

I 3 Piece Sweet at 'l'hc ('octcau l.oungc. llpiii .lain. £3. 5 .lul. Monthl}. i'l'tllll old to ncn. from cutting-cdgc to lxlle'll thc ‘no music policy lroin kccn to plcaxc part} girls 'l‘rcndy \Vcnd}. Sail) l" arid Nicci ncxci' lailx to astound and aina/c. 'l'hix month. ii'\ a lull Moon l’ai'l)‘ in tlic \l} lc ol' thoxc (ioa ti‘ancc pai‘ticx that poxh l'olk talk \ti londl} ol.

Chart & Party

I Blasted at (iaia. ltlpin 3am. U it'll. \Vcckl). l)uhhcd 'thc hcxt \tudcnt night in tonn‘ h) \onic Radio l \agc. thix \\\ cat} \till'c‘c lt‘ttllll‘c\ L'llL‘L'\) lllttlllSll‘L‘ttlll dancc in thc main room and indic l'roin l’lanct liarth llpxlttll'S in thc Ioungc.

I Funky Underground at Rcmlution. lllpin 3am. £4 (Ur \Vcckl). .-\ monxtcr \otllltl\_\ \tcin. good Utltlx at copping oil" and sonic hand} dancc podiumx l‘oi‘ attracting attcntion to _\our l'unk} strutting arc just thi'cc of thc rcaxonx \\h_\ cholution \ccinx hkc a good idca \xhcn )ou'rc drunk.

I Gold at 'l‘hc Ark. lllpm 3am. Slip. \Vcckl}. ll" thc \cr_\ thought ot‘l‘on) lladlc} makcx )titi moixl. )iiti'll hc positncl} dripping at llll\ ltl\lll'ltill\ night of Stls indulgcncc.

I Ignition at lirox/lilitc. 0.30pm 3am. £3 it'll. \Vcckl}.\l ycar'x 'SL‘Ullixlt Discothuc ()l‘ ’l‘hc Ycar' \llll di'a\\ \ thc numhcrx at this big 'olc chart and part) night.

I The 6, 7, 8 Special at \Vli} Noi‘.’ llpiii iam. £5. \Vcckl}. A magical musical journc) that takcx )ou through llic (ill\. 7()\. Sllx itiii/ ‘lllx \\ ith pluck} \ur\ ixor Disco Bill) and lllx ncu l'ricnd Disco l)i\a l)alc. ('agc danccrx a dclinitc hoinis.

I Skulzoot at (‘octcau l.oungc.

llpiii Rant. [3. l‘) .lul. Montlil}. .’\ li'cc- rangc llltlle‘ polic} complcincntx thc t‘i'cc rangc tlllllc‘x ol' thc pixxcd-up puntcrx taking ad\antagc of thc chcap drinks promos.

I The Subway at 'l‘hc Stilma}.

‘lpiii 3am. l’rcc tor \tudcntx \\ ith matriculation card; L'l UlllL‘l'\\l\L‘. \Vcckl). .-\ niainxtrcain \oundtrack plux thc odd \pot ol- iildlc.

I The Subway West End at ’l‘lit- Sulma} \chi [find 7pm 3am. l'rcc for \tudcntx \\ ith matriculation card; [I othcr\\ ixc. \Vcckl}. l)J\ pla} ing chart and part} music for an ahxolutcl} \hamclcxx drinking ci‘o\\ d.

Edinburgh A Fridays


I Bar Union at Bar l'nion. 0pm lain. l‘l'L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘kl). Radio l‘iol'lll'\ Kc\ llt JoilL‘\ pla_\\ \oinc hcl‘t) lltillxc and garagc.

I Bass:Trap Sessions at Bani Boti. Qpni— lam. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). lidinhurgh'x spank} no“ ()ricntal st} lc har gctx \ortcd in thc st} lcs of drum tk ham. hip hop and breaks h) \\ ixc Manga inaxtcr (i-Mac.

I Blok at l’opRokit ‘lpin laiii l'icc “cckly .\ rcgulai \cntuic ctlllllc'S} of Robin St_\lci iSolcluxioni. Bootx} lSttltxlaltccl in iox c lllc‘ill} i and (iicgoi il)ouchc Ma louchci. \xhci'c iaic gioo\ c. ltiiik. di~co and hip hop \\ ill hc thc oidci' ol llic da}.

I Centro at (it) (atc I. ‘lpiii lam l-i‘cc. (i .ltil l‘tll‘llllgfllll} .\ iclatixcl} nc\\ \cnturc toi l'lti‘;igi‘oo\c\ (iaicih Soinmcrx illc. \xhci'c thc pla_\ ll\l lllc‘ill'pill‘.tlc\ c\ci'_\thing lroni la/l tl'dtltllL‘S llkL‘ 'lt‘l'l’} (itililt'l’ ltl llottu' llthllc‘lS llkL‘ l)ccp l)l\ll.

I Chaos Cubano at Baiacoa.

lllpin lain. l‘t'cc, \\cckl_\. l)J Mika}c'l hosts a night of funk. hip hop and \.il\a. I Conception .ii llohi-ootl l'iiioii. Monthl). .\'c\t datc thc.

I Cuba Norte at (tilta \iii‘tc.

Illpin latii. l-i‘cc. \\cckl_\. Still \upp|_\ing thc hi'oadcxt musical \pcctruin lot latin lo\c'l'\ and \llll pixotal to thc \\liolc l.atin

I Cuts & Strings at 'l llc (‘ocicaii l.oungc. Spin lain. l'l'L‘C. (i ,lul, Monthl_\. l'olltm lltg‘ lllL‘ cclcl‘l'll}-L'lltlti\\ L'tl \Cctllltl liii'tltda} ltaxli al lago la\l iitoiilli. lilc \ccinx pi‘ctt} tandi) oncc again loi thc rcxidcntx at llll\ cclcctic houxc oiiciitatcd prc-cluh. ;\ch \\cll.

I Disco Cubism at lhc (Liiuaxli. ‘lpin lain. l'rcc. \M‘ckl}. .\li (‘ainphcll \hon \ lic ain‘t no \tpiaic nhcn hc gocx dixco lltlth‘ ci'a/_\ lor thc night.

I EH1 at l2lll, ‘lpin lain. l'icc. \Vcckl}. ln thc \lcck. iiiininiali\t \lllltltllltl\ ol llll\ wank} st} lc hai'. Bcn l' gctx thc ltiiik it» .ltil l. \xhilc _\oung Bcan} lroin Suhlitnc lllllt';t\llL'\lll\llL‘L'\1}lL'\L‘lllthlll.

I Flashback at l‘laxliltack.

Sillpin lain. l't'cc. \Vcckl}. l).l l'lL‘llc'lllC \upplicx a who chart ini\ loi' tlic o\ci' llx.

I 4-Play at ('ltih .\lci'catlo. -l lllpin. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Sci‘xnig _\ou liaid noi'king. liaid part} ing t_\pc\ \\ ith a inindimclting llll\ ol' |llll\lc tcoui'tcx} ol' kitsch tiuccn 'li'cnd} \Vcnd} i and drinks pi‘oinm that includc hottlcx ol htihhl} at L'lll until Spin. l).llllL‘\ ol t\\cnt_\ or inoic ai‘c cntci'cd into a dran to n in a \\ hopping

L' l 5” to \pcnd at thc bar.

I Hybrid at llic liquid Room.

" Illpni. L'J. \\cckl}. Shout}. angi} nu- mctal \tull lioni thc indic king ol' lidinhurgh‘x caxtlc. _\oung Kciron ll'tllll lixol. Strictl} undci‘ ltS'x onl).

I Immersed In Music at l’i\o.

‘lpm lain. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. ln thc \aluhrioux \lll'l'tllllltl\ of this anai‘d-

\\ inning (‘/cch thcnic har. Sil\cr Storic slips into a fluid ini\ ol' \oinc tlL'Sc'l‘llllltlll lo .ltil l. 'l‘hc lollou ing \\ cck t Ii .ltil l. ‘Monkc} Bo_\' Mark l‘.tl|lltllltl\tlll \ll‘tlle'S hix lunk inuxclc lor all to \cc.

I Made In Iguana at Iguana.

‘lpm lain. l'l'cc. \Vcckl}. local hcro .loxcph .\lalik t('oiiipo\t Rccoi'dxl da/llcx thc croudx \\ itlt hix hlindin‘ rangc ol l'unk} tuncx. l'roin hip hop to houxc to l.atin and ia//.

I Oxygen at ()\_\gcn. ‘lpin lain. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Rotational rcsidcntx (‘iaig Smith tllltl (it'ttlg‘ (iL‘L‘ L‘Clc‘l‘l‘alt' lllL' lact lltttl thc_\ \c got thc \amc christian nainc atid pi'ctt) much thc \ainc taxtc in qualit} houxc music.

I Rebel Waltz at ('it) (talc 3.

‘lpin lam. l'i'cc. l3 .liil. l-ortnighil}. Murra} '(ilohcti‘otting' Rlcllaltlulll hringx lll\ dccp lioth l‘tgcollx honic to l‘tltl\l at thix longrunning \lio\\ca\c. Marco Smith lcudx a hand.

I School Bop at (xiic Ro}al. Monthl}. .\'c\t datc o .llll. \o inlorination a\ailahlc at tiinc ol going to pic“. (all \cnuc l'oi' lull dctailx.

I UrbannHangSuite at Haiiii‘x.

l lpiii 3am. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. light \cgclai‘iait \tiackx \ci'\cd lo a hip hop and hi‘cakx \oundtrack l'roin l)olphin Bo} t'l‘umin) 'l'ouchi.

I Why Not? at \\ h} .\ot .' S lllpni. £5 iincludcx cntr} to club attcrnardx l. \Vcckl}. Salxa dancc cla~\c\ tor hcginncix and intcrmcdiatc L‘lllllthlthlS. \\ ith a l'cixt} cluh night to lolltm \hould )ou \o chooxc.

I Word Up at Ruxh ‘ll‘lll midnight

l'icc \\cckl_\ Yogi llaughton and DJ l’al‘tllo/ hmt .i \uank) pic-cluh that's got tlic goods toi all )t‘tl Rth tic.ik\ otit thcrc.


I Adaptor at Studio 24. Monthl). .\'c\t datc i.-\ug_

I Anonymi presents:

'll} pcixciiiilation' at 'l hc Bongo (‘luh lllpiii 3am :5 HA i. Ill Jul onl_\. ()nc-oll \\oi'ld lllllSlc \lioucaxc lcattiring li\c ritual di'uiii tk ha“ li‘oni \\ cird .-\tti'actor\. ll\ c hip hop lrom lrian Ja_\a and 1)] support from \Vt'cck‘agc i\\'all ()l' Soundi and llohhcs tl‘ndci'n old i.

I Arakataca! at 'lhc Bongo (‘luh Moiithl}. .\'c\t datc at ’l‘cx iot Ron llouxc on 3 :\ug.

I Aswang at Studio 34 ltltm ll\l;lll'\l. lllfillpm :am. ‘4". 13 Jul. Monthl). .-\n 'all \cnxor} c\pcricnco rcplcic nith hammocks. maxxagc and a soundtrack of lunk}. p\_\clicdclic ti'ancc. l.i\c gucxtx \llll to hc conlii'incd.

I Beat at l..t Bcllc .-\llf_'L'lL'.

lll. illpin iain. to l Ur; L" hclorc ll..‘~llpm. Ill .ltll Monthl}. l'ollouing a \tcad} \Ic“ ol~ high cahhrc gucxtx. it'x tiinc to cclchratc thc Big Bcat lc'SltlL'llh oncc again Simon llodgc. Stuart Bcnnctt and DJ ’l iiikti llx llic} \clcct lhc llllt‘\l lunk. ia//. Latin and \otll loi tour dancing plcaun’c.

I at l hc \clltlt' tltlp llttol'l. \ltlllllll}. .\L'\l tltth .3- Jul.

0 Boogie Mo’ Dynamo presents: ‘lnixicd l)i\co’ at ligo. Illfillpiii 3am. (S. (i .lttl. \ltillllll}. 'l'llk' lloogtc Mo c‘l‘c“ ictuin \\llll a 'l’\\i\tcd Disco thcinc night gcaicd ltl\\;tl'tl\ making _\ou \hakc that hoot) 'till it \llldl’lS. ('lca\agc. l.;id}ho_\ and ()llic-(hl \\lll hc thc niaxtcrl'ul [Us at \xoik aiid lhc llltl\lL' poltc} c\lcnd\ all thc \\a} lroin qualii) Motonn. through camp disco classic\ to lunk}. modcrn gt‘omm. SL'L' llllll\l.

I Catalyst & Violate present: at Studio 2-1 ltltl\\ll\lilll'\l. Monthl}. Nut datc l7 .-\ug.

I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooiiix. Illfillpin 3am thar l'rom (ipini. l‘rcc. \VL‘L‘lxl}. l).l All} tlt)L‘\ lllL‘ tlL‘L‘k\ tltll} ttl this ga} night \\ ith hcr iniinitahlc \clcctioii of high camp and dixco claxxicx. mining on to puinpcd-up lltllISC and dancc as thc c\cning progi‘cxxcx.

O Cerotonin at 'l'hc \cnuc lloncr [\H) lloorxi. lllfillpm 3am. L'll) HAS). (i Jtil. Monthl}. ('rucial datc for [his tip-and- coining night. l‘caturing a Scottish c\clti- \i\ c in thc lorm ol‘('or\in l)alck. 'l’hc llungarian-horn l)J. lamcd for his ‘uct tk hard" pi'ogrcxxh c trancc sound. can alw claim to ha\c thc laxtcxt littlltlx in l)Jing. hax ing \cl thc I‘N‘) uorld rccord lor pla} ing a \ct on It) ltll'tllttltlcx. \\'liilc that\ no doubt iinprcsxnc. licrc\ hoping hc rcxtrictx himxcll' to 4 dcckx tonight. Support L‘UlllL'S lrom Scott l’carcc in thc main room and from Richic. Barr} and ('raig. gctting dirt} in a dccp houxc xi}- lcc tlim it ill lllL‘ (itltllt‘l'. .SL‘L' llllllSl.

I Club Latino at ’l'hc Bongo (‘luh Monthl}. Nut datc in Aug.

I Crash at ('ltilt .la\a. lllpin latc. LS hctoic midnight; L' I” altcr. b Jul. l-ortnightl}. .-\ltcr thc \lightl) chx than \tlL't‘L'\\ltll launch night. ihc iicxx hard liouxc \honcaxc \xclconicx cclchrit) l'L'\ltlL'lll I).l .i\nd_\ l‘ai‘lc} lor \tilllL‘ right pumping plcaxurc. Support CUIIICS ll'tllll lcllou icxidcntx .laxoii (‘oi'tc/ and (iillic. 'l‘o organixc compliincntar} transport to and from thc \cnuc ipick up at \Vaxcrlc) Bridgci call U79“ 47l IIS.

I Dischord at Studio 24. llpiii 3am. USU t £3.5tli. (i Jul. Monthl}. llca\} inctal. nu-mctal. dcath—nictal. c\trcinc inctal and “NBC tokcn goth v. ith l)J\ \Vall}. lg} and Lil.

I Dr No’s at ’l'hc Bongo ('Iuh.

llpiii Rain. 9;" t£5i. l3 Jtil. Monthl}. :\ltcr \col'ling at \ka carlicr in thc )car. 'lall Paul Robinson finds hinixcll \lccping \xith thc cncm} a\ it \xcrc. hringing ltlx (ills garagc punk cluh. 'l‘hc (io-(io, up cloxc and pcrxonal \\ ith classic \kit and rockstcad} night. l)r .\'o's. Should hc a hit hkc Brighton picr thcn \\ ith thc mtle

listings Clubs

1.1+» : ‘5 ~f "3;."I$-".“L~“'.ij.

Boogie Mo Dynamo presents: The Boogie Mo boys are back in busmess albeit under the guise of some dubious pseudonyms iCleavage and Ladyboy? - I ask you) with a 'Twisted Disco‘ night. featuring camp classrcs straight through to the latest dancefloor thuinpers. Ego, Fri 6 Jul.

Ceratonin Prolific

reinixer producer DJ graphic designer Corvin Dalek ipicturedl makes his Scottish debut, playing his progresswe trance iust the way I like my showers - wet and hard. The Venue, Fri (5 Jul.

Waxworks Norman Jay delivers his long—awaited Good Times Sound System set to all those who live and love lllLlSIC With a passion. See feature. The Honeycomb, Fri 6 c/LI/

Flippin’ After soaking up the Heartbreak High-like atmosphere of the skate comp at Bristo Square. surf the sidewalks down here for a club night cum fundraiser for the Edinburgh Ramp Fund. There's live hip hop. DJs and a prize ceremony for the most fearless skaters in our dear old city. The Bongo Club, Sun 8 Jul. Resistance Scare yourself senseless this Friday The Thirteenth at the first birthday bash of this shy and retiring night, featuring a sultry mix of gabba, industrial, hard aCid and techno from the likes of cheery chappies Dr Macabre and Gunter Saxenhammer. Go on, you know you want to. The Venue, Fri 73 Jul. Headspin Grand Central's dirty bass skank enthtiSIasl Riton (pronounced Reeton) puts in a guest appearance at this sweaty showcase of funk. soul. house and hip hop. The Bongo Club. Sat 74 Jul.

IT Well-timed to coincide With the imminent release of his Dark Drums 2 album comes this highly eXCiting monthly residency from the 'King of Space', Steve Lawler. The Honeycomb, Sat 74 Jul.

and thc rock'ch flying at each other with m itchhladcs. ()r not. as the case may he. I El Segundo at The Bongo Club. 10.30pm 3am. £6 (£5). 6 Jul. Monthly. Shoot tha pump at this highl} respected hip hop hootcnann). this month featuring \pccial gucst special guest DJ MK lRoots Maritth tour [)J l. the MicrodisiaCs and DJ 3rd Degrcc.

5—13 Jti: zooi THE LIST 73