I Greazed Up -- I‘ v\;~.l .. \I_ .i.

\iIIIIIIII\ '. “~I '\II-' 'IIII 'II' II'IIII"\;"‘ I'II‘I

I lllgotronik 'I \I- I'm

t)I‘lll l.!l|‘ ll“ 'l'il i‘IWII‘lIl‘. I I' ll Irnl ‘IIII IL I' it i llln JV,“ «I \ III.A.II.I..I. III-H“ Il"'1' ‘Il‘f'KKIIIII‘

I Immersed In Music II I'

'III'II llllr ll“ \\ "II‘. II'I.-l \lntl'lt I'IIII'w ll"I' ‘.IIII.IlI'Il'IIII "'I‘ll'w' [”""' 'l-"' 'l' ‘I' II“ II- I..1|.~ .Iw lLlI . III. \IIII'I‘I :I' l’ ‘lI-'

I Made In Iguana II- III.

"l‘llr ~lII Il \‘.* ll I I'lllli IIIII

II lll.' 'iIIII 'I i“ --‘I'lII' IQII lItIII\'

Hill I. III'YI‘III ‘l"'i'Il'Ill.'IIt"lI‘ II‘II"II .llIIl i'lI‘.'I " uh I IllIi-tllll Illl] IIIIlnI‘IIw. III. II lllll'l"ll(‘1lll"|\lll" .NY Mambon III." \II i" l'tpnr t'\ \‘I --l l. X.) III.IIIIl\IIII.III. I. x. '\ IIII I""l'tlII'l«.1'|II nil 'lIII‘Il'I'l 'I'II |Ixi.‘\l\_ .'- IllI .l'l l'. IIII‘ 'I'-'III III IIIIII' l-‘IIII| M,” A. inn.“

IOxygen IIIl"‘i'I‘lI Him. I III» II~- I llll lIIllllli'IIII\ IIIIIIII‘ I |\.I IIII‘II'I““II Imlllllt"Illlllt"'|'.li'\l“l ‘I'x .IIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIII~..-IIIII.I. -.p iIIIT'I ISub-Atomic .II I:.II I II-IIII

‘lprn |.IIn l I " 3‘. 'I'l II. \\ In IIIIrr I‘I IllI' \II‘IIIII ’IIl~_I IlI‘lIltl\ I\ IIII l’IrII: ll. IIIII ‘\II lIIIIv'II, ‘\l.- l"\\|l\ttll ‘IIIII

\I I‘ll \I.II Ix "t/I ‘I pl -\ ’Ihl \ l"‘.' ' "I I \ lrIinxv .nIII :' I Ur‘bannHanqSuite .II I’..IIIII \ lII'.‘ \\.-v-l l\ Il‘,'III

'II'I'.'I.III.III ~II.II l x w‘t. ‘II III .I \ll.lll‘,'\'l\

I lpni win

\1‘ III_‘.'II|‘.‘ \I‘IIIIIIIIJII III‘lII \IIII III I ply I Waxworks presents II I‘IIpI-HII ll

‘lpln I.Il|I II“ \‘IfiI'l l\ la’I'I.IIII'l'.Il IIwIIII'III. llI.’ \I]Il.’l"l \II-Ir- .IIIII \Ir ll'Iltl Illxlt lIII‘ Innl ‘. lIIIII‘..'_ lnp IIIII‘ .Ill'l ~II'II

II'I _\IIIII I" I IIII‘I‘III‘.’ \II'II"III IYllSh!.II IIII-(‘Iltl III- Hpin IIIII III'I' 'lnl IIIIIIIII'IIII\ \ I III.-.III Ilr'I'I III' II ‘IIIIIII I Ilntltnit'llk l '.IIIIl|‘_' lnp Illtl‘ I.II‘ IIII\II l\)I'. I"IlllII‘\I \.'l.‘. I\ llII' nplxxIt Inp IIIII‘. Int-l. .IIIII r.i;'g'.I ll -\

ll'lllt“l In IlII- III‘\ll pIIII -I~| l~’.\ II. the



I Acetate .II III I Illlll‘l Ix’IIIIIII

|Ir mp... :.m l\I! 'i 'lnl

I I‘IIlllt'lIIl\ lllI' \lllllxltllli |~’I-I IIII|\ ltllll Inlx \I‘I'|.III'. II' II'IIIIIt' I 'lrrix I Linn-I .‘IIIII \I.ul II llII'xt‘ Inns .III‘ IIppI‘II In IIII'

lll.t‘\ttl \.I\ll.t. III1"‘I'I‘II .Illtl Iltt'.‘.I‘lI\ .IIIII so l‘lt‘lIII\\‘ .I Ins'lil III IlI-lmtmn I|.IIII‘I'IIIHII .II IIIIII .II this pI.I_\ [‘I.I\III‘ I.I|II.I\III' III'-'p III I‘IIIE‘II‘\\I\I' hoth lllg'lll \IIltl‘IIII \‘I‘IIII‘\ IIIIIII IIII‘ II‘\III\"'I\ \lIIII.I\ l~lr~II.IIIl\IIII, I I III \' -I|.II\ .IIIII \I.III‘o \IIIIIII

I Ascension .II lI-inII Hm. I IIII‘II \IHIIIIIIN ‘\ '\I II.III‘ ‘\ IIII.


I b.a.n.g II i-I‘I ‘-lI~IIIIr|\

trip,” ‘II’III I I lnl \IHIIIIII\

\II .Ix‘l"||\ IIII‘II\ I‘IIIII IIIIIIII' unwilling IIIIIIp \ \I“.‘. (i-III-Ialron'. \‘.lII'II~ IIII‘ _\IIIIII;' .IIItI \ IIIII' I\'\III\'III\ \l.III'I~ \IIIIIII. \I'II( Il‘l‘I\\lt‘|I and \II'( .I\ 'IIIIl\lI ll‘t‘i

\II..,.|,. ‘\ Inl \‘. IIII III»


In IIII' llIl'lII‘ IIII .‘. IIII‘ .*_\I‘Il optimism and liopc IIIIIIIIII' IIII‘III III tlII'II tIIIIlI‘It'IIIIIIIII Il‘ I‘II‘L'II'\\|\I‘ Itouxc tip I\ \I‘I‘I'l.ll I‘IIINI IiltJlI I let ‘I III‘III i‘l\[I‘ five I .II‘I I II‘

I Blast .III Inl‘ \II'II’.IIIII I lpni VIIII llllI"\t lllnl IIIIIIIII'IIII} IlII- IIII.IIIII‘II\ llnz'u} IInIpI'I ()IIUI‘II and his IIII\I\ \IIII'IxII‘l. \l.IILI-ll \t‘lt't‘t lllI‘ lnxt II‘ IIIII_\ lint nonvlltclc“ gonnncit‘ml Ill‘ll\k' Inuny IIII IIII‘ III‘IIj,‘lII .IIIIl III*II‘I'I.IIIIIII I‘I IllI'lI \'.Il‘ II’II\ I'III\‘.II IlIl\ II'IIIII;‘III_ IlII' II'xrtlI‘ntx .III' IIIIIII'II l\\ IIII‘II \pn I.II ‘3“th Iilllt‘x‘ \II‘I‘IV‘II

I C.C. Blooms .II II III lIlpni Min 'I‘.I| III‘III (\pIIII lII'I' \\I'cl\l_\ III \II\ I\ Incl. .I;7.IIII ‘x‘.lIlI morI' III III‘I II.IIII‘III.III\ high {.Illll‘ It‘ III‘IIVC tlt‘I‘leIII‘JI t" [‘ "I‘\I' II 'l"\ honhlng g.I\ \I‘IIIII-

I A Deep Sensation .~I ‘wI

\il‘llllll\ \u\'\ltllli' ‘\ llll


II" l\\

I Disco Inferno .II I

I" ;“put i"<IIII.1lII}IIIt'\\I ll l'Il \lI-IIIIII} IIII"'~". tuition to Ilic \‘-IIIII IIIIII linIl jiolnwlt IIC.IIIII‘II:_' IIIIH It Iicl} lnIII.I I- III I"Il III'I Ilixvn chnlar Ills

\: l \IIx-I. \ll llll\ and III I II‘.I' will II- III In: It up III IIII' mun loom. IIIII-

zIIII .‘

ltll .I\.1llt"..' play more I'I‘II'I‘I‘II SIIN‘\=‘\ III IIII“ IIIII' III | oungI-

I District II \Im litlttpm hurt to IIII \lonllil} I_)II.IIIII lionw IIIII\I\‘ unh

I-II-lciiit I.II:' \IIIIIII. hoix II'II'IIII\

It'lll ll‘ Ins win l.II‘.‘I, IIII\IIII'I\II l-’.' "lIl'llf'\. III IIII. II .II. l.tlIlI llI\ I-IIIIII .‘Illllt"ll“ll"I‘llllllll‘\t'lll

~Il’lll.Il In Illl'. III III III.‘lII It‘l'lll. \‘-IIII\' III I II \\IIII' :'I'l\ II;'~,"\ IIIII‘IIL'II IIII' I\.II‘I\ Illl \I‘lIII‘ IIIp Imp. Innl .IIIII soul It \IIII‘II- IIIII I.l/'\ lo III.il..' II .III IIII' wt} Ilo'.‘ II to IIII‘ "I‘.I'\I I'IIII on tom Imn tun II‘I‘I. \ItlI-Il I‘t' [‘II‘JM'II III III'III III.tI Illk' .IininlI'IaIw 'I_\pI‘\ .II I)|\III\I II.I\\' l“‘.'.!lll\_'ll .I \pI'I I.Il Itnx IIIIIIII

ll ittpni “Lint: In I.II.I‘ _\on IIIII'I'I IIIIIII .Ill Inuoi l‘ll' Ilnltx \II.II_‘.'III Io \I~.I (".III II i\\l ‘i iltltll II' I‘IHtlx IIII' I‘lI\

I Divine Divas .II IhI' \I'mII' Ilop ‘IIIII [bit It IIIIII. \loIIIlilf. Ill Lint} \I~I\I*\ upa \|//IIIIL' \I'II'I IIoII III :‘II- In | .IIIn IllIIk'\ .II IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIK wlI~ norm-II IIII|_\ clnli IIIL'III \ll I‘ltllll\ L'“ to I III \x‘. III'III‘I‘JIIII and

I k'\I‘IIIlI I Illk'

I The Egg .II IIII- \\.~.- lx’I-II It.”


III‘I'II I'lltlll

will. \In and \IIIIIIIIII.III\ \IIII'II' IIkI-l_\ III \I.I;';'I'I .II llt\\

I Essential .II We I IIInIII Room IIIIIRI lIIIII IIIIIIII;'III|_\ Ix’.IIlIo I IIIIlI\ I\I'\ III lt‘Il('\ |Itlll IIIII' '\ ‘.'. IIII \I.IIIIII \.IlI'nIiIII'

II.I\II' I ll\ll‘ Illxt‘IH IHI \IIIIII‘ 'I'xwlltial'

|ll ‘ttpni :.IIII

IIIII_\ housc and I \ _‘.‘.II.'I!.‘L‘ action


llpm Run I IIlIt.\I, III III Lint} (II\‘\\. " .lul IIIIIIIII'IIIh lx’I-in'I'utx(iIaI‘nIc I‘II|\\I.II. \K'Ial li.|llt‘ll .mIl \I'il (-IHHIINHII hle IIII'II IIII.IIIIUII\_ L‘IJIIII llllll\t' p;III\, Ix’I'IIII'IIIIx'I Io i)l\'\\ g'lam or \I'Iam'.

I Fiesta Latina ;II II-xibr Ron I IIIHII \lonIlIl}. \c\I I|;Ilc III I III

I Freefall Edinburgh .II IIII- IIIIIII-II'IIIIIII III lIlpm {am tflII ‘lul \IHIIIIII\ \Itliont'll I )lI\I'I I II‘II 'I\.I\ \I'III'IIIIII'II Io p|:I\ thrx I|;Itc. )Itll luck} pI‘oplc :II'I I 'olrn II'\I‘IIII;I|I- lll\Ik‘illl. ilk‘i\ \IIII'I'.I'.I\IIII,' .I pIIIgII‘xu‘II‘. lizutlci I'Ilgctl \I'I III IIII' |II;II|I IIIIIIII. .IIIIIII; \IIIII Sltigill IIIIIII‘JII .IIIII \lit'hm'l Kilkit‘ lliiough IhI' luck. I I‘I' \i£I\II‘|\t‘lI :IIIII ( 'I;II_L' (II‘I‘ talc II III'I‘p .IIIII IIII‘:II.

OHeadspin .'II I he Bongo (’luh.

III ittpm Kim LASII. lilul \loiilhl} \I.IIII IIIIIIII It'\Illt'III\ III‘nII} \\I‘IIII_\. (blur and Ham makc Ioom :Il IIII‘iI hip hop to houxI‘ IIIIIIII‘IInnII} IoI \pt't'iul gjiicsl I).l lx’Ilon I( hand ('I'ntralt lh;tl II-.I\I'\ \II‘II' \uxlm .Ill .IIIIIII‘ through the I‘.I\'l\ \‘.IIII his unique talc oII lhc Iunk} wul IIII‘III‘I. \Ill\t‘ I‘;Irl_\ lo I‘;IpiI.IlI\I' on the III*I' ( I) hand Hill .md to ptrargintt‘c I‘IIII_\. \I'c IIIIII\I

I Hell On Earth at \IIIIIIII ‘I \IIIHIIII\ \I'\I IIIII- tIII'.

GILII llic IIIIIII'II'IIIIIII lllpnr Mm. IIII l-l .lul IIIIIIIIgIIIl} \II'\I' I :mlcl‘ cutlxuh on In\ ncv. IIII‘IIIIII\ II‘\iIII'IlI‘) IIIIIIIIII_\ cnough hex taking \IIfJIhI oII l‘\'\.III\\' Il'x \IIIIIIII‘I III lI‘I/.Il. onc that

III \II‘III‘II('\\ rock IIII' p;III_\ III ;I pr'II I'vaxixc lo IIII‘.II houxc \I_\II‘. I'Io \upport I'IIIIII'x \'HI|III'\\ III (‘I;II;_' Smith. Yogi

ll Inuhlon .IIIII Ion \I.InI‘InI. \I'I‘ llillixt, I Joyal I‘Igii Ill illpm Mini {IIIIL'XL " _IIIl I IIIIIIIglIIl} \I.I;_';_'Ic ;IIIII .\l;III \crw up \I‘lllk' good \t‘llll. IIII-;II_\ houw in Ihc mam Iooni ‘-‘-IIIIK' III‘IIII) \\I~IIII§ and \.Ill\ |IIIl.I} \III up it \illl\'_\ IIII\ I‘I I'IIIIII. pop .InIl ;.II.I:'I' III IIII' IIIII.‘ II\I;III\ \Illlt‘ (i.I_\. IIII-ntll} and Inn.

I Keb Darge‘s Legendary Deep Funk .II I III‘ \I‘lltlc IIIIp IIIIIII’r

" ‘Ilprn :.IIII I\ III .III\.IIII'I‘ IIoni

l IIIII-Igrouml \'olu\hn and I opp; {III on IIII' \Il‘t‘l i llIl. \lr‘llllll}. IIIk' St‘lll lit‘}\ IIIII‘I- I‘,_'III'I Ixclcomt- Ihcn Iunk} (I‘IIII‘IIIIII' KI'II liargt- lt‘l .IIIIIIIII-I non stop II Int.- III-II/\ I‘I I'pII' proporlionx.

I).II;_'I- \‘. III IV IIlelltL‘ II tlccp .InII hcll tunk} tor Inc \Hllkl hours and curl} III’rI‘IIII guarantccx cnIr} on IIII\ onc I‘L'CIIIHL' it'x \lL'\IlliL'\I to M an intimatc IIIIIIII‘

I Last Night A DJ Stole My Wife III l’o \a \.I, llpm 3am. (3. \Vcckl}. I).l lth \';IIIIIIIII. kccping II rcal \\ Ith thc IIIII \lwol Io nu \Iuml tic;le thing.

I Latin Explosion iii IIII- \IJIIII‘II (‘luh lttpm Rim. L", “cckly Your \M‘I‘le} IIIHI‘ III Inch IN‘IJIIL‘ I .IIIII III_\IIIIII\ IIIIII million-I} It} \Ioiiicnt.

v. IIII II.IIII'I' clawcx \l.IIIIIIf_' ill ‘lpm IHI I‘CL'IIIIII'I\ and lot IIIIIII' c\pcricnt'cd \III\;I .III\'IUII.IKIH\ .II Itlpm IpIII'I'Il t‘l \Ihich Invludm I'IIII} lo Ihc cluln.

I Latino Loco .II II lIuIIIII.

IIIpm iitlll. l Icc. \Vcckl}. lhc original

| IIIIIIII t'h.ut p;III_\ I'onlInucx xx iIh Ihc IIL‘\IIC\I hcalx tiom Ihc I‘itllltt Irom I).I iiL'L'IUI IIIIII III\ I IIIIn poxw.

I Luscious .II (‘IuII _I;I\;I,

‘I. iitpm Jam, Ur IN “MI t;I\i Iccciptl. ll .lul .\lonth|} 'I hc onl} [K and IS uaigigc night III IH\\II. limit-II It) Sharhhzi. III I);In illltl I).l lnnomtor'. III a bid to cnt‘ouiagc cit) I‘I-nlic t'lulvhcrx Iloxx II

I cIth \\;l}. _\ou'll noticc II )ou catch a cult to thc \I-IIIII'. the door I‘haipc ix III chcapcr.

I Luvely :II 'I hc lloncyomh.

IItpm lam. U2 Itllll. 3| .Iul. .\IonIhI_\, I'unk) to hard hoth in Ihc main room and \omt' \Iiclx. \III‘III hoth through Ihc back at litlinhurgh'x gu} IIICIMII} and highl} hctlouixtic \\L‘t‘I\t‘IItI part). \Iakc illl I‘Ilort on _\our' cnxcmhlc I'or‘ Ihix onc ‘t'ntlxt' IIIL‘ III'I'\\ t‘tltlc I\ tli‘t'ltlctll} l-L‘Il\ll and III‘I'iw mil) to guarantcc t'llll}.

I The Mambo Club Iii IIIL‘ (‘Incndixh IIIpm igim. H I‘L‘IIII’L‘ midnight: t5 :II'II‘I. “ct-kl}. 'IIII' highl} I'I‘\pI'cII‘II mi\ oI Icggac. ragga. RIUI. I'zip illlkl hip hop continucx Io hc onc oI' lhc \IIongtwl nights Ior' muxit‘ oI' black origin in [rm n.

I Messenger Sound System ill Illt' Bongthle I IpIII 3am. £7. 7 Jul. l-‘IIIIIIIgglIIII. Kick _\I'I' Ich tip I'or \onrc dancing: plcmut‘c III Ihc I‘IIpiIIII'x hurtling.v I'trtrl\ :Intl Iluh I’cggiic \Iltt\\L'iI\t‘. packing onc oI Ihc IIIU\I Icint‘ioux sounds} \lcmx krioun Io IIIIIII illlII onc III Ihc IIII)\I III'IIII'IIII'II L'IH\\II\ kilo“ II to clubbing.

I Mingin’ ill Studio l-l Illp\lilll'\l.

III. itlpm 3am. U. H .luI. I'III'IIIigIIII}. .\'o- nonxcnxc. gin II‘rcIIIII} clubbing \Ihcrc it‘s Ihc huIIl houxc and \I'\} II'IIncc Irom Ihc It'\I\IL‘llI\ HI izm Dcntpxlcl‘ :IIIII :\lilll Jo} that IllilIIk‘I\ and not Ihc Ilccor. (II'L‘\\ codc or :IIIitudc. .r\ltogclhci :I good plucc III IcI )our‘ hair do“ II Ihcu.

I The Mission ill Studio 2-1.

I Ipm Sam. (5 till. " .luI. Fortnightly -\\tounIIin;_'|) popular haunt I'or' Ihc illlt'lllitlt‘t‘lh III Ihc capital ICQIIIII'III}: thrcc I'IIIIIII\ HI. up IIHIIIIL‘ IIIII‘IIIIL‘H.

I Mondo :It 'l'hc Liquid Room has no“ IIIII\III‘(I. \IIIIIIIII \\ ill I‘cIuI'II \IHIII to :Inothci' \cnuc III‘L'I.

I Oxygen ill Studio 34 Idounxlziir‘xr. Iltpm 3am. \lcmhcrx £3 thorc midnight. {III :IIth‘: IIIIII mcmhcrx L'III th’orc IIIIIIIIIghl.[Hutu-I1 l-l Jul. I‘itrl'llllgltll}. limo} wmc \ummcr lm in‘ ;I\ ()\_\gcn I‘IIIIII'aI‘I-x lhI- slick} \czrxon \\ iIh ii \pccial 'licut'h lizill' thcmc. \Vilh IIn_\ luck. Ihix

\\ III mcun that thc l't'\ItIL‘lII\ Alpha and Don xcr IIIIII thc glIL‘\I 1)]. Nick Scnticncc. \\ ill hc “caring comcl} posing pouchm iIIItI dripping tall lotion ill Ihc Ilcckx.

I Phosphoresence iII IIIL‘ \‘I-nuc IIImcr tun Iltrtthl. III..‘~IIpIn 3am. £8 IL'7I. |~l .Iul. \lonlhl}. I'IitIIL‘I\ :IIIII I)_\;III IIIIIL‘RMII thcir IIuh Icggrrc urgcs in thc (‘oolcix “hilc \pI'I‘IuI gttcxl .\II;IIII Knight II’Iil‘slllt'tlljttllh I'cxitlcnt l).l l’aggin I'III‘ \HIIIL‘ p\_\chcdchc II'IIIII'I‘ rIclioII ul‘ lhc \IiIII'. Iiirc antics :IIIII Iltlttl’tt I-I‘t'ulxt‘t'} \\ III (II. CUIIINL‘ I‘L' I‘IIIC.

I Posh LII (‘Iuh .I;I\;I. ‘lpm Iatc. £5. 7 Jul. .\lonthl_\. Robin Rich ilIItI |)J Schrnccia} IIcaI Ihcir \Iiphixliczilctl clicntclc to :I III;I\IL‘I'IIII mclungc III Iamilirir' clawicx and \IIpI'I‘IIII motlcrn compositions. gcncrall} \Hlllt‘t'tl l'I'HIIl Ihc IIL‘I(I\ HI. lllI-‘ILI/I. RIYB. will and I‘cisl) I'unk. .-\I‘I‘i\c curl} to I'IIpIIuIixc on IIIL' I-IIIIIpIiIncIItuI'} huhhl} ;mII olncx \t'Ht‘tl in thc Il[‘\I;III\ Inungc.


listings Clubs

llIIee Edinburgh DJs have launched a lvand new night called B.A.N.G. (Sat/tonne Bro/rilev tel/s vou all about It using the time honoured quest/on and ansn'I >1 lornrat beloved of Socrates.

B.A.N.G eh? Smacks of an acronym to me. Does it stand for Big Arse Noodle Giant? No it does not. But you're quite right in your assumptIon that it’s an acronym. one that ably conveys that it's a ‘banging' house club that's explosive In all the right ways (the wrong ways would be like III that lel Avrv nightclub where several clubbers were killed by a human bomb). while suggesting a much deeper meaning of poignant significance.

And that deeper meaning would be? ‘Br'Ing A New Generation' of course. the rallying call of Marco Smith (pictured), Neil Crookston and NII: Cavendish who together form the mighty Iriumvrrate responsible for “us clubbing enterprise.

A new generation of what exactly? DJ talent. you eat. All three lads have been gradually garnering great reputations in the capital. each at their own respective residencies. Marco Smith puts himself about with wild abandon and can now claim regular spots at Taste. Acetate. Rebel Waltz and Fruitily; Neil Crookston's the warm-up man at glam house party Eye Candy and Nic Cavendish is the uplifting, progressive trance fella at Up!.

So what happens when these three young-guns get together? An evening of underground house. from the funky to the progressive. taking place at west end hotspot Noa on a monthly basis.

Noa, isn’t that the nice wee club venue with two rooms and no seating? Yes. but not when the B.A.N.G boys get their hands on the place. At the second session of the club. the plan Is to introduce an ‘Orchard Room‘ where clubbers can relax Into comfortable seating amidst verdant Surroundings. admire examples of classical painting and sculpture and eat fruit from the bowls of plenty.

Fruit? Is this a club night or a health club? It's a club night and there's nowt wrong with a bit of fruit as It delivers valuable vitamin C when yOLI're off your nut.

I B.A.N.G at Noa, Sat 74 Jul.

f3 19 Jul 2001 THE LIST 75