Sir William Allan, Artist Adventurer 1782-1850 I'iiul Sui (t ()L‘l. :\ l‘c‘uppl'IIINIII (ll lIlL' \knl‘lx HI IIIIx ininnr Scnuixh gu’IixI. Sn \Vilhuni (\Ilun Alter xpcnding Icn _\c;u‘x piunInig in Rll\\l£1. hc I'cIurnc-d In Scntlund In prnducc Scnllixh III\IHI‘IL';II p;iiiiIIIigx which are .Iinnng Ihc III'\I L'\L'l pginucd Art And The City l'ntil Sui (I ()cI. l\n L'\IIIIHIIHII nt unrkx digm n II'nIn Ihc

(.II} 'x cnllcctinn nI Scnlllxh x\I'l. cxuinining Ihc I'cluunnxhip hcluccn urIixIx zind Ihc ciI} nl Izdinhurgh.


33 28 (‘nckhui'n Slim. 23” IZNI.

Wed Sui Ilgun (ipin; Sun | Spin, Sandy Grant - Salient l'nIil Sun 33 Jul. (iru) 'x Schnnl nl .'\I‘I giuduulc Sand} (innit pi‘cxcnix lundxcupcx \\ Inch uppcuI‘ In he Ihc xui‘lucc nt Ihc innnn. Rcccnll)

\ iining Ihc Snnnnc. Iiix \\HI'I\ I‘ctci'cnccx \Vni‘ld \VuI‘ I \\ iIII Ihc lIlIc nl Ihc xhnu Iukcn Ii‘nin Ihc IIiiliI;II‘_\ ch'In IIII' .i hulgc in the ti'nnllinc. Sec I‘L‘\ icw

John Timberlake l'nIII Sun 22 Jul. Recent \xni'k h} Jnhn 'I'iinlici'lulxc made In cr Ihc paixl [\xn }L*;Ii'x. .lqu/ii'r ( 'nmm‘x /.\' IZIIIHII ix u ch‘icx nI Igu‘gcixculc phnlngi‘uphx xcn ing :ix ;i I'cl'ci'cncc pIinIn nI u Iii‘ilixh nuclczu' chI. il/(IH'I'lU/IUII and lain/firm! 'rilii'iwi ui‘c gI'uin} :ici‘iiil xnupx til :i IIIIKIL‘I'II cit} taken ill nighI. IliIII puintcd ()\L‘l' in niIx. Scc I'c\ icu. Rachel Garfield I'nIiI Sun 23 Jul. 'I'iInc-hiixcd nI‘ phnlngruphic :ind Ic\I pich'x h} Ructh (iurlicld IcquI'ing 'l I\\L'III_\' IIIIIIIIIL‘ \ idcn cnIiIlcd Sn I'nii 'I'lu'nk Iim ('u/I 'Ii'll “Inch lcllx Ihc xInI'icx nl' [\xn \xnincn‘x |i\cx.

Jordan Baseman: Raceway Queen l'nIiI Sun 32 Jul. .Ini‘dun Buxcniun'x I'cccnl \ idcn \xni'k Iiikcx plucc during it dcninIiIinn dcrh} iucc meeting in Iiiii‘i'nu in I’urncxx. Iculuring .-\d;un. ;i (in drug quccn clad in u xhni‘I pink xcquincd niiIii-drc‘xx.


II‘nI‘IncrI) (iilllt‘l'_\ -II I. 4| I)und;ix SIi'ch. 557 456‘). .\Inn I'i'i Iltfiltuiii 5.30pm; Sul II).3(I;Ini Spin.

Summer Colours I‘nul \Vcd 13ml. A mixed xhnn nl \mi'k h} gullci'} uI'IixIx featuring Sui'uh .\Icl,;u'cn. .Iucqui ()I'I'. Brian lx’cain). I-‘i'unk I)nhcrl_\. I);i\ id l)nnuldxnn :uid luck Rum.


3 I 7 (‘nugulcfl ()Id In“ n. 558 I730.

'I‘uc l-‘I'i nnnn ()pIII'. Sill lttuni 5pm; Sun I 5pm.

The Arc Angel's ‘Brazen Hussies Collection’ l‘mil Sui 7 Jul. I)c.xign I'cluil nuIch ('nnci'cic BuIIcrlI) ix Ihc nulch tor the \xnrk nl'.-\I'c Angclx. u group of nine \xnnicn dc'xigncr/ucldci'x \th prnducc nnc-nl‘t' IlL‘lII\ IUI' Ihc hnnic inlerini'. I’nundcd in I‘lh’tx'. Ihc grnup cnmc Ii'nm diwrxc huclxgi'nundx \\ hn hm'c guincd luInI‘ing in Ii‘udilinnul ‘Ingilc' Incuihxnrking .xkillx. The cxhihilinn t'cqurcx iniri'nrx. cundlc‘xliclxx. Inhch and .xci'ccnx. LAST CHANCE IQ SI‘E‘.

I2 0 LANDJPE N Ro‘S-gf’A T H E pig-A- N3 G A LiI.‘ ER-Y; '


;iI .\I;u‘ic (‘Iiiic IInIIxc. 3‘) \Ilmn) \IIch. -l".\ “IIFII \Inn 8.11 IIMIII ‘pni. \un

I Spin.

Private Works by Dave Allen

I nIII I‘ll (i .lul. \ uniquc c\hiIuIInn nt puinlingx and dI.I\x Ingx h} Ihc I>uhhn hni'n cnInchdn I).i\c .\I|cn


IiL'IlHI'kI RIMIII. (‘3'1(ljlllillt'kllltlk'tl inlni'nmtinn “3 SIM). \Inn SJI

IIIIIIII Spin. Sun nnnn Spin GRoland Penrose I IIIII Sun W \cp L71 IEZSUI, Ininl .idnnxxinn \kilh I cc .\Ii||ci' I:\InhiIinn .iI Ihc .\.IIIUIIIII (iiiIIc-I‘} nI \Indci'n .\II. ()nc nI Ihc kc} ligui'cx in Ihc dc\clnpnicnI nl Innch'n :u‘I in IiI'lIJlll \xux I<nI;uid I’cninxc IIUIIII I‘INII, I hix llIdIUI cxhihilinn

\\ Inch cnincidcx \\ IIII Ihc puhhcutinn nl [Cu/(mil /’i Hum : III: [III I1n’/\ Ninth/Ix! :i hingi'uph} h} hIx xnn .\nInII_\ I’Clllnxc‘. I‘c\c;IIx IiIx \Mtl'h .Ix ;I xIIi‘I'c.iIIxI .II'lixI. t'\IlII‘IlI(III III‘gIIIIhL‘I. t'UIIL‘t‘IIII' and mum: I’cni'nxc \\;I\ Ii‘icndx \inh ;i lIllIll th' nI xui'I'cuIixIx including Iii'nxl. \III'n und I’icuxxn and \‘.;I\ I'cxpnnxihlc InI Ihc IiI‘xI qu'I'cuth cxhihiIInn In cnnic In I.nndnn in Win In cnIancIucnI Ihc cxhihilinn. Ihc .\';iIinn;iI (i;iIIcI'_\ nl \Indcin .'\I'l ix lianing ;III cxhihilinn nl phnlngiuphx h} I’cni'nxc'x \xilc. .\IiIIcI1 Scc IIiIth.

Free Day Sal Isl .lul. II);un Spin. I'i‘cc. .-\ L‘IIIIIIL‘L‘ In xcc‘ IIIL' RUIIIIMI I’L‘III'nxc' illltl \lIIIL‘I‘ L‘\IIlI\iIIUI1 IHI‘ lI'L‘c III\IL';III (II Ihc IixII;iI pi‘icc nl L31 «£3.50 cnnccxxinnxi. But it _\nu cun'l Inulxc II nn Suliu'du}. IIic'I‘c"x u xpcciul 2 Int I dcul unIiI 'I'uc 3| .lul.

Paolozzi And Music l'nIII Sun 33 “CI. .-\\ [XIII HI ;I \CI'IL‘\ Ul (II\[)I;I}\ II'IIIII Ihc (i;iI|cI‘_\ ’x cnIIchInn nI ltduzu'dn I’;inIn//i‘x \Htl'h. :I xuiIc nl' ninc xci‘ccnpi'inlx cnIiIch (‘u/i tum lie/ii .\'ig/il inxpii'cd h} Ihc \xni'k nl innnxuliw .'\IIIL‘I'IL‘;III cnnipnxci‘. (’hgu‘lcx I\cx.


27 ()uccnxlcii'} SII'ch. 33H ~-I | St).

.\Inn Sul ‘liltuni 5.3(tpni; Sun

nnnn 4pm.

Recent Acquisitions .\ changing dipr;I_\ nl~ Ihc gullci‘} ‘x I'cccnI purchuxcx.

DOGGERFISHER | I (in) Iicld Squui'c. 553 TI It). 'I‘hu Sui I Iuiu (ipin: Sun 3 Spin Ul' h}

:i ipninInicnI.

éJanice McNab l'uliI Sun 3‘) Jul. Rcccnll} I‘clui'ncd II‘HIII :I S.-\(' chidcuc} in .’\III\ICI'&I;IIII. gi xnln xlimx nl'nil puinIingx h} Iidinhui‘gh-Ixixcd ui‘Iixl .Iunicc .\Ic.\';ih. 'Iukcn l'i'nin plin— Ingmphx nt' \ icIinix \\ hn ui‘c pci'niuncnI» I_\ uttcclcd h} n\c‘I‘c\pnqu‘c In chcnii- culx. Ihcxc dncuincnIuI'} puinlingx Innlx uI ixxucx nt :IIicnuIinn und ixnluIinn in \UL‘IL‘I}. SL‘L‘ IIIIIixl.

DOM .\’ .i\d\ncutc'x (‘Inxcx 335 037 I. I);Iil} I INkun 5.3(tpin Iclnxcd “cm.


Two outstanding exhibitions featuring remarkable photographs & paintings by Lee Miller, Roland Penrose and some of their friends: Braque, Dali, Ernst, Magritte, Man Ray & Picasso


Spomoled by the Drue Heinz Trust in memory ol the Heinz-Penrose triendship Picasso and Roland Pcnrosc, Villa Io Calitomie, I955, by Lee Miller C Lee Miller Archive

The New Wave Of Primitivism I)nin ix .In :iI’Ix pinicct cxlulihxhcd in I‘M» h_\ ;I gI‘nup nI inIcI'nulinnuI .u'Ilex \\III‘IxIllf_‘ in Scnllund. \ViIh ;l cnanuIiII} chunging cthhiIinn nl :Il'I\\Ul'I\\. Ihc gullci'} hnuxcx xcquIuIc. xI;uncd gluxx :uid puinIingx h} ;u'IIxIx \xhn pI';icIIcc pi‘iIniIn c ui‘l.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART I.;Iui'ixInn I’Iucc. III (tIIIIII. .\Inn luc Illuni Spin; I'l'l Sun Ittuni Spin, Masako Yasuki .\Inn ‘) I’I‘i 2H .IuI. .'\n inxluIIuIInn nl \\Itl'I\ It} .\I;ix;iI\n \uxulxi \\ hich ;ippc;Ii' In hc :Ici'iul ciI_\ xc;ipcx lulxcn :iI night,

The New Wilderness Hill I: .Iul. URI) Spin I.\I;iin Building it .\n ianuIIuIinn It} IiIIic Spcncci‘ cnIan'ixIng [H'IIIL‘L‘IL‘II \lltlk‘\ :IIMI IIfJIIl \\ llII lllll\IL‘/\UIIII(I I'I'nni Ihc I’.\I( ) ‘I’cl\ ix :ind .\I;InII';i ()I'chcxli‘u I. Ihc piccc I‘clci‘x In prnccxxcx nI \xculhci'ing h} Ihc nquiul L‘IL‘IIIL‘III\ illltl [1;II';IIIL‘I\ pl'ik‘t'\\c\ c‘I‘L‘IIIul h_\ pc‘nplc in Ihc ui‘hun cm iI'nnnicnl.


INgi I)und;ix Sti'ch. 55" 533*. .\Inn I'l'l IIuni 5pm; Sul Illdlll Ipni.

Summer Exhibition l'nul 'I'hu 3h .luI. Ilnuxcd in Ihc lidinhui'gh (iullci‘) and .'\l'l Iidinhui'gh. :i xununci' chchinn nl puinIingx including \xni'lxx It} Sheila \Iucniillun. .Inxcphinc (ii'uhuni. lh'cndzin Kcll}. .Iudc SInuI. .Iucquclinc .\I;iI'I‘. (‘nlin Park and .Iunicx 'I'uccdic.


23 l'ninn Sli'ccl. 557 245‘). Tue SuI Ilium ()plll.

Artists’ Books I'nIil Sul IN .IuI. .'\l'II\I I\()()h\ h} :u'IixIx \x hn Inukc \xni‘lx xpccilicull} in hnnk InI‘In. Iculuiing (KIIIuni Inncx. Ih'ucc \Iclcun and .\Icl (iIHIIIlIIg‘.


i I . “III Ii . 3 i


Video still from Marcel Dinahet’s A Chypre at the Institut Francais



\N I nIIii.III Ix’ .‘.“’ *‘I i.‘ \un Ihu IIMIII I I Wan I II I\ \.II


A Place Called Home I IIIII x.iI .‘\ .IIII I’hnIngIdphx In .l.inuc ( II.IIII


‘4 \\i||I.IIn .\Iiccl. I“ _‘I*III Inc III

I I.IIII Sltlll. \.iI I I.l|II .‘pnI

Marion Thomson 1 [till x.” IIII

\cu \xnilx l\_\ \I.uinn Ihninxnn |c.iIuIins' I.iIIdxc.Ipcx n1 Ihc IIIle .ind Innnix In Ihc IInI'Ih nl (iI.Ix_:'n\‘. .IIid Ihc IInIlh xxcxI \II.I\I .uid ixI.indx

Uncomfortable Skin In I < .Iul x.iI 1 .\ug \Ii\cd Incdm \‘.«III\\ I\_\ II‘. Inc I .uz'c

THE FOUR PLUS ONE GALLERY 3 “IIIICIIIICI I’.III\ I\)II.I(I. (III \InII Sal III.IIII (ipIII Scottish Craft Exhibition \ v. idc \llllL‘I} nl cI.ile .ind .ipphcd .iIIx h} up ilIIIIk'ltllllllg'\Iillllll.lh\'l\.lllilII\'\I1'IIK‘I\ unlhlllg' Ill Scnlldnd



IS \lclth'I \Iiccl. .‘c‘i I‘M \Inn \iI

I I.un (ipin; Sun unnn *pin

Beck’s Futures 2 I nIiI \.II .‘.I IllI Ihc xccnnd Ilcclx'x | IIIIich .i\|..iid InnIx II'nni I niidniik |(' \ \‘.Illl Ihc \‘.ltllc nt Ihc Icn xhniIthcd .uIixIx I c‘.IIllIIIlj_' pinning. xculpIuIc. phnIngIdph}. ian.dI.iIInn .ind \Idcn. Ihc \‘-IIIIIIle.‘ I‘dlllllllj.‘ l\_\ Inn \Innci ix xhnun ulnngxidc \‘.IIlh\ h). I).III IIHIII\\\UIIII. I).i\id ItIIiIn\\.x. (icninm llcx, Sininn Iilll. I),I \Inipxnn. ( Inc \\nndx. I';ihiciiiic .\udcnud Ik Inhn Ix’uxxcll. ~\Iidhin i\II.I\\IIII‘I .ind IiIIIIII ( iIIIIiIhx Graphic Design Department I IIIII Sul II .Iul IItnnkxhnpi, \ cnllci Iinn nI ni’iginul hnnlcx dcxicncd .ind pinduccd h_\ IhII‘d )ch qudcnIx IInIn Izdinhuiz'h (inllcgc HI ,\Il.



This coupon entitles the bearer to admittance tor two For the price at one entry tee to both exhibitions

Usual joint admission £4 (£2.50)

This oiIer is valid until 3I July 2OOI and cannot be

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1: / 0‘ «J I'vOm ‘c/w» TO 3w,