Art ll’ulllt’jS

Edinburgh Galleries continued

Landscapes In Ceramics l’nul Sun 3‘) Jul. ('craiincx lllSItllL'tl h) natural lttl'lll\ h} (ioidon Haldu in. .lanc Blackmail. l)a\ id llinnx. l'x'cn l‘.;t\llii;tli. 'lon} l'l‘;tltl\\ and Katc \cal.


5 llaroii} Sticct. VS all”. luc Sat lilani (min.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design .\ g;illci'_\ and \lioli lcaturnig a changing \clcction ol hand \xown and cinlnoidcicd rug\ and lt'\lllt'\ lioni llic 'lurlxmcn. l'/licl\. llchich and .\iniai| ti‘ilic\ ol ('ciitral .\\Ia_


Rciacli and Hall .'\i'cliilccl\. (i l);llll;t\\;t) Sti‘cct. 335 Sill. .\loti lit 3 5pm.

Ulrich Ruckriem l'nul Ill 27 Jul. lo coiiiplcnicnt an c\hihition ol \\til’l\\

on papcr h} llll\lllttltil'(it‘l'll1;tli \culptor

at ln\cr|cith llouxc. lx’ucki‘icm \xill hc crcating llL'\\ \xall dra\\ ingx. Scc l{o_\al Botanic ( iardcn.

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY 5S Ratclil'lc 'lcrracc. (m7 I‘Hih. .\loii 0am 5pm; luc l‘ri ‘lani- (mm; Sat lilam 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil luc 3| .ltil. A

\\ idc \ai‘ict} ol \\or|\ li_\ \arioti\ artixlx.


33 ('ocklnn‘n Sti‘cct. 033 (i300. ’l'uc Sat Illam 5pm.

0YR1: A Snapshot Of Britain In The 21st Century l’niil Sat 14 Jul. lx’ccognixing thc lllL‘l'Cihiltg popu- larit} ot photograph). ('liaimcl -l launchcd tlic l‘K‘x higgcxt c\cr nation- al opcii photographic compctition carli- ci‘ lll tlic )car. Attracting o\cr llHllltl



86 THE LIST I" ‘5‘ afl. .‘

applicationx trom hotli amatcur and pro- lL'\\|Hl1;tl photographcrx tlic c\lnlntion lL‘.’tllll'L'\ \Hlllc til lliL‘ L'lilt'lc\ \L'lt‘clctl li} |lltlf_‘L'\ l:lamc ('oiixtantinc. Kcn l.cnno\. l)cinn\ .\lorri\. .\lartin l’arr and Paul M. Snnth. ladmhurgli-lnvrn \lark \VillxmxonK iiiiagc ol a tannl} on a hcach non tlic {lllllllll pt‘I/c. Scc t'c\ icu and llilli\l.

Infraliminal 'l'hu It) in! Sat 1 Sq» Photograph} and \ idco \xoik madc at night h} .luan dcl(iado. Rut lilccx l.u\cnihurg. Sopli} Rickctt and ('hrixtophcr Stcuart. i'\.E Si 1’

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'ni\cr\it} ot' lidinhui'gh. South llridgc. (i5l) 33l l. 'l‘uc Sat Illam 5pm.

East - Kate Downie t'nul Sui It .lul t\\'hilc (iallcl‘) t. Katc l)o\\iiic prcxcntx a \lio\\ ol ncu \iork. l'catui‘ing lilm. painting and drauing haxcd on hcr \ludicx ol thc coaxtal landwapc north ol' Ahcrdccn. l)o\\ inc ccnti‘cx on Slainx (.;t\llc and il\ liixltit‘}.

Richard Smith t'nul Sui It .lul tRound Roomi. 'l‘lic \ccond Round Room provicct lcaturcx rcccnt lzdinlnirgh (‘ollcgc ot'.'\rt graduatc Richard Smith. l‘or thc \pacc. hc crcatcx an inxtallation ol axxcinhlagc. painting. print and

drau ing.


3t» l)unda\ Strcct. 550 (i300. .\lon l'ri llain (ipm; Sat lll.5ll;tlll 4pm.

Pat Kramek t‘niil Sui 7 Jul. Rccciit paintings.

George Birrell and Kathleen Conboy Sat l-l Sat 38 Jul. Rcccnt paintingx.


'l‘rawrxc 'l'licatrc. It) ('amhridgc Strcct. 338 5333.

Exhibit A l'ntil 'l'uc .il .lul. 'l‘hc \xork

ot'cight )oung pliotogl‘aplict'\ currcntl}



\xorknig in Scotlatith photographic llltlll\ll'} goiw on tl1\|‘l.t} \Il arc incinth ot tlic .\\\t\cl.tllitll ol l’hotographci‘x and includc (hi I\ (ircgoi). lnc (inndcruccn. \lichacl llughcx. Richard lx'cnncd}. l’aul lx'iogli. .\liclicllc \lctlncii. l’add} lx’ilc} and \1c ll\ inc.

THE VILLAGE thouthl'oitSticct.~1\ "Slit .\lon Sat llani ll.~l5inii. Sun I331) ll.~l5pm Journey Of The Water Of Leith l’ntil Sat 38 Ml ln tlnx nc\\ l_\ icturlnxlicd har. an c\lnlntion ol pliotograplh h} l)a\id .\lorri\on. documcnting thc ai‘clnlccturc and landxcapc ot thc \\'atcr (ll I.L'llll.


it'oi'mcrl} .\lalco|iii ltilicx ( iallct'} I. -l l)unda\ Strccl. 55S 05-1-15 .\lon l‘l'l Illain (mm; Sat llam lpm,

Mixed Exhibition .\n ongoing \clcclion ol Scottixli landxcapcx. \porting paintingx. militai'} UllS. \\atcrcolour\ and printx.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh City Life, page 91.


'l'hc .\lound. 53‘) I333. .\lon hi

I ~1.-l5pm.l’rcc.

Museum On The Mound t'nitl I-n Scp. l.ocatcd \xithin Bank ()1 Scotlanth llcad ()l'licc. tlnx xiiiall hilt unuxual lllllSL‘lllll i\ liomc to a dixpla} ol' hanking mcnioralnlia \pannmg MN) )carx. li\hihit\ includc carl} Scottixh hanknotcx gold coin\. l'orgci'icx. mapx. \tall photograph» a Victorian hranch tahlcau and a l’tli ccntur) iron l\l\l.


3S ('liarlottc Squarc. lidinliurgli. 343 0305. Mon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. l‘rcc. .\'ot on|_\ tlic llcad ()llicc lot" lhc National ’lt'tixt lor Scotland. 3S ('harlottc Squarc a|\o houxcx a pcrinancnt collcctioti of 30th ccntur} Scottixh paintings lcaturing \\tit'l\ l1) l’L‘liltiL'. lltttilct' illltl ('adcll. l)i\p|a_\cd in a tltilllL‘SllL‘ \cttiug. tlic \xorkx arc complcmcntcd h) a collcction ot' chcnc) lurinturc.


Shorc Road. Sotith (‘lticciixl'cirk 331 345 l. Hail} ltiam 5.30pm. Reflections t'niil ’l'uc 3| Jul. l’ainting\ h} Katc l’hilp l'caturc \till litc and landxcapcx ol‘ liaxt l.othian \\ Inlc Sonax .\laclcan\ \iork i\ inxpircd h} thc t'llttllg‘lllg’ llltitltl\ til lltL' lttlttISL‘upC.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('liamhcrx Strcct. 3-17 -l3|‘). .\lon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm; 'l'uc

lllatii Spin.

Relief And Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society Of Philadelphia Thu 13 Jul Sun 3t) Jun 3003. .-\n c\hihition on Scottixli immigration to North .-\mcrica and thc t'ounding of thc St :\lidi'c\\ '\ Socict} ol l’hiladclphia. \cl up in l747 to cai‘c tor \ick immigrant Scotx.


.\'c\ilia\cn llarhour. 55l 4105.

Mon Stiii noon 5pm.

Hidden Treasures: Volunteer Work Of Newhaven People Past And Present t'niil Mon .‘~I l)cc. 'l'lic l'nitcd Nationx' Ycar ol thc Voluntccr ix cclchratcd in thi\ c\hihition \xhicli look\ at llic tradition ol~ \oluiitccring in tlic \cuhax cn coininunit}.


5: High Strcct. (‘luccnxtcrrx _‘~i‘~l 5545. \Ion. l‘hu. l‘l‘l & Sat Illalii Ipm x

3 l5 5pm. Sun noon 5pm l'icc.

Food For Thought \ look at childran dict and cating lialntx oxci‘ thc paxt l5ll _\cat’\.


3 ('liamhcix Sti'cct. 3.1~ Al3l" .\lon Sat ltlain 5pm i'l‘uc Spirit; Stm noon 5pm. l'l'L‘t‘.

Millennium Clock .-\ chancc to \ ic\\ l\)tl\\l.'tll iiicchaincal \culptoi deuard llt‘l\lltl\l\_\ '\ millcinnuin clock. a knictic \culpturc. nicaxuring ninc mctrcx high. The Jackie Stewart Formula l’ntil Sun {it Scp 3tltll, .lacloc Stc“ art ()l’il: and tlic National .\lu\cum\ ol‘ Scotland haxc ionicd lorcc\ tor thc tii‘xt tnnc to ct'catc tlnx uniquc rccrcation ot thc I‘N‘l Stcuart lord l‘it (iai‘agc. .-\ lllll\l tor all (irand l’ri\ tanx.

Silk Roads: Glimpses Of Central Asia l‘ntil Sun | Jul. Rcccntl} acquircd contcmporar) tc\ti|c\ and crattx trom ('ciiti'al .\\iai

Awesome Insects t'nnl Sun 2 Scp lx'noun to Iiio\l ax ct‘ccp} cra\\ llt‘S. tlnx i‘\litlillioti prm tdc\ a halaticcd pl'olilc ol tlnx rich and tll\k‘l\k‘ group in" ttllllllttlS. Tutankhamun’s Wardrobe t'nut Sun | Jul. Sincc tlic carl} l‘l‘lllx. thc Stitching ’l’c\ti|c chcarch (‘cntrc in l.cidcn \\ ith tlic l‘.g_\ptian .\lu\cum m ('airo ll;i\ hccn carr_\ mg otit rcxcarcli on thc clothing tound m 'I‘utankhannm'x lomh. ()n \llti\\ at tlic .\lu\cum. arc rcplica gai’nicntx including loinclothx. tunicx. glo\c\ and toot“ car. haxcd on tlioxc lound. along \\ itli original c\ca\ation photograph»

Meeting Points: New Works In Fibre l'ntil Stiii 33 Scp. 'l‘lic lirxt in a \cricx ol' c\hilntion\ to mark tlic .lapaii l‘cxtnal 3titil. .-\ collaboration hctuccn \i\ tc\ti|c\ :tl'll\l\ from Scotland and \i\ from Japan. lhc cxliihition Iiighlightx tlic \lt‘titig tt'atlilioti til li‘\lilc\ \lxtllS ilt liolli cotlltll'tc\. t‘caturing a tli\pl;t} ol hanging picccx. tapcxtricx. \culpturcx and computcr imagcx.

George Bain: Master Of Celtic Art l'ntil Sun 3 Scp. Knoun ax thc ‘tathcr ol (‘cltic dcxigii' (icorgc llam tlL‘\tilL'd llix lllL‘ lti \ltltl} iltg lhc tcclnnilucx llSL‘tl h} thc ancictitx to crcatc thcir intricalc dcxignx. ()n loan lrom thc (iroamc llouw .\lu\cuni. thc c\hihitiou lcaturcx itcmx l'roin thcir collcction.

BG Wildlife Photographer Of The Year l'ntil Sat 33 Scp. .\'o\\ in ll\ l7th )cai‘. thc annual \iildlilc photograph} compctition organixcd h} lll£(‘ \Vildlitc inaga/inc and tlic Natural llixtor} .\lu\cum lcalurcx cntricx h} hotli prolcxxional and amatcur photographcrx uorldu idc. 'l‘lic \\ inning cntr} h} Manio Shah capturcx a lcnialc orang-utan \\ itli hcr _\oung inlaiit.


l.ad_\ Stair\ llouxc. l.ad_\ Slait‘\ ('low. 53‘) J‘ltll. .\lon Sat lilain 5pm. l'i'cc. Spirit Of Greatness Sat 7 Jul Sat 3 .\'o\. .-\ documcntar} mhilntion looking at \\ ritcrx trom l)umlric\ and (ialltmay hotli paxt and prcxcnt.


l'ni\cr\it_\ ot l)undcc. l3 l’crth Road. til.‘~S3 345330. Mon l’i'i

.Rtiam 8,3tliiiii; Sat & Stiii

30am 4.30pm.

A Private View .\lon ‘) Jul Sat 35 Aug tl.ainh (iiillci‘) i. .\'c\\ uriting inxpircd h} and including itcmx troin tlic l'iii\ci'\it} ol' l)undcc Mtixcuin collcctionx.


I53 thlict'gatc. (H.133 606330. 'l'uc 8%; “ml. Sat & Sun lithium 5.30pm; Thu & l'ri lURUam Spin. l‘rcc.