Glasgow life

Thu 12 Jul, continued

Wild Days Out Victoria Park. Victoria Park l)ri\e. \Vliiteinch. 387 5064. 1.30 3.30pm. l‘rec. Sec Thu 5.


Radio Clyde Irn Bru Summer Roadshow Strathcly'dc ('ountry Park. 366 Hamilton Road. Motherwell. 01698 366155. l'it'cc. Annual roadshow o1 music. lun and games.

Nursing Times Live Sl-L(‘(‘. 1’innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. Sec Wed 1 l.


Scottish Open Loeli Lamond (toll (‘luh, Rosstlhu llottsc. l.uss, .»\1e.\andria. 01436 655500. 1.och l.oinond plays host to this prestigious event on the international golling calendar.


Scottish Open l.och 1,omond (ioll' ('lub. Rossdhu House. 1.ttss, Alexandria. 01436 655500. See Thu 13. Hamilton Park Racemeeting llamilton l’ark Racecourse. Bothwell Road. llainillon. 01698 383806. 7pm. Popular Fair l’riday' racemeeting.

Saturday 1 4

Book events

Books At The Botanics (ilasgow Botanic Gardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. l‘ree. Pick up a literary bargain at this book i’nai'ket Poetry In The Park 'l‘ollct'oss Park. Wellshot Road. 1pm. liree. Regular spot l'or all the handy“ where you sit in the Winter (iardens ol‘ the park. listen to poets recite their work and eat lunch. weather permitting.


Garden Walk (ireenbaiik (iai'dens. lilcndcrs Road. 616 5 I 36. 3.30pm. £3 (£3). Take a guided walk through these beautil'ul gardens and lind otit more about l'oliage plants.


Scottish Open l.oc1i l.oiiiond (ioll (‘1ub. Rossdhu llouse. Alexandria. 01436655500. Sec Thu 13.

Other events

Paintings on Railings Gallery of Modern Art. Queen Street. 357 373‘). than 6pm. Free. Open air art lair with the opportunity to browse and buy. Celebration Garden Party l'niy'ersity' ol‘(}1a.sgow. Quadrangles. l'niy'ersity Avenue. 330 3001.

10am 73pm. L") (£4); l‘amily ticket £35. (ilttsgow l‘ni continues its 550111 anniversary celebrations by throwing a garden party. There will be a whole range ol‘ events for all the liamily‘ with

music. w inc tasting. tours. demonstrations and readings loi‘ the adults. plus puppet show s. a bouncy castle and workshops lor the kids. The Loch Lomond Highland Games Balloch('ast1et& (’ountry 1’ai'k. Balloch. 0138‘) 733600.

10am 5pm. L'lfl‘raditional Highland games with pipe bands and Scottish country dancing alongsidc stalls and lots 01 other acti\ ities and eycnts. Celebration Dinner And Ball l'niyersity ()l (ilasgow. (iilbert Scott Building. 330 3001. 7.30pm. £40f1‘lic gala eyening ol the uniyersity ‘s 2001 ('clebration Weekend has a l'oi‘mal dinner l'ollow ed by music and light entertainment l'rom a 50s hand.

Book events

Books At The Botanics (ilasgim Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. 1-i'ee. See Sat 14.

Spons Scottish Open 1.och 1.omoiid (ioll (‘lllll Rossdhtt llottsc. 1.uss.

Alexandria. 01436 655500. See Thu 13.

Other events

University Chapel Service And Lunch Buffet l'niycrsity ol'(ilasgow (‘hapel. l'niycrsity Avenue. 330 5411). 11am. £13 1L5); l‘amily ticket £35. :\ sery'ice in the l'niyersity (‘liapel rounds oll a weekend celebrating (ilasgow 1'niy'ersity"s 550th aniiiyci'sary. Summer Fair And Castle Open Day Mugdock (’ountry l’at‘k. (’raigallian Road. Milngay ie. 1156 6100. 1 4.30pm. £3 per \ehiclc. Annual lamily day which includes a cral't lair. treasure hunt. storytelling. puppet shows. magicians and tnore. Summer Fruits & Flowers (ileiiillci‘ Braes ('ountt‘y Park. l’aislcy. 884 3704. 3pm. liree. Meet at \\'iiihill Road in Paisley and join in this wander through Jenny's Well Local Nature Rc‘sc‘H c tlisctiy'ct'ing the wealth ()1. wildlilc during the summer months. The walk lasts approximately 1 hour.

Monday 1 6

Book events

Books At The Botanics (tlasgtm Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. lii‘ce. Sec Sat 14.

Chuck Palahnuik Boi'dct‘s Books. 383 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. 7pm. l‘rec. l’alahnuik lirst gained widespread recognition when his llt)\ e1 lie/it (‘lu/2 became a huge hit on the big screen. Those who hay‘c t‘cad .S‘iu'i‘i'i'ur will recognise the author's incredible lstlttcls' l'or juxtaposing the bleakly l'unny with the downright macabre. 1’alahnuils talks about his new noy e1. ('lioke l(’ape £9.99).

Robot Mania


' -'..‘._“‘ .J. .- ‘H

What robots? The mechanical stars ol the Beeb's cult 'l'\' programme. li’ulmr Him What happens? ('oiiipetitors deploy their robots iii an electrically -charged light to the death. .\1ati1da.8irKillalotand Dead Metal will be l'lesing their ioints. taking on

all challengers to their thrones. and reigning champion ('haos _ w ill be show mg oll his

battle dents and scratches.

Why? Because it's lun. it's less messy than bo\ing. and it beats watching the programme when you can see it all liye in the llesh. or at least metal and plastic


I Robot Wars Live, SECC, F/l7/7/88l()/1OU£1V. 0870 0.10 .1000. Wt >11 18 a: 1hr. 'fi Jul, 12. 15pm 8. 3.45pm. 1‘75; farm/v ticket 57:3.

Tuesday 1 7

Book events

Books At The Botanics (ilasgow Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. Free. See Sat 14.

Wednesday 18

Book events

Books At The Botanics (ilasgow Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. 1-‘ree. See Sat 14.


Wild Days Out ('rookston ('astlc. 'l'ollcross Park. 354b Wellshot Road. 763 1863. 1.30 3.30pm. See Thu 5.

Wild Days Out Springburn l’ai‘k. Balgrayhill Road. 387 5064.

1.30 3.30pm. liree. See Thu 5.

Wild Days Out l.inn Park Country Park. Simshill Road. 637 I 147.

1.30 3.30pm. See Thu 5.


Robot Wars Live Sli(‘(‘. l-‘iiiniesinn Quay. 0870 040 4000. 13.15pm & 3.45pm. £15; l‘amily' ticket £75.'1‘he mechanical stars ()1 BB(".s Rulml Hinds do battle at the Sli(‘(‘. See photo caption.

Thursday 1 9

Book events

Books At The Botanics (tlasgtm Botanic (iardcns. 730 ( ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. l‘i'cc. Sec Sat 14.


Wild Days Out (‘rooltston (‘asllc. 'liillcriiss l’at'ls‘. 354b \\cllshol Road. 763 1863. 1.30 3.30pm. See Thu 5.

Wild Days Out Springburn Park. Balgrayhill Road. 387 5064. 1.30 3.30pm. l'ircc. See Thu .5.

Wild Days Out l.inn 1’ark('ountry l’at‘k. Simshill Road. 637 1147.

1.30 3.30pm. See Thu 5.

Bat Walk l'lalls o1 (‘lydc Visitor ( 'cnlt‘c. New l.anark. 01555 665363. 8.30pm. £3.5011i‘eei. linjoy this stroll at dusk w 1111 the opportunity to learn about bats l'ouiiil on the resery e. 11 may also be possible to see other nocturnal inhabitants such as barn owls. tawny ow ls and badgers.


Robot Wars Live Sli(‘(‘. liniiiesiiiii Quay. 08700404000. 13.15pm tk 3.45pm. £15Llami1y ticket £75. See Wed 18.


Hamilton Park Racemeeting Hamilton l’arls' Racecourse. Bothwcll Road. llamilton. 01698 383806. 3.15pm. Regular racing with lainin entertainment.

the Mackintosh House. a meticulous reconstruction of Mackintosh's Glasgow home.

Hutchesons’ Hall M38 Ingram Street. :75? 81501.

by the philanthropic Hutchesxr‘ brothers in 1802—5). the 11.2;1 has i'ecent'y been completely reftirhishee to nine a taste of 13s former glory.

Museum Of Transport KelUl‘ Hall. 1 Burnhouse Beau. 2k .7 2720. Men *THL. 8 Sat team—Finn; Fr 8 San Want—Soot. Free. A museum crammed vain buses. Iran‘s. "re engines. shins and (fiber parapherna‘ia devoted to the ltlSlOl‘y' o‘ transitort. Per'nai‘ee: CXilll‘nliOlTS 'i‘::1uo'e Shim/it: "g; Oi? We Rue" tee. a 'a'ae

rntiia. by Date McFanar‘e:

Hunterian Art Gallery

90 THE LIST 13—19 Jul 2001

Mon—Sat 10801—130171. Free. Built

Zita/turn; Dru”). an :nteractiye sculottire by Stephen Healy; and ‘./’.:.'i/“s O‘ Paris/Jon by Justin Carter.

People’s Palace 8. Winter Garden

6.5185103; Green. 0223. lvlo'i~T"i:; 8 Sat 70am—5pm; Fri 8. Su" "tint—Sim. Free. Glasgow's best—toyed i'iSt‘lLAIIQ'l has recently Ll"(1(2'§}()."(3 a "‘810' t'acei“: to Stilt-2175130153 ceitt ran. year. The ties; :: so :11, s are set Out theinaticaiig. subiects including The Patter". ViSIOPS Of The C and Alto" Ptarsi’Vt‘cwtf.

Pollok House

Pifl‘ck Strict", Park. 2063

Vow/K59 :1.'.:>?'1©<.1:l. 01b (3" :11.

Daily" 10am—Spin. 311 633; 310211" ticket 9‘: 1. One of the most elegant 18th centun/ buildings 1'7 the country. this historic house features some of the finest 81123111811 paintings in Britair from the collection of Sir Willian‘i Stirling Maxwell.

St Mungo Museum of Religious Life And Art

2 Castie Street. 2:357. Mort—Thu 8. Sat ‘iOani—ipni: Fri ('5 Sun ‘. ‘arn—Spm. Free. An (“warri- vxinning museum 0‘ world faiths. featuring Zen garden, priceless art werks from the world's six itraior religions. Daii's Christ Of Saint John Of The Cro s and the SEQ"; of religion in Scotland through words are pictures.

Tenement House

14’: 8117,8050." 8964f. (3151"‘fi'n‘. .13.; 0‘8 1. war, gem,"

(.11. Iliil) 31.11:,n1- ’,. ,i'irli'

1010110142170 1’11/1/“1a 11:84

(i8~4 it 5 1 (1.1’I'V11'1‘2‘Y‘Q "a‘ ’, "HI/1"! ’;(:i'"11).",'.

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour

‘(5 ((r’r szr/t ’4’]! I ./IS.()i)/ 111 ‘1’1:. 11}1'1

Pig. ‘(’rv_:_f '7’ c 1/ um , i\1(1 1.1 Ix

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