
Flatshare - Edinburgh

I Stockbridge, double room In \harctl. torrilortalilc. relaxed. lirxt tloor apartment. hath. \liouer. krtthcn o lrxrng roorn. mould \rnt yarn: prolcx \lollal !. 300 ptrn . ('l 0| 3| :1: 10v)

I Flatmate wanted, to \ltatc v. ith one other lo \urt ltlrilt‘\\litl|.rl l-2||||13\||l’(.l 7' liill\ \orr‘. no |)8\. 077 33 4:301) '

I Fully furnished double roorn. rn |)canliridgc llat. lor

n \ ptolr'\\ £210 pcrn.

lllk llltllllt' ('| 07077 0.5 374‘)

I Large room, in coiiilotl ahle llat. lot it \. onl} £228 pcrn. including |‘l|l\. \ltl\l \ce. rrt‘l 343152

I Morningside, large, bright. \nigle tritilll. rn \liared llal. £202 pcrn. rnclndrng ("l HI :| 1.1“ 0:5 : 8. lll‘)08 082 30:

I Large room, for a \ingle. \xorkrng pcrxon. rn nir\ed llat. h_\ the llolanical. £250 pcrn. includex ("l & cleaner. 0| 3| 552 075 I.

I Double room available. in relaxed. lr‘rendl}. niodern llat. £|75 pcrn. 9 all l)l||\. l’leaxe call \rck an} trnie: 0774 lllijlihHll.

I Double room available. lll hrrght. \ll;l\'lt)ll\. leaxed llat. 8harrng \\ llll l\\o ollierx. \\'onld \tlll _\ourig. lriendl} prolexxron al. n/x prclerr‘cd. £2lli pcrn -+ l‘ll|\. ('ontact .lane or .\nnic alth “PHI. 0| 3l 554 8200 or |l777l 507300

I Large room to let in e\ccllcnt l'lal. \liarrng mm 2 othcr‘x. .v\|| niod. conx. anierii trex. including t\. \\onld \llll prolcxxiorial. n/x \egetarian. .\\ar|ahlc iniiiiediatcl}. £2 l0 pcrn incluxn e. Sle\ e or .lulia on HIRI $52 4008.

I Young, fun-loving. l'crnale ||at riiate minted. to draw inodern. \pacioux llat in Sliau area |.ertli \xilh 2 other\. .\|l niod. con». kitchen/In ing area. pri\ale parking. n/x onl). £200 pcrn. axailahle no\\~ 07‘)4| 2lli5lli.

I Friendly person, n/s. to draw \inin}. rnodcrn Mat. “00 | other. |)oul\|c roorn a\ai|al\|c .lune Sept. £250 pcrn. includ- ing (‘l~ t\ hillx. e\ccpl phoric. 0H! 538 xj‘t.

I Cute, single room rn hright. cheerlul. lenialc llal cloxe to centre. .\\ailahlc tio\\ trll end .lul_\. £l~l5 pcrn 4- ("ll 'l'el: 0| 3| 200 5070 da\\ or 01.0 555 at»): e\c\. '

I Double room available lll hright. ('annon .\li|l\ llat \liat‘iiig “till | other. £|‘l0 pcrn + (“l' a hill» 0| 31 550 0534. I Large Beirwindord double room. \mtrltl \rnt l'riendl} couple. in clean. hrighl. \Villoul‘ur‘} area lilal. £|35 pcrn per perxon. a\ai|al\|c lira} 5th. lll3l (ilil 254k

I Very large, double room. mm ha) \\iltdo\\. in l'riendl) llat. \xould \ltll couple. or 2 l'riendx \liarrng. £135 pcrn. per pei\on. including ("l1 0l3| (ml 2.54 l.

IWanted, student flatmate. tor douhle hcdrrxini. in lriendl} llal. near lidinhnrgh l'nixei\it_\. include~ rnicrouaw. dixhuaxher. \\ .\l. t\ t\ \ ideo. £350 pcrn. Including all hillx. e\cept phone. ('laire. 0700" tL418I2.

124 THE LIST 19 Jul—2 Aug 2001

I Friendly flatmate wanted tor largc \haicd. hright llat ni \emngton. l'dinhuigh £205 pcrn + hill» 0| 3| 00" W24.

I Room in central llal. axailahlc lr‘orn end ot \la}.

£ 325 pcrn. \xould \tlll )oung protexxronal. 0| 3| 472 2338. I Easygoing flatmate wanted. tor douhle rooin. lll ga} lricridl}. central llat. near l’ni. Shairng \xrth 2 male \tu- dcnlx. .\lodern open plan llat \‘Illl unuxual layout. 2 hath lootll\. .\\ailahlc 28th June. £l85 pcrn 4 l)l||\. ('lir'rx ot' \lark 0|3l 558 "I8.

I Marchmont. Sunny, spacious \ittglc rooni. ni neu l} decorated llat. \haring “NH 3 lrieridl}. pth graduate prolexxronalx. £200 pcrn + ("l 4 hill» 'l'elz 0|3| 447 7|52.

I Marchmont, large room. in lricnd|_\. n/\ llal. to draw. \uit )onng prolexxional. £l‘)8 pcrn + hillx + (l 0|3l 228 3030.

I 1 person needed l'oi' I hedrooni llat in .\larchniont Road l‘lat. £230 pcrn +("l‘ + hillx. 0|3| 447 3000.

I Large room available in nice Hat. on Marchrnont Road. \liai'irig “00 2 ollierx. £230 pcrn. 0l3| 447 3(1llllot' 07007 40705.5 or 07047

I42 I 22.

I Double room for ieril in recentl} rel'urhixhcd. \larchrnont l'lat. £240 pcrn. Roliitl 07855 005400 or (ll4l

‘) 3| (i l -l(i,

I Edinburgh Haymarket - room in \pacioux llat. \hare kilclieri & hathroorn. all niod conx. (it‘ll. no hillx. lio 088. £58 p\\. 0|3l 007 (i338.

I Student flatmate wanted. tor a hrighl. \pacioux i‘ooin. \\ ith a ho\ rooni oll'. £230 pcrn. Sharing \.\ ith one male and one l'eniale. l’leaxc call llcck} or |)a\id on. 0|3l 477 0.52.5. |‘.tilt'_\ alter the |7lll .lul}.

I A double room. in large modern home in \leadoxr hank. l-ront and hack garden. all mod- conx. (i('ll. iii/l \tuderit \xanted. £|8llpclll+l1lll\ + depoxit.

0| 3| ()()l 4204 or 077|4 048022 .

I Room to let in modern lilat. Slatel'ord Road. .v\|l riiodern corneriiencex. parking mailahle. ()n niain hux route. Suit tl/\ pro- l'cxxional. initiall} .3 nionlhx let. £250 pcrn + ("l & e\pen\e\. 07740 70.5302.

I Large furnished room in \hared central lilat. a\ailahle end .lul). £280 pcrn + ("l'. hillx. depoxit; 0|3l 477 I533.

I New Town large double room to let in central lilat. \xoodcn l'loorhoardx. (H. \\'.\l. a\ai|ah|c l-3l :\ugu\t. £225 pcrn ll [)et’\olll. £275 pcrn l2 peoplci; 0l3l 55" 2355.

I Room-mate wanted .\8.'\|’ to \lrare \xith | other l'crnale in big l'riendl} llat in l'nion Street. l‘ull)-l‘urni\hed. \er_\ cloxe to cit} L'ellll'e.

£|4 l .50 pcrn + £|40 LlL‘plixlll 0|3l 558 ‘)t)22.

I Double room, available .-\ugu\t. in bright. large. attrac- li\ e flat. to \hare \\ ith 2 rnalex. \\otlld \uit )oung prolexxional. £270 pcrn + ("II hillxz 0|3l 557 5783.

I Top floor flat \\ ith a bright douhle hedrooin. \harc

\\ ith couple. £250 pcrn rncl (“II 0131 4" 3001.

I Professional person wanted loi‘ lilalxliar‘e in bright. neu l} -decoraled tk lurnixhcd top lloot' flat in Bruntxtield. £270 pcrn incl ("l + hillx; .'\nna 0| 3| 477 300] / 07700 I307 I 2. I Single room to rent lot' 2 inonthx. |\l .v\ugu\t - 300i Septenilwr. ln got'geotix Hruntdield l-"lat. £250 pcrn. incl. hillx + depoxit. Studentx prclcrred. (ireg. ‘l'cl: 0708‘) 3033‘"

I Large single room \\ illi |o\el) \ ieux near ()rlie\ ('orner. \haring “uh I \\olll;lll. l4)r old \on. l|}r old daughter. one cat. ll/\ letlitlle preterred. £250pcin incl hi||\10l3l 447 5. 1‘.

I Morningside. Professional flatmate \xanted loi‘ douhle roorn. \lltll‘- ing “ith l triendl} l'ernale. l’ri\ate parking & good hux \cr'\ ice right outxide. .-\\ailahle lxt .-\ugu\t. £240 pcrn + ("l' + ltillx + depoxit. 0l3l 4.52 8723 alter 0pm. .

I Friendly female flat- mate wanted to draw cottage 20 rnin\ l'roiii cit} centre. (}(‘ll. pri\ate parking. large garden. £l50 pcrn + ("II hillx. 0|3l 445 5800 alter 0 prii.

I Friendly flatmate wanted to \liare friendly llat “till 2 other\ in l’oluat'tli. Room mailahle mm. tip to 3| :\llgtl\t. £2 l0 pcrn + hillx. ("l3 07‘)7‘) ‘)24407/ 07773 7‘)7584 alter 5.30 pm.

I Single room in student flat in l’oluarth area. £200 pctti + hillx; Tel: 0l3l 337 7508.

I Double bedroom avail- able llllllletlitllel}. excellent location. ol'l'erx large bright |i\ - irig l‘oolll \lttit‘lng “int 2 other l'eniale studentx. £|‘)0 pcrn + depoxil + hillx. 'l'el: '/.oe 0|3l 337 0573 or email: me- \tle200| (‘1 _\a|ioo.eorii.

I For two months only. double room arailahle l'rorn l0rh Jul). lluge. spacious llat on |l;i}iiiai‘ket. lixcellent loca- lion. rnuxt he seen. £220 pcrn each. 'l'el: 0|3l 538 5482 or 0780‘) 720500.

I Double room in a bright. spacious. l'ur‘riidied llat at

lla} market West-end. Would \ttit ll/x. pt'olt‘xxiollul. lintr') lst .-\tlgll\l. £200 pcrn + ("l' + hills. l’or more information. contact Louise. 0l3| 407 2052.

I Room in friendly Roxehurn llat. available from l5th Jul}. £l07.50 pcrn + ("l' + l)l||\. 0|3l 337 8l30.

I No large bedrooms for rent in flat near l’enter Street. Looking l‘or 2 protes- \ional. iii/l. £280 pcrn + hill\ + ("l'. 07‘)57 74 l 274 an}tiine or 0l3l 220 I408.

I Single room in \paeiotix Marchniont flat to draw \iith 3 otherx. \uit _\oung prolexxional. available \tar't Augtixt. £220 pcrn + ("II hillx; 0|3l 22‘) 4|0‘) alter 0.30 piti.

I Tollcross. N/S, easy- going untid} permit to \hare nice. clean llat “ith all coni- rnoditiex. Spaciorix room. dou- hle. lotx ol' \tor'age. a\ailahle 22 Jul}. £240 pcrn + hillx. depoxit: 0|3l 22‘) ‘)7‘)4.

I Fully-furnished large \rnglc rooni rn .\'e\\ limit. ceri- tral. digital t\. \hared large lounge. hathrooni. kitchen. patio garden. Sniokerx \\c|< conic. no pctx. axarlahle l Auguxt. no l'extnal letx. tio 088. on|_\ £250 pcrn rncl ("IL heating; lziiinia 07855 3008‘). I Broughton Street, box roorn rn \hared llat. \tlll prole» \ional. £|30 pciii + hrllx; lan 01.0 55‘ 0I‘).\‘, 0‘030 300ml I City centre flat. (ir-mtlta} Street. room to draw \\ rtli 2 other\. rent £l l0 pcrn + depoxit. \tudcnh prcleri‘ed. lcl: 0131 23‘) 7008.

I City centre, Grindlay Street. Single room in flat. \har» ing \xith 2 lt‘llldle \tudentx. aurrlahle \tart .'\ngu\t. £210 pcrn + depoxil; 0| 3| 22‘) 7008. I Large bright double room in central lidinhurgh. Shared lilal \\lt|l all inod conx. \uit prolexxional ll/\, a\ailal\lc 000. £237 pcrn + ("ll |)l|l\1 l.)riiie 0l3l 22‘) 340‘).

I Flatmate wanted, sub- let l'or (r rnonthx. (ilen Street. lliolL‘l'oxx. mailahle \tart Auguxt. £l50 pcrn; .'\rran Roxx 0| 3| 22‘) 5773.

I Bedroom in cosy flat in 'l‘olcroxx. three-quarter raixed douhle bed in room. (low to puhx & \llop\. lo\\n centre. all niod conx. lllll\l like catx. \har— ing xx ith one other. £200 pcrn incl ("ll 07787 5| l7l2.

I Small single room to rent in lull) -l'urni\hed l'lat “ith large sitting room in 'lolcroxx. share \\ ith eax} -going l'ernalc. student prelerred. £l l5 pcrn lllL‘l gas. eleL‘lt‘lL‘lt}; ’l‘cl: 0| 3| 228 2800/ 0702‘) 7‘)‘)‘)(i3.

I Orchard Brae, near Wext lind. n/x prolexxional lilat- mate \xanted l‘or‘ double room in lttlllitxtie Hat with halcon} a private parking. axailahle l Auguxt. £233 pcrn + ("II hillx. deposit: 0| 3| 343 (i387.

I Dean Village. Fully-fur- nished room in large apart- ment. l'se ol' lounge. dining room. kitchen. Share \\ll|l 2 ll/\ pt‘ol‘exxionalx. ('ahle tx. (i('|l. WM. l)\\'. cleaner. liree park- ing. near puhlic t'por't. £300 pcrn + hillx. :\\‘ailahle nou: |.ee 0| 3| 477 (r3‘)l.

I West End, sunny. um hed. modern llat. liull} lur- lll\|letl. \ecririt} entrance. oll- xtreet parking. £4‘)5 pcrn. :\\ailahle no“ 3 Tel: 07‘)47 04‘)77‘).

I Sunny double room a\'ailahle in neu I} -decorated llat. \hare \\ ith one other. \uit n/\ l'einale prtil‘esxional/poxt- grad. excellent hux route. nice location. £280 pcrn incl hills: 0l3l 552 3447.

I Single room available Mr rent eloxe to \ ihrant center ol' |.eith. drawing with 2 otliet'\. prolexxionalx on|_\. ll\;ll|il|)|L' l‘orin Jul}. £300 pcrn e\c|uding ("ll + l)ill\. 07707 252424.

I Small single room to let in l'riendl} \hared tlat “ith 4 other people. Situated end ol‘ Leith Walk. \tlit lid) 2|)-\titth- thing. auiilahle l Atrgtixt. £|75 pcrn + hills; 078l0 70814‘).

I Leith. Large room. “ould \llll eaxygoing. n/x llat- mate with (3.80”. £|‘)0 pcrn + hillx; 0|3| 470 044].

I Leith Links. Spacious lull} -turnr\hcd roorii rn 2rper \t‘ll \C“ tlk‘ei‘ldlt‘tl \\tlll c\ce|letil |.lcllllll‘\. (like to local arnenrticx t\ on good hux route. \llll prolexxional pcrxon .\\ar| nnniedratc|_\. £200 pcrn o hrllx; llfll 3 40|842

I Easter Road. 1-bed- room llal a\ai|al‘lc l Septernher. conipihex |r\ ing loolll. krtchen. \lll)\\ er rooni. tltHll‘lL‘ l‘k'tlll‘lllll. (i(il |. lllll} ltirnrxhed. \urt prolcwrorial con ple. £420 pcrn 4 ('l. lrrllx. 0| 3| -l7lill57li H7700 3007.54

I Large sunny room lll tricndl_\. \haied llat lll llrougliton area £l82 pcrn 4 ("l 4. l\i||\. 0| 3| 550 Mill alter 0pm

I Flatmate wanted for (‘ttl'llotl lcrracc .\lt‘\\ \ llllll\t‘ \er'} heatitilul houxe. large room \\ rth o\\ n toilet. central location \\ llll pri\atc garden. lllll\l he \een. a\ar|ahle iniinedr alcl_\. to \liarc \\ ith one other. £300 pcrn; 0704‘) 080| 7 l.

I Room available from 20 :\tlgll\l. in lo\e|_\. central. (icorgiaii l'lat. \rce light lree parking. l‘ernalc prelei'red hut not a retpiirenient‘ Shainig

\\ itli one other. £280 pcrn t ltillx. (“l1 07808 2‘)|0l—l

I Trendy flatmate want- ed lor douhlc roorn lll ('ieorgiaii llat. l’rrde ol I’la) llouxe. Sharing \\ll|l 3other\. £|85 pcrn 4 dep 4- ("l ('all (iltlltllet‘ oli 0| 3| 5.57 l38~l ot 07070 532008.

I Large room in aural-me central llat. \haring \xith l pro lexxioiial rnale. .v\l| inod conx. £270 all in + l'ood; 0|3| 530 4‘)37.

I Fun 8- funky leiiialc required lor large. \unn} room. in Nexxiiigton. \liot‘t or long term nia} appl}. cloxe to (‘lar'kc Street. toxxn «k (‘oniniormealrh pool. £l80 pcrn; 0|3l 002 |(i30.

I Sunny double room an hright l'riendl} l'lal. \lll|\ ll/\ pl‘olcxxiotial to \liare with 2 others. good parking. atria/trig garden. all rnod conx. £225 pcrn + hillx. a\ai|ahle iniinedialel}. 078‘) 075l‘)20.

I Double room in \paciollx .\larchrnont l'lat. re-adxertixing. \liaring with one other. \uit n/x prolexxional. ltill}-ltir‘rii\|ied. a\ai|ahle no“. £350 pcrn incl ('Ili. l)i|l\. l'elet‘ellee\ t'eqltlt'etl; 0l31 007 3744/ 07802 40106. I Single room,

centrally located. ('auxeua}\idc/Neuington. \har ing with 2 l'latiiiatex. n/\ pre- lerred. lellliile ot‘ inale. \ludcnl eotixidel'ed. anrilahle trim. £ | 25 pcrn + hillx'. 'lel: .|;lllle\ 0| 3| 008 43I0/ 078l5 58072l/

(ll 23() 8.2 l 404.

I Available immediately! The (irange. | large \unn}. lurnixhed roorii. in \tunning llal. Sharing with l other per- \ori. tl/\ pr'clcrred. still 30 \oltle- thing pt'olexxlotllll. £350 pcrn including ralex. 0|3l 007 2044 alter 0pm. or leax e lllL‘\\tl:_'e.

I Single room to let. near l’ortohello/(’annair'd l’ark. Shared the ol lacilitiex. £200 pcrn. 'l‘clz 0l3l 00‘) 0854.

I No rooms available in l'riendl} llat. l)(i. (i(‘ll. £l07 pcrn. xiiiok'ing tine. 0| 3| 002 0400.