Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

The Adventures Of Pinocchio «ti .0. (Sta c Barron. l'S. I‘Nht Martin l.andau. Jonathan 'la_\loi 'l'hoiiiax. l‘do Kicr. ‘Ni ininx. \loi'c laithltil to thc original no\c| than thc l)ixnc_\ cartoon. thix iiii\ ol anima- tronicx. coniputci animation and ll\ c action xtill lallx xlioit ol thc mark Landau ix a \}Ill- pathctic (icppcllo and thc pcriod dctail gixcx a nicc laii'}talc mood. hut thc xcntiiiicntalit) and nioralixing land thc xhodd} crickct ani- iiiationi tiiidcrminc itx good clciiicntx. ('iiicuoild. l'alkii‘k.

O Aimee And Jaguari IS» 0000 t.\la\ l'ai'hci'hock. (ici'iiiaii_\. 2H0] J Julianc lx'ohlci'. .\lai'ia Schradcr. llo iiiiiix. 'l'i'tith ix indccd xtrangci than liction. lt‘x 10.13. \xartimc llci'lin.|} tlx'ohlcri. paragon ol \a/i mothcrhood. hi‘a/cnl} conduch al‘laii‘x \xhilc hcr xoldici' htixhand ix at thc lroiil. l'clicc thchi'adcri. a chx ixli chhian poxing ax a (icntilc. \Hil'kx lHl' a \gi/i ncu xpapci' \xliilc xtippl) mg lhc undci'gi‘ouiid \Hlll intormation. 'l‘uo iiioi'c unlikcl} hcdlclloxxx could not hc lound. lltit thc pair hccoinc lti\L‘l'\. .-\n iiixpir- ing. thrilling. moung and coinplctcl) trtic talc. Scc t'cxicu. l‘ilmliotixc. lidinhurgh. Alfi8(l5)... tl.c\\ix(iilhcrt. l'lx'. mom .\hchac| (‘ainc. lilcnoi' Bron. Slicllc} Wintcrx. llxl iiiiiix. .-\llic 1(‘ainci ix clc\ ci'

\\ idc ho} “ho \\ ill tiol lic l‘L‘llttlthll lo onc \wman. l)ircct to camcra Iic talkx tix through hix man) conqucxtx. llc iiic\itah|} gctx hix coinctippaiicc. hut on thc \\ holc thc ‘hirdx‘ comc ol'l \uit'xu Put in conlc\l ol' \\ hat \\ ax happcning in Britixh cincina at thc tinic. Suturiltir ."Ill/ Sum/tit .llin'nrnu. Iii/h /.Itll'. 'I'ltti Spurting lair :l/lit’ look likc thc dalcd mixog}nixt romantic comcd} it ix. Scc

rc\ ic\\. (il’l‘. (ilaxgtm; l'ilmhouxc. lidinhtirgh l’ilmhotixc. lidinhurgh.

Alien Adventure (H O... 1200] i minx. .'\ll alicii racc looking for a planct to colonixc. liiid cat'th and tintortunatcl} cnlcr a thcinc park \\ hci'c thc_\ catixc much amuxing ma) licm. l‘our ximulation ridcx. \ ixccral and xlightl) iiatixcotix. Sit at thc t'ront l'or tlic l'ull cl'l'cct. l'(i(' ('incmax. lidinhurgh.

Amores Perros (Love’s A Bitch) 1 IX) 0.... t .‘\lL‘_lillltll'U (ion/alc/ li'ritti. .\lc\ico. letll ) limilio lichc\ai‘ria. (iacl (iai'cia llci'nal. (io_\a 'l'olcdo. l5.i iiiiiix. lnari'itu'x dchtit l'caturc ix hillcd ax 'tlic .\lc\ican I’nl/i I-i'i‘ti'on'. a dcxcription \xhich xcllx it xhoi't. 'l'hc 'l‘ai'antiiio coiiipai'ixon ix a tixcl'ul xtartirig point: thc lilm lcllx thrcc

o\ ci'lapping xtoricx - a tccnagci' dram] into thc “orld ot' illcgal dog-lighting. thc lltlidt‘lil) ill. a lltidtllc-ttgcd lttL‘tlitt C\CL‘tlll\L‘ and an cldct‘l} homclcxx man h) tixiiig xhil'tiiig timc-l'ramcx. tarigciitiall} linkcd charactcrx and laggcd \crhal l'lt}llllll\. l-‘ici'cc humanit} tiiidcrpinx lnai‘ritti'x hcautil'ul. grain} \ ixualx and (illlllL‘l'ltlU .-\i'riaga Jordan'x multi-la}crcd xcript. 'l'hc hcxt liltii ol' thc _\car xo tar. and tlllllkcl} to hc

J uly 28- tti/Auclgv

. . . r t . . / . Fhe Paiiious bpieqellmt pmqutmntc ts out now. \mwvspim . ' - . t/

! I

38 THE LIST 19 Jul—2 Aug 2001

Dr Eddie Murphy is back to simple-minded, funny

xtirpaxxcd. (il’l'. (ilaxgou. l'( i(' ('incmax. lidinhtirgh.

Animal Attraction 1 ID .0 (Ton) (io|d\\_\n. [8. Zoo] i :\xltlL‘_\ .ltidd. lltigli Jackman. (ii'cg Kiniicar. U7 llllllx \thn a \xork collcagtic dumpx Janc (ioodall «Judd i. xhc iiiaiiilmcx \x mc and chocolatc tor a t'cxx

\x cckx hclorc iminci‘xing lici'xcll in rclationxhip thcoi'}. .\lcii. xhc dccidcx. arc likc htillx. \\ liicli \x ill nc\cr rctui'ii to a con llic) '\c xhaggcd, Nc“ York lo\ cx hct' Idca. although nc\x lilttlllltllL‘ and compule c \miiianixcr liddic tJackiiiani ix lcxx cnthtixiaxtic. (ioodall'x thcoricx arc c\cntuall_\ xhallcrcd h} that old chcxtntit. truc lo\ c. Stttll}. lliouglt. \ltc'x ltnttlilc to dlxpl'tn c anothcr \x idcxpt'cad lllL‘Ul'} \\ Iiich xtach that tx’tl‘é ol rom coiiix arc xhitc. Scc rc\ 1C“. (icncral i'clcaxc.

The Bachelort l.x'i t.\‘ikm l’ana}otopoulox, (ircccc. [007i Ill) iiiiiix. :\ liuxhand \x hoxc \x ilc hax dumpcd him

dixco\ ct‘x hix c\ ix no“ \xorking ax a proxtittitc. lintci' a ncxx \mnian in hix lilc \\ ho critix up liollo“ ing thc xamc cat'ccr path. lronic comcd}. Part of thc (ircck l-‘ilm l‘cxtnal. l‘ilmliouxc. lidinhurgh.

The Battleship Potemkin tl’( il .0... tScrgci liixcnxtcin. l‘SSR. WIS: .-\. .-\ntono\‘. Vladimir Bai'xki. (ii'igori :\lc\andro\, 75 minx. .\ladc for thc 20th ttlilll\’L‘l'\;tl'} ol‘ thc I‘MJS rcmlution. liixcnxtcin'x all-timc claxxic l‘olloxx x thc mutin) hy thc crux of thc I’ri'ni't' l’ntmnkr’n and thc xupport gi\cii h} thc local ci\ ilian population. \\ ho arc moun do“ ii h) thc ('lttt‘K “'0th in lltL‘ litltltoux ()dcxxa Slcpx .xcqticncc. lixpi'cxxch camcra tcchniquc and a gi'axp (er Ctliltltg lltttl \xt‘olc thc lL'\ll\ookx lll'L‘

.lllxl xomc of thc iiinoxationx that put

liixcnxtciii and Rtixxian lilm lirml} on thc cincmatic inap. l'ilmhotixc. lidiiihurgh.

Before Night Falls t I5) 0000 tJtilian

Schnahcl. l'S. 200]) Ht) iiiinx. 'l‘hix hiopic ol

lhc 11;!) Cuban author Rcinaldo Arcnax hax hccn garlandcd \\ ith praixc and tmardx. including a dcxcrx cd ()xcar nomination for lcading actor Jaricr Bardcm. It'x morc rccognition than itx xuhjcct achic\ cd in hix lilctimc. aii iron} thc pcrxcciitcd .'\l'L‘ll;l\ might haxc l'ouiid \xr) I} amuxiiig. Schnahcl‘x liltii ix haxcd on thc mcnioirx :\t‘L‘tt;tx dictatcd in cxilc in .\'c\x York. tcrminall) ill \\ ith Aidx. hcl‘orc hix xtiicidc in l‘)‘)(). Thc paintcr turncd

\ .

talk to the animals once more in the and wholly eco-friendly Dr Dolittle 2

dircctoi' tindx a xt_\ lc in kccpmg \x ith thc man and hix \xork. mi\ing truth. poctic h_\pciholc and magic rcalixm to di//} mg cllcct. (\iiiico. ladinhurgh. Before The Storm l Ifii iRc/a t’cixa. Sucdcn. Zoom Ill-l minx. :\ liltii to cltallcngc lltc idca Hl S“ L'dctl ax a ltl‘ct‘al. lolct'atll cottnlt‘). .-\ random ciicountcr hcmccn \li. a la\i drum; and a txxclxc )cai old ho}. xctx oll a dramatic and \ iolcnt chain ot cx cntx. \Vinnci' ot thc (irand Jur} pri/c at thc San Schaxtian l‘illllt l‘cxtnal. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou. Best In ShOWt 12).... ((‘hrixtophci (iticxt. l'S. ZUUI r ('hi'ixtophci' ( illL‘\l. l’arkci‘ l’oxc). \llc‘ltttcl \chcan. 9” llllll\. |)trcclcd. co—xx rittcn h} and xtarring ('hrixtophcr ( iticxt thcttcr knoxxn ax .\'igc| 'l‘utncl thc rock guitarixt \xhoxc amp gocx tip to clc\cn iii Hm I,\ S/n'nul lit/ii. lint In Slum adhcrcx to thc xptmlitlticlllttclllttl‘) loi'mat ol Iii/r. 'l'hc largcl} imprm ixcd action rc\ol\cx around a hunch ol dog-lo\ ing oddhallx \\ ho di'cani ol thcir canincx \\ inning thc pi'cxtigioux Ma} No“ cr Dog Show Hm! In Show ix hilarioux hccatixc it pla}x tlic humour xti'aight. .\'o patixc lor laughtcr. thix ix comcd) \xithout tlic punchlinc. and it'x dclinitcl} thc lk‘llct‘ lot ll. Sclcclctl t'clcaxc. BIOWt l8) .0. t'l‘cd l)cinmc. l‘S. ZUUI i Jttllllll} l)cpp. l’ciic-lopc ('i'til. l"i';iiika l’otcntc. l33 iiiiiix. 'l‘lic xtot') ol’ tlic rixc and tall ol di'tig xmtigglcr ( icoi'gc Jung tpla}cd h_\ l)cppl. “ho pi'ogrcxxcx l'rom xiiitiggling marijuana in thc Iatc-(itix to importing cocainc on an induxti'ial xcalc in thc 70x~ It'x a timc ol’ hiin jinkx iii iiioi'c than onc xcnxc and Dcmmc lindx a xt_\ lc to match. cmplo) ing l'rcc/c lraming and lurching looiiix. \Vc could hc in an cpixodc HI 1714' .llunkt't's. ll If/(m Ix llllL‘llthtl ttx tt llltltlL‘l'll inoi'alit) pla}. ho“ c\cr. thcn itx cthicx rcmaiii unclcatl “1‘ nm cr xcc lltc xocial coxlx ol liix l'rcchooting cntrcprcncurxhip; l)cmmc l'ailx to :1“ c llx lltc \\ idcr piclttt‘c. Sclcctcd I‘L'lL'axc. Bread And Roses l 15).... thn l.oach. l'K. 20”] i l’ilai' l’adilla. .-\di‘icn Brod}. lilpidia (‘arrillo l I“ iiiiiix. [fruit/slur! Rmm hra\cl_\ draiiiatixcx thc dail} xti'tigglc ol‘ |.ox :‘xngclcx' immigrant llixpanic population. Maya tl’adillai ix a gorgcotix. glitx) )ouiig .\lc\icaii_ \\ ho cxcapcx kidnapping h) xiiitigglcrx to toil alongxidc hcr \lle‘r. Rtrxtt ((‘at‘t'tllol. clcaning olil-IL‘Cx. ll] a doxxntou n ol‘licc block. xlic tncctx

./ / /.

i \ l ('I/ .y / I.

“Princes szll/l, Edinburgh

ellénlaict "’"Tix our 220 10000

° /,i‘ t I\i“l ;.. l$ back. \‘ // '. i \ 3‘ 'a I

paxxionatc \xliitc actix N. \am illzod} i. \\ ho ix running tlic Janitoix l'oi Jtrxticc taiiipaign

l oach hax toixakcn ncitlici ot hix tiadcmaik concci'iix thc drama \\llllllt tltc iiiuiidanc. tlic indomitahlc xpiiit ot thc oppicxxcd l'hix ix cxxcntiall_\ a liltii about \ ictoi}. and thc tonc ix xui'pi'ixingl} tiphcat Sclcctcd iclcaxc Breakfast At Tiffany‘s t 15 r 0000 Illlakc l'\l\\.lltl\. [8. WM! \udic} llcphtiin. (icotgc l’cppaid. l’atiicia \cal. Budd} l'hxcn. .\lickc} lx’oonc} ll5 imnx ‘lloxx [lo I look " axkx original \\.lll llcphuin in tlic iolc ot lioidcilinc xchi/opliicnic llollx (iolightlx ‘\ci} (iood. l niuxt xa_\ l'in aiiia/cd icplicx l’cppaid in tlic iolc ot litixtiatcd mum and part tiiiic gigolo l’aul \aiiak llic iconic llcphuin hax ncxci madc nctiioxix look xo good. and \xliilc lltc liltii ma} lla\ c iitiiiictotix rcdccniitig lcatuicx «not lcaxt tlic t‘\\|lll\llt‘ ciiiciii.itogiapli_\ h} lian/ I I’laiic and thc x\\lll}.‘lll“_' xoundtiack h) llcnu \l.lll\lllll. it ix xhc \xho icmaiiix icxpoiixihlc toi making it xuch a \xcll |o\cd claxxic adapch tiom tltc no\ cl h) l'i'tiiiian (‘apotc -\dani Smith 'l'hcatic. lx'ii'kcald}

Bridget Jones‘s Diary: IM 0000 ISliai‘on \laguiic. [8. l K. .‘HHI r chcc /.cll\xcgci. llugli (iiant. (‘olm l’lllll no llllllx Iii/(lift I .ll'll('\ '\ Ilia/i ix that iaic thing. an adaptation that \axl|_\ llllplU\t‘\ on an oxci ratcd original. iii thix caxc llclcn l'icldiiig'x licxtxclling ncxk xpapci column cum hook Joiicx hax a iathci nicc ioh. and lookx iathci nicc. hut \xoiiicx a lot about hci appcaiancc and carccr. lii hcmccn \xciglimg hcixclt and ianting aliout thc iiiodci‘n iiialc. xlic ciitaiiglcx licrxcll \x itli ll.l\l} hoxx |)anicl ('lcaxcr

t( ‘iraiit r. hctoic taking tip v. ith nicc \laik |)ai'c) ll‘ll'lltl. ()ii papci'. Joiicx \\;tx a xni\cl|ing. iicurotic \xicck. on liliii xhc'x a xiii\c||mg. iicuiotic \xrcck \xho alxo happciix to hc conxixtcntl} liilaiioux x\lltl /.c|l\x cch addx a touch ot \\.tt'ltllll to \xhat ix t'x\L‘llll.lll_\ a \xholl} tinx}mpathctic. hrittlc cliaiactci (icnt't'al t'clcaxc.

A Bug’s Liferl'i 0... (John I .ixxctci. l'S. I‘NSI Voiccx ol: l)a\c l-olc}. lx'c\in Spacc}. l);t\ Id ll)dc l’lclt‘c. l)t'lttx lt'dl'} 05 minx. .\ladc h} I’ixar .-\iiiniation Studiox ( IH\ Shirt i. .-l Bug '\ /.!’(' takcx tix to .-\nt lxlaiid. \xhci‘c thc colon} ix hcing opprcxxcd h} a gang ol incnacing graxxhoppcrx. “Jim in\ mm c hut clumx) \xorkci ant l’lik incuix tlic \xiatli ol gang Icadci' lloppci'. hc hcadx oil to liiid hpr lica\_\\xcight liclp in thc hattlc agaiiixt hix opprcxxorx. l'(i(~ (‘incmax. l'.diiihtii'gh Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 1M 0.. (John Maddcn. l‘K/l 'S/l-iancc. 300] J .\'ico|ax ( 'agc. l’ciiclopc ( "on. John Hurt. IZH iniiix. ’l'hix adaptation ot l.otiix dc lic‘l'litc'l'cx' hcxtxcllct' xccx ( itcccc lakclt h} lltc ltaliaii Arm} during World War II. ('aptaiii (iol'clll and ltlx xqtlad ol opct'a cttlltttxlaxlx arm c on thc ixland ol (‘cpliallonia. cauxiiig much uproar .-\nd \xhcii tlic (‘aptain ix hillctcd to Dr lannix' tllurtr hotixc. (‘orclli and tlic l)octor‘x hcautiltil datightci. l’clagia «('ru/i. tall in lorhiddcn lo\c. \laddcn hax xtuck to hix gum and madc a mo\ ic at oncc dixtiiictl) latiiopcan and likcl} to appcal to .-\nici'ican atidicnccx. (‘ommci'cial unlaithlul to llic hook. litll xllll licad and xliouldci‘x ahmc an} ol tltc c}c cand} lloll}\xood liaon ol'lct‘. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

,2 . \ 1' ,/ x ‘i

/ l/

. t“