Music rook & pop listings

Edinburgh, Sat 21

I Weird Attractors and lrian Jaya Bongo ('Iuh. H .\'e\\ Street. 553 Will-1 Ilipm 3am. £5 iLJi. ('Iuh night .'\litili_\llil present a II\ e \et oi drum tk haw. ltiiik. teehno and hip hop from “end .-\tti'aetor\ to launeh their new ('I) //\/)('l'\ (‘IIII/(lllllli. More drum 8s: ham \\ ith an iiaxtern iiamur I'rom Irian Ja_\a aII haeked up h} D] aetion irom \Vreekage. ('malent. Sanxkrit and Matth i’itehu.

I Out By Degrees and Churn Studio 24. (‘aIton Road. 558 3758.

Itipm 3am. L5. I.i\e hem} roek at nu metal and hardeore eluh night Zealotix. I Bellweather I.ianaehan ('al'e. I5 Bittekiiriarx Slt‘eel. 55(r (i022.

7.30pm. I-ree. Aeouxtie Amerieana i'i'om liilx \oio aeotlxlie aet.


GThe Beta Band Bari'imland. (ialiim‘gate. 552 Join. 7.30pm. L'I |.5Il plus hooking i'ee. Seotx e\pat\ \\ ith an unelasxiiiahie hut idioxtneratie. It}pnotie sound. Their \eeond alhum IIot Shotx II was releaxed on Honda}. \o there hax heen a lie“ day to let itx llltlllll‘tlS \eep into the eonxeienee. See pre\ ieii.

I Thirst, Standoff and TWinkle Wonderkid King 'I'ut'x Wait Wait IIut. St \V'ineent Street. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pillx hooking lee. 'I'he headiinerx are a young Portsmouth hand \\ ho ha\ e attraeted eomparisonx to Nirvana. i’laeeho and the Red Hot (‘hiii Peppers. 'I‘heir dehut aihum l-"rom .IloiiI/i 7}) Skin is already out in the field.

GThe Music and Minuteman The 13th Note (‘Iuh. ('Iyde Street. 243 2177. 8pm. £4. See Iidinhui‘gh. Tim I‘) and pre- VICW.

I DS13, ETA, Ebola and Rex 84 The I3th .\'ote (‘ai‘e. King Street. 553 I638. 8.30pm. £2.

I Kingpin and Cinefilm \ie'e'ii‘SIea/y Sauehiehaii Stieet. 1“ UM". 0pm.

I Opitomy, Glasshouse and Vici Sti‘;i\\hei‘i'} I'iieldx. ()\\\;iid Street. 22l "S"I. "aillpm. U. ineluding enti‘_\ to INHI- gig eiiih.

I Panhandlers (ii-anti ()Ie i )pt'}. I’ai\Ie_\ Road 'IoII. 42‘) 53‘Ni i£2 memherxi.

I The Beatles Beat Iiourhon Street. (ieoi'ge Street. .552 til-l I. "pin. L5 «L I(\.5ll \\ ith dinnei‘i. 'I‘rihtite to the I'ah I’Htll'.

I Open Stage IIIL‘ lliili liar. \Voodianth Road. 504 I52". -1-iSpm. I-i‘ee. \Veeki} SL‘SSIUII I'or IoeaI llill\le'l.tli\.

I Sleepflower Iite Hall Iiat‘. \Voodiandx Road. 5(x-I I52". ‘ipm. I’i‘ee. I Jambalaya .\le('huill\ \\a} ()tll \Vexl. KeI\ inhaugh Street. 55h 5lllS 9.30pm. I‘i'ee.

I Kong Samuel I)o\\ \. \ithxdaie Road. 4230107. Sfitlpm. I’i'ee. Roek

I Andrew White, The Bowie Experience, Purple Munkie, The Glebe Street Blues Band and Pete Jagger Spin loot. .\IL'.\Itl\IL‘l' Sptil'lx ('entre. Ihomax Shankx I’ark. Johnstone \\'e\t. I-‘oi‘ inl'o. eall .S’S‘) 3.1m» noon-5pm. I-ree. .-\eou\tie filillttl‘ISI Andre“ \Vhile ixioined h} Iiigin piiiik quartet I’urpie .\Itmkie.


I Tom Jones lidinhiirgli ('axtie. Ro}ai .\Ii|e. 225 9846. £57.50. See I-ri 2H.

I Unquiet, Infallible, Slider and Barbados Villa 'l‘lie .\Iet'eal. ix \Vea Maitiand Street. 22.5 33M. 0pm. £2. 'I'hix ix I'nquiet'x last gig ax the} are emigrating and taking their eoiint} i'oek

\\ ith them. The) are alxo joined on the hill h} \ iolin and aeouxtie guitar duo Bat‘hadox Villa.

I l-li-Voltage I’ixeai tk I‘irkin. 7 Hunter Square. 225 301‘). 9.30pm. I-ree. IIot roekahill} I‘i'om thix Iidinhurgh-haxed hand.

"fillpm. :1

The Radiotones play as part of Spin 2001 at Johnstone Castle, Glasgow, Sun 29 Jul

58 THE LIST 19 Jul—2 Aug 2001


I The Eagles llaiiiptleii link

L32 5” L2S 5H I‘IUS hooking tee Don‘t 'i-IIL‘ I'..t:_'IL'\ Ii.tIL‘ eaeh i‘IIICI' ' \let‘ Ii‘ we the \tadiuiii eouiiti'} iotkeix lion IIenIe_\. (iien Ire}. .Ioe \\al~h and

'I iiiioth} Ii Sehinil Ila\e hailed the hatehet long enough to make a hit oi doxh promoting Ia\t yank ho\ xet in then onI} outdoor I'K \hou oi the \tll'l'e‘lll tour

I All Scotland Air Guitar Championships llie l.‘~ili \ote (‘liilx ('I_\de Street. 24.‘ 2|" SNIpiii L2H” Io enter. eali linh‘lll li5h I05. (.Hllit‘eliIUIN are C\}‘L‘eleti I\‘ {It} .tIiillg to a \ong \et h_\ the iudgtw toi‘ one minute heloi‘e iiio\ ing on to a ti'aek oi their e‘IlUHSlIifJ. \\ ill an}oiie puxh the hoat out and piek a Belle tk Sehintian nuiiiher. xx e \xoiidet”.’ 'I’he \‘. iiinei' \\ lII mm e on to the Iiritixh linalx and Mom there to the “mid ('haiiipioiixhip\ Ill I‘iniand iol eourxei \Iii} the hext anally i'etentix e. nae-matu. hair toxxer \\ in.

I Johnny 8. The Moondogs, Blue Orbit and Badge \ICC.Ii.SICil/.\. Stilleillciitlii SII‘L'CI. 3.55 0055‘, 9pm,

I Inner Terrestrials, Restarts and Surround 'l'lie I5lii .\'oie ('ate. King Street. 553 IofiiS. iS. illpm. ‘22

I Helen Reeves III‘el Siiitlio ( )iie. I3}i‘e\ Road. .i—li (i5lh. ‘ipm. I't'ee. I.oeai \ongu i‘itei' \\ ho draxi \ on i'oik. eoimtr} and pop II'mIlIIUliS in her muxie.

I The Blues Poets IIIL‘ Seotia. SIOCIUK L‘II SII'CL‘I. 552 NONI. 4pm. I'l'L‘L'. I-'oi'tnigiiti_\ l‘L‘SitIL‘IIC}.

GSigue Sigue Sputnik, Beatlemania, The Radio Sweethearts and Plus One & The Jungle Drummer Spin 2tlili. (iienhurn ('oiiiintinit} (‘entre. (iienhurn. I‘or ini‘o. eaII SN) 230p. Soon-5pm. I’ree. Ihe hand uho \\ ear their iixhnet \toekingx all \\rong return \xith their pumping eleeti'o pop. \uppoi'ted h} eountr} I‘UCIxL‘I'S The Radio S\\eetiie;ii't\ and a Beatlex trihute hand lrom

I} nexide.

I Live Music (hand (He ()pi'). I’aixie} Road To“. 42‘) 53W). “Klipin. L5 H22 memherxl.


I Rage, 2 Canoes, Skyless and Jimmied The Liquid Room. ‘ie Vietoria Street. 225 25M. 7.30pm.

£3 £4. Sonie .'\rt\ \Viit‘Ixxiiop prexent \Vake I'pl \xith Rage ;\gain\t 'I'he .\Iaehine trihute aet Rage. i'ei'i‘e\hing i‘h_\thm\ irom 2 ('anoex. Zeppelin inxpired roek from Sk} Iexx and Iiendri\ eiaxxiex lrom .Iimmied.

I Foreign Legion Bongo (‘liilx H .\'e\\ Street. 55S Toot. Ilifillpin 3am. £7. I)J Red 0 prexentx thi\ intelligent and in\ entix e hip hop ere“ all the ma} l'i'oin San I’raneixeo Ba}.


I Peter Liddle, Ian McDonald and Neil Anderson 'I'he l3ili .\'oie (Kile. King Street. 553 IMS. .S'.3(lpiii. ‘22. I Blues Move Studio One. I§}l'e\ Road. 3-H ()5 lo. 0pm. I-‘i‘ee.

I Acoustic Jam Siee'ii‘Sleii/i. Sauehiehail Street. 333 9037'. ‘ipm. Iioxted h} (ierr} I.}on\ \\ ith tree home Mr performers.

Tuesday 24


I Peppercorn and Stonecut King 'I‘ut‘x Wait Wait IIut. St Vineent Street. 22I 527‘). Sailipm. £4 DIUS hooking lee. I’eppei‘eorn ix a neu London-h;th lemaIe xiiiger/xong“ riter inl‘lueneed h) Joan .\i'mati'ading and 'I'rae} ('hapman I‘lll \\ ill] a IL‘SS \tipiit'iiie \iitlliLI. IIL‘I‘ LIL‘IWUI aihum l'il'(‘(' [.01 i’ \\;i\ l‘L‘IL‘the‘tI til the heginning oi the month. Support from a I'UUIS} Iidinhurgh iax/ tunk eomho.

I Aether, Ruth Martin and Snoochy l‘lie I“III \‘nie t‘ate. lx'iii: Sil’eei. 551 this x :IIl‘ltl ::

I Zing, Calcium and Nofireherb (iloi‘) Ho\. (‘iiiiei'x Ii}ie\ Road. HS (\5I I \ .zllt‘lll I'l'e‘t‘


I Lazybones I’he IIiiiiian lie In. \\e\t (‘itixngiiixe'uak‘ hh: Shiili ‘3 zl'l‘lll I‘lt‘k‘ .ia// three pieee

Wednesday 25


I The Blimp King lut'x \\ah \\.ih IIut. St \iiieent Street. 22I 52“)

.S. ‘Hpiii. Lil [‘IIIS hooking lee ()Id ia\hioned Rt\ii iiiliueneed roeking iiom IIIIS Ioeai in e pieee \\ ho are pi’oitioting theii dehtit \llif2IC 'Iiad Iiileh Hog I)oii‘t HIICI. \IHU get IIIC Itik'd

I Lincoln, The Joel Plasket't Emergency and Single Point Of Light Ihe I3th \ote (‘Itih. (‘hde Street. 241 2 I "5. Spin. LII I.ondoii hawd group \xho ha\ e pia}ed \\ tilt the like\ ol (‘.iie\ieo. Iindei'xtiekx and Inn \\ hite. \xhieh \IiHIlItI gi\ e a good idea oi \xiieie the} are eoming II'UIII.

I Den Alma and Appendix Out 'Ihe Rexideiitx. Ihe lith \ole (Kile. King Street. 55“ HHS .S'. 5UP”). L" i. I)eii .'\Illi;l. \xho \haie meiiiherx \\ ith their guextx .-\ppeiidi\ ()ut. eoneliide their month ax Ifith \ote Rexidentx.

I Dogs Die In McChuills .\Ie('huiII\ \\'a_\ (hit \Vext. Keh inhaiigh Street. 570 5llIS. lifillpm. I'i‘ee. \ight oi Ioeai talent promoted h} the hand I)og\ I)IC Ill IIHI ('ttt‘x.

I Acoustic Open Stage llie iIaIl Bar. \Voodlaiidx Road. 5o~l i525. ‘lpm I’t‘ee. ionted h} I’adil} \ (ill'IS.


I Doolah, Sempiternal and Jiva'I'Ite Venue. I," 2i ('ailiiti Road. 557' 3073. Spin. L5. Il'lliIL‘ hiII oi Ioeai ittdie act»

I Tony Seghal and Karina May The Human Iie-In. \Vext (‘roweauxeuay (r02 SSH). ‘),3(ipiii, I‘i‘ee. Original material ii'om the I’\}ehe I'.\\eiiti;ii duo. PIUS haeking guitai'ixt.

Thursday 26


I Vega, The Daze and Vertigo 101 King 'I'tit'x Wait Wait Iiiit. St \‘iiieeiit Street. 22I 52“). H. ‘slipm. £3.51! iadxaneei. U tdooi'i. I.oeaI hand triple hiII.

I RPM, Eye Bolt, Novasmoke, Kinder and Kato 'l'lie (‘ailioiixe I'tiiott Street. 24S (ihtih. 7. I 5pm_ £35”. ()\ei'- 14x \hou. \Iuilipie hill oi' Ioeai hardeore aetx.

I Bubblecraft Siee'ii'Slea/_\. Sauehiehaii Street. 333 0037. 0pm.

I Beeagles (hand (He ()pr}. I’aixie} Road 'I‘oII. 42‘) 5390. 7.30pm. Ur. 'I'rihute to 'I'he iaagiex. in eaxe )oii didn't get enough at Ilampden Iaxt weekend.

I Badge, Vici and Dynamic Static i'iii‘} Murry. .\Ia\\\eii Street. 22I (i5l I. ‘ipin. L5. ineiudmg entr} to poxt-gig eiuh.

I Sticky Fingers Sltltliii ()ne. I$}I'L'\ Road. 3-H h5io. ‘ipiii. I‘i'ee. Rolling Stone\ trihute.

I Vagabonds IIIL‘ Seotia. Sioekuell Street. 552 SOS I. Sitlpin. I'i‘ee. I’opiiiai‘

I Jam Session Samuel Dim \_ \ithxdale Road. 423 tlIll7. 3.30pm. I‘i'ee.


I Odema, Abigail’s Glorious Voice and Little Amber The Venue. I7 2i (‘aIton Road. 557 3073. Split. £4. Ihi‘ee Ioeai indie hand\.

I Sykik Vandals La Belle Angeie. iiaxtiex ('ime. 225 7536. 7.30pm. £4. The teeh-roek duo ill\ ite )ou to \Hrl‘xitlp at their 'napaIm-tinged eathedrai oi \oundx and \ ixion' in their Iil'xl headlining gig. Support C(llliCx Iron] I)J\ Primal T and Phil Zero.