Saxophonist Julian Arguelles has been making waves on the UK jazz scene since the days of Loose Tubes back in the mid-80$, and his own projects, ranging from solo saxophone-with-e|ectronics through to his excellent octet, have been consistently rewarding. Last year, the jazz festival threw him together with American pianist George Colligan, and the resulting quartet gig at Henry’s was one of the real highlights of the event, blending European and American influences in compelling fashion. On the sound principle that you can’t really have too much of a

good thing, Julian is reunited with the pianist for a second round of creative transatlantic action. Part of the Bank Of Scotland Edinburgh Jazz

and Blues Festival.

I Jill/(ill Argue/les Quartet. Henry Ja// Co/l’ir. Ed/nburg/i, 7 hu 5) Aug.

Wednesday 25


I Martin Kershaw Quartet lleitry's Jal/ Bar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Acoustic quartet lronted by innoyatiye saxman and Berklee gradtiate Kershayy. ol (ireeii Juice. Rarelaction and (irooyedigga/ lame.


I Barbara Morrison Trio lleni-y ‘s Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). l.os Angeles ja// diya Barbara Morrison has perl‘oi‘iiied \y ith the likes of Ray ('harlcs. Kenny Btirrell and l)i//y (iillespie. She pays a rare Visit to Scottish shores.


I Al Hughes Betty Nicol‘s. High Street. 0|5‘)2 200282. 8.30pm. l’ree. See 'l‘hu l‘).


I Groovediggaz tleni-y ‘s Jan Bar. 3 Morrison Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £6.50. A dose of the funk l'rom lidinbtirgh's premiere heavyweight soul tttltlil. featuring \'t)CttllSl 'l‘oiiy King and the talents of Martin Kershayy on sax. Part of the Bank ()/'St'uilu)ul Iz'tli'nlmrje/i .lttS.‘ and Blues I'i'.\‘llt'(ll.

I Nahorny Ensemble - Chopin Variations The lltib. (‘astlehilL Royal Mile. 473 2000. 7pm. £l0.50. A return Visit for this oil-beat Polish ensemble. subjecting the music of their national icon. Chopin. to a rigorous ja/./ work out. Part of the Bank ()f’Smi/mul lz'ili'riliurc’li .ltiS.‘ and Blues I-i'slii'u '.

I Jazz Barbecue By The Sea Next (ieneration (‘ltib. 55 New llayen Place. 554 5000. 8pm. £ it). An eyening of traditional jazz. food and drink. Music supplied by Pionna Duncan. Ricardo's Ja/rmen. (ieorge Penman's Jar/men and Mike liart‘s Society Syncopators. Part of the Bank Of Scotland Iz'tli'nlmrgli .lu:: uml Blues l'i’s'li'i'ul.

I Hot Charanga Sauce La Belle Angele. llas’tie's Close. 225 7556. Split. £8.50. The startling Latin Voice of (‘arlos Pena l‘ronts a next- group playing Brazilian son music. with ('arrie MeKenna (tlute). l)a\'e Patrick (piano). and Mario (‘aribe (bass). Part or the Bank (IfSculltuul Iz‘t/i'riliurgli .lur.‘ and Blues l‘i’xlii‘ul.

I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club Fairinile Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 3l2 8243. 8pm. £4 (£3). Special guests the Dayc l)onohoe Band playing traditional ja/l.

I Tenth Avenue Jazz Band Royal ()yer—Seas league. I00 Princes Street. 225 l50l. Spm. £7. ('alil'ornian band \yho bring a l'resh approach to Neiy ()i'leans and Duke lillington classics. Part ol' the Bun/s 0] Scotland la/in/iureli ./u.‘;' um/ Bllu'y I'i'ylli'tll.

I The Jazz Singers Queen's llall. (‘lerk Street. 668 20l‘). 3.30pm.

£l0.50 £45.50 ( £6). .\ triple \ocal treat l'eaturing 'l‘iiia May. \'al \Viseman and 'l‘rtidy Kerr \\ ith their indiy idtial takes on classic ja// numbers l‘rom (‘ole Porter. Johnny Mercer and lry ing Berlin. Part ol the Bunk ()7Seol/urul Iz'tlin/turg/i .lui." (Ult/ Blues l't’yllt'tll.

I Green Juice llenry 's .la/I Bar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. 0pm. £7.50. lilectronic break-beat ja// l'rom (ireen Juice. l'eaturing sa\ophonist Martin Kershayy. Willy Molluson and Sly Si. pltis rapper l‘rosly .I. Part ol' the Bun/s ()l Sent/(mil Iz'tlin/turg/i ./t1."." mul Blues l'eslii'ul.

OEsbjorn Svensson Trio The lltib. ('astlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2000. 10pm. £l l.5ll. This is one ()l the not—ti)- be-missed gigs in the lestiyal. liS'l‘ are the current sensation ol' the liuropean

jar/ circuit. arid their standing-room only

gig at Henry 's earlier this year \\ as hailed as a sensation. Pianist lisbjorn Sy'eiisson is joined it) this \\ ell-estab- lished trio by bassist l)an Bcrgltmd and drummer Magntis ()stroin. Part oi the Bun/t ()A/ixt'Ul/(lllll lit/iri/iurgli .lu;': uml Blues Festival.

I Jam Session Royal ()yer—Seas League. I00 Princes Street. 225 l50l.

l l.30pm. £5. The renoys neil Ja/I liesti\al Jam Sessions are back attracting a range ol‘ musicians lrom throughout the liestiy'al. Part of the Bunk ()l Sent/(mil Iz'tli'nlrurg/i .lu:: tuul B/ui'y I'eyli'i'iil.


I Barbara Morrison Trio ('arnegie llall. liast Port. (H.383 5l4l27. 8pm. £7 (£4 £5). See Thu 26.

Saturday 28 '


I Hung Drawn Quartet Brel. 3t) 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4066. 3pm. Free. This imaginatiy e sa\ophone quartet l'eature their original and iiiyeiitiye arrangements on a range ol'jaI/ standards. Latin and original compositions. The band haye a llL‘\\ ('l) in the \yorks l'or release later this


I Masquenada lienry 's Ja/r Bar. .s Morrison Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £6.50. A Latin-initised ja/r selection from these l‘ormer (‘al‘e (iral‘liti regulars. including ('himp ol' Salsa (‘cllica lame on percussion and ('olin Steele on

trumpet Part ol the Bank (I' .\. Maori." l.tlllll’fll';'l.’ .li.'.‘.‘ mu." Blur \ It sin a.

I John Colianni Trio and John Bunch Trio 'I lit‘ lltll‘. castle-hill. l\’o\al Mile. 4‘1 low I: Ropin. w 50. .\ double bill ol leading .'\lllt'l'lc.ill syy iiig pianists present a concert oi classic ja/r piano 'l'he .ippaieutly ageless \ctcraii .lohii Bunch and John ('oliaiini are a generation apart. btit share .i common loye toi this music. Pai't ot the Bank ()1 Si ullurul lal/ri/turgli ./u.‘.' (mil Blui \ li'yliiul.

I Mardi Gras (il'.t\\lll.tl'lst‘l. to“ l 4pm. l'rce. \ ja/r parade through lzdiiibuigh's old toysn \\llll music tron) lsiciii'tliVs .la/I Men. lenth \yciiuc .l.i// Band. Dana l)i\on Blues Band. Delegates ( )t Pleasure. ladiiibuigh Schools .la// ( )rchcsira. l ights ( )iii By Nine. (ieoi‘ge \Vashing Machine and (lie ('riterion Neys ()rleaiis Parade Band. Pail ol tlte Bunk (I) St ulluml la/Hiltu/glt .lii'j.‘ (lllt/ Bliu'y Immiul.

I Scottish Guitar Quartet I‘lie lltib. ('astlehill. Royal Mile. 4"; 2000, ‘~pm. £6.50. l'ittll' acoustic guitars play deli and subtle ja/l. lcatiii'ing the talents ol .led Bi‘ockic. Nigel (iltll‘ls. Malcolm \lt‘l‘tll’ltlllt‘ and Key in Macls'en/ie. Part ol tlte Bunk ()1 Si f’l/tlllt/ lull/rilturgl) lily: iiiul Blut'y l'('\lllil/.

I The Opening Ball lltt‘ lliib. (listleliill. Royal Mile. 4"; 201 )0. Spin. £l0.50. ‘l‘he traditional lestiyal openei. a ja// ball. \yith music lrom l)a\e l)onohoe's Neys ()rleaiis .la// Band. 'l'he lllth .'\\ enue .la/l Band and Ricai‘dos .la//ittcn. Part ol' the Bun/s (H St wilt/ml I'filiri/tureli ./u.‘: mul Blues l'('\lll(1/.

I Colin Steele’s Nilight Dreams llenry 's .la// Bar. .S’ Morrison Street. 467 5200. Split. £3.50. .\ llL‘\\ group li‘om trumpeter Steele \\ ith sasophonist .lulian .\i‘gtie|lcs mi\ing urban :\|llt‘l'lt';tll and pastoral liuropean ja/l. l’ai't ol the Biin ()7 St ulluml lat/ililturg/i .lii.".“ iuu/ Blui'y l’t’\lll'(ll.

I King l.a lit‘llt‘ .-\tlgelt‘. llastie‘s (‘l()\L'. 33.5 .7556. Spit). £S.5ll. liormerly based in lidinbtirgh (her dad is singer lireddie King). but no“ remoy ed to London. Nikki is on the \erge iii a major breakthrough alter \y inning the prestigious Perrier Young .la// Singer ol the Year last month. Part ol' the Bunk ()I Sent/um] l'fili'ri/rurgli ./u;‘." and B/ui-y I'i'ylii‘ul.

I Courtney Pine ()ticen's llall. ('lei'k Street. 668 20l‘). S50pm. £l2.50 £|7.50 (£6). Hip hop and drum ‘n’ bass grooyes create a backdrop l‘or Pinc's sa\ophone skills. \\ ltlt‘lt ltL‘ Slit)“ cases \\ ltll llis lieu band. l'eaturing trombonist Dennis Rollins. Are you in the house'.’ Probably not. it you don’t book sharpish

(’ourtney is usually sold out. Part oi the Bun/s ()/ Sen/luru/ lat/iri/turgli .lu;'." um/ Blues /'i'ylli't1/.


I Tam White String Jam ('lub. Salmon lnn. Batik Street. 0l750 20538. Spin. £5. Scotland's acclaimed bltiesiiiaii


umphrey Lyttelton We 0 .l ,.\:,. s..‘o ,.,.'LJ s

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l (initiiirrti‘. base-<2 trio of Ptiii waxes). Kenn l/lartls'viixit: (guitar: and l()tllli£ll)(1'()il ‘v’ll'tlll‘ifst. l,xr><;<‘t t it: unexpected. la Boil» Ange-It}. l (luau/(gr). Mon (1‘0 July.


returns to ludiiibiirgh alter his tour ol 'l'urkcy supporting B. B King.


I Jam Session lleiii'y ‘s .la// Bar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. See iii 27.

I Jazz on a Summer’s Day l.a lit‘llt‘ .'\llgt‘lt'. llttsllt'.\ (.l()\t'. 33.5 75 V). | lam 4.30pm. l‘ree. ()ne ol the most popular e\ents at the NH lestiyal. leattiring a host ol bands including Ricardo‘s Jar/(lien. Delegates ()l Pleasure and ’l’he ('riterion New Orleans Parade Band among others. Part ol the Bank ()1 Stnlluru/lalm/rureli./i1;';' urul



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'~ . ; ' THE LIST 59