Music Jazz IlSilflQS

Edinburgh, Mon 29

I National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland ‘l m Hqu (xIxIIt-hill. RII\;Il \lilc. >154 3H4)”. l3. Nlpln. LUSH. \I’ll )S‘x .IIIIIII;I| xInnIIIcI' conccrl .II Ihc \lgicRoth'I (cIIII'c III cull} .lu|_\ \‘..lx \(IlllL'llllllfJ ol .I l't'\L'l;illHll. l hc oIclchII'.I Ix lllII\lllj._' III ;I hold llL‘\‘- IhI'chIon unIch' le cIIII'cnI IIIIoI'x. xll'L'x\lllj_' InIpIoI Ix.IIIon :InIl oI‘IpIIIuI InuxIc rulhcr Ihun onclx hr: hunIl chuIIx. 'l hc} II III pln} iI\c coInnIIxonncIl pIcccx th'c. \II‘IlIcn h} .lohn Ruc. l.;IIII;I \l;Icl)on;IlIl. ( luck l,};I|l. .\l.'II'Io ( ".II’Ihc .IIIIl 'loIn Huncioll'x cpIc I.IIIIl ollcn hIlgIIIouxI III!) I\ .\,I! [/1( [\II. \\ hIch xlIoIIlIl hc IIIlopIcIl .Ix Ihc nIoIIo ol .Ill _\oulh oI'clchlI';Ix. (‘hcck IhIx oul lhcrc Ix onnc Ic.Il lulcnl III IhIx hand. l’III'I ol Ihc II’II/IA ()1 SI (‘I/Il/II/ [Jill/Hugh ./(1._' IlllI/lllluW [IN/litil.

I Nigel Clark Trio 'I In Huh. (lixllclnll. l{II_\;Il .\lIlc. l“ 3H1"). ipIII. toil). (Illlldl'l\l \ljJL'l (‘IIII'k IloI‘IIIcI'h ol Huc and ('I'_\ I IoInx h.IxxIn;III l',\\;III \‘crnul IloI‘IncI‘l} oi l)c;Icon HhicI .IIIIl IhuInIncI‘ \llkc HInIllc} lor ;In :Icccxxihlc xclchIon ol Inn and l.;IlIn luncx. l’.u'l ol Ihc II'IIIIA ()1.XIIII/I/III/III/II/III/g/I./II.'.‘ IIIII/ll/Iuw /’(’\/Il(l/.

I Mel Zebra’s Jazz Jam HgiuncI'nIuII'x. 3 I 3 ('oxxggulc. 55h ‘35).

5 Ilipni. l'I‘cc. Scc Sun 33.

I Ricardo’s Jazzmen l{II_\;Il IIIcI Scnx lcugguc. ll)“ l’I'Inccx Sirccl. 335 ISHI, HpIn. L'". Al’I'IIIlIlIongil I;I// lI'oIII l)cnnI;II'l\'x olIlcxl IIIH hand.

I Sheila Jordan and Guy Barker Quartet 'l'hc Huh. (‘;IxIlchI|l. lx’o);Il .\lIlc. .173 300”. Spin. HUSH. l.c;_'cIIIl;II‘_\ hchop \UL‘;lll\l SIIIclgi .loI'Ilun Ix onc ol Ihc gI'cIII \oc;Il IIan‘o\ Ixcrx III I;I//. Shc lcunIx up \\ Ilh lI'InnpcIcI' ( in} Hurkcr III

\\ hail xhoulIl hc ;I l't‘iil lI'c;Il. l’;II'l ol lhc Him/x ()1 SI Ill/(HUI l'.I/III/IIII';'/I .III.'.‘ (“III II’IIIM I‘I'III'I'III.

I Vital Information ()IIct-Ii‘x Hull. ('IcI'k Slrccl. (I(I.\' 3lll‘). 3pm.

(I [.50 USS” I UII. lIngigInumc ;IIIIl IIIIclIcthl I;I// l'IIonn \\ IIlI onIl. Rtkll ;InIl hlucx Inllucnccx lI‘onI Ihc |;Ilcxl IncIu'nuIIon ol' IlruInIIIcr Slc\ c SIIIIIII’x long; -I'unnIn;_' hIIIIIl. \\ IIII l'oI‘IncI‘ Sunlnnu kc_\ho;u‘Il \\ I/III'Il lUlll (‘oxchL _L'llll;ll'lxl l‘I'IInk (igunhulc :InIl huxxle Huron

Hum IIL‘. SL‘L‘ [Wm Icu. l’ul'l oi lliL‘ “(11le ()1 SI'HI/IIIIII liI/IH/Hll‘fi/l .III.‘.‘ (“III II/HIW /'I'\III'III.

I David Berkman Quartet llcnr} '\ .|;I// HIII'. X .\loI'I'Ixon Slrccl. ~lo7 53””. 8.30pm. £3.50. llcranIIn IIng :Ilrcud} Ingulc .I poucrlul IIan'cxonn III hIx cIII'th' \ Ixle lo Scotland \\ IIh hIx IIIIlI\ IIlII;Il IIIIIl llll;I;_'Ill;lll\ c l\\ le on holh L‘l;l\\lL‘ IIIH luncx :IIIIl lIIx oII II conIpoxIIIonx. .'\(ltl hIx ngunc Io Ihc IIIgh pI'IorIl} IN MI lhIx lcxlI\;I|. l’;Irl ol' lhc II’IIIIA ()7 SI III/IIIII/ IzI/III/IIII'u/I ./¢I.'; (lll(/ II'IIII'I l'I'I/II'II/.

I Jools Holland And His Rhythm And Blues Orchestra RIM BuIIlelunIl. l’I'IIIccx Sum ('IIII‘IchIx. Jo." 53W). Nomi”). [l5 L35. .lIIIle ‘.lllIl lllx huIIIl pin} c|;IxxIc hoogIc \xoogIc :IIIIl rock ‘ll. l'oll lllllL‘\. l’t‘l‘xolmll}. u lIlllc ol’ lliIx gocx :I long \\;l}. and I'd |I;I\ c to x;I_\ 'lulcr'. hut Ihc pI;Ino mun ulna} x Ilchxcrx Ihc goole. :InIl I‘cIIIuIIIx InIIIIcnxcl} popular. Part III Ihc Bank ()1 SI (ll/(HUI l'fI/I’II/Iurg'li .III.‘.‘ and [Hum /‘('\Il\'(l/.

I Jazz At The Trafalger Suite \Vulcrloo Build. 3 \VIIlL'l'lUU l’lucc. 550 7507'. 8.30pm. £3. Scc Sun 33.

Monday 30


I Jam Session llt‘lll‘} 'x .l;I// Bur. .x .\loI‘I‘Ixon Slrccl. Jo" 53M). \lIIlIIIglII. £5. Scc l'l‘l 37.

I George Washing Machine 'l'hc Huh. (';IxI|c|II|l. Ro};rl .\lilc. 4‘3 3W)“. l3..§()pIII. Us. 'l'hc Inn} :\IIxxIc Ix IIcIIIull} u \cr) llllL‘ _I;I// \ IolIIIIxI III Ihc II‘;IIlIIIoII.Il HoI (‘luh xI_\ lc. \\ IIII xonIc conIcnIpoI'ur) I\\ lex llil‘u“ II III. Part of Ihc II’IIIIA ()I SI'III/IHII/ lat/III/IIII‘g/I .III:;' and li/IIM I'IwIII'III.

I Dave Keir Hot Four Royil ()\cI'— SL‘ux l.k'll:_'llk‘. lHH l’l‘lllL‘L‘x Sll'L‘L‘l. 335

60 THE LIST '1‘.I.. .‘

151)]. I3 ani L‘ (‘1.IxxIc \c‘.'~. ()Iic.:IIx I.I// lIoIII IhIx iIllilH IIIxIIIIIIIcIII.:lIxI l’.III II) lllt' “MILL. (N \I III'.II').‘I." I II"/).‘/".‘();'Ivj II,“ nm/ I)’."III \ ll x.'/'.II§ I Suzanne Bonnar Hit- lllll‘. ('.IxIlchIll.l\’o_\.Il\1I1c.~2~13HHH ;l‘lll LUSH, lhIx \\l'lll\ll I.I// «hm Ix .Iccl.IIIIIcIl loI th \I..IIIII IIIIprIcI.IIIoIIx .IIIIl lcchnitul ;_' oi Ihc I.:// lIlII'lH Trio AAB and guests includ- ing Hamiett Bluiett and Oliver Lake l.;i llt‘llt‘ \lljJClI‘. ll.lelc'.x ( .lll\\'. 335 "5 WI \pIII LII) \\oI.\ lhc Inno‘..I Inc l.IllHl‘lll"_‘ll h.Ichl lIIo \ \H. ic.IIIII In; j.’llll.lll\l lx'cxin \l.Icl\'cn/Ic .lHIl Ihc Huncioll l\\lIl\. Phil on x.I\ophoIch .iHIl loin on IlI'IIIIIx. .uc IoIncIi h} IIIo oi Ihc lcjgcnilur} II.IIIch III lIcc I.I//. x.I\op|Ion IxI ()h\cI lukc .IIIII IIoInhonIxI HIIIIcII Ilh.Il'x Ihc .II'lle loIIIIcIl} known .Ix Hunncll HhIIcII. hIII hc llH\\ pIcchx IIIxI Ihc xIIIII.IIncI lhc \IIIcI'Ic.IIIx .IIc III Io\\n \IIIII l).'I\IIl \lIIII;I_\ ‘x \lhI/o. .IIIIl IhIx Ix .I xupIcnIcl} InI.I;.'In.III\ c prn oil. l’.III oi lhc II’IIII/x ()I .\I III/Inn! / I/III/IIII'J/I ./II. (“III /)’/III \ II \I'IIIII’. I Louisiana Ragtime Band Rum! ()IcI' Scux l,c.Ij:uc. ll") l’I’Inccx Sliccl. 335 l5lll. .\pIII. L“. .\IIlthIIIc .\c\I ()I'lcunx xounle lI'oIII llIll SuInIonIl‘x hIIIIIl. l’.II'l IIl Ihc II’IIIII. (H ,\I III/II/II/ /.I/I)I/III/g/I .lu'. .‘ IIIII/ ll/III \ II‘\.’Ii u/. I The Temperance Seven 'I III- lllIh. (KlelclIIll. lx’o_\;Il .\lIlc. l“: 3W”). 3pm. (I IS”. \n cnlcrlunung llll\ oi conith .IIIIl cuIl} I;I// nIIIIIthx lIoIII lhIx cnchIIhlc. l’;II'l oi Ihc I)’I/I1/\ ()1 .\I ('l/II'IIII IzI/III/IIII'u/I ./I:.'.' (I/II/ II'I'III \ /I'\IIII.'/, I Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames ()uccn'x lltlll. (‘ch'k Sliccl. (Ihh 3lll‘). ani. (l l5” (HIS!) I [III (icoch l-iunc Ix .I I'cgulur :II Ihc lcxlIIul. unIi Ix gqu‘unIchl Io llll'll III .I llllei Iluuhl) ch ol lIIIc Inn and lx’ ‘II’ B \llllellfJ. plux \onIc

lIcI_\ IIIIch \inllx on Ihc H.2IIIIIIoIIII H71 HIx llluc I LIIIch Ic.IIIIIc II‘IIIIIpcIcI (III) H.IlecI .IIIII x.I\III.In \i.III \kIIhnoIc l’.III ol Ihc II'Izm ()' \ w.‘fI.‘I:.." I I."II.‘."':I);'I': ./..‘;_' A “fin \ /( ‘.'l'-(II.‘

I Choro Escoses chI_\ ‘x .l.I// H.II. \ \loI'IIonI \IIch. lh" 53!)“ "pm L55“ \l.II’Io (‘.IIIi\t"x ncu l.IIIn xi} lctl gIoup l‘lllllelljJ Ihc xounIl .llltl Ih}IhIII oi hIx ll.lil\ c \In l’.IIIio l’.II'I ol Ihc liars); ()I

.\. niftrmr” / (JIM/III) (I: /I;. .' ll \I.l'llI'I‘

I Jam Session l\'ll}.Il I Ixt-I-xt-Ix lcuguc. ll)“ l’IInccx Slicci. 33§ 15“] ll zHpIII L5 Scc I II 3*

Tuesday 31


I Jam Session III-m} \ .l.l// ILII'. .\ .\loIIIxon SIIch. lo" 53!“). Midnight. L5. SCL' Ill 3“.

I Ladies Of Jazz lhc Huh. ('.lelc|IIll. lx’o}.Il \lIlc. l“; 3W”)

l3. illpin. LII. H.IIh.II;I .\loI‘IIxon. ('.II|IIc l\).'lI‘. l'.IllHl lllltlfz‘t'. \\L'llIl_\ \\C.llllk‘ll‘_\ .lllIl l.I)lll\I‘ llolIlcn \Ill_L‘ onnc oi Ihc _‘_‘lt'.il I.I// IIuInthx. lI‘onI HIIhc HoIIIIIII} Io l‘.l|;I l'Il/gclultl, l’;II'l oi Ihc II’IIIIA ()l

.\( l'l/(Hll/ / I/III/III/g/I ./II.‘.‘ IIIII/ [HUI \ /I‘\IIIII/.

I Mike Durham Swing Six l\)I)};ll ()\cr Scux l.c.I;_'uc. lllll l’IInccx SlI‘ccl. 33515HI. I3. illprn. [5. lqu \\;Ilch xI_\lc I;I// lI'oIn Ihc z(Ix .IIIIl ~lllx.

I Laura MacDonald Quartet lhc llIIh. (Xlelclllll. l\)tl_\;ll \lllc. l"; 3W)”. ipIII. LUSH. .\ho .InIl xopInno x;I\ophonle l.;IIII';I \lucl )l)ll;lltl lullnchcx hcr Ilchul .IlhunI ill Ihc lcxII\;Il. .IIIIl lI;Ix horrouctl hcr huxhunIl‘x l‘t‘lelltll' I‘h} llIIn xcclIon loI‘ Ihc Ioh. lculurIng (iuIclh \VIlhuInx IpI.InoI. ()I‘IIIIIIlo' Ihuxxi. :IIIII hcr oIIl III;IIc ll'UIil llcrklcc.

II’fII' I).‘I'l( \



Saxophonist Laura MacDonald launches her debut album, Laura (on Spartacus Records), at this year’s Jazz & Blues Festival, and has commandeered Tommy Smith’s regular rhythm section for the occasion. Smith (her husband) produced the album in New York with a stellar American trio featuring the great Jeff ‘Tain‘ Watts on drums. Tain was delayed by travel problems on the day, and had them sweating, but eventually arrived to lay down some great drumming. Laura, whose own playing on both alto and soprano continues to develop by leaps and bounds, reckons the delay helped get the adrenaline pumping, and will be looking for the same kind of energy here from Gareth Williams (piano), Orlando LeFleming (bass) and Sebastiaan de Krom (drums). Part of the

Bank Of Scotland Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival. I LINK? c:_..'i’.'".'. IV'V' “an”. V v '

tltl xII I\l(,‘ ) d”.

IhIIIIIIIIcI \‘h.IxII.I.:II Ilc lonIII l’.III oi Ihc II'IIHL. ()' \. / .:'.‘I:"I.I';/: ..":.." l)....‘(( \ II \.'I"II.'.

I George Colligan Trio and Brian Kellock Trio lhc lllll‘. (LIxIlchIli. l\’o_\.~.i \lIlc. 1*: 3H1") \pIII

L' lH \ Ilouhlc hIll oi xupcrh pI.Ino IIon. lIIIchIII; \cu \IIIRI‘I (IcoIgc ('olhgun .IIIII hoIIIc Io\\n pI.InIxI HILIII kcHock. \Ihoxc IcccnI (l). l n. HI ‘.'7\ 'x. Ix puking up III.IxxI\c kIIIlox III Ihc pchx l’.III ol Ihc [I'm/:4. ()r \I / ..".-I:.i>:u;-)'I ./I£. .' INN." /I'.'.'(I \ /I \.'I'II.'.'

I West Jesmond Rhythm Kings lx‘o_\.I| ()\cI 8cm 1 cuguc. ll“) I’IInccx Sum. 33* Hill .\pIII L“ \c\I ()Ilc.IIIx .llltl II.IIhIIoII.Il I.I// IIoIII IhIx \cxxt .Iinc h.InIl

I Craig McMurdo I‘IIII-cn‘x ILIII. (Mk \IIch. hhfi 3Hl‘) .\pIII

{l l RH {lh <1) I U“ \ lillell \‘l xI'IlIIIle\ cool Ioungc IIquIc IIoIII Ihc hlxcx ol loII_\ llcnncll .InIl | l.illlx \III.III.I. xun;: h} ,\lc.\lIIIIIo \\ Ilh hIx ixickiny h.InIl |h.II Mk III}; lh.III_-.'. plux \oc.Ii h.IIInonch lIoIII Ihc .\'\x In: (\le l’.III ol Ihc [I'd/:1. (H

.\I III/IIIII/ I (firs/vino)! ./I. [(Wllllllv

I Bob Peter Big Band I j..'o. l I l’Ic.IIIl} l’l.Icc. -l".\ "1 ll .\ IHpIII U \ x\\ In; .Ill.III .Ix IhIx hi}: h.InI| pl.I_\ .\'In.IlI.I. (ilcn \lIIch .IIIIl oIth cl.Ixxch

I Atomic HcIII} 'x l.I// ll.II. h .\loI'I’Ixon Sliccl. lo" 53”!) “pm. 1"“) ,\n L'\L‘lll|lj_' IIcII \IIIuccmn I.I// ;'Ioup. lI‘onchl h} h.Ixxle lnychiiphl l I.IIcn \cc pIc\Ic\\. l’IIIl ol Ihc Ila/IA ()I \ III/IIIIII II/III/IIIIQII.III.‘.'IIIII//i/III'\[Ix/1m."

I Jam Session Now I l\I‘l .xmx l.c;I§_'uc. lllll l’IInccx SIIccl. 335 i‘lil ll.§ll[\lll. t5 hcc l'll 3‘.

I Rowena lhc HuIII.III Hc ln. \\cxl (‘I'oxxc;IIIxc\\;I_\. ho.‘ XXIII). ‘). NipnI lIcc .l;I//. hlucx xoul .IIIIl .I lt'\\ xIII’pI‘Ixcx

Wednesday 1


I Jam Session chI) ‘x .l.I// Hui. x .\loI‘I‘Ixon Sli‘ccl. ~10" 53H”, \lIIlnthI t5 SIT ll! 3‘.

I Danny Moss Quartet lllk‘ lllll‘. (lellclIIll. Ro};Il .\lllc.-lfi13(lllll. l3.3llpIn. Unit). l’ImcI‘llll x\IInj.' x.I\ophonc \xork lI‘oIII Icnor .\loxx and lle hgnul. l’;II‘l ol Ihc II’IIIIA ()1 SI III/IIIII/ lzI/III/IIII‘u/I ./r1.‘.' IIIIII' Maw /('\11\ (1/.

I Jim Petrie’s Diplomats Of Jazz l{()};ll ()IcI' chix l.c;I;:IIc. llll) l’I'Inccx SII‘ccl. 335 Hill. l3. illpnI. ‘5. (‘lIIxxIc |;I// lI'oIII coIIIcllle l’clI‘Ic ;InIl IIIx xlnnll hunIl. l’uI'l oi lhc II’IIIIA (N .\I III/Inn! [xi/III/IIII'g/I ./II.‘.' (“III Ill/(m /('\lll(l/.

I David Berkman Sextet 'I‘III- Huh. (‘gixllclIIlL Row] .\lI|c. l“; ZIIIII). 3pm. £05”. llcrlxniun‘x xcconIl outing: lcuuu‘cx hIx xc\Icl lor Ihc hm [hm III ScoIIIInIl 'l‘hc pIunle‘x xupcrh ('ommmi/I (II/(IN 'I'III'III'I .IlhunI \qu noInInuIcIl h} Ihc XIII lIII‘A Ill)1('\ ;Ix |;I// Alll‘lllll ol Ihc )c;u lngi _\I';II'. l’nI'l ol lhc lid/IL ()1 .SI Ill/(HUI IzI/In/III/qli .III.';' and [Hum l(’\lllIl/.

I Joe Temperley and Tony Coe 'l‘hc Huh. (‘IIxIIchIIL Ro};Il \lIlc. 47* 3mm. Hprn. Hi). .\ Ilouhlc hIll lcgiluI'Ing l\\o BI'IIIxh |;l// grculx. hurnonc \[)L‘k'lilll\l .loc 'chnpcI'lc} and [cum x;I\ophoIIle 'loII} ('oc Izihhouggh holh :leo pl;I_\ \HlH'itllI). illltl chcI‘IIl oIth Ihingx Io hooI I. 'l'hc} \\ lll plu} holh

IIIIlI\ IIlIIIIll} .IIIIi Iochth‘. huclchl up h_\ ;I I'h)lhIII xcclIoII. l’uI'I ol Ihc [fun/x U)

SI l‘l/(UH/ [xi/III/IIIru/I ./I1.'.' (lllI/ II’IIII'I /'I'\IIIII/.

I Carol Kidd with the BBC Big Band, Scottish Philharmonia, and special guest Clark Terry l'xth' Hull. l.olhI;In Road. 333 ll55. Hprn. £13 USN). Scotlanle lcmhng |.’l// xInch' pcI'loI'IIIx .iI'I'ungcnIcnI lI'oIII lhc liiIIIoux Rohcrl l-III'IIon qu lcqurcIl on hcr lIllL'\l IlIxL‘i. lXIL‘le‘Il h} holh lllL' UHF Big: Band and II xII'Ing xcclIoII. SpchIII gucxl Ix [l'lllllpL'lL'l’ ('luI'lx 'ch‘I'}. IIlIhoIIgh hIx Pill'llL'lpilllIHl Ix II qu'prIxc. xIncc IcpoI‘Ix lI'oIn Ihc l'SA hgixc InIlIcuchl lllill hc hux l‘L‘L‘ll Ill lIll‘ xIIlllL' lllllL‘. l’nl'l Hl lllC “(MIA ()1 SI l‘l/(lll(/ lzI/HI/IIIrg/I .IIIL'." (UNI If/Hrw /'('\Ill(1/.