I David Murray Mbizo featuring The World Saxophone Quartet ()ttcelt\ llttll. (‘lcrk Slt'L'L‘l. (tlth 3lll‘). Spur {l3 U335”. The renel H] the lexttxal'x crtmn. and real coup tor them in u ell. This IS the ottl} l‘K date h} tltc \a\ophont\t\ l3-ptece hand \lht/o. leatttrtng: the World Sa\ophone ()uat'tet. \e\eral leading: Sotrth .-\trican la/l lltlISIclitlh. and a meal quartet lt'om Soueto. Sec pl'e\ re“. l’at‘t ol the [funk ()7 St Ill/(UNI lat/m/uu'e/r .lu.“.~ (Ult/ li/um ll'\/ll(l/.

I Hue AI‘Id Cry La Belle .'\ll:_'L'lL‘. lllt\llL"\ (lose. 335 7530. Spm. L'l l.50. Soullul pop. ja/l. great melodies attd ttt'han g!t00\e\ trout Pat and (Trey Kane. I Campbell Burnap Jazzmen I<tt_\al ()xerrSeax l.eagtte. I00 l’rince\ Street. 335 l5lll. Spin. £7. Traditional raI/ trotn tromhonixt and handleader ('amphell Burnap. l’at't ol' the [tank ()1 St(II/um![tint/turd)./u;‘;‘tu1t//)’/ut'\ lam-at

I Atomic llent‘} '\ Ja/l Bar. S \lttt't'ixtut Street. 407 53””. “pm. U15“. SL‘L‘ ’l‘llk' ,5 l .

I Baghdaddies Bongo ('luh. 14 Ne“ Street. 55S 7(rll4. l0.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). The Baghdaddiex perl'orm lolk ja/I lthltttt at the Bongo ('luh'x caharet lattttclt night also leaturingz l)J\. caharet acts attd more.

I Jam Session Roytl ()\Cl'-SL‘;I\ league. “)0 Princes Street. 335 l5lll. ll.30pm. £5. See Hi 37.


The following details are for regular free weekly dates: see main listings for one-off or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to- date details are supplied to us. Jazz Residencies listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.


I June Love and Alan Pike liat l)l‘lllk Man Woman. 34 King Street. 553 0337. Spur. Mainstream iaI/ \xith \ocalx. I Paul Gallacher(‘ot-intlrian. tttl Ingram Street. 553 ll0l. l0pm 3am. l’iano classiex from Bt'oadxxa) to BL‘L‘llH“ C”.

I Danny Thompson Bah} (irantt. 3 7 lilmhank (iat‘denx. 34S 4943. l0.30pm. :\ \\ ide selection from this lounge pianist.


I Andrew Mann (‘ot-inthian (\ee Thut. hpnt 3am. l’iano attd li\ e meals. I Bobby Wishart & Band Borders Books. .\lu.\ic and (ate. US Buchanan Street. 333 7700. 7.30 0.30pm. .\lello\\. I Stephen Duffy Trio The Supper (‘luh. 70 .-\lhion Street. 553 3300. Split. Ja// \xhile )tttt dine t‘t'om \ocalixt attd pianixt Dull} leading thixjau trio iii a Nat Cole/Diana Kt'all \t} le.

I Tap Moi-La Brexxer} Tap. l055 Sattcltieltall Street. 33l 5580. k). 30pm. l’la} in; Northern soul and funk} ‘ltt/l. I Danny Thompson Bah) (irand (see Thur. l0.30pnt. Lounge pianist.


I Jim McQuat and the Jazz Corporation In Mirage Bar. Millennium llotel. (ieorge Square. 333 MI l. 37 5pm. Sit hack attd enjo) ja// numbers from this Scottish hand \\ ith a drink or lunch (two courses for £5 t.

I Harry Margolis’ Miller Band

l.‘ Attache. 27 Waterloo Street. Ill 3210.

3 5pm. Br; hand in the (iletttt \ltllet

I Lauder’s Big Band latitch Sattchtehall Street. 33l 5l.\0. 3 5pm The ht; hand \ound. \xtth \ocah ttottt Heather \Vhitetord.

I Bobby Campbell Quartet (‘hatnherx Bar. (ieorge Square. 553 1'40 3.30 5.30pm. .\latn\tream .tttd mellou _|a// \ttlllttl\ \\ rtlt l'.ddte 'loal on \oe.tl\ I George McGowan Orchestra liat l)t‘ink Man Woman «\ce Thu t.

3.30 (rpm. l‘.tg_'ltteen~piecc ht; hand.

I Willie Hitchel ('ortnthtan txee Thu t. opm 3am. \Villtc llttcltcl and other t'cxidentx \ttppl} tlte lixc ptano and \ocalx.

I Shelagh Buchanan and The Sandy Taylor Trio The Supper ( ’luh txec Thur. Spm. lanio} ia// ll'ttlll llli\ renowned \ttcttlhl accompanred h} orte ol' Scotlanth linext [‘lltllt\l\ \\lttlt‘ _\ou dine hooking on the ntttnhcr ahoxe.

I The Blue Notes (‘ate Rouge. Jolttt Street. 553 4433. S30 10.30pm. The hlues and other ia// \oundx.

I Live Jazz Blacklriarx. .30 Bell Street. 553 5034. 0.30pm. leading; ia/I \a\oplroni\t Wishart lt’ttltl\ tlte Bohh} \Vixhart Quartet on Sat " .lttl. \\ ith modern via// l'rom (iraham Thompmn on Sat l4 Jttl.

I Johnny Logue Brc\\cr_\ Tap. 1055 Saucltiehall Street. 33‘) Ito-l3. 0.30pm. l.i\ e jal/ tank and coxerx.

I Kurt Wylie Bah} (irand txee l‘hut.

l0.30pm. lounge pianist.


I Kenny Paterson Quintet tool. I534 l’ollockxhanx Road. (:33 lllhl. 3pm. Scottish ja// singer l’aterxon lead\ this quintet t'eaturing Bohh} Hearts on \a\. Stttt S Jul old}.

I Chris Clark Trio Drum and Monke). St Vincent Street. 33l (r030. 3.30 (r.30pm. Mellon mainstream ial/ \xith \ocalx.

I Michael Deans Jazz Quartet (‘otliet'x Bar. 93 ll)ndland Street. 357 5835. 4 7pm. Traditional ja//.

I Sunday Jazz with Bobby Wishart .\lacl.achlan\. 57 West Regent Street. 333 0595. (rpm. The jal/ e\et'} Sunda).

I David Jones Pitcher and Piano. ‘)3 “ext (ieorge Street. 5.5.5 .3003. IS lllptlt. (‘ontemporan ja/x piano.

I Live Jazz The Supper (‘luh txee Thu). Spm. .\lu\ic \thile _\ou eat \\ ith \arioux pianists attd singers pro\ iding some mellon ran and eax) listening hooking on the nutnher aho\ e.

I Live Jazz lilackll'lttt'x 36 Bell Street. 553 5034. 0.30pm. .\lodern lit/l \tith _\oung \a\opltotti\l Brian .\lolle_\ on Sun Jttl .S’. .-\nd a hem} doxe ol‘ia/x lunk t‘t'om Btttton [p on Stttt l5 Jul.

I Jazz Trio The l.an\do\\ ne. 7,-\ l.an\do\\ne ('t‘exccttt. Keh inhridgc. 334 4053. ‘) ll.30pm. .la/l on alto \a\. guitar and dottth ha“.

I Kerry Tracey (‘orinthian txee Thu t. lllptn 3am. (‘laxxic ja/x piano in the lilla l’it/gerald mould.

I Jazz DJ Bah\ (irattd txee Thu t. l0.30pm. '


I Fionna Duncan with The Ronnie Rae Trio .\te(‘hutll\. 40 High Street. 553 3 l 35. 0pm. Mainstream jaH tunes \\ ith this rentm ned singer.

I Kerry Tracey ('ot'inthian t\ce ‘l‘hu t. 10pm 3am. ('laxxic. laid-hack via/z.


I Bobby Wishart 8: Band Rum-ll“ Bar (ale. "’7 B} res Road. 334 4053.

S -l lpttt. .\lain\tream and tttodern.

I Live Jazz The (‘lttckhot‘k Beer (30.. l I53 l 155 (‘athcat‘t Road. (r40 01S4. .S‘.30ptn. ()ld \t_\'le crooner \\ ith his hand The Boh Dale Sound on Tue ll) Jul. \Vhile Tue l7 Jul \eex traditional ja/I lead h} \a\ophotti\l Jenkins attd the lan Jenkins (‘omho.

I Paul Gallacher (‘orinthian txee Thur. l0ptn -3am. llot R& B on piano.

Wednesday s

I Ruth Lambertl at lllltlk \lan \\otn.tn uxee lllll' \ptn l’ettottnx pure |a// tn tlte st} le ot Jttlte l ondon

I Tom Urie/Shona Fraser (‘ottnthtan wee lhut. lllptn 3am Ja// ptano. ttotn tun} ll\lt‘lllll:3 through to contcrnporat).



I Live Jazz llk'lltlk'l\l‘lli\. llll\llk' Street. 335 3hll5. Sptn. \lll\l\ \ar_\,

I The Third Men \l.tt\on Hector. 4" l)eanhau;_'lt Sttcct. 333 5 33S. ‘lpm Blues _L‘llll.tl dtto I Live Jazzt'etlat \o t. l ('ltatnhetx Street. 330 -l3‘l.\,

lllptn latn \ \electton ot tnotletn attd traditional |.t// \ttlllltlx \\ tth l «is llL‘\ l‘ctrontenox t llttt 5 .lttl t.l .S.B tlllll l3 Jult and Brass \lonkc§ t lhtt l‘l .llll t. I Live Jazz l.l Barrio. Ill-l \\e\tpott. 33‘) SSll5. lllptn 3am lattn. l‘ll\\.l lto\.t and |a// ranuntne \t'\\tttlt \\rth \artottx guest handx


I Live Jazz llendet \on'x txee 'l lttt I. Spin. .v\rti\t\ \ar}.

I Live Jazz & Blues \\. .t. (.ltt‘l\llt‘\. 3* 5l \Vk'Sl l’ttt'l. 33l lll‘l‘l. ‘lptn. \ariottx .tt'll\l\ pto\ tdc the sounds,

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (‘ellar \o. l txec Thur. ltlptn latrt. llot. l'ttttk}. elcctt'tc |a//.


I Toto And The Dexters Ham \ Bar. Randolph Place. 53‘) Sltltl.

3.30 (rpm. Mainstream. \\llll \oe;tl\ lt'otn l'a_\ l.e\_\.

I Live Jazz ('ellar \o. l txee 'l lttt l. |0pm latn. (iraeme ()akland and triendx prexent a tan lttttk selection

\\ itlt the .l;t// lttcidettt on Sat 3 Jul. With the llanulton/ \Vix/nieu \kl Quartet teaturing an aid \\ innng tenor \;t\opltotti\l \Vivnieuxki on Sat l-l Jul.


I Live Jazz The Home Bar attd (irill. l4 (icorgc Street. (t34 S034. l 5pm. Various artists.

I The Duo llou lL‘x, 4/(r ( ilanx ille Place. 335 5553. l 4pm. 'l’ert‘itic tunes \\ ith \et'_\ little In“,

I Dominic Spencer Trio The ’l'imherhuslt Bar tk Bistro. 3S Bernard Street. l.eith. 470 NW). 4 7pm. Various ja// \tttllttl\ l'rom this trio.

I Mel Zebra’s Jazz Jam Bannerman‘s. 3 l 3 (‘ougattn 55o 3354. 5 lllpnt. l)J Kaixo kick\ on proceedings \pitttttltg the choicest iax/ cuts. l‘ollotx ed. at "pm. h_\ art llllttl'lllttl iax/ jam session hosted h} .\lt\\ /.ehra ltL‘lNL‘ll‘.


I Gary’s Notebook ('ellar _\‘a t txee Thur. lllptn. l.i\e iaI/ lrom this next neckl} residency


I Swing 2001 Mall Shmel. (‘ockhtttn Street. 335 (rS’43. ‘)ptn. Su tug: at the longest residenc} irt Izdtnhurgh. I Mystery Jazz Night ('ellar .\'o. I txee l'ri l. 0.30pm latn. .-\tt eclectic selection trom an met—changing: line-up ot~ tnusicians.

I Live Jazz lltttttan Be-ln. 3/S \\'e\t ('r'oxxcattxena}, or»: SSH). ‘),_3(lpm. Blues and t'olk \ocal\ trout Rouena on Tue l0 Jul old}.

I Felicidade l-LI Barrio «\ee Thu t. lllpm 3am. llot dance sounds trotn this l.atin. \alxa. rumha and \on hand.


I Live Jazz Henderson's (see Thu l. Spin. .-\l'll\l\ \at'}.

I Live Jazz (‘Cllttl' \tt. l tw‘c l‘l‘l t. 10pm lam. More Vl'd/l action in the cellar \\ ith (iood (in) Keith on Wed ll Jul and l.a/} Botth \Ved lS Jul.

Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8. World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 19 Glasgov.’ I Dean Owens l\llt_‘_‘ lut‘s \\.th \\alt llttl, St \ tntent Street. 33l 53 “l S 30pm Ll 50 l dtnhutclt hased cottntt} rooted \tneet l‘t‘llttttth \ott_~.'\ trotn ltl\ lalext alhutn. lit. Ilium; lit/it \ I Ian Bruce lhe Stat t‘tuh. llte lx’netxtde Huh. I o\ Street. 50" "3S' Ur tL—l t. Butnx. halladx attd hantet ht one ot xctllltllltl‘S lttfj \tttet'x


I Sexteto Caliente I l Itatno. \\e\t l’ort. 33‘l SS05. lllptn 3am ltee lx’extdent hand pla_\ \on. \tht and tuntha \\lllt \ttealhl l tno lx’ocha


I Slaid Cleaves lt‘on 't lteatte. 'l't‘otteatc. 553-13(7. Spur. {S50 Bleak countt} tolk ltom cult l'S \onggntrtet, l’at't ot Br); Br; fourth}

I Ceilidh Dance Rut-mat- (‘Iuh l o\ Sttecl. 34S 3TH. 3. 30pm Ur. The Black l\’tt\e hand pto\ tdc the tllllxlc.


I Open Mic ()n 'l he \lound. \otth Batik Street. 330 UN)”. 3.30 0, 30pm. l‘l't't‘, (‘illL‘ \\ ltt‘l'L‘ [K'I'lttl'lllt'H .tlt‘ \\elcottte


I John Wright Band (‘onununto Hall. St .\ndre\\ \ Road. 0] 333-l5ll4-l7. Spur, Borderx trto on liddle. euttat attd \xinxome \ocah,


I Zuba .\lac( iochan’x l.olt. 'lohet‘tnor}. ‘lptn. Ur. Reggae/acouxttc tolk wt to

dt‘n 1|th dattce rh}thm\ ltom lltl\ on the up ( ilaseou haxed hand. \\ tlh memherx lt‘otn l.theria. /.unhah\\e. the Basque (‘otttttt"\ and Scotland.

Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Rnerwde (’ltth. l'o\ Street. 34S 3144. 3.30pm, Ur. Sec lit 30.


OShine and The Wrigley Sisters l’.tt\le} .\l‘l\ ('entre. Ne“ Street. SS7 llllll, 3.30pm. {5 {10 I234 Uri. .\ douhle htll ot .tll-\\otttell hanth Slttne comhtne three \otces \\ lllt tuo electroltat'px to per tornt tt'adittonal and contemporar} (iaeltc attd Scots \ongx. \klnle ()rkne} \ \Vrrgle} Sisters pla} teist} tiddle. \klllt lelllttl' attd ptano. Tickets are a\ailahlc lttl' tlte tlttltltle hill or single pcrlormancex I730pm & 0.45pm t.


I The Keekin-Gless (‘tmane 'l'heatt'e. ('ouane SII'CL‘I. (ll-5W) 475.544. Spm, tL'4 t. l’et'lltxlttl‘e \ottf_'\. \lttl’lL‘S. poem\ and music.

I was attacked by a kntfe-wteldtng Chtnese cycltst tn a s abby ltttle truck stop on the plateau of Ttbet.

Dr'V/i‘,' Hr Ir/v',l'

- 1,. ./ 2 THE LIST 61