Glasgow Thursdays


Steve Retson Ititt't (‘enir-e. I I l)i\on Street. 22| "20“. 5. *0 S. 10pm. l't'ee. \Veekl} (in) men\ \e\ttal health .‘ttl\ l\t it‘_\ \et‘\ tee.

Lesbian Health Clinic Sand} lord lntttatne. Sauehiehall Street. 2ll (W00. 5. ‘0 Spin. l'ree. \Veekl}. l.e\l‘l;tll \tomen'x health adx I\tiI'_\ \er\ tee. Glasgow GOC Badminton (iatue\ llall. Knightxuood Seeondar} Sehool. (i0 Kttlgltl\\\ootl Rttlttl. Vii 2404.

7 U. illpm. \Veekl}.

Glasgow GOC Swimmers ('ontaet (i-l‘) 5S‘)(r. 750 0pm. \Veekl}. lnlormal \u imming \e\\lttlt. (‘all lor more mlormation.

LIPS (ilaxgou \\'otttett\ l.IhI';tI'_\. lll‘) 'lii‘ongate. 552 S3-l5/"5W. " ‘lpm. 'l'hu 2o .ltIl. l'ortnightl}. l’roleet \upporting )oung lexhianx and hi\e\ual \Htllletl aged 25 and under,

Glasgow Fridays


T.F.I. Bi-G-Les Youth Group Drop In |.(il£'l' (‘entre. ll l)i\on Street. 22l 7203. 4 Spin. l'iree. \Veekl}. .-\ drop iii time lor _\oung l.( ill'l' up to the age ol


Glasgow Saturdays


LIPS (ilttxgou \Vomen'x l.ihrar_\. lll‘) 'l‘rongate. 552 S345/755‘). 2 4pm. Sat 2l .ltll. liortnightl}. l’roieet \ttppot'ttttg )tItII‘ig lexhianx and hi\e\ual “omen aged 25 and under.

Glasgow Sundays


Gay Rambling Group ('ontaet 050 IOS’l. Stm 2‘) Jul. l-‘ortniglith (alternating hetueen Sttn and Sat I. ('all lot" more detail\ on meeting plaeex and times. Out On Sun l.(}B‘l~ ('entre. ll l)i\on Street. 22! 7205. 7.30 0.30pm. Sttti 2‘) .lul. Monthl}. Social group l'or lexhiam. ga) men. hixe\ual\ and tranxgender people.


Danny La Rue l’a\ilion 'l'heatt‘e. l2l Renlield Street. 5.52 ltS-lh. 7.30pm.

£0.50 £l 1. Sun 22 .lul. Darin} l.a Rue \“eepx into (ilaxgtm in a Mini ol \eqtiinx and oxtt‘ieh teatlierx. See pre\ ieu.

Glasgow Mondays


Holistic Healing Group I.(;I;'I' ('entt‘e. ll l)t\oII Street. 22l 720.“.

7.50 l0pm. \\'eekl_\. ’l'o lind out more ahout thix group that nieetx e\er} Mon night eontaet 423 5052. Performance Group I.(IB'I‘ ('enti‘e. ll l)i\on Street. 22l 7203. 7.50pm. Weekly Regular meeting ol~ an}one interexted in theatre atid lllll\le \killx.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group I.(;B'I‘ Centre. ll l)i\on Street. 22l "7203.

7 l0pm. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. .-\n open meeting l'or _\oung l.(}B‘l‘ tip to the age ot~ 25. LIC Social Group I.(iIt'I‘ (‘entre. I I l)i\on Street. 22l 7203. 7pm. Tue 5| Jul. Monthly Regular meeting ol' the l.e\hian lneluxion (‘o-ordination (iioup.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Bi-Glasgow I.(IB'I‘ Centre. It l)i\on Street. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. \Ved I .r\ug. Monthl}. Regular meeting ol. the Biseuial (iroup.

70 THE LIST ‘5" -\.i.:




(A -y‘:


Wartime romance in Aimee & Jaguar, Filmhouse, Edinburgh from Friday 27

Edinburgh Thursdays


Gay Dads Scotland l.(;It (‘entrta 5Sa «k (i0 liroughton Street. 478 Tom. Spm. Thu 20 Jul. .\lonthl_\.


Cock & Bull Stories Iiiliiilmuxe. xx l.othian Road. 22S 2(iSS, £5.50 £5.50 t£2 £4I. \Ved 25 & 'l‘hu 2(i Jul. .\ \xildl} mi\ed hag ol ga_\ \hot'h l'rom America. liranee & Spain.

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Up The Venue. (ittllotl Road. 5.5-7 505.5. lllfill 3am. £3 (£7I. iii 20 .ltil. .\loiitlil} l’rogrexxn e tt'anee ioekx .\'iek ('a\endi\h and .-\lan Jamex \\ork up the erou d at tlux higlil} liedonixtie. trixk} eiretix. Speeial guext .\lareo Smith t'laxtet ioinx the rexidentx progrexxh e tranee Ioekx \ie (‘a\endi~li and .«\Ian Jamex at thix night that ean al\o claim to he the old} eluh in lo\\ n tor indeed e\er'.’I \\ ith ll\ o\\ n dre~~ing-up ho\ tor the punters to del\e itito. Work ligo. l’ieat'd} l’laee. 47S "454. lllfillpm 3am. £.\’ (£(ii. l-‘ri 27 Jul. Monthly Seetttltl \exxtott ol lht\ ltttt‘tl- \\orking houxe night \there t'exidentx l’ete ()\\ en attd Roh llunter \la\ e o\ er hot deekx tor a timed. ga_\ -l‘riendl_\ eroxid.


Aimee & Jaguar I-‘ilintiouxe. xx l.othian Road. 22S 20.“. £5.50 £5.50 «£2 £4I. l'rom lit 2‘ .ltil. .\ lexhian romanee \et tn \\ar-time Berlin \o la“- droppingl} llllplitlhll‘le that it ean onl_\ he true.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Joy ligo. l’ieard} l’laee. 4".\’ "434. l0.50pm 3am. £l0t£.\'i. Sat 2l .lul. l-‘ortniglitl_\. Maggie and .>\lan\ meat) houxe llt\ltltlli0II eelehratex eight \olid }earx ot' liandx-in-tlie-au' hedonixm \\ ith a rexidentx \lttt\\e;t\e ineluding 'l‘rend} \Vend} arid Still} l’inla} \ \aue} mi\ ol' eliart. pop and garage in the do“ lt\[;tll\ \uite. :\rri\ e earl} to guarantee entr}.

Eye Candy (illlli .\let‘eado. .50 5‘) Market Street. 22o 4224. llpm 5am. £l01£SI; £(i in lane} drew. Sat 2| .lul. l-‘ortnightl_\. l\’e\ltlelll\ (iraeme l’opxtar. .\'eiat Barton and Neil (’rookxton host their inlamoux. glatn house part). Rememher to ‘l)re\\ glam or \eram'. Sat Social (‘luh Jam. (‘oniinereial Street. 555 5022. ‘lpm 2am. l‘ree hel'ore 10pm: l £4I alter. Sat 2S .ltil. l'ot’lttigltll}. :\ ltig ‘ole get together ttl thix \ttmning \enue. leaturing a mi\ ol' part} hitx l'rom rexident l)J l)ale\ltl and \peeial guest 'l'rend} \Vend). 'l‘lie night is alw paeked to the gunnelx \\ ith drinkx protnm a plent). atid la/) arxex \\ lio think l.eitli is a hit ol' a hike ean take eomt'ort in the tree \huttle \er\ iee running e\er_\ 30 llllll\ alter ‘lpni lrotn Broughton Street.

Mingin’ Studio 34 lupxtztiINI. (‘alton Road. 55S 575S. l0.30pni 5am. £5. Sat 2S Jul. l‘ortnightl}. \o-nonxenxe. gay l‘riendl} eluhhing \\ here it'\ the hard hoth and \e\_\ tranee I'rom the rexidentx Brian Hempxter arid .'\lan Jo_\ that matter\ and not the decor. dre\\ eotle ot‘ tIlliltttle. Altogether il good place to let _\our hair dou n then. Luvely llone}eomh. l5 l7 \iddr} Street. 530 5540. l0pin 3am. £l2 t£l0I. Sat 2| Jul. Monthl). l‘unk) to hard hoth in the main room lrom Jared. 'l'omm} K and (il’ and mine \liek. \oeal houxe through the hack eourtex) ol .\'e\\ton & Stone at lidinhurgh‘x rauneh}. ga} -l'riendl) part}. Make ati el‘t'ort \\ ith )our enxemhle l'or thix nionth'x xexxion heeauxe the die“ eode \tipulatex ‘Stetxonx «k Somhrerox'.


The Claremont ’l'he ('laremont. U5 l55 lia\t (‘laremont Street. 556 5(i(i2. Spm. liree. Sat 2S .lul. l-"ortnightl_\. (ia_\ night organixed h} .\l5(' and The lieutN \\ ith It the“ eotle ;t\ \\ ild ax )titt dare.


TV/TS Group I.(iB (‘entt‘e. 5Sa & (ill Broughton Street. 478 7009 Split. Sat 23 Jul. \loiitlil}.

Fr m

Aimee & Jaguar l'tlnIhouxe. SS lothian Road. 22S 20% £5 50 £5 50 1:2 14' See l'II

Edinburgh Sundays Clubs

Lush l go. l’teard} l’laee. 4".\ ~4 ‘4.

10 :0pm 5am £5 Sun 2‘lJul l~ortmghtl\ (‘ommeteial danee and pop eouttex) o: ' (‘raig llempxter and Dale “Ilklllu‘ll at tlnx ga} -triendl_\ \ouee llrinkx protnox all titglit long

Tackno (‘luh \leteado. 3h W Market Street. 22h 4224 10.30pm 1am £1 £h Sun 2‘) Jul \lontlil} l‘rend} \Vend} UtilSHlltldleS het donunatton ol ltdmhut'glh eluh \eene “00 the maxm e \l\llt hu'thda_\ eelehrationx ol het moxt eelehrated \ho\\ea\e. laekito. ‘Si\ ()l The Hext' promixex all _\out part} l.t\otttlle\ plux \l\ ol the moxt \ueeexxtul 'l'aekno aet\ lrom the eax} -eliee\} mght\ ehetluered htxtor}.


Aimee & Jaguar l-ilmhouxe. SS" l.otht.ut Road. 225 2tiSS £‘ 50 £5.50 t£2 £4i. See in

Edinburgh Mondays


Trendy Wendy l’lanel ()ut. (iteelhltle l’laee. 5240001. l050pm 5am thar lt'otII (ipmi. l-ree. l‘ortmglitl}. 'l‘rend} \Vend} ol 'l'aekno tame pla} \ e\er} lortmght 130 Jllll \\ Ith l)J\ doing their \tull on the \ieekx Ill het\\ een.


Gay Men’s Swimming Group ('all 220 4420 Split. \Veekl}. lntortnal

m ummng \L‘SSIHH. (‘all hit more lttltll'lltitllott.


The Girl l-‘Ilniliouxe. SS l.otlnan Road. 223 2088. £5.50 £5.50 t £2 £4l. Mott 25 tk Tue 24 Jul. Stor} ol' the ohxexxional lo\ e hetu een [\ktt \HllllL'll. otte tI pttlttlet'. the other a nighteluh ehanteuxe.

Escape to Life l‘Ilmhouxe. SS l.othtan Road. 22.\' 2(iSS. £5.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). .\lon 30 tk 'l'ue 3| Jul. Rare arehnal lootage i\ lISetl to tell the gripping \tor} ol the Ines ol ga} \Ihhng\ lirika arid Klaux Mann.

Aimee & Jaguar l'iltnhouxe. XX l.otliian Road. 228 2683. £3.50 £5.50

(£2 £4l. See l'JI'I.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


The Girl l’ilmhouse. «SS l.othian Road. 223 2033. £5.50 £5.50 l£2 £»ll. Mon

25 Tue 24 Jill. See .\lon.

Escape to Life l'tlltlltotlxe. SH l.othIan Road. 22S 2(iSS. £5.50 £5.50 (£2 £4I. Mon 30 Tue .‘l Jul. See .\lon.

Aimee & Jaguar l‘IlInhouxe. xx l.othian Road. 22S 2(iSS. £5.50 £5.50 l£2 £4I. See l'it‘I.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Women’s Group Drop-In I.(iB ('entre. (i0 Broughton Street. 473 706‘). 7pm. l‘ree. \Veekl}. An inl'ormal drop in group l'or “omen.

Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group News. Brougliton Street. 557 3847. 7pm. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. Soeial group \ilio meet to eliat. tlISellSS and plan luture aetii itiex.


Cock & Bull Stories l'iiltnhouxe. xx l,othian Road. 223 2688. £5.50 £5.50 I£2 £4 l. Wed 25 & Thu 26 Jul. See Thu. Urbania liilmhouw, KS l.otliian Road. 228 2683. £5.50 £5.50 I£2 £4). Wed J Aug. (iorgeoux l)an liutterman is a handxome New Yorker lix ing through a xerie\ oi urhan Ill} lhx.

Aimee 8. Jaguar I-‘Itmhouxe. xx l.othian Road. 22S 2638. £3.50~£5.50 t£2 £4i. See l5ri.