

Bennets 00 (ilttxxltii‘tl Street. 552 576]. llpm 3.30am. £3 UHL'2 £5i. (ilaxgow 'x longext running gay club open live nightx a week vv ith xome damn line dancing Wed to Sun. Thu night ix xtudent night.

Polo Lounge X4 \Vilxon Street. 553 l22l. l0pm 3am. £5. l)ovvnxtairx in the Polo ix the place to dance w ith clttb nightx Hi to Sun with l'rexh. MN] and (airy on Polo.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 awn.

l lptii 3am. £3 t£2 with flyeri. Formerly known ax Planet Peach thix re\amped cltib holdx gay nightx on Mon and Tue \vllil l’axxionality and l".l'..\'. both of which play cheexy chart and handbag hottxe.

0 Bar l‘)l lngram Street. 55‘) 6844. llpm 3am. [3. Thix new kid on the block pill} x (“\L'U claxxicx CUT) Tue Ul- liic‘ week.


Sadie Frosts .x’ lo \Vexl (it-urge Street. 332 S005. Free. Something for everyone throughout the week with i).lx tFri. Sat and Mon). karaoke t'l‘hu and Sun) and quil/ex (lite and \Ved l. To be a little bit different The blendx the qui/ and karaoke and coinex tip with qui/okc.

Delmonicas 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. Free. l)ch hax a week packed ftill of thingx to keep you amuxed with l)_lx on Fri. Sat. Mon and TUL‘. a dim on Thu. karaoke on Sun and a gamex night on Wed.

LGBT Centre ll l)i\on Street. 22! 72U3. T'TL'L‘. The hill/catlc in lliL‘ l.( iBT tiol only xcl’\cx collccx. food and drink btit alxo hax karaoke from Fri to Sun and a film night on a Mon.

Polo Lounge S4 \v'ilxon Street. 553 l22l. 10pm lam. Free. lintertainment from Mon to Thu with everything from laid back xoundx and live muxic from Tom and Mari at the beginning of the week to funk. dixco and requextx nearer the weekend.

Revolver 6a Joint Street. 553 2456. H.30pm. Free. Weekly. Popular new bar which hoxtx arcade game and dim nightx on Fri and Tue and alxo hax a xuperbiukebox which ix totally and utterly lree.

Court Bar ()5) llutchexon Street. .552 2463. 6.30 l0pm. Free. .»\ popular traditional bar w here you can chill all week apart from Stilt when there ix karaoke.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 58‘) I. ()ne ol'(i|axgow 'x bexl known gay barx. Candle Bar 20 (‘atttllei-iggx. 564 I285. 0pm. Free. Recently refurbixhed. thix lively bar hax karaoke on a Tue and Rob ck .\lay Miller playing live on a Thu.


Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 50H). Support and adv ice for thoxe affected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandy ford Place. 2l l 6700. Offering a range of information and xervicex to women and xpecilic xerv icex for lexbianx. Glasgow Lesbian Line Pt) Box 6S6. (i3 7Tl.. 552 3355. (iiving advice and xupport either on the phone or by SAl-Z.

Glasgow Women’s Library l0‘) 'l'rongate. 552 S345. ()pen Tue Fri

1 6pm; Sat 2 5pm. .-\ library full of vvomen‘x literature ax well ax the lexbian archive. Thix ix alxo the ideal place to find otit abottt women'x eventx happening acroxx Scotland.

Entertainment made easy

lv/iagtaz'tne out fortnightly, weekly (luring August.

Phace West 4‘) Bath Street. 332 3838. The main xerv ice in the \Vext of Scotland for people who are affected by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandy ford Place. 221 860i ()pen Tue ck Thu 5—~S.30pm. Sexual health adv ice and counxelling for gay men.

Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard P0 Box 38. ("i2 2QE. 332 8372. Open 7~l0pm daily. ('onlidential advice for all gay men and lexbianx.

Bi-G-Les (‘/() LGBT. l l Dixon Street. 221 7203. (iroup offering befriending and xupport network for lexbianx. bixexualx and gay men under the age of as



C.C. Blooms 23-24 (ireenxide Place. 556 933 l. l().3()pm—3am (bar from

6pm l. Free. A bar and club with a whole host of high camp and dixco claxxicx. The Honeycomb 15- I7 Nidtlry Street. 530 5540. llpm~3am. £8 (£6). livery Sun The Honeycomb play hoxt to Taxte. a night of hard home and hedonixm with l)J.x Fixlier 8; Price and guextx.


C.C. Blooms 23A—24 (ireenxide Place. 556 9331. l().3()pm——3am (bar from 6pm). Free. A bar and club with a whole host of high camp and disco claxsicx.

Habana (ireenxide Place. 558 l270. Free.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 7651. Free. Formerly l'lotxtuff. A place to drink and chat or wait until Sun for the trivia quiz or Wed for karaoke with Titty Galore.

Desigred b4 I)729rurbit59umpermil.wrr

/Divine Divas


Scene Gay

Blue Moon Cafe l Barony Street. 557 ()‘ll 1. Free. Edinburgh’x longext running gay cafe.

Nexus 60 Broughton Street. 478 Ttlb‘). Thix cafe/bar ix pan of the [.08 (‘entre and .xervex tip good food ax well ax being a great place to find out what ix happening.

Planet Out Greenxide Place. 524 0061. Opinhlam. Free. A darn fine bar with l)J.x every Mon night and Trendy Wendy of Tackno fame doing her xtuff every fortnight.

The Gilded Saloon (\mgate. 9pm~ lam. Free. livery Sun the Saloon holdx the damn convenient pre-club .xexxion for Taxte at the Honeycomb.


Dykes Night Out [’0 Box 160. [illl 3l.l'. Informal get togetherx and .xocial eveningx for women. Stonewall Youth Project Pt) Box 4040. 556 4040. Regular meetingx and social eventx for lexbianx. gay men and bisexualx under the age of 26.

Gay Men’s Health ()axix Drop In Centre. l()a l'nion Street. 558 9444. Free advice and counxelling for gay and bi men ax well ax thoxe quextioning their .xexuality.

LGBT Police Link l.(iB Centre. 60 Broughton Street. Mon 6—7pm. Weekly. (‘all 620 5138. 6205140 if you want a chat with your community officer.

Lothian Gay 8. Lesbian Switchboard 556 404‘). 7.30 l()pm every day. (iay and lexbian helpline giving all typex of advice including sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Lesbian Line 557075]. Mon 8; Thu 7.30“ l0pm. Helpline for all lesbian i.x.x'ue.x.

I wonder where all the women are?

Women only Club

@ Th V e Colton Roecd, Edfigflgh 10pm To 3cm,

£6 or £4 cone (am :3, eiween 10pm to 11pm Drinks promos before 12pm Doubles é. mixer for £2 NOW ON THE

2nd Saturday of every month

19 Jul-2 Aug 2001 THE LIST 71