l4 .\'c\\ Strccl. 55S 7(lll‘l, .\lon Sat

l lam (Lit)an l'ntil lalc on ltongo (‘luh nights.

New St Artists l'nlil'l‘uc3-1.lul.:\n c\hihition ol' \xork It} mcmhcrx ol thc .\'c\\ Strch Studios. Scc rc\ km.

The Games Room \Vcd l l-"ri 3| .-\ug. 'l'hc c\hil\ition \pacc turns into a pla)ahlc gamcx room during thc l'cstnal \\ ith gamcs dc\ ixcd and crcatcd h} :tl'llxlx. Nl W Sl l( NU.


55. (tl & 75 ltrcad Strut-177 .l5Z-l. Strata l'ntil Thu 2 .-\ug. t(iallcr} l opcn .\lon Sat Illam (rpm; Sun

| lam 5pnil. .\ group \hou ol work It} lil'tccn artists currcntl} \xorlxing in Scotland focusing on landscapc. tradition and culturc. All artists arc rcccnl graduatcx and lhc \hoxx l'caturcs painting. tc\tilc\. photograph} and _ic\\ cl lcr}.


2| St l.conard\ l.anc. ()0: Nil 2.

Mon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon -lpm. The Weaver’s Signature l'nlil Sun 2‘) Jul. l0 t‘L‘lL‘ltl‘alL‘ 2.5“ )L‘uh Ul' l\l;IllllC Studicx at lidinhurgh l'iii\c'i\it}. a \clling c\hihition\ ol' rugs and l\llllil\ tli\lingui\ltcd h) datcx. \lgllilllll’cx and inscriptions in thc languach ol‘ thc Middlc liaxl.

Summer Pastures Thu 2 :\ug Sun 2 Scp. .-\ \clling c\hihition l'ocusing on thc nomadic \\a_\ of lil‘c. l'caturing rugs. hags. trappings and \\ca\ ingx.


75 7*) (‘unihcrland Strcct. 557 lulu. Mon l‘ri lllain (tpllll Sat Illam 4pm. Summer Show l'ntil 'l‘liu ‘) .-\ug. .\ \umincr \clcction ol~ paintings h} o\cl' 40 in\ itcd artists including .lohn ltcllan). l.con .\lorrocco. \Villic Rodgcr. ('lairc llarrigan and ('hrix lttixhc.

Lisa Marklew l'nul ‘l‘hu () .-\ug. Quirk} ccramicx.

Natalie Vardey l'ntil 'l‘hu II .-\ug.

.lc\\ t‘llL‘l'}.


l7 l‘) Barcla) l’lacc. 477 2033. Inc Sat ltlfitlam (‘30an

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing \clcction ol' paintings including rcproduction art Van (iogh. l)ali. .\lonct. Kandinxk}. .\liro ol'lgittal\ and uork h) up-and-coming local artists.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASl’Sl l’atriothall Studiox. oll' 4S llamilton l’lacc. 225 IZS“). lidinhurgh'x uniquc artist-lcd gallcr} \pacc \\ ith an ongoing programmc of tcniporar} c\hihition\.

Lenticular Cloud Above Schiehallion by Patricia Macdonald at Talbot

Rice Gallery

Ronnie Buchan, Kristin Hannesdottir and Caroline Wright l‘ntil \Vcd 35 .lul tdail}

noon ()Pllll. chrcxcntattonal paintings lcaturing still Inc and liguratix c paintings. Unearthed: Works Of The Beltane Fire Society lllll 3t»

.ltil \Vcd S .v\ug tdail} noon (\PIIIJ. ‘lhc ltcltanc l'irc Socict) prcxcnt an intcracmc L'tt\llllllL‘ art and multimcdia c\hihition

\\ ith l'rcc workshops in costumc art. ph_\\ical thcatrc. pcrcuxsion. puppctr} and \tor}lclling. l‘or morc inl'ot'rnation contact thc ltcltanc l‘irc Socicl} on (ll ,il ZZS


(i5 (icorgc .Sll‘t‘t‘l. :35 3:00. \lttll l'il'l Illain 4pm; Sat ‘) ll.5ll;llll.

Young Scottish Painters Exhibition l‘ntil Sat 3| Jul. 'l’uo )titttig paintcrx ha\ c hccn \clcctcd lrom cach ol' thc .v\rt Schoolx ol :\hcrdccn. l)undcc. lidinhurgh and (ilaxgou \ graduatc Slit)“ \. It) L‘\ltil‘il at thc pl'c\ligiotl\ \;llL‘\l'ooItl\ ol- l’hillipx lidinhurgh. i/‘xSi CHANCE l0 St E


43 (‘andlcmal‘cr Ron. 3:“ I‘ll |. Mon Sat llain 5.30pm.

John Goto: High Summer 'l‘uc RI .lul Sat I Scp. l’ortl'olio'x l-‘cxtnal c\hihition lcaturcx digitall} construcch [\llttlttgl'dplh h} .lohn (ioto \xliich \illllplt‘

\ icu \ ol' lSth ccntur} linglixh gardcnx at Stouc. Rouxham and Stourhcad \\ ith 'rcal- lilc' situations in prcxcnt-da} Britain. Rcconxtructing lhcin according to thc compoxilional structurcs dcriwd h} lircnch artist ('laudc l.orrain. (iolo crcatcs a \cricx ol lawinating contcniporar} landscapcx. Ni ‘i.'. St l()‘.'.’


25 \larchruont (’rcxccnt. 32‘) 3003.

Mon liri ‘lani 5.3llpin; Sat lllant 2pm. Inaugural Exhibition .-\ photographic gallcr} and lraming \\ttl'l\\llllp lcaturing a rangc ol tramcd mountcd imagcx \\ ith

\pacc l'or local photographcrx to \lto\\ thcir



('lcrk Sil'CL‘l. ()0. "770. \lth Sal

Illani 5..‘\tlpin.

Nature As Inspiration: Claire Cooper Walsh l‘niil ’l‘uc 4 Scp tl.othian Room \k llopc Scott Roomi. lnxpircd h} thc natural cn\ ironmcnt. ('lairc (‘oopcr \Valsh crcatcs \Mtl'ln in mi\cd nicdia \\ ith a \trong sculptural qualit}. thc \tarting point ol hcr picccs coming t’roin photograplh takcn in lidinhurgh'x Ro)al Botanic (iardcn.

THE REYNOLDS GALLERY o.“ l)uhlin Strcct. 55" (MM). 'l‘uc Sat llani 5pm.

Scottish Landscapes l‘ntil Sat 3.\' .lul. St‘ttllhll landscapcs h} .lonathan Shcarcr. ("olin Black. \lichcllc Knight and ('airinc \lacgillioa}.


l5 Rutland Squarc. 32‘) "545. Mon l-ri ‘lam 5pm.

Clackmannan And The Ochils Regenerating The Wee County l'ntil ll! 27 .lul. .\ small c\|iil\ition to cclcltratc and promolc lhc .lul_\ publication ol thc nc\\ rc\ l\t'tl cdition ol .'\dam Swan's (ilin Armin/rim ,ini/ [In ()t Ill/\ .ln l/luxlruli (Hit liilc't luru/ (inn/r. locusing on nc\\ huildingx. l'CSlUl'llllUlh and c‘ttll\t‘l'\l0ll\.

What Didn’t They Build? 100 Years Of The Dick Peddie and McKay Drawings Collection .\lon 3t) .lul l‘rt 3| .-\ug. ()riginal

drau ing\ and pltulogl‘aplh illustrating \Ulllt‘ ol thc hcxt c\amplc\ lrom thc hundrcdx ol' huildingx dcsigncd h} onc ol Scotlanth grcatcsl architcctural [tl'tlL‘lch‘\. l)lL‘l\ l’L‘tltllL‘ illltl \lL'Ktl}. l’caturcd projcctx includc lidinhurglh ('alcdonian llotcl and Hinnx l)cpartmcnl Storc and thc Morgan .'\cadcm_\ in l)undcc. Nl W St l( )\.'\.v’.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ln\crlcith llouxc. lmcrlcith Rou. 552 7|7l. ’l'uc Stiii llam 5.30pm.

Ulrich Ruckriem l'ntil Sun 3‘) Jul. \Vorlxx on papcr h} this major ( icrman \clllptol’. l'lrich Ruckricm. chouncd l'or his monumcntal \\til'l\\ in \tonc. l'or lmcrlcith llousc. Ruckricm \\ ill hc prcxcnting o\cr lllll dra\\ ings. cach drau n in graphitc on o\crlapping la}cr\ ol tt'anxluccnl papcr \hou n hchind gl;l\\. SL'L‘ SlL‘L‘pCl'. lASl (Ll l/\N()l l() St l

Return Of The Natives l'ntil Sun 3‘) Jul tli\hiltilion llall). 'l‘hc rolc ol nati\ c \xoodlands in Scotland is cclchratcd in this major ncu c\hihition.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.;tlltllllg\ (iallcr). l()() l’rinccs Strcct. 235 I50]. l)ail_\ ltlani opin. Dakawa Artists l'nlil l‘ri It) Aug. An c\hihition ol' uork h} black South Alrican lll‘llxlx lrom l)al\a\\a .-\rt and ('rat't ('ommunit} ('cntrc hascd in (irahamxtou n in thc liaxtcrn ('apc.


l(i l)lllld;t\ Stt'cct. 5.58 lzllll. Moll l‘il'i Illam (ipin; Sat lllam 4pm. Summer Exhibition Of Paintings l'ntil Sun 3‘) .lul. (iallcry artists past and prcxcnt l'caturc in this c\hihition ol ptllllllllgx. drawing“. and prints including uorkx h} thc Sculllxll ('olouristx. lhc lidinhurgh School. lili/ahcth Blackaddcr. ltarhara Rac. John Bcllan). John llouxton. Stcphanic l)cc\ and :\li\on .\lc( iill.

Andrew Lamb l'ntil Sun 2‘) Jul. A \Uln \llt)“ ol'jcu CllL‘l'} l3} .-\lltll'L‘\\ Lamb l'caturing dclicatc l‘luid \ll'llCllll'L‘S madc from \\ irc.

Festival Opening Hours: 10:00—6200 Monday to Friday 10:00—2200 Saturday

Admission Free

For further details ring 01 3l 229 2063 25 Marchmont Crescent, Edinburgh EH9 lHQ

Landscapes In Ceramics l'nul Sun 3" Jul ('cramicx lll\[‘llt‘tl h) natural lorms h} (iordon Bald“ in. Law Blackmail. l)a\id ltinnx. km lastman. 'l‘on} l~ranl\\ and Katc \cal


5 Baron} Strch. .1".\‘ "till l‘uc Sat lllam opin.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design :\ gallcr} and \hop tcaturing a changing \clcction ol hand “own and cmlu'oidcrcd rugs and tc\tilc\ trom thc 'l'urkmcn. l'/l\cl\. ltcluch and .'\llll.ltl ll'll‘t‘S ol ('cntral .-\\l.l.


Rciach and Hall ;\rchitcct\. (i llarnaua} Strccl. 335 SJ-l-l. .\lon l‘l'l 3 5pm Ulrich Ruckriem [mil to 3" Jul. I‘o complcnicnt an c\hihrtion ol \\orl\\ h} papcr h) llll\ llla|nt ( icrinan \ctllplol‘ at lincrlcith llouxc. Ruckricm \\ Ill hc crcating nc\\ wall tll.l\\ mg» Scc lx’o)al Botanic (iardcn. ifol «it *5le ‘l 7t l :Sl t


5S Ratchl'lc 'l'crracc. NW l‘lhh. .\lon ‘lam 5pm; 'l'uc l-ri ‘lam opm; Sat

Illain 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil 'l'uc il .lul. .-\ \xidc

\aricl} ot \xork h} \arioux artists.


23 ('ockhurn Strcct. ()2: (Still. 'l'uc Sat Illain 5pm.

Infraliminal l'ntil Sat I Scp. Photograph) and \ idco \xork madc at night h) intcrnalional photographcrx Juan dcl(iado. Rut lllccx l,u\cmhurg. Soph} Rickctt and (’hrixtophci Stcuart. l)c\crihcd ;l\ ‘1! \Vccgcc lul‘ lltc 3 l \l L‘L‘Itllll'} i. tlL'l( iado'x \xol'lx\ arc l'L‘lllllll\L'L‘lll ol criinc pliologt‘;rpltcl‘\; l.u\cmhurg'\ imagcx ol~ thc cit} rm cal liolll li'ccdom and l'car; Rich‘th photographs and \ idco :ttltll'c\\ lllt'lllt‘\ ol light/dark. good/cw il and lo\ c/hatc‘. and Slc\\arl c\plorc\ lonclincxx at lhc margins ol' socict}.

Gail Wigley l'ntil Sat l Scp ((‘alc ()dilci. l’hololitho pl'ltllx h} (iail \Viglc} cxploring c\cr_\da_\. oltcn hanal \uhicctx. (iraduating this war l'rom thc .\ll"x\ at lidinhurgh (‘ollcgc ol' .'\rt. lhc c\ltiliilion liL‘llllll't‘S .Sr'l‘ir'x J: /,u\l. \\ hich l'ccnl'tl thc llllpl'CSSlUllS lclt (ill a lk‘tl \hch l\_\ a hod).

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nixcrsit} ol lidinhurgh. South ltiidgc. (i5() ZZI l. 'l‘uc Sat lllam 5pm. Patricia Macdonald - Air works Hi 37 Jul l‘ri 7 Scp. 'l'alhot Ricc'\ l‘cstnal c\hihition l'caturcs tint and rcccnt uork h} onc ol Scotland lcading photographcrs. l’atricia Macdonald. llcr stunning acrial photograle madc \\ ith :\tigu\ Macdonald as pilot. rc\ cal thc hcaut} and intricatc pattcrnx ol thc natural cm ironmcnt. Nl W St 10W. Artist Talk liri 27 Jul. 5.l5pm. £5 (inc “incl. l’hotographcr l’atricia Macdonald talks about hcr acrial pltologl'aplt).

Inaugural Exhibition

A new photographic gallery featuring 50 images by local photographers, including landscape, wildlife and digital.



