listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

0 Aimee And Jaguar t lSr oooo (Max Farherhock. German}. 2(th i Juliane Kohler. Maria Schrader. IN) mills. Truth is indeed stranger than liction. It‘s I‘M}. wartime Berlin. Lill) tKohleri. paragon ol Nazi motherhood. hra/enl} conducts al’l’arrs while her soldier husband is at the iront. Felice (Schraderi. a Jeuish leshian posing as a (ientile. works fora .\'a/i newspaper \shrle supplying the underground with information. Two more unlikely hedlelltms cotild not he found. But the pair hecome losers. An inspiring. thrilling. mos irig and completeI) true tale. (il’l‘. (ilasgtm; l‘ilrnhouse. iidinhurgh.

Allen Adventure it; 0000 An alien race looking for a planet to colonise. lirid earth and tint'ortunatel) enter a theme park where they cause much amusing rna}lierir Four simulation rides, \ isceral and sliglill} naUseous. Sit at the front for the lull el‘l'ect. U(i('. lidinhurgh.

Along Game A Spidert lSi 000

(Lee Tamahori. lTS. Ztltll i Morgan l-‘r'eeman. Monica Potter. Michael \‘l'incott. I03 mins. This similarly nursery rhyme-inspired sequel to the serial killer thriller Kiss The Girls sees Freeman return as an intelligent. dedicated cop Alex ('ross the kind of role he's been saddled with es er since Set-en. While grieving the loss of his police partner. (‘ross signs on a kidnapping case iti\ol\‘ing a senator's daughter. 'l'amahori. \s ho hasn‘t hettered his striking directing debut. ()m‘r' Were ll’urriors. since leasing Nets Zealand for Hollywood. is at the helm of a solid it run-oli-the-mill cat-and-mouse chase thriller. Moviehouse. Mother‘well.

Amores Perros (Love‘s A Bitch) tsi ..... «Alciaridro (ion/ale/ lrritu. .\le\ico. Zlitll J lilllllltt lache\arria. (iacl (iarcra Berna]. (in) a 'loledo l.< \ trims lnarritu’s dehut leature is billed as 'thc Mexicanl’ulpIntro/1'.adescrtption \slireh sells it short. The 'larantino comparison is a useful starting point: the tilrri tells three o\erlapping stories - a teenager draun into the \sorld ol illegal dog-lighting. the inlidelit} ol a middle-aged media esecutr‘. e and an eldct’l} homeless riiari h) rising shilling time-lratnes. tangentiall} linked characters and tagged \crhal rh)thrns l'icrce humanit} underpins lnarritu‘s heautitul. grain) \ istials and (iuillermo .-\r‘riaga Jordan's multr-la} cred script. The best lilm ol‘ the )Cdl‘ so lar. and unlikel) to he surpassed. ('ameo. lidinhurgh.

Angela’s Ashes t IS; .000 t.>\l.itt Parker. l'K. 1999) Robert (‘arl_\ le. lamrl} Watson. Joe Breen. HS mins. l'lttllh .\lc(‘ourt's l’ulit/er l’l'l/t'~\\ inning tillltllliuul memoir ot l .imer'ick in the ills is a publishing phenomenon. lo\ ed across the world h) those \s ith no connection to the book's three delining elements Ireland. (‘atholicisin and poxer't}. l’aiker can't establish the same |c\e| ol' engagement as .‘\lc('otrrt does. hut he cart train his lens on the laces ol his remarkable cast to shoe. a texture ol emotions. Sentiment here is a natural ingredient. not a saccharine .ltlilill‘.t'. ()deon. lidinhurgh.

Animal Attraction r 13).. lion} (ittltl\\}ii. IS. 3001 t Ashle} .ludd. Hugh Jackman. (ireg Kinnear. ()7 mins. \Vhen a \mrk collcagtie dumps .lane (ioodall tJudd i. she mainlines \\ inc and chocolate tor a text. \seeks hel'ore immersing hersell iii relationship theor}. .\len. she decides. are like hulls. \shich \\ ill nex er return to a ct)“ the} '\e shagged .\'e\s York lo\ es liei idea. although nets llatmate and compulsi\ e \sotiianiscr liddie tJackmani is less enthusiastic. (itititlilll‘\ theories are e\‘entuall_\ shattered h) that old chestnut.

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10 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 2001

Tilda Swinton takes the lead in Robert Lepage's cerebral thriller. Possible Worlds

true lose. Sadl}. though. she‘s uriahle to dispr'o\e another \s rdespiead tlieorj. \-. lllt h states that Htl’r ot tom coins are sliite Selected l'clctlsc.

Asterix Conquers America ll

... t(icrhard llahn. (iermaiig. l"“*i 85 mrns. \‘s'hile hiexs mg tip a potion. a rllaje druid (ietalis is captured h} the Romans and taken ox er the sea to .\lllt'|lc a Iriirriediatelt. :\stcri\ and ()heli\ set oll to sa‘.e llllll. coming across a trrhe ol Indians. \l.tlll[\‘tllll:' hullan and other \Vestern ad\ entures l he animation st} Ie hasn't changed to; _\eais. st sou knoxs esaetl} \\ to espm (il’l. (ilasgtm.

Babe tl i..... I(‘liris \ooiiati.

.-\ustralta. 10951 James ( ‘romu ell. \l. ith th

\oiccs ol (‘hrtslinc ('a\.aii.itig|i. .\liitarrt Mar'gol}cx llugo \\ea\tng U.‘ riiriis \ii orphaned pig lalls tiiidei the e}e ol a kiritll_ collie and hcgms to thirik he's destined loi glor} at the regional ti'rals 'lalkrng animals suggest that this is a kids' mot ie to an extent it is and a great one hilt there’s enough skewered humour iliarl tlic ps_\t ho mice?) lor' adults to disemei an tinespet ted ctilt hit, .-\ triumph lor the tuideipig ('ineuor'ld. l'alkirk.

Bande a Part r l’(il 0000 (iodard. l-‘rance. Wot» Anna Karina. Saint lire). ('laude Bi'.l\\t'lll'. US iltllts lt‘s lieeri said «it ( iodar'd that he euro} s \U\ Ii \llll\ al l-il\t)lll‘ hecause he turns \ ie\\ei s into \ lllls s lt‘s cei'taiiil} a \alid comment in this sell conscious take on the heist itto\ ie as he} and Brasseui' persuade Kat iria to help them break into her emplo} er 's house \‘et site It archness eui‘iousl} doesn't result ma smug Itio\ ie. \‘s'e'i'e turned not into hlltt‘.\ lil}.'

\ ieuers so riiticli as seiisrtixe. unsure

i.lean l ii.

spectators. as (iodat‘tl ltct'c creates a meaninglul lilm out ol undermining specilic. easil} constttitahlc slick lltt'dlllllzf (ii'eat sttill. (il’l‘. (ilasgou.

Barney’s Great Adventure .1 I .... lSlLWc (iolllCl'. ['S. l‘)‘)hi ( iei 'lt'c llearn. Shirle) Douglas. 72 units. .-\ kids 'I \ phenomenon. Barrie) the purple dinosaur ‘s big screen dehut finds him do“ n on a liar in with a trio of kids in search of a magic The all singin'. all dancin‘ Barrie} struts his \\a_\ through the simple stor} \\ ith regular singalongs. making the film per'l'ect tor under-tis es. MaeRohert Arts ('enti'e. Stirling. Before Night Falls l lit .00.

(Julian Schnabel. l'S. Ztltlli lit) mins llns hiopic ol' the ga} ('uhan author Reinaldo Arenas has been garlanded \s ith praise and auar‘ds. including a desers ed ()scar nomination for leading actor .la\ ier llarderii It's more recognition than its suhieet

achie\ ed in his litetiiite. an iron} the persecuted Arenas might ha\ e lound '.'.rj. l} amusing. Schnahel's lilm is based on the memoirs Arenas dictated in exile in Near York. terininall} ill \\ rtli .v\rds. helore his suicide in |‘)‘)ll. 'l‘he painter turned diree tor tinds a st_\ le in keeping v. ith the man and his \sork. inning truth. poetic h}peihole and magic realism to din} mg el'lect. ()deon. (ilasgou.

Blow t 1M ... t’l’ed l)einrne.l S. Illlll i Johnit} l)cpp. l’cttclopc ('ru/. l'l.illi.d Potente. l2} units. The stor} ot the rise and tall ol drug smuggler (ieoi‘ge Jung Iplaj. ed h} Depp). \slio progresses trom smugglrri.‘ marijuana in the late-«(ills to importing cocaine on an industrial scale in the 7'le It‘s

attriit el it 'h itlil» ta llu‘l» ll:.;li ‘llt sense and llcitrtiie lirids a st le tc ;.. at. It

c'illplwllil‘.‘ lice. e an.) in l ltizt lira

/ooiiis \\e sillliti tx- lll .tll er it. ~l /' Vim-Wt \ ll ts intended as a ..i- it ill ritorahtj. pla .liiw- e er. their its ettirt- tertiatt. llllt leai \\e tie er the w l.ll

\tl\l\ ol his lls't‘l‘wwllll} eiitrel'i. rieut lai l>etttrrie [arts to :.'l‘.\‘ its Ilic .t l; pit hit.

()deori \t lhe Ulla: lilisyw l l ltort ltlztihurgh Bounceitbooo ill'llls'i t t.

Zoom lit-i. \iiistk (w titlll thirtie- lohiiri (i..le li l|"~.iat. \lillltlliitll t\lllttl.t o‘er l.t|;.:t.ll (liilsli.i. ,‘n

liesloa s llls llt let ill ll|~ \lt .i ll llw- it ell.

ll|*'~‘~\" k l. tli plaiie t late ..tal lillr‘bi reliel l\ls'llll‘tls'ti Ii resp-‘r. il‘llll. tor tli, dead rriatt's laiiirl' lhtis loll .- at. tritoyiirtoeliet l. III ill .- ide- \lili

tl’altio's ttliat iri.' l, lead to It llits is uric t otirtsliip iatliqr le s t oil It“ iii tliari tlriet tor lhill ls'w vs's l-te' It It elicit lll [lit tip/norm (N \i. Lr‘llt' is the .tls li dialogue .tlltl pop po Irrioilt llll iii Iii-t :il ‘.'.c ll.t‘~t' l’altro‘u lllllltlllll}' out Illt‘iilllti.‘llt“ lhe 'lllli‘.tslltl lo.e \\\'lls' sax ll.1il drill \II will that st llllt' this illill a ith a iriisnoiiier ol a title titletvii \ Bridget Jones’s Diary I\ COO. iSliaroii \lagtirred \l l\ .Ititl ls’eire /cl|\'-.e_~.:ei. llug'h t iiaiit (whit l ‘Hi

ol absurd l‘.tll.tlll hurt/out :l l\l|ll’ll\ .lllsl plodding vultl lil‘ te

at e tiratel tle

mitts “IL/J. i It s'x Inn; is tliat rare thing. an adaptation that all llltl it"~l '.i all oxcr rated Illlt'lllal lll thr» 9 Helen

l ls'iillll.."\ lie-tsellriij ill mp g.r toliiirri.

t tllll luiok

looks iatltci nite hut

It‘llk'\ has .1 talllti tilt c ltlli .iiil a lot .iluv ll ii. .‘t'l.'li|ll‘.

lti liel lictsell arid l.tll||ll_'..' aliotit the llli‘tlk iii iiiale

.lllllt'dldllst' illitltdlt't‘; '\\-i‘ \llc' s‘lll.tll‘'\ lit‘lm ll "-llil la ~' lLilllJl (‘|ea\er it iraiit r. lu'lore;‘ tip ith nit.

\ldlis l)-ll\:. \lll'.t'llllif,'. neurotit -ie. l.

ll lillll Uri pap-i lime. '.l a on llllll sh. s .i stirrellrrig. neurotic aree l. .- ho .d o li ii i t a \;i l /t il a .jxer adds a tout h ol warmth to hat l\ essentiallj. a ntholl} un~urripitlretn liizttlc

to he still\l\lt‘llli- lllldtli'll

\l]\‘lt1\Ih-x (ietisial It L- .s'

The Broken Hearts Club l.“ ... itir'eg lierlantrl \. :‘llll lien \\'eliei. 'liriiotli} Uljphaiit loliri \lllillll‘ ‘H iriiris lhrs prtz'ri mt l. 2:;tl it «no ml

tit)‘.\lllt|".‘-ll l os '\ll_,'\'l\'\ t'ul l~>lt‘s it rttr-rt-

ill.tlll.i aln lli .; _;'rntip ol .1 lll' alternattxe latrirlres. t orriirritiiient pholiia tilil leeling atn rent appioat llllil' the hi; *l' llm. lllllt h it ‘.' ill appeal to a '.' ‘r a:: il"ll l‘ open to tlllt'\llttll. l'lll ll.‘ a. tit. Al .: tul

enscrril‘le ptet e at itlil ls til truth .ill I "x'ritlr litiriiour Soirietriires there-K to dialogue and '\llit‘ll\ an tel: reri e hut tl. ll titiliio'fiaii cast are litter.

’lll'ls ii

\dltl. |l\ "llli.’ and all too httiiiati (airiuo. l drrihttigh

A Bug’s Life it .0000 lltvilll

l .isst'lt'l. l \. l'I‘)i\. \uttes Ml l).i.d l~ " lseiti 8pm l)a'.id lllale l‘i ls l) :21 learj. ‘1* turns \lad lg. l’i mi \riiriiai- 1. \lllth‘” In \M/ l. l/i'JL‘ ll‘i lzl' ll* tn .-\lil lslatltl. Inhete the . tiliur ts l‘L‘lllL' oppressed l\_. .t_‘_'.1ll_‘.' wl lils‘ll.1sllt._' grasshoppers \\ hen lll eiitr c hut t Illlll ; worker ant l ltk me or the leader llllllllt’l. he he.: ls wit to lrrid help hca‘. } 1r. eight help iii the hattle .i:.illl\l hi- \elec ted release

lalll Ml :ati:

iiiplg‘sst ll \