Gay listings

Glasgow, Saturdays continued

Aimee & Jaguar (ill I: Rim-

Sll't't‘l. “2 lex. L5. .‘ Ll "5 (£3.00 £350r lit 3 'lhu‘lAug. Scc'llru

Theatre The Boyfriend ('rtr/crrx' 'l hcatrc. ll‘) (iorhalx Slim-1-1200033. 7.30pm. {7 50

(L 350i. 'l’hu 3 Sat -1 Aug. Scc 'l hu.

Glasgow Sundays


Icebreakers lrtli‘l ('t-nrrt: ll l)r\on Strcct. III 730%. 13.30 3pm. Sun 5 Aug. Monthly (iroup lor lcxhranx. ga} x and hrxc\ua|x ncu to thc xccrrc.


Intimacy (il'il‘. l3 RU\L' Sll't‘t‘l. “.3 KIDS. L' 3.75 {-1.751L'300 £35m. lit

2 'lliu ‘) Aug Scc 'l'hu.

Aimee 8: Jaguar (it-’l. I2 Rim- Sll't't'l. H3 Hllx. {5.75 [-1.75

([300 L' 3,50i, lit 3 ’I'hu ‘) Aug Scc 'l'hu. Hello Dolly (il'rrxu‘llttl'. Axlrton l.anc. 33‘) A1203, 3pm. (-1 (£3.50 [3.00i. Sun 5 Aug. Scc l'ri.

Glasgow Mondays


Holistic Healing Group H ill'l' (’crrtrc. ll l)i\on Strcct. Ill 7303.

7.30 I0prn. \Vcckl). lo lind otrt nior‘c ahout tlrrx group that rircctx c\cr_\ Honda} night contact 433 5953.

Performance Group It tlt'l‘ (‘t-rirr'c. ll l)i\on Slrcct. III 7203. 7.30pm. \Vcckl}. chular nrccting ol amonc intcrcxtcd in tltcatrc and trruxic xkillx.


Intimacy (it’ll I2 Rim- Str'cct. 332 HIZX. £3.75 H75 (£2.00 U50r. l"r'i

2 llru () Aug. Scc 'l'hu.

Aimee & Jaguar (ill. I: Roxt‘ Str'cct. 332 fills. £3.75 U75

(£2.00 £3.50). I‘ri 3 'l'hu ‘) Aug. Scc ‘l‘hu.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group rurrr ('cntrc. I I l)i\on Strcct. Ill 7203.

7 l0pnr. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Arr opcri nrccting l'or _\oung l.( ill'l~ tip to thc agc ol' 35. Lesbian Writing Group (il;t\gn\\ \Vonrcnx l.ilrrat"\. l0‘) 'l‘rorrgatc. 553 .\'3-l5. Inc 7 Aug. Monthl}.

Steve Retson rum ('cntrc. I I |)i\on Strcct. 33| 7203. l 3pm. lircc. Inc 7 Aug. .\lont|r|_\. Drop in nicri‘x hcaltlr ad\ ixor) xcr\ icc.


Intimacy (tl-‘l‘. I: Roxc Strch 332 .\‘l2r\'. [3.75 U75 (£2.00 £35m. Hi 3 'l‘hu ‘) Aug. Scc 'l'hu.

Aimee & Jaguar (ill. I: Rmc Strcct. 332 KIDS. £3.75 [—1.75

(£2.00 L'350r. l‘ri 3 'l‘lru ‘) Aug. Scc 'l‘hu.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Crosslynx Group I.(‘.lrl ('cnttc. I I |)r\on.\trcct.331 7:03 l0prrr l tcc \Vcd X Aug. Monthly


Intimacy (ilr'l. I3 Roxc Sim-r. 33: Nljh. L555 L155 (Lilllll L5 5th lit 3 lhu ‘) Aug. Scc 'l'hu

Aimee & Jaguar (tl-‘l. l2 Rim- Sllt‘t'l. i5: ollo. [‘5‘ H55 (£3.00 £3.50I. l'rr 'lhu ‘) \ug. Scc llrtr



Bennets 00 ( il.t\\ltlltl Sin-ct. 3%: Vol llprn 3. 30am. L3 Ur IL: L5: (ilaxgka longcxt running ga_\ cluh opcn 5 ruglrtx a \xcck \\ rtlr xonrc danrn linc dancing \Vcdrrcxda} to Surrda} lhuixda} nrght ix xtudcnt night.

Polo Lounge .xt \\ rlxon \trcct. 5.33 III]. |0pnr 3am. (5 l)o\\lt\l.tllx in thc l’olo rx thc placc to dancc \\ rtlr cluh nrghtx l'rrda} to Sunda} \xrth l‘r'cxlr. |.uxlr and ('ttl'l'} oll l’olo.

Cube .t-t ()uccn Sum. 33» Win.

llprrr 3am. L3 043 mm ll_\cr'r. l'ortricrl} knoun ax l’lanct l’cach thix rc\arrrpcd cluh lroldx ga} nrglrtx on Honda) and 'l'ucxda} urth l’axxronalrt} and lxl hoth ol \xlrrclr pla) chccx} chart and lrandhag hotlxc.

0 Bar I‘ll lngranr Strcct. 5500\1-1. llpru 3am. L3 'l'hrx ncu krd on thc hlock pla} x dixco claxxrcx t~\cr‘_\ 'l'ucxda} ol Ihc \\cck.


Sadie Frosts .x' In \\‘cxr (icorgc Stir-ct. 333 X005. l'rcc. Sorncthrng lot c\cr'\onc throughout thc \xcck \xrth l).lx rl'rtda}. Saturda} and .\londa_\ r. karaokc t’l'lrurxda} and Surrda) r and quil/cx I'l'ucxda} and “t'tlllt‘vlifi l. in lk‘ :l lllllL' lill lllllt'lt'lll 'l'ucxda} lrlcndx thc dim and karaokc and corncx up \\ itlr qrii/okc \\ lrilc Sunda} rx \MilllL‘H onl_\ in thc llluc Room. Delmonicas ()3 Virginia Strcct. 553 -l.\'03. 0pm. l‘rcc. l)ch hax a \xcck packcd lull ol' thingx to kccp )ou anruxcd \xith l).lx on l'rtda}. Saturda}. Honda} and 'l‘ucxda}. a dim on 'l'lrurxda}. karaokc on Sunda} and a ganrcx night on \Vcdncxda}.

LGBT Centre I l 0mm Strcct. 32l 7203. l’rcc. 'I‘Irc liar/calc in thc |.( ill'l' not on|_\ xcr\ L‘\ collccx. lood and drink but alxo hax karaokc l'ronr l‘rida} to Sunda} and a lilrrr night on a Monday

Polo Lounge at \Vilxnn Stu-ct. 553 IZZI. l0prn lam. l-rcc. lintcrtarrrrncnt lr'orn Honda} to 'l'htrr'xda} “lllt cxcr}tlring lronr laid-hack xoundx and li\ c nruxic lrom 'l‘onr and Mari at tlrc hcginning ol' thc \xcck lo l'unk. dixco and rcqucxtx ncarcr tlrc “cckcnd.

Revolver (ra .lohn Sim-r. 553 2450. 8.30prrr. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Popular ircu bar which hoxtx at‘cadc ganrc and mm trightx on l’rida} and 'l'ucxda} and alxo hax a xupcrh jukchm \xlrich ix totall} and uttct‘l} lrcc.

Out of the blue



26 THE LIST lt‘ Jul .‘ And .X‘rtl?

“Out of the blue @ Blue Moon Ca_fg

1 Barony Street Edinburgh Telephone: 01314787048


GAY GLASGOW The Boyfriend. Citizens' Theatre (Thu 2—Sat 4 Aug); Intimacy. GFT (Thu 2—Thu 9 Aug): Aimee & Jaguar. GFT (Fri 3—Thu 9 Aug).

( :‘J'lllii L '0 o , , q, 1 I o l‘ 1' ( v r I " tr 1T7 lit 1 l l r' ‘7." ' t l' ' \r. :7 ‘. ' l‘i' ' r .‘t {v in.‘} "' (In I ”. r-xlt ".' :Ta' \ttt' l'“ " i'r: 'lr' K'w'r' ' ’1" ..r't~'t :: t~" i" tr-ax'; .t "r v\: : Tl‘- rr‘..'~ it til - Eil‘tlin‘xi é'tt'r'a!‘ tab'. >! i‘.'i.:"- l‘i. t'V ' A ~ WHY. t' it‘ll l " t' l’l'l'l'l'l.f§(ii/‘l/lfil‘thi'“.‘ittllW e}"we-.i"';./.r<:.rtr' t'w: than :'-.-r’.' t. I T. r t ' it l)°‘li’/.'"“ffl.'.'li"ll‘dallliii'VrHi’irll‘.‘t‘iltt" l 1".1. ' i 'r 'll’t..llt_]l', oxi‘é )".7‘tll".'. .i'rrurlrt' < hl‘i‘xllztiiit".'.'i".t" t" tl‘w' t? .', r' r "".llillé'l‘.',ttlll’}l£llflltal<l’)."f 'tr-é-lfflrr (lit‘l"tl1wll"""la'l -".'rr-.Jt-.'..."'-- tlmirrr l‘Er'rrrir: Court Bar (it) Ilurtlitxtm Strut. >5- dlb

Jlo 3. (r. 30 10pm. l'tcc. .\ poprrlar traditional har \\ licr‘c _\Hll can chill all \xcck apart lrorlr Sunda} \xhcn Ihcrc rx karaokc.

Waterloo “tlla‘t‘loo Sll't‘t‘l. 3.“) 53‘”, ()nc ol (ilaxgrm ‘x hcxt ktlo\\ll ga) har'x, Candle Bar 30('and|crrj_'gx. 5M l2.\'5. ‘lprn. l-ircc. Rcccntl} rclurluxlrcd tlrrx Incl} liar hax karaokc on a 'l'ucxda} and Rol‘ & .\la_\ .\li|lcr pla} rng ii\ c on a ’l'hur'xda}.

Body Positive 3 l’ark Quadrant. 33: 50l0. Support and adxicc lot thoxc tlllL‘L‘lL‘tl l3} lll\‘/.'\ll )5.

Centre for Women’s Health 3 Santhlord l’lacc. II I (r700. ()llcring a rangc ot inlor'nratron and xcr'\ rccx to uomcn and xpccilic xct'\ iccx lor lcxhianx. Glasgow Lesbian Line I’() Hm (Ni, (i3 7'l‘l.. 553 3355. (ii\ ing ad\ icc and xupport cithcr on thc phonc or h} SAlz. Glasgow Women’s Library Int) 'l'rongatc. 552 X345. ()pcn 'l'uc hi I (rptlll Sat) 5pm. A Iihrar} lull ol \xorricn‘x litcraturc ax \\ cll ax thc lcxhran archi\ c. 'lilrix ix alxo thc idcal placc to lind otrt ahout \xorncn'x c\cntx irappcrrirrg acroxx Scotland.

Phace West 4‘) Bath Strcct. 33: 3X38. 'I‘hc rrrairr xcr\ rcc in thc \cht ol Scotland lor pcoplc \\ ho arc allcctcd h} HIV/All )8. Steve Retson Project 3 Sand} ltlltl l’lacc. Ill .\'(rlll. ()pctr 'luc «k Thu

5 H.30pm. Scural hcalth adx icc and counxciling lor ga} rrrcrr.

Strathclyde Lesbian 8. Gay Switchboard |’() Hm Rs. (;3 30L. 3*: 8373. 0pm 7 10pm dail_\. ('onlidcntral ad\ icc lor all ga} rtrcn and lcxhianx. Bi-G-Les (‘/() l.( illl. ll l)l\oll Sll't‘t'l. III "203. (ir'oup ollcrrng hclricndrng and xupport ncmork tor lcxhianx. hixc\ualx and ga_\ mcn trrrdcr thc agc ol 35.



C.C. Blooms 35 :4 (il'L‘L'ltxttlL‘ l’lttL'L'. 55o 033 l. l0.30prrr 3am thar trorn (rpm r. l'rcc. A bar and cluh u itlr a \\ holc lroxt ol ltigll camp and dixco claxxlcx.

The Honeycomb IS I? Xitltlr} Sir-cur. 530 5540. llprn 3am. LN (tor. lixcr} Sunda) lltc llonc) cornh pla} hoxt lo 'l‘axtc. a night ol hard houxc and hcdonrxrrr \\ itlr l).lx l'ixhcr & l’ricc and gucxtx.

C.C. Blooms 3i ( ilt'k‘lhltlx‘ l’lacc. 55o ‘) 3 3 I, I0. 30pm 3am that lrorrr (rprnr. l'rcc, .\ liar and cluh \\ rtlr a \xholc lroxt ol high camp and drxco \‘l;l\\l\‘\.

Habana (il'k‘t'lhltlt‘ l’ldt'k'. 55.5 l.‘5‘ll. l'l't‘t‘.

Frenchies l\’rrxc‘ Sin-ct. 3.38 "M I, l'rcc. I'ornrcrl} llotxtull. \ placc to drink and chat or nail rrrrtrl Sunda} lor tlic trr\ ra qur/ or \\cdncxd.r\ lot karaokc \\ itlr ’l lll_\ (ialorc.

Blue Moon Cafe I Halon} .\ltccl. 557 0‘” |. l-rcc, ladrnlrurgh‘x Iongcxt running ga} calc.

Nexus ()0 llrottgllloti Str’cct. .178 70(r‘). 'l'liix calc/har rx part ol tlrc |,( ill (critic and xct‘\cx tip good lood ax \\cll ax hcing a grcat placc to lirrd out \xlrat ix Irappcnlrtg.

Planet Out (ilt'k'll\lll\' l’lzlt‘t'. fill 00M. ‘lprn larrr. l'rcc. A darn linc hat \\it|r I).lx c\cr} \loiida} night and 'l'rcnd) \Vcnd} ol 'lackno larrrc doing hcr xtull c\cr_\ lortniglrt.

The Gilded saloon (ion gatc. 0pm larrr. l'rcc. l'.\ct"\ Sunda} tlrc Saloon lroldx thc darrrri comcntcnt pic clulr xcxxion lor ’laxtc at llrc llonc_\cornh.

Edinburgh Groups

Dykes Night Out l’t) llo\ lot). lulll 3| .l '. lnlorrrral gct togcthcrx and xocial cwningx lor \xorncn. Stonewall Youth Project |’() Hm -l0-l0. 55o .1010. chular urcctrngx and xocial c\cntx lor chlriarrx. ga} nicn and hixc\ualx trndcr thc agc ol 3r».

Gay Men’s Health ()axix Drop In (l‘ttll'L‘. lllill‘llltlllSll't'k'l.55394-14. l'rcc ad\ icc and counxcllrng lor ga_\ and hi mcn ax \xcll ax thoxc qucxtionrng llrcir xc\ualit_\.

LGBT Police Link l.( ill (critic. (r0 Broughton Sti‘cct. Mon 0 7pm. \Vcckl}. (‘all (r20 5| 38/(rl0 5l~l0 il )ou want a chat \\ itlr )our cornrnunit} olliccr.

Lothian Gay 8: Lesbian Switchboard SSri .10-1‘). 7.30 lupin c\cr\ da}. (la) and lcxhian hclplinc

gix ing all l}[lL'\ ot ad\icc including xc\ual hcaltlr and HIV/AIDS. Lesbian Line 557 07SI. Mon & 'l'hu 7.30 l0pnr. llclplinc lor all lL'\i‘iiIll ixxtlcx.