

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Jack Mottram.

Iasgow Thursdays


I Diamonds at 'l'hc Varict} Bar.

Spin cloxc. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. I).l .\lucci prcxcntx Soutlicrn \moocli to iockahill} raunch lor rockxtcad} liddicx. ll _\ou knou uhat that mcanx. )oti'll prohahl} \xttnt to go.

I Hot Latino Nights at .\totla.

S’pm lam. l-rcc. \Vcckl}. A lcht} lllSlttll ol Latin and (‘uhan \tttllltl\ l'rom l).|\ Sala/ar and Andrcax.

I Latin Loungin’ at 'l'hc (iauclio (irill. 0pm midnight. l-rcc. \Vcckl}. l'ii'xt harx. mm rcxtaurantx arc turning into mini-cluhx. What nc\t. nmuagcntx'. An} \\;i_\. I” .la// ol llaxana lamc

pro\ idcx a laid-hack hlciid ot' Latin \tHIllth at thc Argcntinian hccl'joinl.

I Nico’s at Nico'x. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc. chkl}. ('liccxc} l.atino lllllSlL‘ tor part} ~mindcd \lttdL‘tth. .'\\ it' lllt‘l'c"\ anothcr kind ol' \tudcnt.

I Nomad at \otltttd.

7.30pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). chidcnt ‘Httlllll. .ltt} ixjoiltcd l1} Kt'i\ chgan. lan 'l'lionipxon and A..l. spinning thc licxt lltttl\L' \oundx.

I The Operators at ('o\t;i ('ollcc

t( ircat \chtcrn Road). 7 l lpm. l-icc. \Vcckl). ’l‘lic local hcrocx axxixt capitalixt collcc ciilturc \\ itli thcir inimitahlc hlcnd ol'ja/I. lunk and hip hop.

I Pousey Cafe at Air Organic.

8 l lpm. l‘rcc. \\'cckl_\. 'l‘lic .lcngahcadx gct _\ou \tokcd up tor a night out. \\ itli a mind hag ot' hcatx. l'rom clcctro and lunk through to liouxc and tcchno.

I Phatboy’s Kitchen ai .\tc-(‘huill‘x \Va} ()ut \cht. 8pm midnight. lircc. \\'cckl_\. Hip hop. hrcakx and hcats t‘iittl‘lL‘\) til. 'l‘hc \\';I\ .\liittkc‘}.

I Sample & Hold at Bar Soha.

.\‘pm midnight. l"rcc. \Vcckl}. l.i\c hip hop. rcplctc \\ itli giicxt \ocalixtx. \cratcli} huxincxx and pcrcuxxion.

I Shogo at 'l‘hc llrunxn ick ('cllarx. 9pm midnight. l’rcc. \Vcckl). An cwning ot' hrcakx. hcatx and \uclilikc l'rom (i-.\lan and occaxional gucxtx.

\\ itli \katchoarding \ ixual L‘lllt‘l'lttlltlllL‘lll\.

I The Thursday Broadcast at 'l‘lic l.i\ing Rooni. 0pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Rotation ol' ( il;t\go\\ \ top H] lalcnt lcaturing Stcxic lilciiicntx among UlltL‘t‘\.

I Tilt at liar ll). 7pm latc. l-icc. \\cckl}. An owning ol liuro trancc lirom thc 'l‘ilt crmx.

I Virunga at lh'cl. Upni midnight. l'll-CL'. \Vk'k'hl}. :\ [up \clcction Ul' lllllc‘x

\\ itli a \xorld hiax. including \oca. l.atin dancc. Alrican and rcggac.


I Affinity at .\lcdia. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. l’i'iigi‘c‘\\i\c and liuro trancc in tlic main arcna \\ ith rcxidcntx Stmc (‘oncannon and Paul l’lcming. Rotational talcnt ahoundx in tlic hack \uitc.

I Bennet’s at Bcnnct'x. I lpm Sam. [3 (£2 t. \Vcckl}. Sliaxx n dcliwrx a commcrcial dancc mi\ in thc main room. \xhilc Annic \tipplic\ 7t)\ and .\‘(lx hitx at thc prcmicr ga} \cnuc.

I Club Salsa Sabrosa at The lla\'ana liar. l().3t)pm 3am. £4 (USUL \Vcckl}. 'l‘op-notch Latin \ttltlld\. \\ itli all hip-\haking gcnrcx coxcrcd thank to t'L‘\ldCltl.\ KL‘lllt. .'\lL‘\l.\ and (ico l).

28 THE LIST Q ‘9 Aug Ah“

I Columbian at 'l'lic Ax} lum Back Room. Spin lam. l'rcc to ('l 'Sl mcmhci‘x: L'l otlicruiw. \Vcckl}. .\llhlc‘ \\ itli hrcakx. ll‘itlll hip hop and hig hcat to mid and lunk.

I Cop at Ai‘cltaox. llpm 3am. L31 it} i. \Vcckl}. Ahxolutcl) colmml \tudcnt night \\ itli (‘..l. \iippl) mg hard part}ing liouxc :tlllllL'tltx in tlic main room and dalt claxxicx lrotii lam (‘o_\ lc

do“ nxtairx.

I Fat Sumo at 'lhc (ilmgou School ot Art. .\c\t datc in Scp.

I Freak Moves at 'l'lic ( ila\go\\ School ot Art. Nut datc Aug 1".

I Homework at \‘ault. llpm 3am. £5 tUi. 'l'hc ncu haxcnicnt cluh .tllll\ tor thc 'l‘hu \tudcnt crond \\ itliout pandcring to thc l|\ll;tl lormulaic pap. ’l'hc} call ll luckcd-up pop. \\lllc‘ll lllt‘dlh prctt} niucli aii_\thing lrom tcclino and clcctro to llll;I\lt.tlltc‘d pop claxxicx. Ian and Stc\ ic man thc ho\.

I MFI at l'ni\cr\c ((‘oathridgc l.

llpm 2.30am. [J tle. \Vcckl). Big tcll_\ man liuan .\laclcod and HI lloh \\ till it dixctt-liltgcd \L‘lt'c‘llittt til. ltittlu‘ old and ncxx.

I Motion :tl 'l'ltc‘ \t‘lu‘l RUUIHS. \c‘\l datc 3| Aug.

I Off The Hook at 't‘hc tfiiti .\'oic ('luh. l()pm 2am. £3 it'll. \Vcckl}. 'l‘lic ()lll gang arc hack oncc again. not unlikc rcncgadc Ill;t\lL‘l’\. Ax hctorc. it'\ a mi\ ol' clcctro. Sllx pop and. crm. morc clcctro \\ itli rcgular li\ c \tull' lrom local clcctronic arti\tc\. (‘an‘t \a} laircr than that.

I Polo For Me at 'lilic l’olo |.oungc. l()pm lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. You. thc luck} pnntcr. takc tlic liclm tonight. ax i‘cqucwt cardx arc a\ailahlc o\ci‘ tlic har and in tlic hooth.

I Revel at (£2. llpm 3am. L'S (Ll). 2 Aug. l‘ortnightl}. Simon l"o_\. Stc\cn (’oncannon and l)onntc .\lac \pin a \clcction ot' [ii'iigi'c'\\i\ c. Iiuro trancc lllllL‘\ mind in \\ ilh \omc ('liicago houxc and lunk.

I Rhythm And Blues at titc. l()pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. ()nc ol tlic

cit} '\ lincxt Rtkli nightx \\ itli rcxidcntx l’aul 'l‘ra} nor. \accm and Stuart .\lc('allum.

I Routes at Ad—l.ih. llpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}; 'l‘lic dining houxc-cum-xt} lc har rclaunchcx itx cluhhing \oirc‘cx \\ ith thix rcgular dccp honxc datc that comcx courtcx} ol'()\\cii ('alducll and ('olin l);t\ lc‘.

I Skint at 'l'lic ('athouxc. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2 ). \Vcckl). Tough chcmical hrcakx and hcatx. rock and indic tor a \tttdcnt} croxx d.

I Skycop at 8k) har t.-\l'chao\t. ll.~15pm 3am. L'J 1U). \Vcckl}. 'l‘lic poxli hit ol' Archam llll'lllS to tlic dccp ltttthL‘ st) lingx ol' Ryan Kcrr. ax tltc rcgular \ltltlL‘lll night packx tlicm in

do“ nxtairx.

I Spank at (‘uhcn l lpm 3am. H (U). \Vcckl}. \ctcran palt'l) -up I} pc .liiii l)a cht. \\ ith a littlc liclp l'rom Nick} and Scott l’rcc. Pl'L‘\L‘ltl\ ltttthL‘ atid lunk .tL‘t‘iixx [no t‘oolttx.

I Streetsoul at 'l‘hc \'cl\ct Roomx. llpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl} tc\ccpt laxt 'l'liu ol thc month). Ra) mond \Voodx. l).\l(i. .loliii l._\on\ and \accm takc it in turn\ to pro\ idc thc R&B and mild St‘lL‘L'llUllS.

I Thursday Is Enough at ('luh Budda. l lpm 3am. £4 1U). \Vcckl}. |)i\co and llttlt\L‘ l'rom Stcx ic Smith.

I Tune! at g2. l lpm 3am. lircc cntr} hctorc l lpm; £3 it'll al’tcr. “cc-kl}. Simon .\lorrixon and And} llorn \clcct hrand nc“ ltttlINL‘ and trancc. plu\ lhi/a l'axouritcs tojog thc mcmor).

I Tunnel Thursdays at 'l‘hc 'l'unncl. l lpm 3am. [-1 (Bi. \Vcckl}. 'l‘unncl rcgularx Km in .\lcl‘arlanc and Scott .\lacka). plux l.i\a l.illlc\\ood iii rootii t\\o. \pin litttl\L‘ tor a tll'L‘\\L‘tl-tlp croud ol' \tudcntx.

I Menage a Trois at .\lttx.

I lpm 3am. £4 (£3 \ttidcntxi. \Vcckl}. Studciitx \ccni to like night\ that L‘\|tllc‘lll} l'L‘lL‘l' [U \C\Uill ttL‘IS. littt' \ttlllL‘

rcawn. \o tltc namc cliangc toi .\lax‘ \xcckl} \tudcttt haxh \hould pack thcin Ill. (icott .\lontlord and .lolui lhompwn \uppl} thc \tudcnt c'l.t\\lc\ and part} .ttllltL‘llh.

I 1210 at llaha/a. .\pin ‘am. l'icc hclorc l lpm. H 1U» \\cckl_\. lop notch liouw. gaiagc and tiancc lroni lan l'hoittpmn and \ancc. rcno\\ ncd toi kt‘t‘l‘lltg‘ lllk' c‘lit\\\l Hlt lltt‘lt‘ ltlt'\ .lllll dropping thc odd \uipiixc track In a hid to cncouragc nc\\ talcnt. tlic l't‘Sltlt‘llh \tcp doxxn lrom S llpm. turning oxcr thc lt'c‘lllllLN to tip-and coming l).|\. (‘all tlic cluh on 3H1 tlllll toi tlc'l.tll\ ol hon to participatc.

I Upfront at ’l'hc .\x} lum.

l()pm ;am. [I ilrcc to (it St tltc‘ttll‘c‘t'w. \Vcckl}. dedic 'l'onncr and Scott .\lochar \\ itli qualit} liouxc and

Chan & Party

I Don’t Forget Your Underpants at 'l'raxh. lll..AllP|ll idlll. [-1 (£3); t'rcc cntr} hclorc midnight \\ itli Studcnt ll). \Vcckl}. I-roni tlic lolk \\lto hring yin ill. on a 'l‘lm comcx _\ct attotltcr \upcrhl} titlcd \tudcnt night. pt'o\ idiiig chart and comnicrcial liouxc. I Madhouse at Shack «toiiiicrh 'llic 'Icmplci. ltlfitlpm 3am. H 19.3). \Vcckl}. ('ra/_\ chart tuncx pro\ idcd h_\ l).l (II.

I Loveshack at l'ur} .\luir} 'x.

llpm 3am. Ll «£2 l. \Vcckl}. hill and Phil \\ itli a hlcnd ol commcrcial claxxicx. \ intagc indic and a touch ol diwo.

I Rumble at 'l'hc (iaragc. llpm 3am. [-l l. \\k'k'l\l}. .\lixttllllt‘l} L‘l'élclM'l'S \tudcnt night. \tul'lcd to thc gunnclx c\cr_\ timc \\ itli kidx \liarking to thc \oundx ol chart hitx. indic l'a\ouritc\ and lo\\ -hro\\ hottxc.

I Shagtag at l’rn ilcgc. llpm 3am. U-l (L‘Al. \Vt‘t‘lxl}. llt\;tllL‘l} \tIL‘cL‘\\ltll night haxcd on a compch ninncrical t'lirting \_\ \tcm: mcrynw gct\ a numhcr upon cntr}. tlicn. il \oniconc catchc\ _\our c_\ c. _\ou \xritc tlicir nunihcr on tlic hoard nc\t to )iiiii' on n. \\ itli thc idca hcing that thc_\ tlicn l‘ll\ll up to _\ou and gct hi/-a_\. .\lnxic—nixc. it‘x commcrcial houxc and trancc l'rom Sc\) Stcw and Kink} Kcnn}.

I Skint at 'l‘lic (‘atlioiixcx l lpm 3am. til (£3 l. \Vcckl}. l’unk. punk and part) pap \\ llll plcnt} ol drinkx proniox.

I Wired at l)c\tin_\. l()pm 3am. £2 hct'orc l lpm; £3 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. (‘axual night at tlic wrought—iron c\liihiuon cum-cluh \\ itli a dancicr lllllSlc‘ piilic). 'l‘liix ix thc onl_\ timc \xlicn dcnim and traincrx arc acccptahlc apparcl licrc. \o _\ou don‘t lia\ c to iron )our llcn Slicrman.

Glasgow Fridays


I Brian Murnin at 'l‘lic- to lug Room. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Brian L‘UlllllltlL‘\ to ‘pla} tlic \ong\ that makc tl‘ic \\ ltolc \xorld \iiig.'

I Budda at Bar Budda.

.S’pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vc-ckl}. ('hrix llarrix \pinning gromc-lcd ltttll\L' to thc tl\tlttl part} cron d.

I Chi at .\lc('liuill'\. Spin midnight. l‘rcc. .\lonthl}. 'l'hc lll‘Sl in a \ucccxxion ol rathcr cool nightx. thc cwning \tartx \\ itli IitL‘lltm \ltaolin hcatx and huildx to lunk} littlISL‘ and hounc} tccltno.

0 Consume at ’t‘tic Hill .\‘oic- ('alc'. .\‘pm Midnight. £4. .\lonthl}. 'l‘hc onl} night in (ilaxgou dc\otcd to thc \Htl'ltl Ul. lL‘lAll-IL‘lkl L‘lL‘L'lt'tilttL‘ ttddltc‘xx l'c‘lttt'lh

\\ ith anothcr claw) linc-up. 'l‘hc-rc'x a rarc \olo \ct l'rom l-oruiancw'x Julian ()tta\i “Ito \xill hc doing a \oicc manipulation 'n' clcctro-aciiuxtic axant— iniprox \ort ol' a thing. Support L‘ttlllt‘S l‘i‘om \xhitc noiw. cllcctx and gcncral \xcird \ound mcrchanh l'rogpockct and Random \ttttllk‘l‘. \\ ho \pccitilixc in drcam} hrcakhcat c\ploration\. Ax c\cr. ('onxumc rcxidcnt disc-\pinncr Klaux ()ldcnhurg ot' l)i\kotto notorict} \\ ill hc

putting iccordx on thc turntahlc Scc “MN

I Critical Mass at \icc ‘n‘ .\‘Ic.i/_\ Spin latc l icc \\ cckl}. .Ion l-opp. aka \oi itltc tamil} lll.tttl rcqucxtx that _\ou kick out tlic iamx mutlicrtunka/ ax lic hlcndx a \\i|tiill} pcculiai ~clcction. ranging liom punk to lunk and all [titlllh in hctuccn \\ itli \llll‘lhc‘ gucxt doc tockc} \ cach and c\ci_\ \xcck

I Cul De Sac at (‘ul Itc Sac

“pm midnight l tcc. \\cckl_\ llottxt‘ action ltoiii a pool ot l).|\. including Stc\ ic ltonaldxon. Homcmc (Kippcllo. (iiaham \\ IlMtll and Kician \lc( ~aim

I Edward’s .ll l'\l\\.ll\l.\

‘lpni nudnight. l-icc \\cckl_\ l phcat \clcctioih lioni Kcttli l’_\pci to gct knit :Jtllll}: lttl lllx' \\ t‘t‘lxt'lltl.

I Friday Street at Illackltiah Itlit\\tl\l.tlt\t \c\t datc ‘~l \ug

I Illuminations at lhc I iglitliouw .\Witlpni midnight. l‘icc \\cckl} l).| l)and_\ ll)I\\‘tt \ i and \lan H ilhcaclit \pin 'toiiioiiou. )t'\tt‘itl.i_\. tod.i_\~ nnmc I Moda at \loda Spin A.tlll. l icc \\cckl_\. l'lic latcxt llttll\t' and RAM [or )iiiii' pic cluhhing oi indccd cluhhmg [‘lt‘dSlllc‘ inotc tlic latc liccncct. \ctwd up It} I).|\ .\laik and Scott.

I Nico’s at .\Ico'x, ‘lpm midnight l'rcc. \Vcckl}, l‘phcat m.un\ticaniagc to kccp thc tll'lllkk‘h on thcn tocx

I Nomad at .\omad,

", ltlpm midnight. l‘lt‘t‘. “cckly Kll\ chgan. lan liltitlllltvtll and \..|. litlll ‘l)onut' .la_\ at tlux pic cluh l-icc camcra liu‘c add\ a mcc touch

I Papacool at 'l lic llaxcnicnt llai. “pm midnight. l'l't‘t'. “Wkly lhc llllt'\l in ia/I. \oul .iiid lunk,

I Paul Cawley at .\u‘ ( )igamc.

‘lpm midnight. l-rcc. \Vcckl}. \ ictinn to normal loriii altci thc icccnl l‘ltt\\t'l Rt‘t‘itl'd\ \ltim c;t\t‘. \\ till ('.i\\ lt‘} '\ ltt'al and hrcak ltau‘d \t‘lccllitltx

I Phonic at 5-1 liclou. 0pm midnight. l'icc. \Vcckl}. ()uaht} dccp llittl\t‘ lroiii tlic l’honic l't‘SltlL‘llh Stcwn Rcill}. (Bordon logan and Mark llca\cnoi.

I Rowan and Niall at the Hall Hal. l'rcc. .\lonthl}. 'llic lornici llalxa rmidcntx. no\\ cthcottccd III a ncu \cnuc. do tlicii dccp hoth thing.

I Russell’s ill l(ll\\k'll‘\.

(ipm midnight. l‘t'cc. \VcckI}. l).| Ya“ kick\ out thc hcxt Rtkll. hip hop and \\\inghcat.

I Soulsa at 'l'ltc Hrunxu ick llotcl. ‘)pm midnight. l'l‘cc. \\cck|_\. And} l'ngct' and li‘icndx llttxl an cxcning ot I'ollct'—tli\co lltttl\t' and \Y gatagc. l)rink\ pi‘oiiiox and cluh paxxcx arc an addcd honux.

I Stateside Sounds at 't‘tit- Statc liar. -l 7pm. licc. \Vcckl}. l’anl Slucldx \clcct\ alt.countr} l:i\onritc\. iock L‘l;i\\tc\ and lilttc\ L‘lll\.

I Straight Ahead at Sp} liar.

‘lpm latc. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. 'l'lic \upcih Straight Ahcad crc\\ \pin .\orthcin \oul. lunk and danccl'looi |;t//.

I Syntax at 'l‘ltc llalt liar. \cU datc l," Aug.

I Syntax In Small Doses at Itai logic. \c‘\l tlillL' :‘l .\tlg.

I Tap-Moi-La at 'llic 'l'ap.

0pm midnight. \Vcckl}. A prc-cluh trout. in tlicir \xordx. 'iiixt tuo morc liloch pla} ing tlicir rccordx in a puh.‘ l-ortnnatcl_\ lltt\lt l’upp} ot l)i\inc lamc and ('hrix "licanx' (icddc\ thc'x in \omc mdic hand. appat‘cntl} l ha\ c corking collcclionx taking in (illx pop. \Vigan ccntric \oul. mod iax/ and l,atin

groin L‘\,

I Paddy Power at 'l‘hc Varict) liar. ‘)pm midnight. l't'cc. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc axtoundingl} cclcctic l).l l’add) poucrlull} pla'u c\ci'_\tliing trom Brain lllltt to l'ndcrground chixtancc.


I The Ark at 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl.

10.30pm 3am. £716). \Vcckl}. Scott .\lacka} and Simon l‘oy kccp thc croud jumping \\ itli top qualit} hard hottxc in the main room . \xliilc (itit') ('urlc) mo\c\ thc crowd in Bar 2 \\ itli \mooth