A History Of Photography Exhibition l‘ntil Wed S Atig. Organised by the Julia Margaret ('anieron Trust. art exhibition looking at the history of portrait photography. featuring the work of famous photographers including Fox Talbot.

LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 2TH) Bath Street. Ail “722. Tue Sat ()am (rpm.

Stephanie Fawbert l'niil Wed 5 Sep. Works on paper inspired by classical music. made iii collaboration with musicians.


20 North Street. 28," 299‘). Mon Thu Uani 8pm; Fri ck Sat 9am 5pm.

The Foulis Academy I'ntil Sat l5 Sep. A unique and priceless collection of books. prints and works of arts by students of(ilasgow 's ltSlh century School of Art and Design. The Fotilis Academy. featuring work by Day id Allan. Robert Paul and James 'l'assie gix itig a historic panoramic View of (ilasgow at that time.


22I \Vesl (ieorge Street. 248 9755. Mon Fri |0am 5.30pm: Sat

I0am 2pm.

Scottish 20th Century Painting .\lon (i I'Vri 3| Aug. A selection of paintings by 20th Scottiin artists including Ilunter. Blackadder. ('adell and Bellany.


()ii-line gallery. w w w.new- contetnporary-art.coni

Miniatures One The opening exhibition for this new on-Iine gallery which showcases the work of up-and- coming artists froin (ilasgow and Iidinburgh with all works available to buy.


36 Washitigtoti Street. 22l 2 l 23.

.\Ion Fri 9am (rpm. Sat by appointment.

Made In America that Sat 4 Aug. (ilasgow-based Shirley Ann Tipping explores the influence of eowbttyb. the 50s and Americana iii the [K through a series of photographs.


0 \Vilson Street. Merchant City. 552 0702. Tue. Wed & Fri I Iain» (ipm; Thu l lam 7pm: Sat |0ain (ipm; Stiii

I 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition work by contemporary tip-and-coming Scottish- based artists.


('entre For l)e\‘elopmental Arts. IS Albion Street. 552 2822. .\lon~rFri l0am 5pm.

Universal Print Show t’ntil Fri it) Atig. ()riginal line art prints from international specialist sttidios.


(i Burntield Road. (iilfnock. 038 I200. Tue Sat 10am 5pm; Stm noon 5pm: (‘resswell Lane ioff By res Road). 038 I200. TuerSat l lam 5.30pm; Sttn

noon 5pm. Scotland's largest selection of affordable original art with an on-line gallery featuring oyer I000 paintings. Summer Exhibition t'ntil Fri St Aug. New works by Peter .\'ardini.


26 King Street. 552 2l5 l. Tue—Sat

10am -5.30pni.

No Small Feat l'ntil Sat l 1 Aug. Ten (ilasgow artists create specially commissioned lens-based work around themes of parenthood. Working in a Variety of media including colour. black and white prints. silkscreens. etnbroideries and Video. featured artists

include Sam Ainsley. Duncan ('ampbell. (‘olin (irey. Alison Ilay es. (‘alum Angus Mackay. Janie \icoll. (iillian Steel. .\lhairt Sutherland. Iscult ’l‘immermans and Karen Vaughan.


IS Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon l‘l't l0am 5pm.

Fusion l‘ntil Fri l0 Aug. A solo show of ceramic and glass work by Sian .\lather.


()n-Iine (iallery.

w w w.\ isionon200l.co.uk. A new internet site dedicated to showcasing the Work UI‘ three (ilasgow -based artists each tiiotitli. If you haye a proposal for the \'isioti()ti website. email karla black“I hotmailcom James McLardy, Robin Miller and Michael Johnson t'ntil Sun 30 Sep. The work of three more artists goes on-line.

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS I32 West Regent Street. 220 3400.

Mon Fri 7am I lpin; Sat 8am I lpni; Stiii l0am Ilpiii.

Painting and Illustration Exhibition l'ntil Fri 24 Aug. Paintings and illustration by some of the best students who graduated from (ilasgow School of Art this year.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions.


Argyle Street. Kely'ingroye. 2X7 269‘). Mon Thti & Sat 10am 5pm; Fri & Sun

I latii 5pm. (‘afe. Free.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t'ntil .\lon 3| l)ec. A commemoratiye exhibition marking the centenary of the Art Gallery and .\Ittseum. Kelx‘ingroye. The well-loved sandstone building houses one of the fittest ciy ic art collections iii Iiurope. featuring works by Botticelli. Rembrandt. Whistler and the Glasgow Boys and (iirls. and was the \etiue for some of the finest exhibitions seen in Britain including Picasso-Matisse t I946). Van (iogh ( PMS) and Dali's Art In Jewels I l‘)73 4i.

Herzliche Grusse t'ntil Wed 5 Sep. A multimedia exhibition about the (ierman language featuring sounds, pictures and gadgets. music videos. clip from (ierinan films. theatre and TV'. Edwardian Summer t'ntil Sun 2 Sep. To complement the Kely‘itigroy'e (‘entenary exhibition. a display of photographs doctnnenting the l‘)()l International Iixhibitioti which took place at the gallery.


The (‘ross. Kirkintilloch. 578 01-1-1.

Tue Sat l0am--lpm & 2 5pm.

Oil, Ink And Water Sat 4 Aug Sat 22 Sep. A selection of works from the permanent collection featuring Willie Rodger atid Ruth (ireer.


2000 I’tillokslittws Road. 2S7 2550. Mon Thu & Sat 10am » 5pm: Fri ck; Sun llani 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams l‘ntil Stiii 30 Sep. ()yer I00 rarely seen treasures frotn the collection of William Matthew Flinders Petrie. described as the ‘\'ictorian Indiana Jones'. The exhibition includes a look at the origins of the mummyk curse: the idea of alien help in the building of the Pyramids at (ii/a: and Ancient Iigyptian Views of the afterlife.

Daumier In The Burrell Collection A new display of a group of oils and w atercolours by one of Sir William Btirrell’s fayourite artists. Ilonore l)aumier i 1808—1879i.


I'pper (’oltiuhoun Street. Ilelensburgh. Ill-13b (F3000. l)aily l.30pm 5.30pm. New Perceptions: New Directions 2001 l'ntil ()cl 3 I. An exhibition of contemporary furniture. lighting and decoratixe glass from all ox er Britain.

Miegakari: Between Seen And Unseen l‘ntil Wed 31 ()ct. ‘Miegakari' Is the term Used In Japanese garden design to create a suggestixe atmosphere for a landscape. Japanese glass artist Keiko Mukaide atid landscape architecture Tokiko Furuuclii haye collaborated together to create a unique installation of glass. light. sound atid mist for Hill House which explores this concept of miegakari. I’u/‘I of .lu/itm 2110/.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. Ill I)umbreck Road. 353 4773. Daily l0am 5pm. £3.50 (£2.50).

The New Generation Show l'ntil I-‘ri 3| Aug. In association with the (‘ompass (iallery. a selection of the best of this year‘s graduates from the fottr Scottiin art colleges.

HUNTERIAN MUSEUM l'niyersity Avenue. 330 ~122I. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm.

A View Of The Surface l'ntil Sat 4 Aug. Sibylle yon Ilalem‘s project forms part of Scotland's Year of the Artist residency programme iii which the artist carried otit research on the theme of ‘methods of preservation'. The exhibition features sculpture and photographic images. MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT

Kelvin Ilall. l Burnhouse Road. 287 2720. Mon Thu is: Sat l0am-~—5pm: Fri & Sun I lam 5pm.

Fire! L'ntil Mon 3| Dec. The history of firefighting iii the west of Scotland is documented iii this exhibition featuring a I.eyland Firemaster engine gifted to the museum by the Strathclyde Fire Brigade and objects from the past and present.


High Street. 88‘) 3 I 5 l. Tue—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm. Free. Graffiti Art L'ntil Sun I‘) Aug. Art exhibition by local artists Sheila Faber and Duncan Brown with community workshops.

High Street Art Until Sun l9 Aug. Writer and artist [)uncan Brow-n joins forces with Sheila Faber to present his poetry in the fortn of pictures. utilising items like matchboxes labels and barcodes.


Glasgow (ireen. 55-10223. Mon—Thu & Sat l0am—5pm; Fri & Stiii

l lam—5pm.

listings Art

The Man Who Wasn’t There Stiti I2 Aug. Recent chalks atid charcoals by (ilasgow artist Frank .\Ic.\'ab who photographs and makes drawings of the city 's tenement closes. 36 x 36 Heads l'titil Thu 2 Aug. Presented at 30 international locations. a drawing installation by Berlin artist Alexander Schellow.


8'0 (iarsctibe Road. “~10 0000 Mon I‘ill 10am 5pm; Sun2 5pm

Resau Art Nouveau Network l'niti Sun lb Sep. Set up lll I‘M". the Resau .\rt .\'ou\eau network links \artous Iziit‘opean cities rich Ill art iiouxeau heritage together The exhibition presented by the ('Iiarles Rennie Mackintosh Society features banners and panels on each of the cities inyobed including Ilelsitiki. Brussels. Vienna. (ilasgow. Budapest arid Barcelona


2 (‘astle Street. 553 255‘. Mon Thu ix Sat 10am 5pm; Fri ix Stiii I 1am 5pm.

One Planet, One People l'ntil Sun 2l ()ct. An insight into the Baha'i taith. one of the fastest grow tiig world religions with a belief that Baha'ullah. a I‘lth century Iranian nobleman is the messenger of ( iod for humanity.


IIIII Sloliertiss Road. 35" Illii I. l);tll_\ I0am 5pm. £3.50 I £2.‘)5i; accompanied children free.

Glasgow Harbour Art Exhibition l'ntil Tue 7 Aug. Ati exhibition of specially conitiiissioned paintings by Scottish artists including I.in Patullo, Mary Batchelor and Muriel Barclay.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhibition on board the only (‘Iydebuilt sailing ship stiII afloat iii the FR. documenting her adyentures on the hiin seas between 1897 and I‘)l‘).

Story In The Stones il’utnphouse .\lain (iallery). An exhibition looking at the impact of the industrial ages on (ilasgow harbour.

Morse And More tI’umphotise Lower (ialleryi. A hands-on exhibition. aimed at children. looking at the world of communicatitin. You can operate a state- of-the-art optical telegraph Used in the Napoleonic wars. try otit the ftye-ncedle telegraph and crank up World War II tield telephones.


L'niyersity' of Dundee. I3 Perth Road. 01382 345330. Mon Fri 9.30am 8.30pm; Sat 6: Stiii 9.30am 4.30pm.

A Private View t’niil Sat 25 Attg (Lamb (ialleryi. New writing inspired by and including items from the l'niyersity of Dundee Museum collections.

2-9 Aug 2091 THE LIST 35