Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 5%.“)? 4400

Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 987 5:31 1.

Way Ahead: ftfit) 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220-1340

Way Ahead 0141 (€30 8383



I Proud Mary, The Goldenhour illltl Kain King 'l‘ut'x \Viih \Vgih lliit. St Vinccnt Strccl. 33! 537‘). 8.30pm. £5.50 plux hooking l‘cc. Rctro rocking t\\llttl clxc") lil'Ulll Noel (itilltighcr'x Sour \ltixll lzihcl. 'l'hc inonohroucd one joiiicd l’roiid .\l;ii‘_\' on \lélgL‘ ill 'l’ in thc Park in llll ctlort to gct \oinconc intcrmtcd in tlicii' Iiiinpcn cllot'lx.

I Draw, Veda, Versity, Solus and Give Way 'l‘hc ('zithotixc. l'nioii Sti‘cct. 348 (i(i()(i. 7. I 5pm. £3.50 on door. \o tigL‘ l‘C\ll’lL‘ll()ll on this \how Sllti\\L‘il\L‘ of local rock and pop hundx.

I Dustpuppet Nicc’n'Slczi/y Sziiichichiill Strcct. 333 9637. 0pm.

I Bee Gees Tribute (irund ()lc ()pi‘)’. l’uile‘} Road Toll. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 ltlL‘llllk‘l‘\l.


Lift To Expe 20 THE LIST 9 to Aug 20m

I Bad Influence Studio ( )nc. l$}ic\ Road. 34] o5lo with live

I The Vagabonds 'l ht. Spotia. Stockucll Sti'cct. 553 \(fil 5 30pm l'iu' l’ilpllllll' u i\ L'l'\.

I Jam Session Sdlllllt'l l)o\\ \itlixdalc Road. 43 3 liltli. N lllpiii llk'L‘


I Battle Of The Bands Studio 2.1. (Xilton Rodd. 55B 3‘55. ~pin £1 to litind‘x (tillllk‘llllitll iii ;i\\ot‘i.itioii \i. llll l‘Hl'lll “MC and ltuducm'i. \‘illllll'lllt'tl \o ltir tii‘c S.'l'..\l.| .. 'l'hc \\'liitt' Rooiii .ind Stipci't'oolthing.



I The Bluetones and The Calm King: 'l'tit'x \\';ih \Vgih lliit. Si \ intent Strcct. 33l 53"). N 30pm. St )I .l) ( )l "l. llic lll\ltllUll\l_\ lllt'ltltllk' goiiiho li'oiii llttlllhlink i'cltirn to dm‘iplint' lllL‘ll liliic iirni} iii the art ol L‘llll'P} ttincxinithci}.

I Josephine illltl The Gents 'I lit‘ l3th .\'otc ('luh. (‘hdc Strut-l. 313 3|" Hpin. £3..-\iig_'iil;ir indic \iilllltl\.

I Huxley and All The Men \icc'n'Slcan. Stillt'lllt'lldll Strut-t. 3.33 0637. ‘)pm_ i

I Entropy, Joe Crow and Dovetail Joint l'illl'} \llll’l'}\. .\l;i\\\cll Stiu't. 33l (i5l l. 9pm. £1. ingliidiii; cult} to poxl cliih.

I Soul Echo and Colonel Kurtz Slit!“ l‘t'l'l'} l'ilL‘ltl\_ ()\\\.ild Sll’t‘t‘l. 33l 7H7l. 7_3l)piii. £4.

I Across The Border (liuintl ( )lc ()pi‘}. l’;iixlc_\ Road loll. 43‘) 53W». 7.30pm. £3 (£3 iiiciiihcrxi. (\riiiiti') \(lllli(l\.

I Disco Party littltl'ltitll SII'L‘L‘I. (icoi‘gc Sll’ct‘l. .553 “H I. 7pm. til-1,50

\\ itli dinncri. l'L';ittii'iiig: :iii .'\l\li;l trihiitc ilL'l.

I Bronx Sgiiiiiicl l)o\\ \. Nithxdult' Road. 433 (llll7. H.3(lpiii. l’iu‘.



I Kinetic and Doolah King: 'liit'x \\';i|i \Vuh lliit. St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £3.50 liltlHlllCL'l. £4 idoori.

I Delacroix, Soul Trader and Austin Strunhcri‘} liicldx. ()\\\;Iltl Sti'ccl. 33| 737i 7.30pm. £4.

rience play King Tut’s, Glasgow, Tue 14 Aug

I Diana Ross Tribute ltouilwi \ti'ct't.(icoi§_'c \ticct. 55301‘11 "i‘iii lilo 5H \t. ith diiiiicii

I Open Stage Iht- ll.ili lm. \\\N‘tll,tlltl\ Road. 5H3 I53~ 4 Spin l'lk'k' \Vt'ckl} \L‘\\lilll toi likdl lllll\1\'ltlll\

I Fez lllt‘ lldll litil. \\t\ilill.llltl\ Riktil. 5o-1 153” ‘tpiii l'icc

I 4 More Heroes \ltt‘liuillx. High Strut-1.553 3| ‘5 ltlpiii l we Stranglcix tril‘utc

I The Fat Alligators \lgt‘liiiilh \\.i} (hit \\c\t. lich iiih.iti§_'h Slit't't. 55o 5lll.\. ‘l.3ttpiii. l'icc liluw

I ltchycoo Park \iiiiucl l)o\\ '\. \lllhtldlt‘ Road. ~13 3 till)". .\ 30pm l'lt'k' .\lod .ind (illVlthPllt‘il Ul'l}.‘\ and


I Summer Music Day l).l|\lk‘} .\u\ (it'llllk'. NC“ Sllk‘k‘l. 55“ llllll.

noon 5pm. l lL't‘ (lii‘ol l.;iii|.i and Hi}: \t‘rn ‘ii‘ 'I lic Slioot.ih\ .ii'c ;iiiioii;;\t thoxc pci'loriiiin; .il llll\ t-xciii. wt iii lllk' groiiiidx ol lllL' .ll'l\ t‘ciitit‘.

East Kilbriclo

I The Soul Collective l'.;i\l lx‘illmtlt~ .\i‘t\ ( 'L'iilic. ()ld (itlilvll l\)\t;ltl. (ll :55 jollilill, Nplll. i H i. l’l;i_\ lllj; HIIlellttl lllillk‘l'llll :iiid (“\t‘h \\ itli ;i will. lit// and hip hop \ ilu'.


I Sirius, Havana Smoke illlil Sundowns 'l'lic \lt'l't'dl. 2x \M'xl .\l;iitl;iiid Sti‘cct. 335 38o]. ".Flliiiii. £ i. .\ iiii\ ot' llltltL‘ and i'ot'lx v. itli il tout‘li ol .'\|llL'l'lL‘;lll;l li‘oin Stiiidounx.


I Bad Manners Burro“ land. (i;i|lo\\:_';itt'. 553.1olll. “.3llpiii. £13 Pllh liittllxlllf; l-L'C. Ska \L‘lL‘l'ttlh lL‘tl lt} lllk' L‘\L‘l i‘otiiiid liihtci‘ l’iloodwxxcl.

I Katastrophy Wife, Bis illltl Fake l.;id_\ lL‘\l. 'liliL‘ l3tli \olc (‘liilx (lulc Strcct. 343 3|73. 7.30pm. £.\‘ ior (l5 tltl} llCle‘l l. St't' [)I'L‘\ 1C“.

I Pico, Hello Cuca, Cria Cuervos, Lady! Die tllltl Akira lad} lt'\l. lllL‘ lilll \itlL‘ (iilltl'. King: Sti'cct. 553 M33. Ipin. £1 ior £15 dti} liL'le‘l l. SL‘L‘ prm it“.

I Psycho A Go Go,Barbarossa and The Texas Chainstore Masochists lllL‘ l.‘~ih Noit- (Kilt. King; Sti‘cct. 553 1038. Hpiii. £3.

I Deliverance Nicoii'Slca/y Sziut'liichull Slit-ct. 333 UM". 3pm. Mix and Iiw lllll\lL‘ until midnight.

I The Rattlers (irand ()lc ()pr}. l’uixlc) Rotid loll. 43‘) 53W). 7.30pm. £3 i£3 lllL'llll‘L‘l“-l. (‘oiiiiti'_\ hocdoun.

I Kudu Md'htiillx. lligh Sti'cct. 553 3135. lllpin. lircc.

I Andy Gunn 8. The Glass Hammers Studio ( )iic. Bum Rotid. 34l (i5|(\. Upiii. l’i'cc. Bliicx.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘lic Swim. Stockucll Strcct. 553 Host. ~1piii. l’iu'. l-"ortnighth rcxidcnc}.

I Sunday Session t'lxgc limilm. \Voodltindx Road. 50-1 I590. 5pm. l'i‘cc. Bring )t-r oun lll\ll'lllllL‘lll\.

I Live Music 'l‘hc (‘iitlioiixo l'nion Strcct. 343 (moo. 3.45pm. £3.50. ()wr» l-l\ \hou.


I Bangs, Electrelane, Sarah Dougher and Red Hot Secret l.;itl} liL'Nl. ’lillL' l .illt \(llk‘ (illllt. ('l} dL' Sti'cct. 3-13 3l77. ".3tlpiii. £8 on £15 d;i_\ tigltct i. Sec pm icu.

I Lack Of Reason, Proforma, Blue Minkies, Flamingo 50 and Goofball l.:id} l-L‘5l. 'l‘hc l51ll \itlL‘ (ittliLl'. King Slt'L‘L‘l. 5.55 l(i_33. lpltt. £4 (of £ l .5 thl} ticlwt l. SL‘L‘ pin it“.

I Flying Matchstickmen, Lummox and Putabaga 'l‘hc l3lh \UIL‘ (‘illL'K King SII'L‘L‘I. .555 l(i_3H. Spit]. £3.

I Johnny T’s Big City Blues Band Studio ( tiit‘. lino Road. 1-1! “510 “pm

l i\‘\‘

I Acoustic Jam \i..-'::‘\it-.«..»\. \.lll\lll\‘ll.tll \il’x‘t'i. ‘liiiii

\M'ckl} \‘\\li‘lt \iitii lice l‘oo/t‘ To! t‘t'iloiiiit‘ix

I Dean Owens: I Don’t Like Mondays lillllil llik'l. 1.x \\t‘\l \i\\‘i\|‘l“. \tit't'l. Ni" “\"t‘ lllittii llllillllt‘lll lice \lk‘l.lll\lli‘l_\ .itotnlit iiiyhtx l‘l\‘\ltlk' .i


tt'\li\.il .intitlotc. lwioic tht‘ \iiiz't'i

\oiif.'\‘-iitt'i llt'.t\l\ oll on tour


I Lift To Experience, Ben’s Symphonic Orchestra .mtl Lapsus Linguae l\i!i_:‘ lut'x \\.tll \\.ili llill. \l

\ intciit \tit-t'l. .‘.‘| 535" \ illpiii !‘ [‘llh hool.iii;' luv lit-.iidt'd lt’\.!ll\ who li.i\t- .tll .iiiiiii.i| \lxllll .l\ .i lll.t\\i\l lll\'_\ look lllu‘ thy} \hould iil.i_\ l\.itl.i\\ iot'k'ii‘ioll \iitli .ltl\lt'tl .i\lt‘ .‘imw l‘lll tht'ii \i‘llllil l\ iiioit' iii tho \log\\.ii \ciii lit'ii'x \tiiii‘lioiiit ()lt'll\'\ll.l .ll\' lllk' l.llt'\l puiwtoix ot t't‘lct'tit' ( l.llll\ tool .iiid l .tl‘\ll\ l iii;'' .llk' l‘.lll\lllf,‘

I Bratmobile, Angelica, Carol Laula .mtl The Gossip l .itlxit-xi. llit- lilll \ott‘ ( 'liilt. (‘ltdt' \tit't-i. .‘ 1i .‘ l

illPH] {X lt‘l {l3 il.t} lltlxt‘ll \t‘v Plt'\|g'\‘.

I Fran Schoppler, The Lollies, 5 Days Late, Kirby .mtl Gertrude l.id_\lc\t. 'I llk' 1 3iii \t'lk' ( lilo. l‘\lll_‘.‘ \iit't't. 55* lo“ liiiii t. 1 mi 9. l 5 \l.l_\ ll\l\\'ll \Ck' picxim.

I Aether, Double Vision .mtl Sarcassa (iloi_\ link ( ‘iiilt'ix. lit lt'\ Road. 3‘5 (i5! l. N iltpni llk'k'

I Stewart’s Backroom Session lil\j_'\‘ lit'dllld. \\iiittll.tlltl\ l\’i\.til. R(ll lg‘lli \l‘lll. l'lk't‘



I Ether, The Pedestrians .mtl Surround l'\'lllf_"llll'\\\.tll\\.tlllllll.51 \iiit'ciit Stit‘t't. 33l 53"") .\ 3lliiiii £3 5” l;l\l\;lllL't'l. £1 idooi i. l ooil hind tiiplt‘ hill.

I Krank llt‘ l\)t‘\ltl\‘ltl\. lllk' l ill] \l‘lt' (Kitc. King Stit't't. 5.53 Imx Hpiii t? Knink t‘oiitiiiut‘ tht‘ii’ iiioiitli loll}: i’t‘xidt'iit'}.

I Greenville lil\_:.'t' lli'.illi.i. \\tiiiill.iliil\ Riltltl. 5ol 15‘)!» ‘lpiii lim- ('oiintr}/.-\niviit‘.iii.i

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l'lit- ll;ill liar. \Voodl.iiid\ Road. 5(i-l I53" H 3tliiiii l'l'L'L‘. lltt\lk'll l\_\ l’mld} Ix ( iil'l\



I The Avalanches lllk' .'\lk'llt'\.

.'\l'j_‘_\ lc Strut lltllll “33 ll {till 5pm £10 pllh hooking lt't‘ .\ll\ll'.tll.tll t‘ollt't'tiw llit' .-\\;il;iiit'hc\' lll\\‘ltlll\ dchut Mm r l I! it it'll l\ lllt' ;ilhuiii ot thc _\mi \o l.ii hut him illt' the} j._'Hlllj_' to rcplitutt‘ illl thow Mllltple ll\t' .’ 'l llk' hand lllt‘lll\t‘l\t'\ lllM'll lllL'll' Iiw \hou to lllL' \lltllllltiillt‘ hut \‘ltdlllllllf.’ llle'\ ol l);l\k‘lllL‘lll .\ lllll\l \ct' 3w prmn'xx iii lL'\ll\;tl iii;i§_';i/iiic. [Misc H

I Mercury Tilt Switch, Miracle Pills, Skappa Flow .mtl Cayto XlL'L'illISlL'il/'\. Silllk'lllk'lltlll SllL'L'l. iii UM". ‘lpiii. £ ‘50. l'k'l\l_\ lllillt' rock lioiii thix hill.

I Scout, Shrinking Violet itlltl De Rosa Hit 1 ith \otu ( Kilt". King; Stiwt. 553 M38. Hpiii. £35“.

I Fresh Evidence Studio (inc. Hum Road. 3-H (i5lo. ‘lpiii. l'i‘ikc. Roi} (i;ill;ig.'hcr ti‘ihutc hand.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘lic Swim. Stiigltucll $0111.55: Wifi l. X. illplli. l'l'L‘L'. Popular cm crx.

I Jam Session Stiiiiiicl l)ou \, .\'ith\d;ilc Roiid. 43.3 till)". 3. 30pm. l-rt-c. I Battle of the Bands Studio 24. (Hilton Road. 55% 335%. "pin. £4 £6. Anothcr ioiiiid iii the hand\ coiiipctition tuittiriiig 'l'inrolxit. .lllllxiill ili'tiiit‘c and l’othcll}.