Other Events

Ladyfest 'l he I 3th .\otc ( jitc. King Street. 5.53 HHS t\ [he 1 3th \otc ( ‘luh. (‘lydc Street. :13 Zl'" Sun 1: 'luc l-l .\ug. l)cxigiicd to xllH\‘-c.t\c' lhc talciitx ot \yomcn. Ihix IIHllrpltllll cyent includcx I).lx, l);||](l\. \kilthIIHPS. ‘- I\tt.tl .tIl. xpokcn mud and perlorinam c an

Glasgow Mondays


Holistic Healing Group I.( IIII ('cntre. ll l)i\on Sli'cct. III ‘303.

5‘ 3” lllpm. \Vcckly. 'lo Iind out moic .Il‘lllll thix group that iiicctx c\cr_\ .\loii ntght contact -13 3 5053. Performance Group I.( III‘I (‘t-iiiic. ll l)i\on Sticet. III ":03. —. 30pm. \Vcckly. Regular mccttng ol anyone intci‘cxted III theatre and tnuxic xkillx.


Possible Worlds (iI-‘I'. I3 Rim- Street. 5 4: KISS lei—.5 Li‘s

It!) L3.5lli l'ri lll ‘l'hu l(i.-\ug. See 'I hit.

Other Events

Ladyfest 'l'he l3th \otc (ale. King Street. 553 |(i3i\' tk lhc l3th .\'ote ('luh. (‘Iyde Street. 2—13 2|". Sun I: the H .\ttg. Sec Sun.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group I.( III'I‘

(critic. ll l)i\on Street. Ill ".303. lllpin. l‘ree. \Veckly. :\II open meeting

tor young I.( fill up to the age ol 25.

l ilms

Possible Worlds (ill. I: Rim- SII'L‘L'I. .552 HIJN. £375 £1555

1L2 L3.5(li. l't‘i ll) 'l‘hu lti.-\ug. Sec 'l'hu.

Other Events

Ladyfest 'l‘he l3th \ote (Kile. Kill? Street. 553 I038 a the I3th Note (‘Iiilx ('lyde Street. 2—13 2 l 5". Sun I: 'l‘ue l4 .-\ug. See Stiii.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Poets 8. Writers I,( iII‘l‘ (‘c-iiti'e. I I l)i\on Street. Ill 7203, Wed l5 .r\ug. Monthly. ('ontrihutorx. expecially l'olk mitxicianx and audience \xelcoiiie.


Possible Worlds (II-"l. I2 Row Street. 55.3 KISS. £5.55 £4.75

iL'I £3.50). Hi It) ‘l'hu lo .-\u:_‘. See 'l‘hu.

Glasgow Scene Clubs Bennets "ll (ilaxSl-Ut'tl SII‘L‘L‘I. 57M. llpiii 3.30am. L3 Until 95!. (ilaxgou ’x longext running gay cluh open Ii\ e nightx a \\ cck \\ ith xome damn tine dancing \Ved to Sun. 'l‘hu night ix xtudent night. Polo Lounge 84 \\'ilxoii Street. 553 llll. lllpin 3am. L5. l)o\\nxtairx in the Polo ix the place to dance \\ ith cluh nightx Hi to Sun \\ ith lirexh. l.uxh and (airy on l’olo. Cube 34 Queen Street. 320 S000. llpm 3am. (3 if: \\ ith I‘lyeri. l-‘orinerly ktIo\\ n ax Planet l’each thix i‘eyamped cluh holdx gay nightx on Mon and Tire \\ ith Paxxionality and lil'..\'. both ot‘ \yhich play cheexy chart and handhag houxe. 0 Bar I‘ll Ingram Street. 55‘) 684-1. l lpm 3am. £3. 'l'hix ne\\ kid on the thc‘lN Pitt) dixco c‘l;t\xic‘x c‘\ L‘I'\ Tue 01' [hL‘ \\ L‘L‘k. -


Sadie Frosts s It) \Vext George Street. 333 8005. Free. Something t‘oi' eyeryone throughout the \yeek \\ ith DJx (Fri. Sat and Mont. karaoke I'l‘hu and

Suni and gut/lcx i'l tie and \\ ed: lo he a little hit diIIeicnt 'l uc lilcndx the gum and karaoke and comex tip \\ ith gut/like \ihile Stiii ix \MIIIICII only iii the Blue Room.

Delmonicas (iS Virginia Street. 553 ~1Sll5. ‘lpltt. I'ree. l)L‘l\ htt\ .t \\ L‘ck packed Iull oI thingx to keep you ainttxed \yith l).lx on in. Sat. Mon and Inc. a gun on Thu. karaoke on Sun and a gainex night on Wed.

LGBT Centre ll l)i\on Street. Ill all”. l‘I‘L‘c'. lllc' l‘;tt'.c‘.tlc‘ III the l.( ilil not only xcr\cx coIIcex. Iood and drink hut alxo hax karaoke It'oin l'l'l to Sun atid a Iilm night on a .\loii.

Polo Lounge M \thonI Street. 353 l32 l. lllpm lam. l-rec. lantet‘tainment lrom .\lon to 'l‘hu \yith ewrylhmg Irotn laid-hack xoundx and Iiye inuxic Irom loin and Mari at the beginning oI tltc neck to Iunk. dixco and reguextx nearer the \\ L‘L‘kcml.

Revolver ha John Street. .333 3.150. SL30an l'ree. \Veekly. l’opular ne\\ hat u hich hoxtx arcade game and gun nightx on In and 'l'ue and alxo hax a xuperh

iukeho\ uhich ix totally and utterly tree.

Court Bar 0‘) liltlc‘llt'utl] SII'L‘CI. 3403. (x30 lllpm. l’ree. .-\ popular traditional har \\ here _\otI can chill all \\cck apart lrom Sun when there ix karaoke.

Waterloo \Valet'loo .SII'L‘L‘I. 22‘) 53‘) l. ()ne ol ( ilaxgim 'x hext knoxy n gay hat‘x. candle Bar 3” ('Itlltllct'iggx. 504 IZS5. 0pm. l'ree. Recently relurhixhed. thix li\el_\ har hax karaoke on a lite and Roh tk .\la_\ Miller playing Me on a 'l'hu.

Glasgow Groups

Body Positive 3 I’ai-k Quadrant. 333 5lllll. Support and ad\ ice lor thoxe allected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandy lord Place. 31 l (i700. ()llcring a range ol' inl'ormation and xer\ icex to women and xpecilic xet‘\ icex l'ot‘ lexhianx.

Glasgow Lesbian Line I’() Bo\ (iS’ti. (i3 "7H,. 552 3355. (in ing adyice and xupport either on the phone or by S.'\l-'..

Glasgow Women’s Library lot) 'l‘rongate. 552 S345. ()pen 'l‘ue Hi

I (ipm; Sat 2 5pm. .-\ lihrai'y lull oI' \yomeii‘x literature ax \\ ell ax the lexhiaii at'chi\c. 'l‘hix ix alxo the ideal place to lind out about \\ottIctI\ e\entx happening acroxx Scotland.

Phace West 4‘) Bath Street. 332 3838. The main xer\ ice in the \\'ext ol Scotland tor people \\ ho are al't‘ected hy lll\'/.>\ll)S.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandy I'oi-d Place. 231 Stilll. ()pen 'I'ue c& Thu

5 S.3(lpm. Se\ual health ad\ ice and counxelling tor gay men. Strathclyde Lesbian 8: Gay Switchboard [’0 Bo\ 38. (D 2015. 332 S372. ()pen 7 lllpm daily. (‘ont'idential adx ice tor all gay men and lexhitlttx.

Bi-G-Les ('/() Hill]. I l l)i\on Street. Ill 7203. (iroup oI'I'ering helt'iending and xupport nemork tor Iexhianx. hixe\ualx and gay men under the age til ‘i

Edinburgh Scene


C.C. Blooms 3.5 2-1 (it'c‘c‘lhldc Place. 550 033 l. lll.3()ptn 3am thar I‘rom

(‘l‘m I. Free. A bar and club \\ ith a \\ hole hoxt of high catnp and dixco cl;t\\Ic\. The Honeycomb I5 I? NitItIi-x Street. 530 55-10. llpm 3am. LS ILM. li\ery Sun The Honey comh play hoxt to 'laxte. a night of hard houxe and hedonixin \\ ith DJx l-‘ixher & Price and



C.C. Blooms 237 24 (Ii-eenxide Place. 5% L)33 l. lll.3llpm 3am ihar trom

ohm I. l-‘ree. :\ bar and cluh \\ ith a \\ hole

l lzGlSLAllON

listings Gay

‘- ~

Jenny Sages’ portrait of Australia’s high-profile lesbian couple

Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker


German registry offices report a boom trade in gay marriage ceremonies since I August. when their government finally agreed to recognise satire-sex partners. Denmark was the first country to legalise gay marriages in 1985) and since then Iceland, Sweden. Finland. Norway. France and Holland have followed suit Belgium and Portugal are currently trying to introduce such legislation.

Britain is now the largest nation in Europe not to have embraced legalised gay partnerships. So how do we make gay wedding bells ring here? 'II is problematic in Britain because there's not one piece of legislation which would bring about such change] says Ali Jams from the lobbying group. Stonewall Scotland. 'It needs to be tackled at both Westminster and Edinburgh."

Recognition of gay marriages are not on Labour's list of objectives for the coming year. The Liberal Democrat QC Lord Lester is attempting to introduce a civil partnership bill in the House Of Lords which would include samesex couples. Eguality Network and Stonewall Scotland are both petitioning our new i_)arliament to put gay marriages on the 2003 election agenda.

Until then. any time there is a change in the laws relating to the rights of unmarried. long-term partnerships in heiising or health. Stonewall campaigns for

same-sex partners to be included. You don't have I

wait until 2003 to support Stonewall. Go along to its comedy

benefit at Edinburgh's Playhouse on 22 August with Julian Clary. Phil Jupitus and

Rich Hall among others. [John Binnie)

hoxt ol' high camp and dixco claxxicx. Habana (it‘eenxide l’lace. 5.53 l37l). Free.

Frenchies Roxe Street. 225 705 I. l‘t'ee. Formerly Hotxtull. .-\ place to drink and chat or wait until Sun tor the tri\ ia gui/ or Wed tor karaoke \\ ith Titty (ialore.

Blue Moon Cafe I Barony Street. 557 (Ml l. I‘ree. lidinhurgh'x longext running gay cate.

NEXUS (it) Broughton Street. 473 706‘). Thix cat‘e/har ix part of the LOB (wire and \L‘H ex up good t‘ood ax \\ ell ax being a great place to Iind otit \\ hat ix happening.

Planet Out (ireenxide l’lace. 52-1 ()llol. Upm—lam. Free. .-\ \ery tine har \\ ith I)Jx eyery Mon night and Trendy \Vendy oI‘ 'I‘ackno tame doing her xtut't e\er_\ fortnight.

The Gilded Saloon CURg’dlC.

0pm lam. l‘ree. Iiyery Sun the Saloon holdx the damn conyenient pre-cluh xexxion I'or 'l'axte at the Honeycomb.

Edinburgh Groups

Dykes Night Out I’() Bo\ let). IiIII 3|.l'. lnt'ormal get togethei'x and xocial eyeningx tor “omen.

Stonewall Youth Project Pt) Box 40-10. 550 4040. Regular meetingx and xocial eyentx I‘or lexhianx. gay men and hixexualx under the age oi 36.

Gay Men’s Health ()ztxix Drop It] ('entre. l()a L'nion Street. 558 944-1. l‘ree advice and counxelling I'or gay and hi men ax \\ ell ax thoxe questioning their xexuality.

LGBT Police Link I.(}B ('entre. ()0 Broughton Street. Mon 6—7pm. Weekly. (‘all (ill) 5 1 33. (ill) 5 I40 it you xx ant a chat \x ith your community ol'I'icer. Lothian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard 556 4049. 7.30 Alllpiti every day. (Say and lexhian helpline

giy mg all typex of ad\ ice including .xexual health and HIV/AIDS. Lesbian Line 557 ()75l. Mon 5.- Thu 7.3(I—- lllpm. Helpline for all lexhian ixxuex.

Aug 203‘ THE LIST 23