hclnrc midnight; L3attci1 \Vcclsl}. \nrtlicrii soul and lunk grooxcs troiii (icrr} l.o\ c I'lcciiagc l'aiicliihi and ('hi‘is (iL‘tltlL's tl‘lL'llL‘ IV SL'llthllitlt l. l.l\L' ltttlltls appcar on an ad hoc hasis upstairs.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I L Is For Latin at lla\aiia liar. 8pm ltlpin. £4. \Vcckl}. l.atiii dancc s'ltissCs \\ llll .\liclicl. tttltl .‘tll lllL‘ l.;tllll sniiiids )nti could asls lot.

I Club Santiago at lticl.

‘lpiii iiiidiiighl. l'i'cc. \Vcclsl}. l.atino groos cs \sitli .\larccln and .\lanuc|o ('itucntcs.

I The Jengaheads at the l.l\ iiig Ronni. Upiii midnight. l'i‘cc. \Vcclsl}. Mart) ii .lcngahcad is at tlic liclin ol this night. \sliicli slioucascs llt‘\\ i'clcascs. acctalcs and thc lilsc. \Vitli occasional liongo action.

I Fluid at 'l hc I’nlo |.ntiiigc.

ltlpiii lam. l'i'cc. \Vcckl}. l).l \Va}iic l)i\oii iiii\cs tip classic l'unls. soul and disco \\ llll a dash ol' cntitciiipni‘at') husiiicss. and Ihct'c arc liall' pricc cnclslails In iiialsc sui‘c things go \\ itli a s\\ mg.

I Moda at .\lnda. 8pm lam. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Smooth and soull'til Rikll \\ illi l).l .\'iall.

I Russell’s :il Russ’cll's. 3) llpni. l't't‘c. \Vcclsl). l).l Ya“ ltt'itlgs llis \stil'ltl music cstrinagan/a to thc )uppic

I Take A Stand at lllL‘ Stand.

8pm llpiii. L3 \Vcclsl). ()pcn stagc night \shci'c pocti'} pci'l'ormcrs. musicians. cntiicdians atid l).ls arc cncnui'agcd Ioch up and do tlicii' \lllll.


I Back To Life at MAS. llpiii 3am. L'thc. WITH). l).l \accin lauiichcs a ncss' night gcarcd touat‘ds plcasing all sou hip hop and Riki; li‘caks out Ihcrc.

I Basis at Yang. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3I. Paul} I). l).l Limit and .\l(' l’cdro siippl} a lull spcctrum ol' di‘tiiii & bass and

junglc in llic main room. \shilc .\lr

Ht‘nu ii t\'isioii ('t‘css l pi‘o\ idcs a smooth lilciid nl hip hop and rcggac daiicchall through Ilic back.

I Bennet’s at Bciiiici‘s.

l 1.30pm 3am. £3.5lllEl.5(l). \Vcckl}; Sara \\ iIh an tip—li'oiit dancc mix. (la). I Elastik at 'l‘lic l3Ih .\'otc (‘luh llpiii 3am. £3. \Vcckl}; liclcctic is such an ugl} uord. so \sc’ll just sa} Ihc} play good music at lilastik. \s‘tlltttlll hothcriiig Iliciiiscli cs \\ iIh horing old gciirc constraints. This iiicaiis sou'i‘c liahlc ln licai' l.cd /.cp. 'l‘hc lluniaii l.caguc and 'l'ni‘toisc all in Ilic sainc night.

I F.A.B. at Balia/a. llpiii 3am. l’rcc hcl‘ni'c l lpltll [4 (£3) Ill'lcl'. \VL‘L'lsl}; DJ Skud lilciids garagc. R&ll and funky housc. pla} ing to a drcsscd—up ci‘oxs d

\\ lio liclp to iiiakc Iliis oiic ol‘ Ilic husicst midiscck nights in (ilasgtm.

I Joints 8. Jams at (‘uhc.

llpiii 3am. £3 (£3). \Vcckl}. lii Ihc hack room llai‘r} l3 and Brian 'I‘ pi'cscnt Loungin‘. a sclcction of funk} traclss and laid—hack tuiics. \sliilc in thc main room. a rotating rostci' nl l)Js suppl) RxB. hip hop and soul.

Chart & Party

I Media at Mcdia. llpiii 3am. £3. \Vcckl}; A lull-on llamiircd mix from rotational i'csidcnts plus lsaraokc in Room 3. Drinks promos a hniiIis tall drinks L'l hctorc lain).

I Toast at Shack. ltl.3(lpm 3am. £3 (£3l. (‘hccss Iuncs courtcs} of [)1 'l‘oast. \\ itli lashings ot‘ hon/c In hclp \\ ash it do“ n.

I Klass at l)cstiii_\. [0pm 3am. £3 hct’orc l 1pm; £3 al'tci‘. \Vcckl}. l-‘or Ihosc \s ho fancy a part) night out but can’t stand thosc pcsls} lsids cluttcring up thc joint. ()\L‘t‘ 3Ss tilll)‘.

I Souped Up at 'l‘hc (laragc. ltl.3(lpni 3am. £3 (£3). \Vcclsl)’. l)at‘t pop and studciit antics.


I l l l llopc Strcct. 343 (i645 I Air Organic 3o Kcl\ iiigrm c Sti‘ccl. 5(i4 53”.

I Alasksa I42 Hall] l.anc. 24s I??? I Archaos 3.5 ()UL‘CH SII‘L‘L‘I. 3ll-l 3‘ l 3‘). I The Arches Alttllatltl Slt'L‘L‘l tnll Jamaica Sti‘ccti. 33l 4tltll.

I Asylum 7t) ('oss caddcns Road. 333 HOS l.

I Babaza 35 Rnial li\changc Sgiiarc. 304 llllll.

I Bennet’s .s'n (ilussini-Il Slt‘cct. SS2 57(il.

I Bonkers llopc St. 243 3334.

I Brel 3‘) Ashton |.anc. 343 4‘)(i(i.

I Budda l43 SI \inccnt Strcct. 33l 5(i(i(l.

I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 7o ('oiicaddciis Road. 333 tlti8l.

I The Cathouse I5 t'iiion Stt‘ccl. 348 (i(itl(i.

I Cleopatra’s 508 (il‘cttl \Vcsicrii Road. Kcl\ inltt‘idgc. 334 0560.

I Club Budda I43 St Vincciil SI. 33!

22 I 3.

I The Cran tots .'\i'g_\lc Strch 243 (iHS l.

I Cul De Sac Aslllntt l.;tllL‘. .334 sat»).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King SI. 553 0337.

I Firebird I321 Arg} lc Stt‘cct. 334 0504.

I Fury Murry’s 0e .\la\\scll Stt‘cct. 33l (i5l l.

I The Garage 490 Saucliicliall SII‘L‘L‘l. 333 ll2t).

I Glasgow School of Art l()7 RL‘tlll‘L‘\\ Slt‘L‘L‘l. 3.33 ()(i‘) l.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l‘niicrsit} Ax‘cnuc. 33‘) 8(i‘l7.

I Groucho St Judes I‘ll) Bath Sll'L‘L‘l. 353 8800.

I 92 474 Sauchicliall SI thchiiid Ilic (iaragcl. 35.3 3| l l.

I Havana 5t) llopc Slt‘ccl. 348 4466. I Life thascnicnt ot' ('oi‘iiithiaiil. l‘)l lngraiii Strcct. 553 lltll.

I The Lighthouse SI» .\lilchcll Slt‘L‘L‘l. 33l (i363.

I The Living Room 5 Itscis Road. 33‘) 85] l.

I MAS 3‘) Royal lixcliangc Squarc. 33l 7080.

I Moda 58 Virginia Stt'cct. 553 3553 I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Saucliicliall Sll‘L‘L‘l. .333 9637.

I O’Henry’s l)rury Strcct. 348 375 l. I Planet Peach 34 QllCL‘ll Stt‘cct. 226 80‘)“.

I Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Sti'cct. 553 l33l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 33 l'iichi'siI)‘ (iardciis. 33‘)

0784. I Reds. 375 Sauchichall Strcct. 33l l(i_35. I Riverside Club lies Stl‘ccl. SN) 7387.

I Rocksy’s Basement 4() .\'c\s Sncddnii Sli‘cct. l’aislc)‘. 553 57‘”.

I The Shack l‘)3 Pitt St. 332 7522. . Soba ll .\litchcl| SII‘CL‘I l.tlllL‘. 3ll4 3404.

I Spy Bar Bath Strch 221 77l l.

I Strawberry Fields 5(i ()s\\;lltl SlI'L‘L‘l. 33l 737 l.

I The Studio. I084 South St. Scotstnun. 4tll I75”.

I Tchai-Ovna 43 ()Iagn l.aiic. 357 4524. I 13th Note 200 (‘l_\dc Strcct. 243 3l77.

I Trash 107 Pitt Strccl. 573 3373.

I The Tunnel 8’4 Mitclicll Strcct. 204 loot).

I Variety Bar 4(ll Saucliicliall Strcct. 332 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms Suucliicliull SIrCL‘l. 5.33 0755.

I The Woodside Social Club 329 .\'oth \Vnodsidc Road. .337 l(i43.

I Yang 33 Quccn Strcct. 348 8484.

INS l.:sL..i AT lUN

MIEGAKARI: BETWEEN SEEN AND UNSEEN The Hill House, Helensburgh. until 31 Oct 00

Gardens are especially evocative places, and historie gardens in the height of summer are even more so. How (:liariiiiiig, then. In take a day tin to Helenshiirgh to see Japanese glass artist Keikn lVlllllséKlt? and landscape atelii teet lokikn Furuuehi's eollahorative installation in the gaiden of Charles Rennie

Maekiiitnsh's Hill House.

A few paths and tlowerheds have been filled Wllll white gravel, and polished metal branches hold up water-tilled glohes. A few tiny coloured mirrors planted in the rose hed east impudent hrighl shapes into the tranquil interior of the di‘awuig room. Further down the lawn. strands of fishing tWine have heen threaded With crystal heads. Sprinklers spray this somewhat leehle structure iii an attempt to ‘extend the garden to the sea and the unearthly world heyoiid'.

Unfortunately. Mackintosh's elegant 1902 design proves too overwhelming a lOIl tor the whiniSIcal interventions ot the Japanese dun. Although the exhibition aspires to he an intriguing display of Visible and inVIsihle matter. the various light. glass, sound and mist works tail to make any discernible impact.

(Sarah Lowndes)

Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


l(i4 Woodlands Road. 333 0038.

Mon liri lllaiii 5pm; Sat

ltlani l3.3()pni.

Mixed Exhibition l'iitil l'i‘i 3l Aug. A sclcctinn nl‘ paintings h_\' Scottisli artists including John Bathgatc. l)a\sn Mchil and ll). llciidcrson.


353 Arg} lc Strcct. ()‘)()l 033 0300. |)ail} ltlaiii midnight.

Lomo Scotland l'ntil l‘ri 3| Atig. l.il'c in and around thc cit)‘ is captui'cd Ilirougli thc lciis of a Rtissiaii loiiio canicra h} loiiiograplicrs In ing is itliiii a l()(l inilc i'aditis of thc Archcs. Scc lliIlist.


l‘) l’arnic Strcct. 553 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

New Beginnings t'iiiil 'l'uc 28 Atig. A sclcctinn of paintings and ccramics h} sonic of thc hest Itcu' graduates from the Scottiin art collcgcs t'caturiiig Rchccca Applch)‘. Kat Blocle and Rchccca laiulding.

The Summer Show l'iiiil luv 28 Atig. A suinnici' cxhihitioii ol paintings by nut and rcgular gallcr) cshihitors l‘caturing l’ctcr Scott 'l'udhopc. Scott Wallscr and Wilson Mitchcll.

Ruth Mae l'ntil 'l‘uc 38 Aug. Hand--

lllt‘llcd llat‘tluood howls.


l85a Bath Slrcct. 333 383i). 'l‘uc Sal ltlam 5.3tlpiii.

Mixed Show l’ntil l‘ri 3l Aug. A iiiixcd show ol' paintings and applicd arts including \sorks h} Donald Maclcod. l)crc|s' Boyd. liuan Macgrcgor and (iracnic Sharp, plus staincd glass, jcwcllcr). ccramics and sculpturc.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 l3l_\‘tlis\sood Strcct. 333 4037.

Mon l‘ri 9.30am 5.3(lpiii1Sat

ltlain lpm.

Small Pictures t'iiiil l-‘ri 3t Atig. ()\ cr 300 small \sorks h}- gallcr) artists. Encounter t'niil l-‘ri 3| Aug. Rccciii paintings by ('hcrylcnc D) cr. laii Bo) cc and Ruth Brounlcc.

Focus - Contemporary Applied Arts l'ntil l-'ri 3l Aug. (ilass h_\' lngc Panccls and ccrainics by John Williams. limin Mycrs. Jacqui Rainrayka and (iahriclla ('ascniorc.

Focus - Contemporary Jewellery l'ntil Fri 3| Aug. qucllcr)’ by Jaiict lliiiclit'tc .‘\lc('utchcoii and Kat/.ic llughcs.

U- “) Aug 200'! THE LIST 29