I saw you Classified

For your I Saw You to be included on these pages, you must supply your full name and address with your advert.


V I Saw You and you said you were tlte King? Please let me he your ()ueen. Daley hole l’rom the l’agcraina. .\ Box No. l' 420 2‘)

V I saw you Slirekt‘aee. star- ing longineg at Bert and lirnie yyhile l pretended to sleep next to you. Why does Beaker yy'hei'e glasscs'.’ Box No. 1'43030

V I saw you ladies a. h and c. super stereo sounds are til please play my layotirites the only way that yoti can? Sec y‘ouse oti sun- days? Box No. 1' 43” 3|

V I saw you in Rah lla's. sun- day 20th July. The l-ixponians were in my head htit you xx ere in my heart. Meet me this .stinday. for more .... ..3 Box No. l' 420 32 V I Saw You tt'ying to lly across hellgroy c street. You went in to the hookies. I know you sayy me .... .. your age \y lll ney'er deter you will it'.’ Box .\'o. l' 420 33

V I Saw You taking drugs. Signed Your iiiuin.lio\ .\'o.

l' 420 34

V I Saw You lady Ii. What’s with the headed tee shirt look'.".".’ l’ernando hasn't ey en t'inishcd. Box .\'o. l' 420 35

V I Saw You kip. stop hang- ing round those factories. had tor the soul . . . Box .\'o. 143030

46 THE LIST 2-9 August 2001

V I Saw You shoes. you still haye my nicers. lets meet tip at laurel park and swap them hack. low you doll. Box No. l' 420 3" V I Saw You taking the gin and leay ing the juice. Doll in a glass house. heen iii the gatnc for years. She's a 'I‘Rl 'li ().(i.. \yith her own sound a sharp shooter. RAIL Box .\'o. l' 420 38

V I Saw You hugerguggins. in rah's grooy in to the sounds ol‘ toots. nash & cash. see you next sunday. satne time. same place ok‘.’ Box No. l. 430 3‘)

V I Saw You l saw you eyety stinday at Rah lla's. playing the hest (\llS steel hand pop l'\ e ey er heard. Nothing can compare to your golden hands. Box No.

l. 4:0 40


V I Saw You my little prince. 'l'ame me any day hahy loy c you? Box No. [11304]

V I Saw You (iohhy at the l’ilmhouse. loye your opera- tional tnoyes tancy setting my reels in motion oy er a pint ot~ Satan .-\rtois. Box .\'o. l' 420 ~13 V I Saw You at the trayerse har cafe. From the land ol‘hroyy'n sugar. begins with (in) dangerous eyes. I loye you! Box .\'o.

l’ 420 43

V I Saw You my little mer- maid at the tray erse you went “llip tlip flip" and I “cut “flop flop llop". Make my aerial syy'ing tonight. I loye you? Box .\'o.

l' 420 4-1

V I Saw You my luscious (ilasgoyy Boys although neycr tor long enough. (iottc (hut

ncy er lorgotteni are the happy. drunken long liar l)ays looking loryyard to spending some time \y ith you oy er the l’estiyal. Hugs and Kisses than your secret l'dmhurgh .\dmirer \‘y‘\. Ho\ NH. [-420 ~15

V I Saw You short arsc hlack hatred min\ (1 Royal Mile Starhucks l‘ll make your latte yet) hot and \ cry yy ct any - time hahy. Box \o. l' 42” 4!» V I Saw You ltey liahe. l'll ncycr lorget seeing you at the ('ity ('all’. Sitting in that hooth. lights dimmed. such a co/y

cny ironment. Your sparkling per— sonality and deep hlue ey cs had me spellhotmd. l'll ne\er t'orget you. 1 should hay e got your phone nutnher. 'l'hanks tor a \yonderl‘ul moment. I thtnk l loy e .Votil James Box No. l' 420-1" V I Saw You in Morningside when you yy ere 43 and soiled and changed you to \y ell oiled. What you talkin' hotit'.’ Box .\'o. 1' 420 48

V I Saw You l’rankie. at ()l 'l’. You: the girl with the curls and the shoes..\le: l think you knoyy. l.unch soon'.’ Box No. l' 4le 53 V I Saw You llaymarket Station. delayed train to Kirkcaldy. \o seats lor No. You lialyyearie hoy. me shy. Saye me a seat on the next train? Box No. l. 420 4‘)

V I Saw You Sunday 20th July at Dundee railway station. The train doors yy ere locked. when they opened I said about time you said alter you We sat tyyo royy s apart You .shon hroyyn hair. clean shay en. grey

t shirt. hlackieans. .\le dark hair. clean shay en. white shirt. nay y jeans. Was it just me or

\y ere we trying to catch each oth- ers eyes htit yy ithottt heing ohy i- otis I hope so. I got oll at llaymarket hut you “cut on to \Yziyerly. .\layhe l was wrong hope not. Please get in touch as it cotild he the start ot~ something good 3 Box No. 15-13050

V I Saw You Darren l'rom l.iy ingston \yith your friend [an and my friend

l.i//y in the queue tor chips on [,othiaii Road at llogmanay. let me knoyy it' you rememher l.ucy. BOX \0. [1120.“

V I Saw You Smiley girl in red car from the bored htis guy on ('ommercial St....( iiye me a toot?! Box No. [313053

V I Saw You \yamed out octagonal guy spinning round on the trayerse floor you can spin my \yindmilll Box No. l' 420 53

V I saw you win win: lili’t'lw ‘ii’i'l t’l’tii’ntjt .llu'hi ()IH (ti \ rm .' i;qu / /‘It1\( mi! ‘.'i",”‘,"t it" r/umxrie trivia: \I’Il It ."\ "1((1' (We'd!!! “Ht \t'l ~1/(’-\

V I saw you in 1):. mm [It’llH \."( “TI/3'; ( ti I'\ It (Hit I tutti \uu ( NIL/if L'( I \41141' [Mirth nu / um Kirk/ix: \i'tl It! I’u/ix \t/It it / ii 1/! {i H \mi own thing on . Ita’ It‘lt u/ittiH, .lt.'\ li’ut \u (NJ/U "U

V I saw you iii-mung l1tl\\[t1i In. um/ I/Ii'II / mu to” (rerun, \ll/l \Iui/H/ie tutt/ \Lt'lt /i mg. l)[(/ \I’Il \i't' rm 'Ii'ot \n [Fl/(l .\'I)

How to

V I saw you \t \\ [inking (1H :i.‘ fix. "a “"1. Inks/rt [sonny raw. rurkflm .‘r: '( ,‘..~;»' v: I’vstrt ( s \.I( r.’

[trini'si' 3/: ll i nth." .‘rkt kn. w. ‘u ijf. Ii: ‘.'.t.'\ \t'.'( \t'. [it-g “it”; 5' \t‘.’( ninth." .'.'st {4' \H 1/14; ."‘\ mt :-...'\ li'ut \it( »o'/‘/ \i”

V I saw you ( 'tziaaftu'u l’:y.t.‘ (iliit ' 1" li’i‘lig'lffi"? \Ut ( f It'll Intuit on t; inn i't.’ iii/f H in I.‘ / Htl\ [tilt li’lt \t'Il’ (\t \, ’z't \.' {Hm I'H do {in I ,t u. it may} ma." map/i \\I.'(/’ Ii'itt \u/ »o"/‘/ \‘ V I saw you l’uu I m». \I’il it! lend/3t; Hit/u \i‘llilt

\( ('11 mt (nu. min/n in H mm {Nix/I Hut: (Hi Nifty/{ill \i‘! 'J/(/\"


V I Saw You liona. \l.iic. ( athertne and the test t't at l ttc ('ollcgc' I'm \cry .tltye and \\ell. am you lot'” (ICI in touch \\lllt (iayin l’l)()' lio\ \o l ~l.‘.|l 5-1

place a

By post box: Fill tn the tree postcards available ti: )l'l tht; tolltw-Jtitt; venues: l-lluo. City ()alo. [ H1. l llf'ilt()tl.‘;i‘t. Iquatta. lravorsti. lltt; Venue. Stills; fialltt; ll flt'tl)tll(]lll. ()l Blacktiiars. Brol, (Jul tit: Sat” til I. lionlur'»; Cato. lintlorliox. lltt: “OH

H }|.i:.(yz-.'Ji.

By e-mail: You (,illl roach us; at .uttxitiy <I'li',t.<,o.uk l’ltfit‘i’; '~-‘,Itt)t)l‘~," a postal attain-u, tun using; t; mail.

l. =1 .i';/ r‘izittt

By fax: l lli ttrtttt; form and tax it to “ml/Sf on

By post: l Ii in lth l()t’ttl and post tt to: Hit) List l Isa): You. t". High Street. [Edinburgh Hit 1 ll; oi i/rt: / ls}. I Saw You. C(JA (5ij Saucltiehall

5t.” :et. Glusgo C12 JJD

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Only one I SAW YOU per person per issue will be pubfished.