PAIN IN THE BRASS Re: Brass Eye hysteria

l/1,""lj )(11r‘l "’f‘flr’Il '//'V t‘ {, )I It/'llt. I;

T' e cornrnent', r,‘ rt’'l't‘etit r'*n'ster lithe-re, llugrwmnr:llama-1s loin,

‘. Ila/gnu r‘appi, can'ferr‘ne': ,im: pr’xtr‘ar' 'r‘e. .‘.'tw,l‘ “rt/:ldl, ()txll'l(>{,'ljfll(:ll‘f,11;1t'{:fillll(;llt Cl rmedcphrlm. .'.'hrle adr'wttln'; that she hadn't seen llE‘: prograrr‘n‘e_ nr. .r .'.'anted At, a parent of tin; ,rrunr; gnu/iren. l don't need to tell ,or: W; re.ulsron at (:hrld sex ahuse. hut l arr also "brute/l h‘, the prurrent rr‘erlra hptena the ssue and the :nsanrt‘, of the .rgrlantrsrr‘ against suspected paedophrles :‘rhrch we ha‘.e seen it: recent trrrtes, the makers of Brass [ye should he congratulated on a superh piece of satrre.

l or the moment. goyernrr‘enl rrirnrsters frnd rt comfortahle to rurrip on the so‘called 'rrtoral rrralorrty' handwagon of nex'rspaper’s such as [he [)ar/y Mari. In the longer term, lro\\./er'. they Will he rememhered as people of srrnrlar short srghtedness to those who expressed moral outrage at Jonathan Smft's classrc satrre A I.;/7(){j(}f{[ Proposal. ‘.'.rhrch suggested that Irrsh parents eat therr ,oung to prevent them hecorrung an economic hurden on the state. Of course satrre rs corltroyersral. rt would not he effectwe otherwrse.

Mark Brown yra emar/


Re: Brasseye hysteria

So, [)ayrd Blunkett Joins the chorus of disapproval of the Br; ss {Eye Special. Like most of the usual suspects cornplarnrng. he clearly hasn't even seen rt. How Chrrs Morris ‘.'./ou|d adore thrs irony.

Stan King

y/a e -ma//

MORRIS’ MINORS Re: Brass Eye hysteria llard on the heels of Glasgow licensing hoards ahsurd musrc censorship proposals comes the rnewtahle outcry pr'oyeked hx, Chris Morrrs‘ latest act of media terrorism. Increased TV censorship now looms large. ls the UK destined to hecome a cosy. consensual fluffy place populated exclusrxely hy grrnnrng huffoons fashroned rn the rmage of our present PM? long lrye surrealist pranksters like Morris who hold a mirror up to the unpleasant yrsage of media hypocrisy and the yarn. :nane, han<lwagon—rumr)rng. crttrnous ‘celehrrtres' and polrtrcrans who infest the



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fearrrg.1a.‘. amt-W; s’r‘wt. a: rtauhtl :ss (Lortsr'ieratfie Ewan McNaught


Re: Reader’s letters

It's a saro fact. hut when readers pick up pens or put fingers to kethards to write rnto [he/1st. of an; other puhlrcatron for that rr‘atter, they almost innarrahiy '.'.'hrnge. Your letters colurr‘n last ssue contained six mrssryes. Over half then“ ‘.'.'ere .yhrnges: don't like Holly‘sxood frlrrts. don't like the gay section. don't lll\r’r your phone system rrwrsrr; don't lrke horror rr‘oyres.

A fifth was a '.'./r‘rter‘s response to yet another ‘.'.'rngrng letter. Only one piece of cor'responrlence regarding the Legalise Cannahrs De no rn Glasgox'; had anything posrtrxe to say [hut strll criticised the goyernn‘entr.

Doesn't anyone out there naye anything l)()f§ll|‘.’(?. or even original to say? | realrse. of course and rn anticipation of a whinging response. thrs letter rs also a whrnge. John Weekend

vra e marl


Re: Robbie: saint or sinner? (issue 419) You people need to think laterally. Don't you realise that Rohhre Williams rs hoth saint and sinner. profound and ephemeral.

React, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE or React, The List, McLellan Galleries, 270 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3EH w e-mail


I" . 1 11 1' v\ H '. " \ty . y i t 0n ‘\v 1" y y i It ' y r." (1 f. ' I o I i t‘r’ \{ ‘T' i .‘ l'. 1 ‘1 ' ;-: 1.»' W ' .' " ;', t: ‘f v~ w r '- ' 1 r" v Il‘. Kl} . l‘.' ' '. l' 1 l' ,n PHIL“ ' '\\1 '11. . v 0" ' y 1.0:. v r ' ‘t'Hr'lll‘. : a . a‘ to v 1'". t / :rfla‘ w "t ~" \t rxa 1.' "1".

centre of .:u' na‘. “ta: ps.

line ortl. sh mu: 3; that .t as {st-int: a this and “.r ‘t. sa.. Jesus Un'rst. r\.‘:' lyla'x o' Mark lhon‘as. Emily Watt


Re: The List Festival party

Thanks to the tean‘ for ,our hosrwtalrf, last nrght. llaxrng heen relatmel. snher and seeing the pertorrr‘ers rr, lllz' anat'rrrtrtall, correct for at least as; trratmnali rv rfl'. suits. Ina/as thinking h; ck to the part. r't tnv- old ‘l‘rayerse rn the Grassrrzarktt '. is there really someone there running amend in the altogether or was rt do‘-.'.'n to lights. rrtrrr' ,r$;_ (:unnrng costurnrers and optrmrstrr heel goggles’.’

Brian Loudon

wa e mar/


Re: Insider (418)

Isn't rt terrrhle that those nast, people at the Assemth Roorrts. ()rlded Balloon and Pleasance chose to rrp off one of Ahacus' covers to lllf:|l serres of Christopher Brookmyre noyels for then hrochure. When you'd gone and done rt ages hefore thr-rrn. Tim Abrahams

vra email

Doing it for the kids: Chris Morris

Vegas, Renfrew Ferry. Glasgow




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