

Tilda Swinton gets all protective in The Deep End

Greater Glasgow llealth hoard ‘5; running a campaign and questionnaire to find out the needs of lesbian. gay and hisexual youths. If you know of any gay young people who would like to take part in the survey. tell them to get in touch with Sue at 01:11 83:34 or at wwwshowscot.nhs.ukggpctzsurvey surveyhtm. The findings of the survey will help the heath hoard redesign and create new services for the young folk.

Alison Hennigan in her fascinating. comprehensive study, The [.eshran Pillow Book writes about the importance of hooks in providing young lesbians With positive role models. Books. she 'Irgues. help you to understand your past and go on with your future.

Stories set in your own home town have special resonance. and two recent Scottish novels. Jackie Kay's Trumpet and Christopher Whyte's The Gay [)ecameron have used the Scottish landscape to telling effect. Glasgow's Rose Street in the 50:; is part of the setting for Trumpet. while Edinburgh's New Town is the backdrop to a gay dinner party in Whyte's work. Both writers Will he speaking at the f-Qdinhurgh Book Festival on 16 and 21 August respectively.

Look out for a special one—off screening of The Deep End at Glasgow's GTT. Direct from the Edinhurgh Film l5(>stival, it stars Tilda Swinton Derek Jarman's muse ~ as a mother who will do anything to protect her gay son. Ah. what gay children have to put up with. (John Binnie)

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