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-‘:s RICH AND DENSE....YOU'LL WALK his cryogenic free/e tank. This truly subversive Samira .\Iakhinalbaf\ Black/manly. border AWAY STUFFED animated film takes pot shots at fairytale crossing otit of financial necessity (looking for AN D HAPPY NY mass .9 ¢ _ nivthology'. while singling out t'ncle Wall's pttpils in B/(ick/nmi'rlv; smuggling goods here) beloved Snow ll'hi'te. (Tilt/('IY'HU. l’inn chin. et carries risks beyond rotiin terrain and weather al. l'nder the guise of a quest to rescue a so appalling even the horses in (iliobadi‘s film princess from a dragon undertaken by the have to take a drop of spirits. There are also a A SUREF' RE WI NN ERHHTHE MOST CAN M h eponymous green ogre (which kids will love). mines from the Iran/Iraq war to worry about SAVOURY MOVIE SINCE ,LIKE WATER J v." V Shrek also ruthlessly pillages corporate Disney. as tvvere-year-old Ayoub tries to earn enough FOR CHOCOLATE. AN D JULIANNA .rst‘t‘titt .: s satirising its theme parks atid executives. And money to pay for his handicapped brother’s , , MERceo'Es tun-4t who‘s behind all this'.’ Producer Jeffrey operation. (ihobatli may have said of his film BABETTE S FEAST LA TIMES KYRA Mao-3.1.x Katzenberg of Disnev rival studio that ‘the screenplay is completely constructed AND l)reamWoiks. also formerly head of. yep. and structured'. but clearly we're talking a ALFRE .v'oootazo

Disnev. (ieneral release. construction closer to document than cori-

Spy Kids (H O... (Robert Rodriguel. I'S. 200l ) Antonio Banderas. Alan Cumming. (‘arla (iugino. 87 mins. Like any young children. (‘armen and Juli ('ortel. harbour hopes of madcap adventure. bitt unlike most children their apparently normal parents are top international super-spies. When they're kidnapped as part of a dastardly plot to destroy the world. cooked tip by kooky mastermind I‘egan l'loop t('umming). it falls to the children to save the world. Rife with fantasy. special-effects wizardry and high-octane thrills. Spy Kids is particularly enjoyable because it's the children and not the adults that ultimately save the day. Selected release.

The Story Of The Late Chrysanthemums ( tZi oooo (Kenji .‘vlizoguehi. Japan. 1939) 142 mins. ()ne ofthe earliest works in the Miloguchi season. it's also one of the most accessible. given that the director‘s formal style is to some extent brightened by the story‘s sentimentality. .A young Kabuki actor is persuaded by a maid to try harder at the art which has made his family

trivance. See review. (il’l‘. (ilasgow'; I‘ilmhouse. lidinburgh.

Together 1 I5) oooo (Lukas Moodysson. Sweden. 2000) Lisa I.indgren. (itistaf llaminarsten. Sam Kessel. l0o mins. Set in the mid-70s. Moodyssott’s follow-tip to the

highly -rated Show Me Love gives a gentle. comic dig iii the ribs to the hippy ideal. When lilisabeth (Lindgrent and her children take refuge from a violent husband with her placid brother (ioran tllammarsten) at his commune. named 'l‘ogether. their lifestyles are not the only ones that end up being reassessed. lmportantly. the film eschews both nostalgia for the period and mockery of it. despite the retro soundtrack (Abba. naturally) and embarrassing contemporary clothing. (‘ameo. lidinburgh.

0 Tina Or Three Things I Know About Her ( Its't ooooo (Jean-late (iodard. France. 19(th Marina \"Iady. Anny I)uperey. Roger Montsoret. 05 mins. (iodard made his film in the inid-ot)s. when the idea of a young woman prostituting herself for the

WHAT r: r a:

From the director of 'BHAJI ON THE BEACH' A Film by CURINDER CHADHA O O S .

" H V ' ' v; “1' " W ) 1 s t). ‘o s i ' l's 10s; bl ‘s 'ttttl tri is - ». 'tlt an". .“iii stir. turmtlmvtmmirtflntmmwt’ lilfitl‘l i'-I {rent vttit, w in. Linloux Ivht.” .LnSlIlPE I“ “r. Ix “01.. l]()“L\Lr‘ u dLn] Ind . t k n [mg ( 1. I L. I . tut ' Iltl ill". 'It‘l'il'nll l‘nltlll tIITll’Ii llllif“ ‘il IXI'WIF’HIIIITI 1‘ WW "It'll?" : in .1 It? I’t'i'f . it his father s liking. lhe Lumiere. Izdinburgh. abroad still had an air of irony. It s as readilv w "h" {it'll} H I. ,lt'pi' 7‘? EHWiIi r W ti Ix W 2 .i ,‘ ' ' v-wwtt. .1“ 't‘ Hint a: “I itt‘iil..'.. ‘Ir:.l1" i. .r~t.. - Swordfish t ISI O. tl)ominic Sena. an aesthetic concert as much as the reality G W L . .. at r. mm 2

LS. 3001 ) John 'I'ravolta. Hugh Jackman. you'll find today. where the pavements of Halle Berry. 09 mins. Opening with at even the most salubrious Parisian areas are magnificent explosion which occurs during a littered by numerous young hunliuu' hookers. batik robbery and FBI siege. Swordfish But what (iodard's film offers isn't so much flashes back iii time to tell us how matters an out-dated irrelevance. or meaninglessness




came to a terminal head. (‘riminal mastermind (iabriel Shear (Travolta) hires top computer hacker Stanley Jobson tJackmani to help him steal billions of dollars from the Drug linforcement Agency's money'- laundering scheme. Berry plays Shear’s partner (linger. a role that naturally calls for her to remove her bikini top in a laughably gratuitous scene. I'ltimately. just another big. brassy and pointless ‘actioner' from Hollywood mogul Joel Silver and hired—hand director Sena. (ieneral release.

0 Tears or The Black Tiger (Fa Talai Jone) I m 0000 ivy'isii Sasanatieng. Taiwan. 2001 I Stella Malticchi. (‘hartehai Ngamsan. I000 mins. This gorgeous ‘Thai western' cleverly parodies John Ford and Sergio Leone. while drawing on Thai melodramas from the 50s and (Ms. The pac- ing. however. is as dynamic as a John Woo bullet ballet. Likewise. the story evokes Thai cinema's past. but blends the traditional tale of Rumpoey and I)um‘s impossible love tlier father's the local governor; I)um‘s alter ego is Black Tiger. top gunman of the bandit chief. l‘ai) with tnodern cynicism and existential angst. Iixuberant. camp and thoroughly. won- derfully bizarre. The resurgence of Thai cine- ma stans here. See review. (il'T. (ilasgow; (‘aineo. lidinburgh.

Thrill Ride (PU! (lien Stassett. I'S. letll )A mix of computer graphics and live action. providing a scientific. btit fun look at the history of rides. from their early origins in

17th century Rtissia to today ‘s ride simulators. IMAX Theatre. (ilasgow.

The Tigger Movie it'i oooo (Jun lialkenstein. ITS. 2000i 77 mins. ldetitieal iii many ways to 1977‘s The Many .rldwnnu'es ()/ Winnie The Pooh. this new yarn based on A.A. Milne's characters finds Pooh. Piglet, 'l‘igger et al still living a charmed life of tea parties and afternoon naps. Only this time. the wee stripy fella's decided being one of a kind isn't quite as cool as he'd first thought and so a literal quest for the Tigger Family Tree ensues. A happy ending eventually makes its presence felt. because even Tigger is smart enough to recognise that with friends like Pooh. Piglet. Roo and lieyore. who needs family 1’ l'(i(' ('inemas. (ilasgow; l‘(i(‘ Cinemas. lidinburgh. 0 A Time For Drunken Horses tt’tti O... (Bahman (ihobadi. Iran. 2000i 80 mins. ln (ihobadi's remarkable film. as in

tthough it has no plot to speak oft. btit instead a profound tentativeness towards meaning itself. See review. l‘ilmhouse. lidinburgh.

Very Annie Mary I lSi oooo (Sara Sugarmait. 200l. I’Ki Rachel (iriffiths. Jonathon Pryce. loan (iruffudd. 10-1 mins. Annie .‘vlary ((iriffithsi is the unlucky daughter of mean bully (Pry cet. Annie's father keeps her as his house slave. denying her the chance to grow tip. It is Annie's awkward journey to freedom and to reclaiming her singing voice that prov ides the poignant. romantic story for this film. The story exists in a strange world that is part Welsh Valley s—realist and part kooky fairytale. Real depth of character and emotion are reached here. the performances are subtle and warm. and the central character is a real distinctive one-off. MacRobert Arts (‘entre. Stirling.

What’s Cooking t IXI DO. t(iurinder ('hadlia. I’S. 300l tAlfte Woodard. Mercedes Ruehl. Joan (‘hen. 109 mins. Thanksgiv ing has long been dreary dramatic fodder for American filmmakers but Asian-Tingliin director (‘hadha (Ii/iuji' ()n The Bt'tlt'lll gives the subject a much-needed kick up the backside with her outsider's perspective oti the secular festival. The multicultural issues explored in (‘hadha‘s debut feature are also in evidence iii this warm comedy drama. which focuses on four ethnically disparate I.os Arigeles families. (‘hadha and co-writer (and spousei Patil May‘eda Berges shift fluidly from one mouth- watering dinner table to another. mixing the political and personal in a way reminiscent of John Sayles. See review. liilmhouse. lidinburgh.

What’s The Worst That Could Happen? I ll) O tSam Weisman. l'S. 300i t .‘vlartin rence. Danny l)e\”ito, (ilenne lleadly. ()7 mins. Lawrence plays Kevin. a thief who is given a ring by new girlfriend. l’nfortunately. on his next burglary. he is caught by devious millionaire .\la\ tl)e\"itoi. who pilfers Kevin's ring. claiming to the police that it is his. The rest of the film concerns Kevin's would-be madcap attempts to take revenge and retrieve his jewellery. Weisinan's comedy is a mess. Lawrence gives ati indulgent performance. the plot is uncoordinated and the supporting cast are either underused or ov er-the-top. See review. (ieneral release.


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