News, gossip and opinion

The campus-based centre is T F shutting down for a year

GIG ON THE GREEN Music Eminem, Marilyn Manson. Travis and Strokes are here to entertain you. See rock listings. page 29. Glasgow Green.



Music Edwin Starr And The Team lead the Northern SOul revival. See feature. page 10.

I B<’N‘r‘<>wland. Glasgow.

Centre promises improved programme. \'u"or<l::: Anna Millar 'TAHNENfizlglANDO

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1. ' ,1. f . s;<: up. iL:‘:'."-'r\:‘r‘;‘: a'i : 1W: ::"-iti;l."~:;-.':'5; and tan‘ilfi, TV The creative pa; Of ,-: "- -- -. :' ;-'." 1".“ 2: . EST. :2" eat}; --‘.i:r‘t.;. "Wiring; in: e.-:;~r popular Chris Moms amd Steve -.: .-A 2: . r' ': '1' 1.: ' i- " t,:"'.’ 1'. ii ".<,l,~<:t}.' ft‘at. 53"ltf;'."‘£i:l ‘.'.i|l he rehouseo in Coogan brmgs US eight " 1" " -- " v- ' ~ r :t. .” g 53'. " "g; .' ‘12-;- rt a ;:<>$;~t'o" to '.."-Z: .S'Wtr‘ [\r‘. (‘iailer‘y ior n‘ore shows of paper paranoia . . '.' -- -:- " :' " ' i' " " U. if :iri Chm“ 7"}; '1‘ "1"- Te 'e<:e‘.ei<)r>rr‘ent. (“Ki fearful fun. see ';'.i ' ' -- . , ' i 1 i -’~:i‘.'.;‘i. l..’f'r'ri,~ t:;.i""<r ;::>r' name-é; ;T if?a€§~1{‘>,'t{3f). featur0_ page 6. 'r':i""r‘:;'i ir‘ f'i-x- t'iri-at'r: C/mnno/ 4'

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': ' '~ '."i"r,-f;:c e: 'girtf e -::r~ one In at h :; i’mftlt'f'liii mm ‘SB next summer Spaghetti. SOC “mew. - .- a -- -- - ' pageM.GFT

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t t ‘1‘“ ~' i - m>r>2 :' |\ Min i : .. ‘. ' . . ,. o. t ,v i' t' in: j,r l’. /\:;(>l l ititaneizeég er: (:onterr‘r)or‘ar‘,’danee. We T; (AU/Oh“ ES,“ I S ,. )) Il’ m/ ,‘l 3-, " ’0. -'- ,'-:-A~' r-x- ?)r;r,t~’:"‘:;-;'. 1'”. ":':-::':‘a .'.i=t were :0 int: a‘.'.a't a 'zan‘e :thar‘iélii-x‘xrth halted ( "m 1‘1; go (0 /~ . v . r }\.’ 3w. ' 2;) )1 . r 2 v .; i i. i v . :r- . xi < K mm W

Coming quite soon . . .

.. {17:1{l'{tfti> 2:? (it..'.ri-:;:;f1a.':rt or l,€"(lit: “Nexl'x‘ t” Sapporo and Willie Nelson

5:! '. ' Jackie iivl <r< ,.'."‘i ll‘r: l ’i"-')yilfllf~ \.'.-:ss;t l nil Symphony some legendary Chan ha» iii-e" ‘.'.'i'irl:nri ESTair . . . .i."i l on inroiigr'wai? the Orchestra. tighter country tunes; . . . r f "I: ':-.~/' '7'”. Kenneth Branagh UK at l\-;-':. l llt‘ and <:|a:;:;i(:al tastes; are Finally. Scottish :’ 2' .v" {Jigoiirx f; to (lll(:<il a m. E'nit: inextr- t<7 he a catered for by the comedy venue The Lee Evans ":i {i’i- .'."iiz'lr (my, tritixitr: lr‘ ‘;1l{1('r?flii . . Three Irish Tenors Stand l8 planning to (if " l u flit,- (‘f)'l‘li’; tat-ante «ii i :liniiiirgi'i'g tlmher llall ".'.'llll(} <::a:;s;i<:al l()(il\’ expand south of the "'2'" ' I r' 'r; ";»i‘. an" Morecambe and tars: (lll'i’.‘li.“.(‘(-(l its; r:r<>t;:;o\.er hand Bond border. Clut) director 0:: ri- 7 gr.“ r-r’ T.l(l€:‘« Wise. I’r'a‘, ‘,'./!‘ra_'/ t'Tllli "Ll"ll‘:glf1(?(tfi()ll()l open the new :;(:at;()n. Tommy Sheppard. '_' -’,~ 1' r';i'iI/;'rit-':H:1,t. " .'.r:€t(:-n lt,‘ llit: -::».r:-r‘t:;. l'.'.'<> 'naler il:;(:-‘.'.'here. David It; lookan to move Into 'i' 1" -®- tin a Hail: 8m: Zl‘rultrs: :mmax é‘ilifttt‘titltlf; l :;s;ex. l’rroi Brown England. Comedy Q '7“? r': '-r,-x', .war. «:Wrary'f; 533-; n l <>I(,-. (ru- hurt lining in. and the Bootleg (:hain Jongleurt; IS set . m' '. i vi'rnsi M'l iill. \ltra-H‘h-wr: Malmo Beatles; l)l()\.‘l(t(} the to open a rival r’n :' ;: ~ r ifx , r .i‘. tita- l 1.2.4:» \! Symphony prop“. Daniel Glasgow venue this;

'- .' :' " ‘.:' 'f ‘1 :.'l’ '1- i‘t" Orchestra an“: The O’Donnell |l|t§lt folk autumn.

Ken, Eric and Ernie