1 saw you Classified

I saw you


V I saw you taeiturn hermit ehth eating glunil_\ 111 Hoi‘tlei'x. letx get together and _1ouean1e111111_1 1111'1ol.llo\ Not-12113

V I saw you 11111111111111 Ztlllllin\le1'el1ant(‘1t§.l ha1e heard \11 mueh ahout _\ott & it \

all true 111111'e;1\1111l. l 111 xure

lean pleaxe 11 in \o inan_\ \\a‘nl ll11\ .\o. l. ~13] H

V I saw you 111111-11 1111111 .\lotla in in} hetlroom. lx there \oinething )1111111‘1‘ not telling 111e‘.".’ \Youltl lo\ e to kno11. ’1o\ .\o. l‘ JZI l5

V I saw you .\tatit-w l'aleon 111 the ehipp} 111

Sham lilllth l1l ltl\ to \haie .1 \attxage \upper1111h _1ou. Knoek 3 time\ on the eeilmg ll 11 want me llo\ .\o. l‘ lll lo V I saw you 'l'in l‘mx \e\} \i\e11el1iek prev111111‘hoxo1n againxt 111} hair} neek an} tla17 [.111 )11hahe\\.l’.S.(1o11lon. ll11\ \ol rill la

V I saw you 111‘o\ 11.111191 ll gimp thing. llroun or pink' \\l1attlo_1outhmk' .\l_\ ehatn\ 1'1'eatl_\ ;1111l\\.aiting, llo\ .\o. l‘ ~l2l IN

V I saw you .11 1111- 1111111 lounge. \\e l\l\\k'tl. l en|o_\etl \11 mueh. But glatl 11e \t.1\e1l trientlx and took it no lurther. .v\l;111.-\1111;tt‘e\peetal.ll11\ \11, l' lll l‘)

V I see you e\er_\1la_\ u \\hitne} lo\ing. S.\ \kinu) \teak 111tii1ehei‘ot a 1lrain;11\ '1lanee" \lllle'lll. lll 11111111111111 nertlx 1k hunnertlx ne\t } ear \11 make \ure 11 return to 1111 ample l111\11111\111111..\ll111} lo1e l'.n1. ll11\ .\11. l' ‘lll 3“

V I saw you \\\ eel l1l11111le 3:11} 111 Namext i \111111111;:;111* me 111} 1';11‘1ll1;11'k'll|\\l\'

YUl ‘. .\la_\he \ee _1o11 \111111'lllltL‘

‘.\l11'11}1111;11‘1‘111 hehintl f._'l11\\ .\. l1o\ \11. 171.3! 31


V I saw you 11111111 11111111 girl. hi‘a1 mg the ltttt\t‘ at l rail

ot l)eatl. l 11a\ unprexxetl h} the

\trength ol 111111'1';11\.l\\a\t|1e gu_\ \ltitltl ne\t 11111111111

lit'\l. antl 11.;1x e111 ei’etl 111 glam at end. l'ane} 111ee11ng llo\ \'o. l' ill .73

V We saw you. \1111 Righ} e\e1‘_\ 1la_\ 111 out little ahotle.|1ut alax 11 ill not 1111' mueh lHtthk't'i l)ont loi‘get 11x 111 l'.ll:_'lillltli l)1\ t\' l hateh 1\' (i111111\. l’111\ \11. l lll .‘i

62 THE LIST 711/1111; 118111170111

V I saw you 11:-151111.1-1-11 hairetl in haker} on liaster Roatlthen _\ou 11ent to the hank 111aehine antl L‘\L'£I|)L‘tl on a no.l hux‘.’..\le tall \hainhling

1111\lt;1\ etl hlontlixh hloke ‘l'rexh' t'roin l).l.Y..1natle to look at llat\ l'ot‘ \ale PI'L‘lAL‘I'I'Ctl to look at )oti..\11_1 ehanee of another eltttlte‘L‘ [11 \ee )tilt'.’ lit“ \11.

l‘ 421 24

V I saw you. 111- 111C! 1111 l'it‘ttla} .it‘tl \\ L‘ lt';t\L‘llL‘tl together. We talked of gartlenx. our \\ork. the \ea antl t'aeex. You had _\Uur ‘eartlie'. \\‘oultl 1‘eall_\ like to we )11t1 again. (lo on make an e\hihtlton 111-111111 \L‘ll'. pleaxel ll11\ N11.l'43l :5 V I saw you 111111 tlte hig retl e_\e\. Yoti 11 ere \ookitt mm} at )11111‘ lit'ollt} eollee. l’leaxe lea\e .\111lre11 l) and he mine. I \1 ant 11111 linima. Big \iek. Bo\ .\‘11. 1-1:: 1.1

V I saw you trumpet man. 11 it me _\our looking t'or'.’ 'l'he inareliing \ottg 11 ill he \\ ith me 1'111'e1er. ()()l- ()()l-’1elepl1ant noixei llo\ .\‘o.l'-13: H

V I saw you lx’aehel 111111 the Samha Slapperx ('latl in lartan .\lini Sk11‘t\.\e;11'111g all the l111_\\ at 111111 hen night. .\la} _\our 111ai'1'iage he a\ perleet ax 11111 are.\\itl1l.o\etroi11\lotl1er Superior 1k tlte llitehex. Ho\ \o. l. 1132 lfi

V I saw you ttiuietl} 1 at the llongo('l11hon the l31h.Short land I 111 no eolo\\u\1. eute. hlontle girl 11itl1 11111 trientlx. llope1u|l_\ l'u1\\|1o_\oui1nag me I am. I hope \11. llo\ .\o.

l' ill lo

V I saw you. Suntla) llth \ttguxt at the l’ixeal tkl'irkin 111 _\11111' 11 lltl patterned \parkl} ieanx antl hlaek top. You ha\e long hlontle11a1_\ hair and a g111'ge1111\ \1nile.You ‘11 ere realh digging the mtixie. expeeiall} ‘lligh \oltage’11hilxt1'l1eeking otil _\otir mohile. l \\.1\ \itting hehintl _1ou 1hlaek \ltll'l. \lttit‘l dark hair. \Itlttll heartl. thinking 11111111111. like great 111111. I ga/etl into 111111 tleep «lark e_\e\ a eou ple ot lllttk'\. Ix one ol thoxe |'|11_‘_'\ an engagement ring'.’ It not. eoultl I he the git} hexitle 11111 inxteatl ol at on the eiitl ol the phone.‘ l€11\ .\11, l' ll.) 1”

V I saw you 11111111113; 111 1111- \lal .\laixou. .\le.p;1\\ing through \\ ith 1n} hantl. Yoti \er_\ eute girl 111 hlaek \uit. .\l) matex told me to go tor it hut l \1a\ \h_\. .l\\ get in toueh‘.’ Ho\ .\o. l' 433 IN

V I saw you. 11111 11.111 11111 e}e\.\o1ne hair.ael1111.\}111me tr_\.ai11l l k11o11 that 111111' loek ol 1121\ttl hair \\a\ tleliherate .0 \\Ul'tl\ lL‘I'l. Ytittt'\. l'l\t‘. llo\ \11.l'»123l‘)

V I saw you \lttttttittg hahe ol' l’oppT \Yith )11111‘ harehaek i‘itlert \hirt antl inane ol hair 1ou eoultl tame the he\1 111 me? let me hit} _\1111 a gin martini‘.’ l3(1\ \11. l. ~12: 3“

V I saw you. \a\\ me. am the Supernaturalx. You.l1ootin‘ ll 1111 the tltttteelltiiil'. Ytttl hetter .\lllllL‘. 1’1“ l lane} _\1111 lllilkl\i ll11\ N11131:: ll

V I saw you liaquar .lapanexe tea eereinon}.1lark haired girl. \lL‘llllll. tne three quarter trouxerx antl \antlalx. lane} a euppa'.’ Bo\ \o.

l" 433 33

V I saw you ;11 the e111 eate looking all eute like a hig hear. ll11\ \11. I ll: 3,:

V I saw you. \1-11 111-11a

looking totall_\ e\eellent. .\ll the

\\a} 111‘1111\\;1}.ll11\ .\o.

1' ~12.” ll

V I saw you trotting through the (‘it'\ (';1te\tahle\,\\ill11111 pull in} trap pon) g11'l'.’l§o\ .\o. l' -l_‘_‘ 35

V I saw you 111.11111111 111 the \ault\. _\1111 new \inging along to the mug ol a man

\\ ith one e}e trom the haek 11111. ll11\ \o, l~ ~13: 311

V I saw you 111 1111- "11:111-1111 Bar l5 \e\} 111a long gre) \kirt .11111 a hlaek top. You 11ere 1n_\ Sl: ll11\ .\o. l. -l.‘._‘ 3"

V I saw you 111- 11111111111: toruartl to 111111' Sl'. (il' \ I111\ \11. l‘ ll: IN

V I saw you gorgeoux l-reneh girl "I the ti';11ei\el1o\

\ug HI lookmg \er)

ol'liee. Straight hlontle hair 1K lll\1‘ltttl\ 1‘III'\C\.;I\'\‘L‘III;t\ l1e11ite|11ng ;1\ 1111111" heautilul \niile eome pla_\ \\ ith me. llo\ .\'11,l' ll: 3‘)

V I saw you tl11'o111ng graxx at me. Your Ll tip matle 1n_\ night.e\e11 tl11111g|1111111111l1 ga\e ttte hall a polo. Some 1la} l‘ll tintl that purple hah} tor _\ou 111111‘;111\\;1\1111 .1r111\ 1111}tinie..\lrl.1u_1 \\\ l§11\ .\o. 13132311

V I saw you inerethhl} eute harman in lllue llar lookiu' eool 11111111111111 on a l'1itla} night \\ith a lo1el1 heartl. Ho\ .\o.

1‘ .13: .11 '

V I saw you 111 'l'ra1erxe har. Stutl hueket in \uetle l111ot\.;1111l Real l‘11111l\l1111eltltt1\.\ii\;tl;1\ \egax.l‘ore1e1'tltill 1111111111 111111111\pt'1111ge\ \\\ l’1o\ .\‘11.

l’ JD 33

V I saw you 11111-1 pea 111111 helle. _1ou 111 hlaek glit/_\ 1111111 her. me 111 goo!) gear. long h\ e lloegarrtlen 1k theatre keep llltHC 111e\ pattilmll l’111\ \11.

l’ 11.73 33

V I saw you 111 the kitehen. You ate the laxt hixeuit. You kno11 11ho 11111 are? 'l‘ainon? llti\ \11. l- .Yl

V I saw you 111111141 1111111. \hopptng lor truit itiiee in .loitlan\alley'l'all\\itl11our hlue hag antl \11 Ctll\ll top. )1111 ehoxe grapelruit. l ehoxe orange. \\’;1111 to make a eoek tail'.’ llo\ .\o. l' 1123 ‘5

V I saw you 111111;; 111 11-111 \al nianga. .\le tall girl 11ho |tl\l mantetl to 1lanee. You loath ol \L‘ll eonlitlenee. Stilt} \\ C tlitlttl talk or 11l1ate1 e1. \Yixh 11 e hatl. ll l’1o\ .\o. l' -l_‘,3 V1

.‘.11\ '. 21'111111'11‘ :1131‘11::;:‘1W1llt\1\' ;1.1\:r'1.

By post box: 1’311 111 11111 11w pt‘isittrares‘. 211:1111111111 (1.1111 £7111 ’11111‘111'111\1111.113::: 1'111111.’1711\-'1?11111, lltt, .- :11'11‘.1:‘-11.21111.111.t. 21.111171111. lho\'11nuo,81111:; 11.1%11'1 \:11'11:‘11'11‘11‘.1‘t Htaektriais. 11111.17‘11111'11

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Tintlertiox. the tron

By e—mail: \11t.e.111 111.1111 11:1;11

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11:23. 111911 1181111111 :11:111.

11.11"11.11111‘ tax it to 1',‘1¢:.'::f on

By post: ‘1 {no 1117111 .11111 post .1 to: Me I .‘S.’ 3:1.111\.o.... 14:11.11131'1111'1. 1111111111111111111 HF.

1: "11.185 1 $1.111 You. 171‘r\ 3:11 C'iittlttltinlktll 5:111:11. 11111513011 e1111‘

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