Music rock & pop listings

I Ro al i l -i4Ii.C.I':",' A 144' . - Museum I Tev=:3i'.'xr:0‘13‘t. 247 4219 . Frill/"3.82.244

. I . Se rlzawa Master of Japanese textile design 11 August - 4 November 2001

Admission £3/£1.50 Children 12 and underfree NMS Members free Museum Pass holders free

Organised by Tohoku Fukusbl University Serlzawa Kelsuke Art and Craft Museum and the National Museums of Scotland

so THE LIST 6. sat. m; :wi

City, Date

I The Cobramatics 'l‘he Seotizi. Stoekyy'ell Street. 552 8681. 4pm. I-‘ree. Fortnightly residency".

I Sunday Session t'isge Beatha. Woodlands Road. 564 l5‘)6. 5pm. Free.

I Live MUSiC The (Hilltotlse. I'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.45pm. £3.50. ()yer- l-ls.


I The Maximum Who The Venue.

l7 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £7. See Sat 8.



I Entombed, Crowbar and 2Ton Predator King 'I'ut‘s Walt \\'ah Ilut. St Vineent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £8 pllh hooking lee. ('harming death tnetal litte- tip.

I The Magic Blues Surfers Studio One. By'rex Road. 34| 65 I6. ‘)pm. Free. I Acoustic Jam .\'iee ‘n' Slea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. Weekly session with lree hoo/e lor perlorinerx.



I Sizer Barker, Skelter and The Daze King 'I‘ut‘s Walt Walt IIut. St \‘ineent Street. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 plux hooking lee. ('hirpy indie pop lrom Si/er Barker.

I Bouncing Souls, Bombshell and Mouthwash 'I‘he (‘athouse. I'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £8.50 plus hooking lee. ()yer- I4x. .-\n extrayagan/a ol punk pop Iunaey lrom thexe ('8 import»

I Kim Cascone and Brian Lavelle The 13th .\'ote (Kile. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £4. A (‘onsuined night ol experimental sounds.

I Rutabaga, Surefire and Wise Monkeys (ilory' Box. (’urlerx. Byt'e\ Road. 338 65] I. 8.30pm. I‘ree.

I Backroom Session t’ixge Beatha. Woodlandx Road. 564 I5‘)6. 8pm. I‘ree.


I Regular Slinky and Fineday King Tut's \Vah \Vah Hill. St Vincent Street. 22] 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50 tadyaneel. £4 ltloot‘l.

I Kid 606 and Gold Chains The 13th .\'ote (‘Iuh. (‘Iyde Street. 243 2177. ‘)pm. £6. See pi'ey'ieyt lor more on the mental eleetroniea til Kid 606.

I Life Without Buildings, Sputniks Down and My Style The Residentx. The I3th .\'ote ('ale. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £4. An aeoustie set lrom this month's Rexidentx plux guextx. I Greenville l'lsge Beatha. \Vtititllitlltls Road. 564 I5‘)6. ‘)pm. Free. Amerieana/eountry.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. ‘)pin. l-‘ree. Hosted by" l’;ltltly'\ (iit'ls.


I The Sempiternal Hoon and Little Amber Bongo ('luh. I4 .\'e\y Street. 558 7604. ‘)pm. £3. I'I-‘() present a mi\ ol look and iii/.1. lrom The Moon. roek \oundx from little :\inher all haeked up hy I)J Jun.



0Roots Manuva 'l‘he .'\I'L‘llL‘\. Argyle Street. l)‘)(ll (I22 0300. Split. £9 (£3). The titan horn Rodney IIy Iton Smith ix the an - iotir ol Britiin hip-hop it the hype is to he heIiey'ed. (heck out hix next alhum Run ('umr' Stii't' .llt' lor the e\ idenee ol thix.See preyieyy.

I John Otway and Hugh Reed & The Velvet Underpants 'l’he (‘athouxe. l'nion Street. 248 6606. 8pm. £8 pltlx hooking lee. ()yer- l4x. .'\reh \tory‘teller John ()tyyay eontex armed \\ ith guitar and illlL‘t‘tlttlL‘\.

I Tribute To Nothing, Monkey Boy, Brutal Goose and This Girl King 'I'ut‘x Walt \Vah Iltit. St \‘ineent Street. 221 527‘). 8pm. £6 plux hooking lee. ()yer- I4» I.oek_ia\\ reeordx night. .xhoyyeasing a numher ol hardcore punk aetx \\ ith thtitn/xingle releaxex pending. I Zemzeluc, Narcosis and Los Destructos The 13th Note (kite. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £3.

I Tungsten Crust .\‘iee 'n'SIea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm.

I Independence Studio One. By l‘e\ Road. 342 6516. ‘)pm. Free.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘he Seotia. Stoekyy ell Street. .552 868 l. 9pm. l't‘ee. l’opular eoy'erx.

I Jam Session Samuel l)()\\ \. .\'ith\dale Road. 423 0I07. 8.30pm. I‘ree.


I Pete Wylie Bridge ('entre. l’oldrate. 0| 3| 665 2240. 8pm. £6. lleartlelt roek lroni the hunter lronttnan ol'I‘he Mighty \\'.-\IIY and meinher ol l.i\erpool ltlthlt‘ttl ntayeriek triumt irate \\ ith Julian (‘ope and Ian Md’ulloeh. l’art ol the [hairline/on .IIIMIt‘ l't’.\lll’(l/.



QThe Kingsbury Manx and Howie Beck Nice ‘n’ SIea/y. Sauehieliall Street. 333 ‘)637. See prey ieyy.

I Medium 21, Mama Rag and Julia 13 King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lltlt. St \ineent Street. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 [)lll\ hooking lee.

I Bangtwister and The Thanes ‘l‘he I3th .\'ote (’ale. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £3. Retro garage roeking douhIe hill. I The Dana Dixon Band The l’erry. ('lyde Place. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £5 tadyaneei. £6 tdoori. Blue»

I Terrain, Lifeform 281 and Foley l'tiry' .\Iurry\. .\Ia.\\y ell Street. 22I 65I I. ‘)pm. £4. including entry to poxt-gig eltth. I Cooler atid Same Old Story Stt'aytherry l‘ieldx. ()\\\;tltl Street. 22I 787I. 7.30pm. £4.

I Patsy Cline Tribute (ii-anti ()Ie ()pry. l’aixley Road To”. 42‘) 53‘)6. 7.30pm. £3 t£2 memherxi.

I Abba Disco Party Bout-hon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 0l4 I. "put. £5 (£14.50 \\ ith dinnerl. Ii‘eaturing an .’\hha trihute act. I The Duvets Samuel l)o\t 'x. Xitltxtlale Road. 423 0H),". 8.30pm. I‘t'ee.

I IN4XS Ilamilton'l'oyynIlall.016‘)8

452 2‘)‘). £6.50 t £5 I.


I John Otway with Richard Holgarth and Mike Cullen And The Big Waves Bridge ('entre. l’oldrate.

0| 3| 665 2240. 8pm. £6. The man hehind the hit ‘IIey Bahy 'I'hat'x Really I‘ree' play\ a eoneert helore the releaxe ol neyt material to eoineide \y ith lllx 50th hit'thday it] 2002. Part ol the [hairline/nit .lluyit' I‘t'Ulltll.



I Kevin Montgomery, Dean Owens and AI Perkins King 'I‘tttk \Vah \Vah lltit. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £‘) [)lth hooking lee. (’ottntry hill. ineluding ()\\L‘ll\. \oealixt \\ ith Iidinhttrgh'x I-‘elxonx.

I Tequila Mockingbird and Dave Boni 'I‘Ite l3lll \ote (’luh. (‘lytle Street. 243 2177. 8pm. £4 t£3i. .'\ll)tlllt Iauneh party lor 'l'equila Moekinghird.

I The Radio Sweethearts and Kevin Key the 13th .\'ote (Kite. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £2.50. Yet more eountry rocking lroin .\'ote regularx the

S“ eetheartx.

I Simon Breed & The Birthmarks .\'iee ‘n' Slea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm.

I The Sweet And Tender Hooligans l.e\el x. Stl'atllelytle l‘niyerxity I'nion. £6. 'l'hix mueh lauded .-\iiieriean Smithx eoy er hand make their Seottixh dehut \\ itlt \upport I'rom Smith\ D] .\Iorri\-ee tl kid you will