Theatre listings

r Losing Alec

A lanarkshirc ghost story by Peter Arnott


(Iumbemauld Theatre Thurs () - Sat 8 September. Thurs lS - Sat 20 October

7.45pm 55/5 01230 T32SST

Dumfries Theatre Royal Tuesday 25 September 7.30pm 1.7/3 01387 2477.80

(midsteeple into shop)

.\lotherwell Theatre \Ved 20 September 7.30pm 55/050 010‘)S 207515

Dundee Rep Theatre .\lon 10 &' Tues 11 September 7.43pm tirst 200111011135); then mon/tue £10/S eone 1.005/405

01382 223530

Carnegie Hall \Ved 12 September 7.30pm £7 titestyle 1.5/3 01305 514000

The Byre Theatre of St Andrews .1111!“ 2.— - Sat 2‘) September 8.00pm £10/7.50 01331475000

(Iitizens Theatre '1t1es2 - Sat 0()e1ober 7.30pm 1.10/3 01114200022

Palace Theatre, Kilmarnoek Thursday 13 September 7.30pm

I. 1;.“1/0110

0130‘» 333300

lifi‘Crcenoek Arts (Luild Theatre

1‘iriday H September

Paisley Arts (Ientre iltiesdayl) -11.1111i\(1;1.\' 11 ()etobet‘ 7.30pm —.5l1|)111 £73 5-1/3 . 50 01475723038 0H] SS. 1010 l"a1kirk'lbwn “all

1"riday 12 October

Knightswood (Iommtmity Centre, (ilas‘gow ’l'uesclay 18 September 7.30pm £2/l 0141 287 9840

7.30pm 5.0/4/3 01324 500830

Howden l’ark (Ientre .\londay 22 \’ 'ltiesday 23 ()etober “.30pin LS)";


Barmulloeh Community (Ientre, Glasgow \Vednesday 19 Séptember 7.30pm

5-2/1 1.. Box omit-(n+1 2837,9840 The Village Theatre, Brunton Theatre I'Iast Killnide h Thurs 20 - Sat 22 Septett‘lbcr 7.30pm 7.30pm i y _, £8.51)/-l.§0 5.8/5 “2.17: 0131 005 2240 01355 24300‘)

'1‘hursday 25 - Saturday 2—()e1ober



A ; _ theatre " k y A.

62 THE LIST 0 Sep 20 Sop 2001

Maureen Beatty in Medea at the Citizens’ Theatre


New Street. 887 1010. Ill. W(‘. WA] Don’t Forget Me Fri 7 Sep. 7.30pm. £3. Starying Artists 'l'heatre (‘ompany reyiye their witty tale of a Hollywood producer hankering alter his ltit‘lilCt' power. who embarks on a journey through tinseltown with a handsome yotmg wannabe.

Our Bad Magnet Hi 14 Sep. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). Douglas Maxwell’s aeelaimed play ahotit growing tip in small-town Scotland. in whieh tour men at a reunion are haunted by events past.

Chasing Angels Tue 18 Sep. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). A young girl dreaming ot' tame and fortune lies to her t'riends and family to keep up her showbiz taeade. but a ehanee meeting with pop ieon Jtistin Angel eould change everything . . . See preyiew.


121 Rentield Street. 332 1840. 11’. W(‘. WA]

Mourning Mrs Brown t'ntil Sun 30 Sep (not Mon). 7.30pm. £10 £15. Brendan ()'(‘arro11 lirllows tip his huge success with Mrs HI'UH'II 's [.1131 Her/(ling with the seeond in his proposed trilogy of ‘Brow ns' plays. This time around. Maminy's planning a t‘uneral only trouble is. nobody“s dead yet.


03'1‘rotigitte. 552 4207.

Ay, Carmela! l'ntil Sat 8 Sep. 8pm. £7.50 £10 (£4 £5.50). A new tinglish translation of this Spanish elassie in whieh two eabaret artists try and saye their skins by pert'orming t'or l-‘raneo’s troops,

Chasing Angels 'l'hu l3/l"ri (-1 Sep. 2pm 8; 8pm. £5 (£3). See l’aisley Arts (‘entre.

Edinburgh Drama


1.adywell Way. Musselburgh. 005 2240. ll’. 11. '11. W(‘. WA]

Don’t Forget Me Sat 8 Sep. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£4.50). See (ilasgow. Paisley Arts ('entre.

Our Bad Magnet Tue l I Sep. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£4.50). See (ilasgow. l’aisley Arts (‘entre.

Come On Feel The Noise! Thu 20 Sep Sat 0 Oct. 7.30pm. £0.50

(£1 £4.50). Brunton Theatre (‘ompany reliye the sensational sounds oi the 70s in this new mlisieal eomedy. See preyiew.


l3 2‘) Nieolson Street. 52‘) 0000. Ill. W(‘. WA]

The Pirates of Penzance Sat 8’ Sep. 7.30pm. £10 £25 (£5 £20). Waverley ('are Trust take a fresh look at the (iilbert & Sulliyan t‘ayourite. drawing together a 200-strong ehorus and a east ot' quality soloists for one major eharity pert'ormanee. llaying met tor the first time 24 hours earlier. the eompany will attempt to put on a show under the eye o1 one ot Seotland's most charming conductors. (‘hristophel' Bell.


IS 22 (il'L‘L‘nsitlL‘ l’laee. (18711 0003424. 111. W('. WA]

Mr Men & Little Misses Sun to Sep. 2pm. See Kids listings.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindtay Street. 248 4848. ]1’. 11.151. W('. WA]

Glengarry Glen Ross Hi 7 Sep Sat () ()et (not Sun/Mon). 7.45pm (2.30pm mat Sat 15 and Wed 1‘) Sep). £7 £17.50 (£5 £13). liree preyiew Fri 7 Sep. Kenny Ireland direets 1)ayid Mamet's paint‘ully astute look at the eut—throat world ot‘ real estate. Willi leads at a premium. a group of tailing (‘hieago salesman attempt to keep their jobs in the lace o1 tresh new eompetilion. See prey iew.


('ambridge Street. 228 1404. 11’. 11. Tl. W(‘. WA]

Rehearsal Room 5 1'11 14 Sep Sat 15 Sep. 7.30pm. £2 £3. Stellar ()uiues presents a rehearsed reading of 1171. reeently released as a tilm. starring limma ‘l'liompson on 1-‘riday. and a workshop tor a new play by Julie Adams tilled Sweet I'iumy .“(IUIIH on Saturday.

Edinburgh Dance


Ladyw e11 Way. .\ltisselburgh, 005 2240. 11’. ll. 11‘. W('. WA]

Who We Are! Where We’re At! Wed 12 Sep. 7.30pm. £5 (£31. A showease trom l'.;tst 1.othian Youth l)anee.