Motherfunk continues to be the most popular Tuesday night club in creation and following the recent move to The Honeycomb. it's bigger and better than ever. Here's the fresh funk 45 Four Play from one half of the Motherfunk duo. Euan Fryer.

The Soul Command: ‘Hook ‘n’ Sling’ (Soul Fire) A famed v instrumental UN: "2 “w; r i ~ l_(l(ll(} Bo track. 5:? fantastic (ll'tl"t t "t:"~ft"~ "w? James; Black sartig, (l“- r- l‘- '1'

r;.' )y\ l\., fit. \ '{~,

Jaqueline Jones: ‘One Monkey Can’t Stop The Show‘ (8GP) Jacqueline .Jorw: “2 a. it" 1' " tempo gt’()<)‘.’(i-r t" t " message ‘or the <:

"Rx -. ii '_ " "".~"‘

The Highlighters: ‘The Funky 16 Corners/Poppin’ Popcorn‘ (Stones Throw) A Motown :"L fa\./()tt.":te. 'pfitttfl'“ liotzt ttllCOVC‘t'Otl try [11'th (Pitt i't" t i JOltlttltt us; on Hit". :x‘ (M tf‘t‘W tit-w Funky 1(3 (loom-H” .i trw' " apt- ClétSStC funk T'ltt‘rs "1 a‘ 2‘ P 't. to get l)etort> to». new -.i-

The Soul Destroyers: ‘Blow Your Top’ (Stark Reality) A i a Iv; from the UK. li‘t: f‘w. have got that ".i‘k i perfect. the". “rave Mt" ' "Ht (Mo Waxr tint:-'-.t,-'. it ., .: drumming and I)" ‘iw' no.7 "iv in ‘Koep ()n'. soc" t“- i: t" in w: "it ~.

have ‘Sharot‘ .Jar «2r 'i'

[){H ’ilxv‘ni

Some (tami‘ ivrr. g,” I Motherfunk ('3! 1m. / ,_,,._,I Luger/"ft, I I. ._, I" '1‘.“

781115 LIST" .‘iiz. ‘w:

Edinburgh Fridays continued

I Yo! Below at Yo? Belou.

.S’pm midnight. l'it'ee. \Veekl}. The sushi st_\ le har gets the till-ltl/l. Rth and ttaneet'loor soiil treatment troin the l’osh ills.


I Achtung Handbag at Wee Red Bar. llpm .‘sain. £0 (£5). 7 Sep onl}. \Vest eoast teehno terrorists the 'I‘ok)o Bitehes ak:t Rohhie |)_\ Ian and Dr Dempse} t'lestt tnxatle our shores to host this one-otl speetaeular.

I Adaptor at Studio 34. .\tonthl_\. Ne\t tl.lte :3 Sep.

I Arakataca! at the Bongo (‘Iiih llpm 3am. £5. 3] Sep. Monthl}. l).ls .lal'l'er tSenegalt and liippa lnglese tBogotar hod a tier) mi\ ot' salsa. .-\t' Latin and (’arihhean danee. .'\s the§ '\ e hoth heen l).ling tor o\ er 3“ _\ears. this is the hest seleetion ot' past. present and t‘ittiire tropieal danee )ou‘re likel} to tintl.

I La Belle Angele presents: Fisher & Price at La Belle Angele. Illfitlpm 3am. t-ree hetore l l.3tlpin; £5 .itter. l-l Sep on|_\. l-'i\ e ltottr set t'rom the inlamotts duo.

I Big Beat :it La Belle :\ltj_'t‘lt‘. \lonthl}. Ne\t date I: ()et.

I at the Venue ttop liloot'l.

lll Mini 1am. £the. 2| Sep. Monthly .\ tresh ne\\ take on eltihhing elassies iron] the resident l).ls Hoe. Rossl. Stt‘;t\ tltltl ls'aiiiika/e and their guest. ’l're\or Reill} ttteai ttlot.

I Boogie Mo Dynamo at tigo. \lonthl}. Ne\t date :3 Sep.

I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooms.

ttl ‘tlpm 1amthartromopmt. l‘ree. \Veekl). I” All} iloes the tleeks tltlt} ttt this g.i_\ night \xith her initnitahle seleetton «it high eamp and iliseo elassies. ntox trig on to pumped—up house and tlanee .:s the e\entng progresses.

I Cerotonin at the Venue tlo\\ er txto lloorsi. .\lonthl_\_ Ne\t date ZS Sep \\ ith guest l“ l);l\ e Begg (Sktltlls. .-\het'tleenl. I Club Latino at the Bottgo ('ltih. .\lonthl_\. Ne\t date \\ ith anotlter ‘Night tor ('tth' on Ill ( let.

I Dischord at Stttdio Z-l. Moritlil}. Ne\t tl.tlt' :3 Sep.

I Dr No’s .it the Boitgo ( 'ltth.

llpm iam. £7 t£5r 7 Sep. Monthly \‘kmk the light tantastie at this original. l;tttl.ttt‘.tll ska anil elassie t'oeksteail} shouease l'ealtlt'ing li\ e eolttho loo llot .lllll the t't‘\ltlellt tlilllt‘t‘l‘ltltlt' tllelilttth \ltlt') lloll anil lam.

I El Segundo at The Bongo ('luh.

lH itlpm iam £5. 3| Sep. .\tonthl_\. t‘ollim mg the enormous stieeess ot' the

l o\\ lite Records l'estt\;tl tlttte letttllt‘ittg the t'K's leading hip ltop artists. til Segundo pla} s host to a eoinparatixel} Ion l-.e_\ resiilents' night letttlll'ltlg l)lRt‘tl(‘.\ street seleetion itlltl some hip hop and MM in the haek room with Mr (‘hango

I E-Ruptor at Studio 2-1 ttipstairst. Monthly Ne\t date the.

I Evol at the|llltl Room.

I“ ‘stlpm ‘am. £-1.\\'eekl_\. lidinhurgh's longest running inilie night tten eonseeitttx e _\ears. \\ ith no liolida} s and no stektest. prox tiling an e\ er reliahle mi\ ot the hest eurrent and elassie alternth e. t-nmox er times. It‘s ati institution ahead} and \\ tlh tlte t'et'eltt .ttltlitiott ol' the haek room. pl.i_\ing host to Mr k .\trs .\tog\\ai. the tittiire looks like a happ} plaee t'or all things l'\ol

I Fiesta at “All llptn iam. £3 hetore midnight; t-l at'ti-r \Veekl}. .\l| neu shoutase \there I” l‘ahtilo/ t\'ihe. 3 [Hunt drops the latest pressings :Itttl itttlls trout the hot and tigg} \xorlils ot' hip hop and R.\‘ B. \'|l’ passes a\ai|ahle exer} Sun .~t the () Bar.

0Frisco Disco at .\‘o;i. ltlpni 3am. to i‘fii. 7 Sep. .\lonth|_\, l’irst hirthoa} t'elehtaltotts .It tlte \Vest (‘oast house lttgllt t'eatnrtng guest Ill llarri tSith ('litht. lloiihtless this \\lll he a dirt} house and ilistotteil tl|\\'tl e\tr.i\agan/a \\ith l).l sup

port ahly eontrihuted h} residents Martin Valentine and Ste\ en \Vanless. What’s more. earl) hirds to the night \till he rewarded \\ ith hirthda} gixe- aways. See preVie“ panel and tlittist. I La Fructa Bomba at [it Barrio. ltlpm 3am. l-‘ree hetore l tpm; £3 alter. \\'eekt_\. Rottghl) translated to tnean ‘the hees-knees‘. join 1)] lleetor. Ntttto and the Latin posse at this s\\ inging harrio part) “here the tequila runs like water.

I The Fun at ligo. llptn 3am. £2. 7 Sep. .\tonthl_\. Resident I).ls Morgan attd Simmone Blaek tRuh) l‘ruit) demonstrate hase humour and high- grade t).l skills in the popular st} les ot‘ garage and house. .-\nd h} erike} it‘s eheap?

I Funky Magic ill the (‘oeieaii Lounge (dim nstairs at ligo).

llptn 3am. £5. 7 Sep. .\Ionthl_\. Sotil t'uelletl deep house lt)!’ pilgrims hosted h) the tlot‘t' l’rojeet and no“ hoasting li\ e pereussion t'rom ’t‘agg.

I Future Noodle at tigo.

l()..‘~()pm 3am. £3. It Sep. .\loitth|_\. .-\ ht'and neu teeh-house and hreaks night that aims to eomhine the underground l‘eel ol‘ an original aeid house part}

\\ ith the eominei'eial stiss ot' the supereluh. the promoters eum resident l).ls are Iiuan .lames (Litt. lieeentrie). Belie\ e (Boogie .\1o 1)} nattto). |)an Blatid t'l'he How i and .\like_\ .\lagie (Beneh) and the guest l).l ot' distinetion is 'Ll'eVot‘ Rot'klille t.\lentor Reeordsl. 11 man tamed as heitig ‘one ot' the t'unkiest teehno I).ls around'. See ne\t issue tor a lull pt'e\ ieu ot' this Be“ night.

I The (30-60 at the (‘oeteau Lounge (dim nstairs at ligo).

llpm 3am. £4. 14 Sep. .\lonthl_\. (let loose as a goose at this \\ igged ottt and MM night ol' ()(l\ garage punk. surl'. ps) ehe and s\\ eel. s\\ eel soul hosted h_\ hoss daddies 'l'all l’aul Rohinson. .-\ngus .\ (io-( io attd Kaiser ( ieorge.

I Honeycomb Presents: at The llone)eomh. llptn 3am. £5. 1-1 Sep onl). ()ne-‘ot't' tiller date shim easing the man} in} i‘iad moods ot' danee musie as demonstrated h} the eream ot' the loeal l).littg el'op.

I Lost at Studio 2—1. ltlfillpm 3am. £St£ht1£(ihel‘oremidnight.2t Sep. .\lonthl). l‘unk laden teeh-house shenanigans in the main room \\ ith t'esitlents Neil l. Nottttttl itlltl l‘iiltlt} Rielt. l'pstairs in the ehill suite there's a lluoromarket. henna tatooing. protessional massage and a ps}ehedelie. tluh. ska and hreaks soundtraek ser\ ed up h_\ t)a Needle Sisters and the Yoglturt \\ ea\ er.

0 Luscious at ('ltih .la\a.

Unillpm 3am. £0. 7 Sep. l‘ortnightl}. the out} l'ls' and LS garage night in timn. hosted h_\ Shahha. 1).] Dan arid l).l lnnmator. lt' )ou‘re on a hudget and/or a la/} arse. )titt'll he pleased to hear that it _\ou eateh a eah trom the eit} eentt'e straight to the name. _\ou ean reelaim _\otlt' ta\i tare m ith reeeipt) hunt the l.useious door stall. Maximum elaims are U». so don't take the piss. See l’re\ ie\\ and llitlist.

. tlt the Venue tltl\\ et' l\\t) t‘loors). tllfltlpm 3am. £8 t£7l. 7 Sep. Monthl}. The underground house night min es haek to t\\o floors and \xeleomes speeial guest DJ Mill l’err} tl-‘ull ('irelet to unleash trihal house musie \\ ith a t\\ N. Support eomes trom Ke\ in times and Lorne t-‘innie iii the main rooin \\ hile the ('ooler

pt'o\ ides a happ} ha\en tor the hip hop head/ \\ ith l).l li\ti'a. Nast} t’ and Re\eal \xorking it \\ lltl\l_\ le.

I Majestica at Noa. .\lontltl_\. Ne\t date 38 Sep.

I Manga at La Belle .-\iige|e. Itlfillpm 3am. £9 t £7). 7 Sep. Monthl}. l’ollou ittg the enormousl} sueeesstul l‘esti\al date \\ ith lllllilll‘tLS .l .\la_iik. Scotland's No.1 tlrum tk hass part} is haek to shim _\ott \\ Ito's hoss. High ealihre residents (i .\tae. Kid. ‘l‘he

(ienet‘al and Son ot~ t'gl} tront up as per Usual and tltis month the) 're joined h} a speeial guest iii the t'orm ol' 1).] ts'alin t(‘entral IntelIigenee/l-'etlet'atioti Reeot‘tls). l’ot' more into. snoop

\\ \\ \\ or indeed \ntu.hasstt';tp.eotii.

I Modern Lovers at The (‘oeteaii Lounge ttlt)\\l1\ttltt\ at tigoi. .\lonthl_\. Next date 38 Sep.

I Nuklear Puppy at Noa.

10.30pm 3am. £o non-memhers (£5 memhersi. l4 Sep. .\tonthl_\. Banging house and euphorie tranee night t'eatut'ing the resident l).ts .lason ('ot'tel. l)o\\ /er arid Stir Sandeman. \Vith e\e|usi\ e guests and multiple tie—ins planned \\ ith Nukleu/ Reeords in the eoming months. the tuture looks peaeh} tor this partieular pupp}.

I Pillbox at Studio 34.

lllfitlpm 3am. £8 (£6). 7 Sep. .\tonthl_\. .\tore teeltno trauma hunt the l’illho\ puppies. this time teaturing l).l duties trom Niek l-‘ur_\ attd tlwatsong. plus a lixe set trom lileetrie Blue tRotationl in the main room. t'pstairs iii the lounge. White 'l‘rash ldiot. Lauren ()rder. 'I‘rangenie arid Solar l’erple\us tli\ e set) dish the \\ eird shit. Ne\t month to ()et ). l’illho\ is super speeial thanks a guest spot trom 'l'resor's Neil Landstrum.

I Planet Earth at the (‘itriis (‘tiih lt)._§()pm 3am. £4. \Veekl}. 'l‘he \aried musieal delights ot' the 70s and 80s.

\\ ith a partieular stress laid on that madeap magie ktto\\tt as diseo. No smoking at the hat‘ please.

I Rejuvenation at the Bongo ('luh. Monthly Ne\t date ZS Sep.

I Radio Babylon at La Belle .i\ngele. ttlfitlpm 3am. £5. 3t Sep. .\lonthl_\. .ltttnp start )our ehassis and shake that hatt} to a mind-melting mi\ ot' ska. t'unk. soul. punk and eleetro l'rom the mastert'ul .\lerr} l’t'anksters and Brainstorm tl’ure). l‘i‘uit.

suggesti\ e heha\ tour and instruetion on him to \xalk itt hell high heels eotttes eare ot' resident erotie artiste .\liss l’enn} l’ornstar.

I Rampage at the Venue (top floor). Monthly Ne\t date ZS Sep.

I Resistance at The Venue tltm er t\\o l'loorst. Upm 3am. £ltl. 7 Sep. .\lonthl_\. (iird }our loins tor another tantalising trip dim it hard street as Resistanee \seleomes a line-up eomprised ol: Bu// liti/x tB/RK Reeordsi. 'l'otal ()utput tli\ e t’.'\ t. Roh Not/e & Smurt) l’rinial 'l‘. 1).] Seah and l’s) kore «k Brtttal. l’s}eho seenes ot‘ hardeore insanit} \\ ill no douht ensue. I RhOMbUS ill the Venue tlt)“ er l\\t) lloors). ltlfittpm 3am. £the. l-l Sep. .\lottthl}. No details a\ailahle at time ol going to press.

I Roadblock at l’o Na Na.

llptn 3am. £3. \Veekl). Nieei l" stops the trat'l'te iii had musie \\ hen she digs tip the hest itt tunk. diseo. house and hloek roekin' heats.

I Senses at Noa. 8pm 3am. £~t hetore l lfitlpm: £(t alter. 2t Sep. .\lottthl). ('heap drinks and ehilled tunk at the pt'e-pat‘t} \\ ith rotational [Us and then it's unhriilled tlaneelloot‘ de\astation t'rom appro\itnatel} ll.3llpm. Smoke) & the Bandit are joined in their house and hreaks marathon in the l‘t'ee\\:i} h) speeial guest I).l Stuart l)unean. \leanuhile

o\ er on the lligh\\a_\ troom 2t. there‘s dirt} house hedonism to he had \\ itlt l)a\ e l’etrie. Lind; and guest 1).]. Jason (‘orte/ tNuktear l’upp} l.

I Skillz at the (‘a\endish.

lttfitlpm iatn. £-l hetore midnight; £5 alter. \Veekl}. the night t'ormerl)

kno\\ it as the .\laniho ('luh undergoes a re hranihng e\ereise and heeome Skil|/. ’l‘hankl'ull}. the name is the on|_\ eliange as Sir ()ssie. .\t(' and 'I’N'l‘ are still pi'o\ iding the hest in reggae. ragga. soul. ttink. rap. hip hop and RNB tor their iletlteatetl erim tl.

I Soul Boys Promo at \\'ee ts’etl Bar has tettlpot'at'tl} timshetl.